General :: - Get File For Powerpc?

May 11, 2010

I have downloaded the debian package of libXcomposite for powerpc. In the package I find -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7222 2008-05-30 18:22 libXcomposite.a lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 2010-05-11 14:24 -> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2010-05-11 18:05 pkgconfig but no file. Can you tell me how to get this file for powerpc. I have tried several debian package and all have same.

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General :: How To Compile Source For PowerPC

Apr 7, 2010

I have a linux source (linux-2.4.1) which is for intel. I am using powerpc compiler and I need to compile this linux source for powerpc. I did cross compilation, but it dint workout well. How to do it.

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General :: Build Glibc For Powerpc?

Aug 16, 2010

I'm trying to build the glibc-2.3.6 (with debug symbols) for a powerpc system. I need to compile this libraries with gcc 4.1.1 and binutils 2.16.1.

All my tentatives fails and I don't know how to start with the process of building.

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General :: AMANDA For PowerPC Processor

Jun 11, 2010

I read that AMANDA is only for Intel processors, but I have a PowerPC processor and I want to install AMANDA.Someone said that I have to find the distro of my RH and there should be AMANDA packages available.

My distro is: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 7)Where can i find AMANDA for my distro??

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General :: Booting From CD On Emac Powerpc

Aug 8, 2010

I have an emac powerpc that runs Mac OSX version 10.4. I am having trouble booting from a live cd. Holding down C does not work an I have tried different commands in open firmware and none of them work.

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General :: Distro For OLD PowerPC Machine?

Jan 12, 2010

i got an old imac powerpc g3 that i want to put into use again:


it is currently running the mac os (tiger) and still seem to be very slow...

so i am wondering if there is a small and fast ppc linux distro and would run on it? nothing too fancy i don't need the 3d cube but it would be great if it can stream videos videos, use pidgin and firefox... just an internet terminal for guests... which the mac os just doesn't cut it as of now, it is just too slow...

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General :: Debian Squeeze PowerPC On IBook / Relentless DriveReady SeekComplete Errors

Jan 28, 2011

I've been trying to set up MintPPC on my girlfriend's old iBook. I started with the debian squeeze installation from a burned cd. Everything went fine and i booted into the new system.

No matter what I try to install I get that error, with different sectors each time. I can install .debs using dpkg just fine, I can compile source code. apt-get just won't work.I've been reading about this for hours, and the machine is currently running e2fsck -c on the main filesystem. It is a more or less never ending stream of those errors with a few that reference task_pio_intr rather than dma_intr thrown in for good measure.I've been reading for hours but I haven't found anything on the google or forums that matches my problem(or atleast not that I could understand).

From my research I've tried hdparm to change the DMA mode, slower and faster and no luck, removing the .bins in one of the apt folders, and reinstalling debian.I've read the posts I could find on here, and mostly the problem seemed to be intermittent for them. For me it is only when I use apt-get, and now apparently e2fsck(badblocks). It happens every single time with apt, I can't use it to install anything. But i've done plenty of other file operations without a bump.Any suggestions would be most welcome! Especially an in depth explanation of what that message means. I'm happy to do my own research and work, I just have no idea what's going on!

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Debian :: Truecrypt For Squeeze PowerPC?

Feb 8, 2011

I've tried to compile it by myself, but since I do not know all libraries / compiler programs and assistant programs to be installed beforhand, great frustration has appeared ("g++ not available" etc. ...)Is anybody here who can publish a simple and perfectly understandable tutorial of how to compile Truecrypt for PowerPC architecture from source?

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Debian Installation :: Trying To Install 8.2.0 On PowerPC G5

Oct 17, 2015

Currently this PC has Ubuntu installed on it and it barely boots from HDD but crashes at logon, and just loops back to the boot device select screen when CD is selected.

I'm wondering if there is anyway to install a version of Debian on the G5 using my windows 7 tower PC and a spare SATA HDD?

CPU : 2x PowerPC 970fx 2.0GHz (x64)
GPU : GeForce FX 5200 Ultra 64MB

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Software :: Can't Compile Apache For PowerPC?

Apr 27, 2011

I cant' compile apache for PowerPC.t says size of "void *" is less than sizeof of "long".

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CentOS 5 :: Execute A C++ Program On PowerPC

Oct 5, 2009

I'm trying to execute a C++ program on PowerPC. But I am facing an error saying: "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". But a C program gets executed successfully. The programs are cross compiled using PowerPC cross compiler.

