General :: Installing Ubuntu Onto HDD (currently On USB, Windows On HDD)?

Mar 9, 2010

Currently, I have linux installed on a USB drive, and I am running the OS from there. That is fine and dandy, but I REALLY wanted in on the HDD. I am using a laptop, and I thought I had to be running linux to install linux on a HDD. Well... I'm clueless as to how to get it on the HDD now. I do NOT have any CDs, so I need to install from the Hard drive. My computer is so,so, slow running the OS from the USB drive.

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General :: Get Windows 7 Back After Installing Ubuntu?

Dec 13, 2010

My friend borrowed my laptop for a while and when he gave it back he said he replaced Windows 7 with Ubuntu. I asked him to switch it back simply because I prefer Windows. He claims not to know how. I don't want to go buy a new windows 7 disc I just want to figure out how to get rid of this Ubuntu and Windows 7.

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General :: Installing Windows 7 On A Ubuntu 10.10 System

Jan 14, 2011

I initially formatted my Windows Vista Machine because it was given me problems and installed ubuntu 10.10 as the primary OS and no secondary installed all i have now is Ubuntu 10.10 running smoothly but now i want to install windows 7 as a secondary OS so that i can dual boot.

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General :: Installing Windows 7 Onto A New Drive On An Ubuntu Machine?

Sep 20, 2009

I want to install Windows 7 on a separate drive on my PC that already has Ubuntu. I was wondering if anybody had any tips on how best to go about this? I was going to install a new empty drive, removing the current one, then put the current drive back once Windows had been installed. However, I'm not entirely sure if this will work, since Linux currently runs from the first drive: Will it be confused by making its drive the second drive (these will both be SATA drives, BTW), and how would I get Linux to run? Could I change which drive to boot from in the BIOS, or would replacing the MBR to provide a boot loader menu be easier?

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General :: Installing Windows After Ubuntu 9.10 The Karmic Koala

Aug 2, 2010

I am running Kubuntu and want to install windows xp or 7 and run both

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General :: Windows Doesn't Boot After Installing Ubuntu?

Jan 10, 2010

I had Windows 7 installed on my PC. After that I installed ubuntu to dual boot the system.Now my windows doesn't start up (As soon as the windows logo appears,it restarts!!!)

I want to do a clean install of windows 7 now removing ubuntu but the windows disk does not recognise any hard disk.

What is the problem? How do I install windows again?

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General :: Windows XP Won't Boot With Grub After Installing Ubuntu 8.04?

Jul 8, 2009

I am completely new to Linux as of today.I finally took the plunge and downloaded and installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my Windows XP computer (dual boot), using the Ubuntu installation wizard to "make room" on my hard drive for Ubuntu by creating a separate partition. The installation finished successfully and Linux boots just fine, but Windows XP will no longer boot at all.

I have read many threads on this and other sites, giving advice of how to correct this problem. I am not at all experienced in editing and working with different ways of booting (other than Windows default). But after some frustration, I located (according to the threads) a couple places to try making changes to the boot commands and I tried various lists that were suggested. Before I changed anything, the Windows XP boot screen would appear and then it would revert right back to Grub.


what drive number Ubuntu and/or Grub installed to, or assigned to the Windows partition, and I have no idea how to find out. I do not have a Windows XP installation CD (it came pre-installed on my computer), so I CANNOT wipe out that partition and simply reinstall it--I MUST be able to fix the problem without harming Windows!!! I also have data in the Windows partition that I don't want to lose. I could possibly uninstall and reinstall Ubuntu (as I saw suggested somewhere online), but I have not the slightest clue how to accomplish that task--and WHAT IF it didn't work?

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General :: Installing Windows XP Using GRUB?

Aug 29, 2009

I have 2 hard disks. In the first one, I have installed Archlinux, with GRUB. The second one is empty. I have a Windows XP .iso file. Is it possible to install Windows XP in the second hd, without having to burn the ISO file? I don't have got any CD recorder/reader.

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General :: Installing Any Distribution From Within Windows?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a PC with Windows installed.I have a usb pen drive.I am able to use that pen drive on Windows.I have no "boot from USB" option on my bios.Is there any linux distribution available,whose iso image can be downloaded and saved in pen drive,and open the pen drive from inside windows,and start installing linux distribution to my PC from there?This means I want to install linux without using a bootable device.Is there any way exist?Here I want to know if any linux distribution with such facility is available so that I can load it on my PC without any bootable device.

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General :: Installing The Grub In Windows?

Sep 22, 2009

I am using windows XP.I wish to install GRUB bootloader so that I can modify menu.lst & add lines to boot from an ext2 partition having iso of linux distro.One way is to use live cd & try 'sudo grub-install <device>' but I don't have live cd.I came to know about open source software 'wingrub' but I am not able to understand how to use it even after reading [URL] what should I do to install GRUB in mbr & have option to boot to c drive which has windows & another partition (/dev/sda2) which has linux.

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General :: Installing But Saving Windows XP?

