General :: Nfs Share Doesn't Auto Mount All The Time

Feb 19, 2009

I have a nfs share that does not automount all the time (may be one out of 10 time it automount properly). I basically have the same line in the fstab on my other 2 computers and no problem on these. I suspect that my wireless connection kick in too late (after fstab). Do you see a solution for delaying a few second the automount of the nfs share.

# Entry for nfs share on : /mnt/sdb5_data5 nfs user,sync,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,exec,soft 0 0

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Ubuntu :: Auto Mount A NAS Samba Share

Jan 13, 2011

One problem I'm having is with getting some apps to access NAS hosted files and folder over samba. Two examples are photo managment apps and backup apps, which seem to only want to work with local files and folders.I have come across a number of articles about cifs, autofs, gigolo, fstub, etc (including the autofs community documentation). But so far I've had no luck in auto mounting a samba shared resource as local.

Can anyone point me to a definitive tutorial, or provide an explanation on how I might accomplish auto mounting samba shares?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Usb Flash Drive Doesn't Auto-mount?

Sep 15, 2010

I recently upgraded to Gnome 2.30 and now usb drives don't auto-mount and show-up in Nautilus as a device.

I can mount the drive manually, but it would be nice if this happened automatically when I plugged it in.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Time Out - XBMC Doesn't See The Share When It Starts

Dec 22, 2010

I have a Ubuntu box (10.10 x64) that i use for XBMC (a media center), everything works fine when i boot up and start adding network shares (the shares are on a Ubuntu 10.04 x64 Server). it doesn't matter if i use NFS or SAMBA to mount the shares, both work. BUT when i reboot i get problems The share mounts come up but to late, XBMC doesn't see the share when it starts.

The thing i see is : When i boot up the lights of my NIC (realtek 8111) are on and flickering, but just a few seconds before the login prompt comes up the lights are off. And then after 15 to 20 seconds everything comes up again, and the shares are mounted, but to late for XBMC (my mediacenter software) i've installed new drivers for my network card (removed r8169 and installed r8168 ) but the problem is still there.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share USB Drive - Doesn't Mount Right On Other Computers

Jul 14, 2010

I have a usb 1tb drive that I want to share over my netowork, but when i share it through nautilus, it doesn't mount right on other computers, ect. Is there a way to mount it. The location of the drive is /media/FreeAgent Drive___

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ipod Doesn't Mount With Write Access All The Time?

Jan 10, 2010

My ipod (5.5gen) only mounts with write acess every now and then - seemingly at random. I'm not sure what log info I should give you, but here is lspci:

snak3@Panther:~$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation C55 Host Bridge (rev a2)
00:00.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)code]....

- More info :I have found that by unmounting in nautilus and then remounting, I can get write access again. I believe this might be the cause of the ipod application floola, although I will do some more troubleshooting and see what else I can find out.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Share : Get An Error Message "unable To Mount Location, Failed To Mount Windows Share"?

Jan 22, 2011

I have installed ubuntu 10.10 and the Samba addon to configure my shares to my Windows terminals.This is what I got

Firewall off (utf disabled)

Internal Sata /dev/sda1 (EXT4 FS)

External USB HDD /dev/sdb1 mounted at /media/SG1500GB (EXT4 FS)

I have two shares

1. //home/test - Which I can see and access with no problems (can't write to it though even though I set the share as writable?, but, I can read from it). This is available to everyone. My windows terminal can see this folder and access it. This is on my main 80GB internal drive /dev/sda1.

2. //media/SG1500GB/Music. I set this up for everyone full access and I can see it at all my Windows machines but,I can't get into the folder. Windows keeps giving me an error stating network path not found.I also try to access it via the Nautilus (Places/Network/system/music) and get an error message "unable to mount location, Failed to mount windows share". This drive is mounted per the disk utility.

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Ubuntu Security :: Ecryptfs Doesn't Auto-decrypt With Auto-login

Jan 6, 2011

I recently installed 32bit maverick and wanted to make it login automatically. I tried enabling auto login from Admin > Login but that didnt work and I was still prompted for my password. Then I went to Users & Groups and changed the password option to Do Not ask for password at login now after I reboot, the user list is shown (only 1 user) and it doesnt ask for password after I click on my username.

However, then it gives a few errors (as i vaguely recall):

1. cannot load .ICE directory in my home directory
2. some error 256 about a gconf-sanity-2 file
3. nautilus cannot load my home directory etc

and then it gets stuck without loading anything (blank wallpaper). i ve tried navigating to my home directory using Alt F2, gksudo nautilus and my home dir contents are encrypted by the ecryptfs (there is a readme.txt file and a shortcut). i have tried to decrypt but it doesnt work... i ve also tried to start/stop gdm, and startx but nothing works. if i stop gdm, then the prompt doesnt recognize my password and keeps on rejecting the commands i enter... I think this has something to do with the home dir not being decrypted due to the dont ask for paswd option... how can i disable the dont ask for pwd without the gui (i can access my / by booting through an external usb).