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Debian :: How To Install Dropbox On Jessie PowerPC

May 31, 2015

I am new using linux and don't have too much experience in terminal, however I am curious and work hard. I have an imac G5 powerpc with 2g processor, 768 mb ram and 232.7g hard disk. I recentrly installed debian 8.0.0 (jessie) with xfce environement. I have three other computers (two with xununtu runing and one with windows) using dropbox to sync all my work in differents places, so I use dropbox to get all synchronized. I don't want to change all the pc's to other cloud service, I would like to install dropbox in this machine.

I installed libnet-dropbox-api-perl, pear-channels and pho-dropbox packages from the synptic package manager with the hope to use dropbox...but I dind't even find something colled dropbox in the pc.

My question is: is it possible to install and use dropbox in this powerpc machine ? if yes, is there a tuto (for dumps) to get it ?

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Debian Multimedia :: Emulators Compatible With PowerPC?

Nov 8, 2010

Just wondering if there were any NES, SNES, etc emulators compatable with PowerPC Debian?

Not entirely sure if they will run well, but can't hurt to give it a try.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cross Compiling For PowerPC

Jan 27, 2011

I need a cross compiler for C/C++.

Unfortunately, I can't find the GCC cross compiler in the repositories.

There is only a package with the binutils: cross-ppc-binutils

But nothing like: cross-ppc-gcc

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Use Flash Player On 9.10 Powerpc

Apr 7, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10 on my iMac G4 powerpc.

Is it true that I cant use flash on this machine?

If so, is there an alternative to flash player?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Fix Monitor On Powerpc For 9.10 Install

Jun 29, 2010

I have a tray-loading iMac G3 that, after installing Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) using the alternate installation cd, will go to a blank screen after booting. I know there is a way to fix it so that the horizontal and vertical refresh rates are correct to display what I need, but once it boots to a blank screen, and i go ctrl-alt-f1, it prompts me for a user name and password. I am 100% sure that I am typing in both correctly as i set them during the alternate install process, as I've done it twice so far, and caps wasn't on and I typed and retyped them to make sure they were correct. No matter what I try (even username: root, password: root, or username: admin, password: admin) it says login incorrect.

I saw that you can check the current user names and reset passwords by going into recovery mode, which I read you can get into by pressing shift or esc on boot, but on separate runs i tapped each key all the way from turn-on to the blank screen and no such option to go into recovery mode came up. Also, I try booting from the Live Installation CD, and when it boots to the blank screen, and i type ctrl-alt-f1, it gives me a neverending shower of Authentification failure's (as in they keep appearing down the screen, I can't type anything because it becomes interrupted by more Authentication errors). I'm at the end of my chain here. Any help would be appreciated. Either by getting me into recovery mode to fiddle with the passwords, getting it so that it takes the user name and password I set to it, or figuring out why the Live CD machine-guns me with Identification errors.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Finding OEM Installer For PowerPC?

Feb 8, 2011

I am trying to find an OEM install option for PowerPC.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Get The Eclipse IDE To Work On Powerpc?

Mar 7, 2011

how to get the Eclipse IDE to work on powerpc? I have Ubuntu 10.10 installed on an eMac G4 1.25, and installed eclipse CDT from the repos, which pulled in a ton of stuff with it. Starting eclipse results in nothing but the initial splash screen. A process called Java takes the top spot in the task list and sits there burning up CPU to max it out at 100%. It appears stuck there for good. It is a pretty virgin system except for the automatic updates. It was just installed yesterday.

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Software :: Find A PowerPC CPU Stress Test?

Dec 22, 2010

Does anyone know where I can find a PowerPC CPU stress test? I have came across many Linux CPU stress test but none of them seem to support PowerPC.

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Debian Installation :: Missing Packages For PowerPC In Squeeze

Feb 8, 2016

Looking for the binutils for powerpc in squeeze.

Found a reference here: [URL] ....

But the file [URL] ... is missing, has this been removed or what?

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Debian Hardware :: Sound Card Not Working On PowerPC?

Dec 28, 2010

I have just installed Squeeze on my 5+ year old iBook G4 and it runs quite nicely and quite fast! I am very happy with it overall. Finally I have been able toinstall Debian on a piece of hardware. Dual boot is generally hopeless on Macs. So this is a single boot setup and I am quite happy with it. I have two major issues right now:1. There's something wrong with the sound system. I get the following error message when I clickon the small x to the right of Volume Control (on the upper right corner of my screen). See attached screen shot.