Apr 12, 2010

What would be the best way to install Linux such that I could also on occasion use the Windows XP that came with my new computer? Ubuntu with XP running in Wine? -- so I can use both at the same time? Dual partition to dual boot? I tried putting wubi Ubuntu installed on top of Windows, but have problems with grub crashing and have been told I had best not install Linux on top of Windows. But if I install Linux as the primary OS, how best save the option to do some Windows? I want to do astronomy stuff, so am hoping Ubuntu is good for science, if not, I can use RedHat.

I do not have a Windows XP install disk from the vendor, so if I wipe out the XP install, it might be trouble for me to reinstall windows, so I don't know if I should just copy the hard disk to an external drive. The computer does not have my personal files on it yet.) Is my current idea of running Windows in Wine feasible? Would I need to reinstall Windows by copying back the files from an external hard drive?

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General :: Can't Boot In Ubuntu After Installing Windows 7 / Retrieve Its Options?

Jan 10, 2011

I have Intel Pentium dual core T4300 2.10ghz processor in dell inspiron laptop. i had windows vista home basic by default and then i got ubuntu 9.04 installed on it from one of my friend. i was using ubuntu mostly (and upgraded it to ubuntu 9.10)as i never liked vista. so i installed windows 7 over windows vista. now vista is gone and windows 7 is working. but i no more see the boot options and cant access ubuntu at all. the boot options (F12) does not show linux partition at all. however the linux partition is seen in device manager. but its only seen.
how do i retrieve my old boot options including linux os? which asks me which os to boot from.

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General :: Format HDD Running Ubuntu 10.04 To NTFS For Installing Windows 7?

May 14, 2011

I'm trying to install Windows 7 on a system running Ubuntu 10.04 but I ran into problems because the hard drive is not NTFS formatted. How do I get this hard drive to NTFS so I can install Windows 7?

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General :: Installing Ubuntu 10.10 On A Windows 7 System (Dual Booting)?

Nov 20, 2010

In my first article that is posted at 29.10.2010 "Installing Ubuntu 10.10 on a Windows 7 System (Dual booting) with Radeon X300/X550/X1050 SERIES Graphics Card". I got most of email in that most of the people are asked me to give step by step Installation method for Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 in dual booting. So am trying to give you to installation method for both Operating Systems. I hope it will help to you for easy installation for Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 in Dual booting method.

I have installed Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 on HP dx 7200 micro towers.
System Information :-
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (6.1, Build 7201)


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General :: Windows 7 Comparable GUI - Installing Which OS Flavour ?

Mar 11, 2010

I following evaluating Linux OS's for installation

1. OpenSuse 11.2
2. Mandriva 2010
3. Kubuntu 9.10
4. ubuntu karmic koala

Which is the best according to you?

Main Applications
1. windows 7 comparable GUI
2. with Movie Player with .Avi / .MP4 /.MPEG /.Flv

Meanwhile what is the difference b/w Kubuntu and Ubuntu?

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General :: Installing On An Existing Windows RAID0

Dec 19, 2010

I administer a small network of computers connected to a windows 2003 server. The machines Dual boot Windows XP and CentOS 5.

My question is this. The machines are being upgraded to HP Z800 workstations. These workstations come with 2 1TB drives setup on a hardware RAID0. Can I install Linux on these machines, using the RAID0? Can I do an install as if it was just one hard drive? The machines came with Windows7 and I'd like to keep it intact including the RAID0. Can I do the install where it resizes the partition, adding the linux partition to the "drive".

If I can't use the existing windows RAID0 to install CentOS I was thinking of just installing another hard drive in the machines for it. This brings up another question, what would happen if I moved my Linux drive from one of the old workstations and put it in the new workstation, would it boot? I know windows wont boot like this because of the hdd controller drivers and I have a sneaky work around for this anyway but am not wanting to transfer the windows installation.

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General :: Which Distro Allows To Windows And Installing At The Same Time?

Apr 6, 2011

I have windows vista installed on my laptop and i wanna have a linux too. i dont wanna lose my windows. which distro allows me to have my windows and installing linux at the same time??

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General :: Recover Mint 8 After Installing Windows Xp?

Jan 22, 2010

last week i installed new mint distribution Helena 8 last day i reinstall my Windows XP , now my linux has gone. how can i recover my boot loader ? btw i tried this comands in Live CD:

sudo apt-get install grub

after this command .. this message appears :

Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.

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General :: Installing BT4 Dual Boot Windows 7

Jun 10, 2010

I'm looking for a good partition scheme to install BT4 dual boot with windows 7, I've freed up about 160 G for my install and was going to use BT4 as an everyday distro and wanted enough space to install extra packages like vlc and what not as well as use to create a substantial dictionary. These are my initial partitioning plans 3G /,6G usr, and about 3G swap with the rest being /home for word lists and whatnot would you mind sharing your partitioning setups so I can make this efficient as possible?

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General :: Installing Windows Driver On Kubuntu?

Nov 21, 2010

I have the driver cd of a frontech pen tablet which is for windows (there are also driver files for mac os in the cd). On Kubuntu, I am trying to use the ndiswrapper -i driver_file.inf command but there are many .inf files on the cd. I am having trouble recognizing which file is the driver file for the pen tablet.