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Networking :: Ethernet Auto-connect / Auto-sense Doesn't Work

Feb 3, 2011

I have noticed that a common issue to several distros is the fact that the networking subsystem doesn't automatically detect the link if an ethernet connection is disconnected and then re-connected to the NIC after boot. If the ethernet cable is connected after the system is up and running, nothing happens - ethtool eth0 shows link detected: no, and you have to restart the network service to let the NIC know that there is in fact a link, and actually connect. I have a Fedora14 (KDE) box with a brand new Asus motherboard with embedded NIC. Everything works great except the auto-detect of a freshly connected ethernet connection if the link is down to begin with.

Am I missing a ethernet link sentinel utility or something, or is this just the way linux works? I have done plenty of research on plenty of posts, and it seems this is a common problem, with no solution other than manually or programatically restarting the network service in a script to detect the link after a disconnect.

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General :: Networking 2 Boxes - Error: "unable To Mount Location Failed To Mount Windows Share"

Mar 27, 2011

im trying to get a network setup i followed the instruction via gentoo wiki samba what i have done


then i did chmod 777 to the shared folders on both machines went into nautilus it sees the folder but it will not mount the folder showing the error msg:"unable to mount location failed to mount windows share" ive been searching unbuntu forums opensuseforums and google for an answer to this issue but as of right now anything that i have tried to do has failed and nothing seems to be working.

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General :: Auto Mount Pen Drive?

Jul 16, 2010

i'm working with x86 small computer having 128 ram and 233MHz speed in processor nd i'm going to do a project which need auto mounting of a pen drive if you can post a url that I can download those OS.

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General :: Auto Mount Not Working With New HD's

Sep 8, 2010

I'm using Red Hat in a work environment as the system that runs my Netbackup. My predecessor was using 1Tb Western Digital external HD's and they worked great but now were upgrading to 2Tb drives and I have to format them and make sure then work correctly.

I have been able to format them in Red Hat and they have worked with Netbackup however the only way I can get them mounted is by having them plugged in and then restarting the whole system. The older drives are completely plug and play.

Here are the steps that I have been following;

Then I set the file system type with;

Next I create the new filesystem on the drive with the command;

Then I finalize the format with;

Followed by a restart, which of course the drive comes up. But if I unmount the drive and remove it and then plug it back in nothing comes up. Trying to manually mount it doesn't come up with anything. I have attempted this with 3 different brand new Western Digital external HD's.

I've looked in the fstab and when I plug in the old hd's it comes up with the command to mount it. With the new one's its not there unless I do the complete system restart.

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General :: Put Off Auto-mount Feature?

Dec 8, 2009

Whenever I'm plugging my external hard-disk to the usb port, its getting auto mounted.

Say, it has two partitions:


so, its getting auto mounted to /media/disk and /media/disk-1

My requirement is to manually mounting the partitions.

Can anybody tell me how to put off the automount feature?

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General :: Auto-mount USB Drives Read-only

Oct 6, 2010

I'm currently setting up a laptop for my grandparents to use. They have never used a computer before, so I'm trying to make this as fool-proof as possible. The system will be setup with Ubuntu 10.10. In order to save them the hassle of having to unmount USB drives before disconnecting them, I would like to have all USB drives auto-mounted as read-only (possible use cases for now only include them getting data from people, not them copying anything to the drive). I have so far found that gnome-volume-manager is responsible for the handy auto-mount, but I didn't find any way to set options, like always mounting drives read-only.

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General :: Get Fstab To Auto-mount A Removable Device?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm trying to get fstab to auto-mount a removable device when its plugged in? Is this possible and if not what is the easiest way to auto-mount a removable device?

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General :: Auto-mount A Vfat Partition As User?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a vfat partition under RedHat RHEL5 that I currently must mount manualy after each boot. I would like it to auto-mount but I cannot find a way to do this without it becoming ro except for root. My other partitions auto-mount just fine. I have tried the vfat as a separate partition and as a VLM logical drive (as it currently is).

The fstab statement:

"/dev/VolGroup00/LogVolDos /dos vfat noauto,users 0 0"

allows me to mount it as a user. The statement:

"/dev/VolGroup00/LogVolDos /dos vfat defaults 1 2"

is what I use for other VLM partitions, but for the vfat it seems to only allow root access. Manually mount this partition is OK, it's just that I have sometimes forgotten and then it is not included in backups. What do I need to do to make the vfat auto-mount as accessible for a user?

