Ubuntu Servers :: Alternative To Ps3 Proxy

Nov 26, 2010

I would like to have some software on ubuntu which does what ps3 proxy does.

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General :: Proxy - Linux Alternative To Fiddler2 ?

May 5, 2011

my use for fiddler is completely different; Fiddler2 is my example.In Fiddler2 I can download streams from websites ; for example if I stream a video or listen to music I can download the entire stream from Fiddler.In linux is there something similar? I compare to fiddler because it acts as a proxy and allows me to download these streams in windows quite easily.would be can I download a full stream from Wireshark?

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Ubuntu Servers :: What Is 11.04 Alternative Iso

Mar 31, 2011

What is ubuntu 11.04 alternative iso? is it server and desktop in one? it seems to be bigger than the server and desktop iso.

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Ubuntu Servers :: FREE Alternative To CPanel?

Jul 29, 2010

and it must have the ability to add domains and DNS nameservers.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Getting Alternative To WHS/media Server

Jan 3, 2011

I currently have a server running Windows Home Server and was wanting to know if Ubuntu Server could do the following requirements I currently enjoy

1. Media Streaming, to multiple devices simultaniously i.e. pc/xbob360/PS3 all at the same time. Possibly re-encoding OTF.

2. Remote Access, not just to the server but linking(so i can rdp to my main rig through the server from any internet location) to other systems on the "Home" Network both Linux and Windows.

3. Drive Pooling with redundancy, I want to be able to add and remove HDD and just have it expand the pool so current folders can just grow, but also have it duplicate or make redundant copies so if a HDD fails it can still be recovered.

4. Backup of machines on the network, either manual or scheduled, of both Linux and Windows machines

5. App sharing would be a plus but not required, so I could run a Linux app from the server seamlessly on my windows pc.

6. Basic file storage and browsable structure from windows machines.

I realise this may be a tall order and I don't expect it to be easy or straight forward in any way, but I really hate WHS, it has the slowest file access speed of any os i have ever seen, and is so buggy its unbelievable.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mstsc /admin Alternative In Tsclint?

Jul 30, 2010

On windows I use 'start > run > mstsc /admin' to get the Administrator with ID0 on win terminal servers.How can I achieve the same login from ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Searching A Daemon That Is Alternative To FTP / SSH Not Linked To /etc/passwd?

Jun 19, 2010

I would like to run a server or ssh or ftp on a specific portSort of jailed daemon that runs with a login / pwd that is not /etc/passwd based to?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Proxy For SSL Connections?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a small business that I run Squid and Dansguardian on Ubuntu for network proxy filtering, among other things. This works great, but does not block SSL connections on Port 443, such as https proxies. I understand that this is because this type of configuration is a "transparent proxy".

Is there a way to set one up "non-transparent" and, would that filter https?

I cannot blanket block 443, because some sites need it.

I have read that one can re-compile Squid to work with SSL, but not being a super guru, not sure of the implications of doing that.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Being Used As Proxy?

Oct 6, 2010

I've got some strange looking requests in my access_log which I don't much like the look of. Can someone take a look and let me know if 1) it's possible for other people to use my server as a proxy, and 2) how I can stop them.

Code: - - [06/Oct/2010:14:32:55 +0100] "CONNECT HTTP/1.0" 200 1606 - - [06/Oct/2010:14:32:55 +0100] "CONNECT HTTP/1.0" 200 1606 - - [06/Oct/2010:14:32:55 +0100] "GET http://vlad-tepes.bofh.it/proxy.txt HTTP/1.0" 404 1955 - - [06/Oct/2010:14:32:55 +0100] "GET http://vlad-tepes.bofh.it/proxy.txt HTTP/1.0" 404 1955 - - [06/Oct/2010:14:32:55 +0100] "CONNECT HTTP/1.0" 200 1606


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Ubuntu Servers :: Proxy While Passing Through Another URL?