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General :: Unable To Start Windows After Installing Red Hat

Aug 12, 2009

i was using win xp sp2. i just installed red hat linux by making one of the windows drive as unpartitioned space . i kept windows as my default os .my linux is working properly , but when i goes to start windows , it shows error " windows unable to start , hal.dll file is missing or corrupt".so to solve this problem , i decided to repair windows , but when i isert win xp bootable cd , cd starts booting , after showing messege " setup is inspecting your hard ware " , black screen appears , nd nothing happens after that.what should i do ? i want keep linux as it is and also want to start my windows again . tell me how to repair windows . what should i do to boot win xp bootable cd properly.

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General :: Reinstall GRUB After Installing Windows Vista?

Sep 1, 2010

I had two OS in laptop windows vista and linux mint and when I used to start my computer I used to get different option for os like linux mint, linux mint memory check, windows vista etc.. but because of virus windows vista got crashed so I formatted disk drive C: which were containing windows vista and reinstalled fresh copy of vista.. but now when I start my computer vista start automatically, I do not see GRUB options to run windows os or linux mint..Is there a way to reinstall GRUB to get options like I used to get before formatting ?

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General :: Booting Old Linux Partition After Installing Windows 7

Oct 9, 2009

I have an old linux partition (fedora 10) that used to start from the MBR. Now I've installed windows 7 on a new drive (overwritning the MBR, autostarting windows). Is there a neat program availible that somehow enables me to choose to boot back into linux?

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General :: Installing Linux To Second Drive On A Windows Machine

Jun 19, 2010

I have a duo core HP machine with two (2) physical hard drives.Drive C has the win Vista Media center version installed.The second drive has 2 partitions of 500gb each.One has all my windows data files on it and the second partition I have reserverd for the installation of Linux.How to install Linux on the second partition (SDB1) without loosing the ability to use windows when i need.In other words i want to establish a dual boot system and not disturb the existing windows installation by installing Linux and then be able to boot into a dual boot system that will let me select which OS to boot to.

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General :: Installing SLED10 And How To Preserve Windows Files

Feb 26, 2010

I'm trying to make sure all my windows files stay put, so i'm wondering how to go about installing SLED 10. I can't log onto windows due to a virus infection, so i'm trying to install SLED10 and get all my files from there. I wanna be able to use windows as well as linux as well.

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General :: Installing Windows Operating System Along With Mint?

May 18, 2011

I wished to know if I can install windows 7 on my system when I am already running Linux Mint 10(as the only operating system on my machine). That configuration is called a dual boot. If you install Win7 first (or it is already present), THEN install linux, you will find that grub notices both and you will not need to mess with the MBR. The better solution is to load mint, add VirtualBox, and install Win7 into a virtual machine. Then you get to run Linux and Windows AT THE SAME TIME!

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General :: Installing Mint On An HP Laptop With Windows 7 For A Dual Boot?

Mar 9, 2010

I got to the part where I'm supposed to partition Mint. I've got a 500GB hard drive, and I thought I'd give 300GB to LM--but I'm unclear about using ext2, 3 or 4. What about the swap file? Is that automatic?

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General :: Installing Ubuntu 10.10 On A Windows 7 System (Dual Booting) With Radeon X300/X550/X1?

Oct 29, 2010

just like most Linux distributions, will happily co-exist on a hard disk with just about any version of Windows. This is a concept known as dual-booting. Essentially, when you power up your PC you will be presented with a menu which provides the option to boot either Ubuntu Linux or Windows. Obviously you can only run one operating system at a time, but it is worth noting that the files on the Windows partition of your disk drive will be available to you from Ubuntu Linux regardless of whether your windows partition was formatted using NTFS. To day I have installed Latest Windows 7 and Latest Ubuntu 10.10 on my office system (Dual booting). This two operating system which I installed in HP dx 7200 micro towers.

System Information
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (6.1, Build 7201) (7201.winmain_win7ids.090601-1516)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
System Model: HP Compaq dx7200 Microtower
BIOS: Default System BIOS


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General :: Does Installing Licensed Windows Software (e.g. CS5) On WINE Contravene EULA

Jul 11, 2011

I realize that this question is extremely vague, but I am wondering if (as a general rule) it is against the terms of standard EULAs to install on WINE. For example, I have a licensed copy of Adobe CS5 that is currently installed on Win7 that if I could legally and functionally run on Ubuntu.

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General :: Installing Firewall / Gateway Into Linksys Router To Protect Windows?

Apr 1, 2010

story is my brother is a dindows lover (gamer) and hes been gettin attacked by virus's,etc cause he runs his Vista setup with no firewall or antivirus

He says the firewall,etc slows down the PC too much for gaming He doesnt want to use Linux as his games wont play on Linux as on dindows

He wants to know if you can install a Linux firewall/gateway or whatever into his Linksys WRT54GC router and thus protect his PC without using a firewall or av in it.

EDIT: precisely; he has a Linksys wireless-G connected to a always-on Verizon Westel 6100G modem so its a wired connection, not wireless

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