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Server :: Can Mount WinXP Share But Not Win7 Share In Fstab

Jun 8, 2010

this has happened in different distros, so far i have tried slack, arch, and mint at work i have an xp box with a shared folder i created. on my linux box i setup fstab as follows


//winxp/temp$ /home/user/temp cifs rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,credentials=/home/user/.creds 0 0

this gets mounted correctly and i can read/write the shared folder at home i have a win7 box that i create a share on and use the exact same code in fstab, but it wont mount the share. i get something like permission denied or access denied is there a difference in how winxp and win7 share folders? my usernames on the linux boxes match those of my windows boxes at each location. i have given my win accounts full access and control over the win shares.

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General :: After Upgrading To Ubuntu 9.10 External USB Drive Won't Auto Mount?

Nov 13, 2009

I upgraded Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 desktop a few weeks ago and an external USB drive that was mounting at startup on 9.04 is no longer mounting on 9.10. If I unplug the USB cable and plug it back in it comes up. The issue is strange in that when a regular non-admin logs in the drive auto mounts but does not for an admin login. I have not been able to put together search results that would lead me to a hint of why this would occur and/or what aresolution may be.Why would the drive auto mount when a regular user logs in but not auto mount for an admin? When I say admin I guess what I mean is a user with more privileges such as member of the admin group.

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Server :: Auto Mount USB Drive To Specified Mount Point After Reboot

Jul 19, 2010

I have servers installed with RHEL 4 2.6.9-89.0.9 ELsmp. I tried using uuid and label in /etc/fstab to automount usb drives to mountpoints that I specify after reboot. Unfortunately, it just does not work in all my RHEL4 servers. After every reboot, /etc/fstab will be automatically modified and all configurations related to my USB drives will be changed. Irregardless of whether i use UUID or LABEL in my /etc/fstab.However, it works on RHEL5. But, upgrading is not an option in my environment. I have been googling around looking for alternatives but everything seems to point back to using UUID or LABEL in /etc/fstab. Anyone has tried something that works? Please help me, thank you.

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General :: Can't `mount -o Loop` An ISO From An NFS Share (RHEL)?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a large NFS share with a variety of software ISOs on it. I've only tried this on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, but when trying to do the following, the mount comes back with an error indicating no permissions to mount. Why would this be happening?NFS is mounted thusly:mediaserver:path/to/isos /media/nfsThis is the mount call that failsmount -o loop /media/nfs/product.iso /tmp/productIf I copy the ISO, there is no issue. The NFS share is mounted rw.How can I loop mount the ISO from the NFS share without copying it first?

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General :: Unable To Mount Nfs Share Under Rescue In VM?

Jun 11, 2010

I have shared few directories through nfs in my fedora 12 OS.Here is the output of few commands from the virtual machine running on CentOS in both normal and rescue mode

[root@localhost /]# showmount -e
Export list for


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General :: Fstab Line For Auto Mount Drive That All Users Can Read/write?

Jan 4, 2011

I have installed a cable that connects from the CPU's SATA motherboard connection to a removable drives' ESATA connection.I would like to be able to swap drives on the ESATA connection and have all users be able to read and write to these drives.I have created the directory /archive/ where I would like the drive(s) to mount.The drives are all formatted Fat 32 - but in the future I may use HFS for formatting.When I used the command (as root):mount /dev/sdc1 /archivethe drive was mounted (but read only)What can I use in my /etc/fstab file that will allow drives to be mounted and unmounted by all users on the system? (both reading and writing)Also, will I be able to mount and unmount these drives without shutting down? or will I need to reboot every time I want to change drives?

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General :: Mount Remote Samba Share In Fstab?

Nov 19, 2009

Server: Ubuntu Server Edition 8.04
/currently firewalled to only allow client ip
Client: Ubuntu Desktop 8.04
/currently firewalled to only allow server ip

Same userid and groups set up on on both. I have taken two linux courses and can maneuver around fairly well, but am still pretty newbie at all this. We have loaded Samba on a server and created a Samba share. I AM able to access that share via Windows Vista, but have not been able to successfully mount the share on the Ubuntu desktop via the fstab file. I have tried the following ways: serverip:/path/shareddirectory /net ext3 user,sync 0 0 and the samba way..

//serverip/sharename /net smbfs username=x,password=x

After modifying fstab, I reboot. No luck since that either way.Only ONCE after modifying it samba way, I was prompted to enter credentials, but after login I was unable to view the files on the server. From this point on either way, if I run commmand 'mount -a' the response is "Special device serverip:/path/sharedirectory does not exist" Also! I am able to ping client-to-server, but not server-to-client.