Nov 20, 2010

I'm trying to set up a hot spot using a squid proxy server for network logging of accessed website URLs. I really would like to pass all web traffic through a custom PHP program.Like when a computer tries to access www.google.com it first goes through the proxy server, and then the proxy server sends back a URL like URL...which is then accessed by the end-user's computer.. I'd eventually set up the php program to redirect the user to the requested URL after my application executes.Is this at all possible to do, with or without squid?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Setup Web Proxy

Jan 16, 2011

I've got LAMP up and working and I'm currently hosting a joomla install on the server. I was wondering if there's an easy way to get a web proxy working on my site. I'd like to be able to use it just like you would at hidemyass.com. By simply supplying a url it'll provide the proxy services for me. I've looked through joomla's extensions library and don't see any extensions that'd provide that functionality. I was hoping that there'd just be some prepackaged web proxy application I could install.

Anyone out there know of any simple way of getting this up and running. I've looked at Squid but that looks like it's primarily a proxy server intended for internal network users. I didn't see any sort of web proxy feature to install on a web server there.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Set Up Proxy Within A Secure Webpage?

Feb 23, 2010

I would like to set up a proxy server at home which i can use to access sites from work. I was thinking a web-page i log into and then a sort of use like a browser? like this for example, but where i can have a secure login

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Change Proxy After Install

Mar 29, 2010

In the 9.1 server install you can specify a proxy server for updates. How do you change the proxy after the install?There must be a config file somewhere but where?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache2 Reverse Proxy ?

May 11, 2010

A first server with apache2 installed and configured as reverse proxy, that works great, with this version:

That works mostly, but fail with an oma (outlook mobile access) redirection

It works for all reverse sites hosted, but when we try to connect to oma using a nokia phone, it fails.

I can see in access.log that it hangs on FolderSync istance.

I've used wireshark to sniff packets, and in oma server I can see only three way handshaking coming...

My doubt is: when I'll upgrade working server, also it will not work anymore...

Configurations are the same (I've copied /etc/apache2 folder from running one to new one).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Proxy Authentication Against OS X LDAP

Jun 18, 2010

I've just installed Ubuntu Server for the first time with the goal as setting it up as a proxy server for our Apple computers here since I can get neither ISA of OS X Server's firewall to play properly. So far I have the machine authenticating against our OS X OpenLDAP server and multiple NIC's setup ready to be connected to the outside world. My question is does anyone have a preference on what proxy I should be using? So far my search efforts seem to of turned up Squid Proxy as a favorite among Ubuntu users but I can't seem to work out how to get it authenticating against my OpenLDAP server.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Controlling A Socks Proxy?

Feb 27, 2011

I have my desktop set up as a SOCKS proxy, and not only me uses it, some friends do too.What I would like to know is how to check every now and again what they are using it for... for example the agreement we have is that they only use it to watch BBC iplayer and 4OD etc while they are abroad. What I dont want is them to pointlessly use it for other browsing.I trust my friends wont, but is there also a way of checking they arent using my connection to download illegal torrents?I guess best case scenrio would be to be able to whitelist only a few sites per user request. Is this possible?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How Do I Set Up Proxy Server For Windows?

Jun 11, 2011

How do I set up a proxy server for Windows ? Can I use openssh ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Internet Access Via Proxy Server ?

Apr 28, 2010

Ubuntu lts server distro using on remote machine. i have remote site where internet access given via squid proxy. so when we enter in browser it start working internet fine. but on command line(bash shell prompt terminal) like wget,ping,nslookup,traceroute etc these commands does not work.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Monitor Data Usage - With A Proxy ?

Jul 3, 2010

Is there something which can act as a fully fledged proxy (exactly like squid) but which can also monitor data usage?

At the moment what I do is I log data usage of IP addresses (allocated by DHCP) by using IPFM. Obviously getting a new IP address from a DHCP server isn't hard and this could be abused.

So I was thinking if I require proxy authentication and log usage that way, there is no way for anyone to abuse the system.

Does anyone know of a proxy server capable of logging data usage?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Integrate A .pac (Proxy Auto-config) Url?