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Debian Programming :: Compiling Nautilus-dropbox For PowerPC

Jan 17, 2015

I am wanting to get be able to upload and get stuff from dropbox on my powerpc install of wheezy. Debian does not have the app for powerpc machine in stable or testing. There is a thunar extension in sid but i do not want to risk breaking my system so I decided to grab the wheezy source and compile myself. I am sure I have all the dependencies however I am I am getting this error. See below

rican-linux@debian-ppc:~/Build/source/nautilus-dropbox-1.4.0$ debuild -us -uc
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -D -us -uc
dpkg-buildpackage: source package nautilus-dropbox
dpkg-buildpackage: source version 1.4.0-3
dpkg-buildpackage: source changed by Raphaƫl Hertzog <>

[Code] .....

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Karmic Won't Install On IBM Intellistation 185 PowerPC

Feb 10, 2010

I'm a big convert on using Ubuntu on my x86/x64 machines.I have a nice IBM Intellistation 185 Power PC (ppc) with dual 970 processors and 8gb of ram (and 3 SCSI 300 MB drives).I tried to install Ubuntu 9.10 on it (the PPC distro) and it gets to the boot prompt, asks me how I want to install (I can choose "live" or "install", etc..). No matter which option I choose (I've tried them all) it hangs after trying to start the kernel at "returning from prom_init".

NI've also tried other distros to see where that got me - Debian does the exact same thing as Ubuntu (which makes sense). Yellow Dog Linux actually will install and run fine(I'm writing this from Firefox 3 in YDL). Since YDL works, I'd think that a version of Debian/Ubuntu should be able to work.Any ideas on how to debug this and find out why Ubuntu won't install (or even run the Live CD?)

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 9.10 Powerpc Make Boot Disk?

Apr 24, 2010

I have OS9 and a PC with Win7. what is the best tool to burn the CD in Windows or OS9? I used Transmac on the PC but the G4 Cube won't boot from the disk though it reads it in OS9.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Black Screen After Loads (Powerpc)

Aug 31, 2010

finally just got ubuntu to install on my emac a1002, I had to use the powerpc version. The install went fine, it restarted and loaded ubuntu, but after it loads goes to a blank black screen. And I imagine it sits there forever, yet I've only left if for about 5mins or so. The emac is from 2003, and has a 1ghz processor (Powerpc) and has 256mb ram.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Make A Lightspark Deb For 10.10 Maverick PowerPC?

Mar 9, 2011

make a lightspark deb for 10.10 Maverick PowerPC can someone lock this ??

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing Natty Powerpc Through Usb With Openfirmware?

Apr 17, 2011

I have a first gen mac mini g4 with a non-functioning cdrom drive and no mac os installation in place. I'm attempting to install natty (really any ubuntu OS that will work) through an external usb drive. The only functional machine at my disposal for preparing and partitioning the external usb drive is a seperate intel ubuntu box. I understand that I need to create an Apple_Bootstrap partition with yaboot installed inside so openfirmware can recognize the usb drive as bootable.

how do I create an Apple_Bootstrap partition on my external usb drive through a regular x86 ubuntu box? is "mac-disk" or pdisk commands available for x86 machines if not how or where could I find software to do the job?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: PowerPC Booting Into A Black Screen

Jul 17, 2011

I've just tried installing Ubuntu 10.04 on my powerpc. It installed fine, and booted first time ok, but since restarting it just seems to boot into a black screen. My monitor says 'going to sleep mode'

I don't think it's hanging on anything, as I can hear sounds if I play around with the keyboard. Could this be something to do with the resolution being too high? If so, can anyone tell me how I go about changing this?

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Software :: Best Cross Compile Kit For Building Glib-2 For PowerPC?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm trying to cross-compile glib-2.24.0 for Linux running on a Freescale PPC CPU and running into one problem after another. My host is running Fedora 13, and there I can compile the same source for the host machine with no problems. For the cross compilation, I'm currently using LTIB (provided already configured from Freescale for my board/CPU).

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Software :: Package Gpart Fails To Build On Powerpc?

Apr 17, 2010

Question is: How do I compile a package for little endian on big endian proceessors? Gpart is known to build on arm-el, ia64, i386, and amd64. I'm using gcc 4.3 and have versions 3.4, 4.1, 4.2. Build environment is debian lenny, powerpc.

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