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General :: Unable To Mount Windows Share To SUSE 11.3

Aug 13, 2010

I'm pretty new to using Linux and I installed SUSE 11.3 on Sun Virtual Box to play around with it. I am trying to mount one of my Windows shares to my SUSE system and I'm getting an error "Mount error(13): Permission denied". I have made sure my Windows permissions are open, in fact I used a test share and added everyone and gave full control. Below is the command I tried to use to mount it.

mount -t cifs -o username=Nick //computername/share /mnt/temp

I pre-created the temp folder under mnt and I tried both my PC name and my ip address in the above command with the same error each time. I also tried using my pc name in my username string as well "username=pcname/Nick" and that did not work either. Can someone advise me why this error is occuring?

Kernel version: 2.6.34-12



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General :: Auto-mount Virtual Machine Locations When VMware Image Finishes Loading?

Jun 20, 2011

I mount a few locations from a VMware virtual machine, but currently every time I start up VMware I need to re-mount the locations once the VMware image has started up fully, which gets tedious. I'd like to be able to mount them automatically when VMware is started.

I generally double-click the .VMX file (which is associated with VMware Player) to launch the virtual machine, but once it has finished loading I would need to run the mount commands manually or execute a bash script that does it.

Is there any way you can think of to have it done automatically? One way I can think of is to start my virtual machine by running a script that starts VMware player, sleeps for a minute or so, then runs the mount command - but setting the right sleep interval would be difficult because this varies a fair bit - and overall, it's a solution that's kinda icky and that I'd like to avoid if there's some better option.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Mount Location / Failed To Mount Windows Share

Jul 26, 2010

I have a Dell Inspiron 1720 running Ubuntu v10.04 with a wireless card.My desktop is a Dell Optiflex running WinXP.The desktop is connected via ethernet cable to a Linksys wireless router. Certain folders on the desktop are set for sharing. Up until early last week I was able to access the desktop folders from the laptop with no issues.Suddenly I am now getting this error "Unable to mount location Failed to mount Windows share" whenever I try to access the desktop folders from the laptop.I suspect an upgrade is the culprit, but not sure.

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Networking :: Unable To Mount Location: Failed To Mount Windows Share

Mar 21, 2010

i'm trying to connect to the three other machines in my house but am having quite a hard time doing so. i've never had a problem in the past with ubuntu, but, with 9.1 and windows 7, things have gotten a bit harder. i'm running 9.1 and my roommates are running windows 7. i've installed, set up and configured samba and i can see the computers on my network, but any time i try to access either of the drives, it says unable to mount location: failed to mount windows share.

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General :: Mount A Windows File Share Securely (encrypted)?

Jan 15, 2009

I'd like to find a way to mount a windows file share securely (encrypted) as I'll be communicating over the Internet.

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General :: Unable To Mount Windows Server 2008 Share?

Aug 22, 2010

I am trying to mount a shared drive on a Windows Server 2008 machine using a Linux machine (Fedora 13). I try mounting by


and I get mount error(13): Permission denied.

I have tried other options like # mount -t nfs //HOSTNAME/SHARENAME /mnt/FOLDER -o username=USERNAME and the same thing with different filesystem types (ntfs, smbfs, cifs).

I have:

checked all firewall configurations.
verified security/sharing settings
for the drive
verified registry keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNfsSvrParameters
verified NFS server is running

I am familiar with Windows Server 2008 but I have never configured a system from scratch on my own. The computer I'm using used to have Windows 7 for sharing folders to a Linux server. I have just switched to Server 2008 and have not been able to mount anymore.

One thing that I think is that I tried setting up an identity mapping solution; however, I do not have a domain controller setup. I am still functioning on a workgroup.

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General :: Root Can't Chown Mount Point For Samba Share?

May 30, 2010

I have a samba share that I mount locally at boot through fstab. The share is writable and if I access the share directly, say with konqueror and smb (smb://hostname/sharename) then I can do anything I want (create, write, delete, edit, files/directories). I have a mount point on my local machine



and I (username dtest) was unable to do anything except read files and create directories trying to do them to the local mountpoint except as root. I figured it would be a matter of


chown -R dtest /shares/mp3

but I was unable to do that even as root, I kept getting permission denied. When I did


ls -alt /shares/ it told me the owner was 1000 and the group was root. Dtest was already a member of the root group and I was able to


chmod -R 774

as root but I still couldn't do anything except read and create directories directly via the mountpoint. Ultimately I solved this by changing the uid of user dtest via kuser and then just chowning my home directory back to dtest. It seems like as root I should be able to change the owner of the directory. I know it's because this is a samba share, but it doesn't make any sense why root couldn't just chown it. Is there another way to change the owner of a directory, or is this set by the machine hosting the samba share?

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