Aug 26, 2010

What I'm trying to do seems pretty straight forward but I can't seem to find any documentation on this searching the "internets" but I think I'm getting mixed in with all the other proxy documentation.

What I'm trying to do is basically replicate the proxy settings from a desktop machine to a server machine. I have Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop running fine on a corporate network using the Automatic Proxy Configuration option and supplying the appropriate URL that I pulled for a corporate issued windows machine. I would like to do this on Ubuntu server 10.04 as well.

What I've got so far is coping out the proxy information from the .pac file and setting the http proxy value directly but I want to follow the URL so that the system follows any changes that come down the road. how to integrate a .pac (Proxy auto-config) url into ubuntu server?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Proxy To Check Network Activity

Jan 23, 2011

I would like Windows laptops to use a proxy to connect to the network so I can check network activity and see if any malware is trying to connect and where it is trying to connect to. So on my Ubuntu desktop I would like to install something as simple as possible to be used as a proxy, I've seen squid but does that only handle http requests? Does that handle streaming requests and such as well? This so I can see the source of some media that's being played in flash or pps.tv

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Ubuntu Servers :: Use Home Server As Proxy When Abroad?

Mar 11, 2011

At home I have an Ubuntu 10.10 Server which is my fileserver and squeezebox server for my home LAN.

My home Internet connection is a 10/10Gbit fiber (soon to be upgraded to 25/25, I was told by my ISP).

How hard is it for me (I'm not too technical) to make my home server a proxy for surfing through when I am abroad?

The thing is: our national broadcaster (www.nrk.no) broadcasts live streaming TV, but only to IP addresses in Norway. When I am travelling abroad, I would like to use my home server as a proxy in order to be able to receive these streams as if I was on my home IP address (more or less like the services offered from the US in order to make it possible for non-US people to watch hulu.com etc.)

I would prefer a proxy setup, instead of slingbox or similar.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Slow Connection To Server Over SSH/Proxy?

Jul 31, 2011

Im running Ubuntu 10.04, currently living out of the country from where my server is located. We have a 4 Mbps dsl connection that speedtests fine to the closest server, and if we test from our present location to the speedtest.net server closest to our server the speed is great as well. When I SSH in to my server and setup a socks 5 proxy the speed goes through the floor. We barely get .2 Mbs. Whether I use putty or terminal from our mac, they both get the same slow speed. I've searched the forums and google extensively, but I haven't been able to come up with anything yet.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Squid Proxy Very Slow For Web In Default Config?

Jan 10, 2010

I just set up squid for the first time. I have zero experience with proxy servers. I used this guide:[URL](I also looked at a few other guides such as this one:ttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=320733. However, I wanted to most barebones config to start with and the link I used was the simplest.)So now that I have it set up, I'm testing it with FoxyProxy. It is not working well. I went to speedtest.net. The download and ping tests were just as fast as without the proxy, but the upload test fails completely.Furthermore, many web pages load very slowly or not at all. So performance is very mixed, but mostly poor.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Script To Install Transparent Proxy With Webmin

Apr 11, 2010

I just made a script to install a Transparent Proxy with DHCP Server, Content Filtering and Webmin. It installs and configures the modules and starts them. I can use from two to five interfaces (eth0, eth1, eth2, eth3 & eth4). I've tested in 8.04 to 9.10 and works fine. It does not configures BIND and IPTABLES, just install all the modules needed for a transparent proxy, and configures DHCP, SQUID, DANSGUARDIAN and WEBMIN for Ubuntu. I did it because mostly all configurations I do are transparent proxies.

What does:
1. Installs many packages needed for transparent proxies, and webmin. Also installs perl modules needed.
2. Configures default Squid settings for transparent proxies, and a better Dansguardian content filtering for public access.
3. Configures and fixes Webmin DHCP and Dansguardian modules to work on Ubuntu.
4. Configures DHCP Server subnets.

What doesn't:
1. IPTABLES and BIND. You must configure both manually. IPTABLES can be configured with Firewall Builder or other firewall tool. BIND can be configured using Webmin or the CLI.
2. Configures /etc/network/interfaces. You must configure all network interfaces correctly. Any mistake can screw the automatic configuration.
3. Dansguardian Blacklists. You must use your prefered blacklists. I use URLBigBlacklist with a modified script to work on Ubuntu (downloaded from Danguardians' Extras and fixed up to work on Ubuntu).
4. Check the script if there's something missing.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Configure A POP3 / IMAP Proxy Server?

Jan 25, 2011

This is my first post to the forum

I've recently migrated my office PCs to ubuntu. My server doesn't server any big purpose but to provide Internet Connection to the rest of the nodes. Things were quite easier during the windows era using ICS.

Even in Ubuntu we were able to do it using the "shared network" option, simple & straight forward. But things got complicated only after installing "squid". Needless to say it brought in a lot of add ons as far as the http proxy serving is concerned & we are enjoying a better internet(http only) connectivity without any doubt. But we are not able to use our email clients, MS Outlook or Thunderbird

But to best of my knowledge squid strictly is a http proxy hence doesn't support handling requests on ports other than 80. (465 & 995 in my case)

Now I have two queries, 1. Can "Squid" really be used to do what I want here??? using iptables, port forwarding or any other mean
& 2. Can any one suggest a good pop3/imap proxy as good as squid is.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache2 Reverse Proxy Load Balancing?

Feb 3, 2011

we have an ubuntu server (10.04 LTS) with apache2 (2.2.9) and mod_proxy + proxy_balancer enabled.Reverse proxy works greatly, but I can't get load balancing working. Apache connect always to first member.

My configuration is as follow:

ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
<Proxy balancer://test>


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Ubuntu Servers :: Internet Load Balancing With Proxy Server?

Jul 29, 2011

I am Install Ubuntu Server 10.04LTS and install 3 LAN Card. 1st & 2nd LAN are use ISP1 & ISP2 with public static IP and 3rd LAN connect with Local Switch. How to configure this server as Load Balancing Internet and configure Proxy Server with user authentication and user wise site blocking.

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Fedora Servers :: Squid 3.1.1 Proxy Server Will Not FTP

May 11, 2010

I have 4 servers running squid/3.1.1 proxy server. Since the latest version I can no longer FTP. I have posted this problem in multiple places but have received almost no response. I've found several other post to this problem throughout the Internet which have also gone unanswered. So, once again, I thought I'd give it a try. As I said "I have 4 servers running the newest version of Squid". When I try to access an ftp, any ftp, I receive an error (check attached image). This was never a problem until just recently. Squid should work perfectly find with ftp, it is not a strictly http proxy.

I turned my firewall off just to make sure, still had the same issue. If I jump directly on the server itself with no proxy settings set in the browser it will work fine. As soon as I set the browser setting to access the Squid software I get the same error. I've included my squid config (which is unchanged from the default settings), maybe somebody better versed than myself can point out an obvious flaw. Everything else seem to work just fine, it's only FTP that's a problem.

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Fedora Servers :: Reverse The Proxy With Squid?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a reverse proxy set up with squid. I'm going to try and explain what it's doing and I apologize for it being confusing, I'll do the best I can to describe my problem. First, it's for our phone system. We run a ShoreTel Voip system. The owner has decided he wants me to setup MCM (Mobile Call Manager), which from what I can see is an under developed, and almost impossible to get help with Shoretel software. But he's convinced he needs it for his Iphone. It's supposed to, in a nutshell, turn his Iphone into his work phone with all the advantages and doodads that come with it. Apparently, "they have an app for that". On the server side, I need to setup a reverse proxy back into the network on our phone server. Simple enough, I did this with squid. I used the following lines:


http_port 80 accel defaultsite=
cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=myAccel
acl our_sites dstdomain



always_direct allow all It most definitely is allowing traffic back to the phone server, the problem is, it hands out my internal server address to the outside client. So for instance, if I connect to the outside routable address with my phone, it will immediately change the url to which is the inside nat address of my phone server. Which of course doesn't work, since I couldn't browse to that address from the outside. It does however work from the inside of the network, obviously because is accessible from the inside.

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