General :: Installing The Grub In Windows?

Sep 22, 2009

I am using windows XP.I wish to install GRUB bootloader so that I can modify menu.lst & add lines to boot from an ext2 partition having iso of linux distro.One way is to use live cd & try 'sudo grub-install <device>' but I don't have live cd.I came to know about open source software 'wingrub' but I am not able to understand how to use it even after reading [URL] what should I do to install GRUB in mbr & have option to boot to c drive which has windows & another partition (/dev/sda2) which has linux.

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General :: Installing Windows XP Using GRUB?

Aug 29, 2009

I have 2 hard disks. In the first one, I have installed Archlinux, with GRUB. The second one is empty. I have a Windows XP .iso file. Is it possible to install Windows XP in the second hd, without having to burn the ISO file? I don't have got any CD recorder/reader.

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General :: Reinstall GRUB After Installing Windows Vista?

Sep 1, 2010

I had two OS in laptop windows vista and linux mint and when I used to start my computer I used to get different option for os like linux mint, linux mint memory check, windows vista etc.. but because of virus windows vista got crashed so I formatted disk drive C: which were containing windows vista and reinstalled fresh copy of vista.. but now when I start my computer vista start automatically, I do not see GRUB options to run windows os or linux mint..Is there a way to reinstall GRUB to get options like I used to get before formatting ?

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General :: Windows XP Won't Boot With Grub After Installing Ubuntu 8.04?

Jul 8, 2009

I am completely new to Linux as of today.I finally took the plunge and downloaded and installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my Windows XP computer (dual boot), using the Ubuntu installation wizard to "make room" on my hard drive for Ubuntu by creating a separate partition. The installation finished successfully and Linux boots just fine, but Windows XP will no longer boot at all.

I have read many threads on this and other sites, giving advice of how to correct this problem. I am not at all experienced in editing and working with different ways of booting (other than Windows default). But after some frustration, I located (according to the threads) a couple places to try making changes to the boot commands and I tried various lists that were suggested. Before I changed anything, the Windows XP boot screen would appear and then it would revert right back to Grub.


what drive number Ubuntu and/or Grub installed to, or assigned to the Windows partition, and I have no idea how to find out. I do not have a Windows XP installation CD (it came pre-installed on my computer), so I CANNOT wipe out that partition and simply reinstall it--I MUST be able to fix the problem without harming Windows!!! I also have data in the Windows partition that I don't want to lose. I could possibly uninstall and reinstall Ubuntu (as I saw suggested somewhere online), but I have not the slightest clue how to accomplish that task--and WHAT IF it didn't work?

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Debian :: How To Config Grub After Installing Windows 10

Aug 16, 2015

I have 2 HDDs, and under linux, sda is ntfs, sdb is ext4 of debian jessie, the booting order is sdb ( it contains the grub on sdb's MBR) then sda, the windows boot loader on its own MBR.

The sda was win8, but now just formatted it and did a fresh installation of win10. After power off PC and plug the sdb up again. Turn on the power, setup the booting prior as same as above, but, the grub can not realize the windows 10 boot sector, error message is: no such device /dev/sda1... (and following a digit array) 8xxxxxxxxxxxx....

How to config grub in order to make it can dual boot both Operating System?

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Fedora Installation :: No GRUB After Re-installing Windows / Get That?

Dec 20, 2009

I have windows and I installed fedora 12 on a separate partition.

However, I had a problem with my windows XP SP 3 and had to install windows. Which I did on my C drive. However, when I re-boot I on longer get the GRUB loader displayed so cannot boot into fedora.

Is there anything I can do?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Windows 7 Without Messing Up - GRUB

May 14, 2010

I'm thinking about upgrading my Windows Vista to Windows 7. I rarely ever use it but I figured that when I do have to use it I would rather use Windows 7.

Will it mess up Ubuntu or GRUB when I do this? Like GRUB not recognizing Ubuntu any more? I don't really know but I just wanted to ask this here just in case.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Uninstalled After Installing Windows

May 27, 2010

I have updated my Windows from Vista to 7. I knew that this would mess up my GRUB so that it wouldn't show on boot. However, it seems as if my GRUB has uninstalled.

I have tried to reinstall it with a Live CD but this didn't work. Maybe I was doing something wrong. I'm sorry if I'm asking a question that has already been posted but I could only find ways to make your GRUB reappear, not reinstall it.

I'm stuck with Windows 7 for a week or two now and I really want to get back to using Ubuntu!

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall And GRUB By Installing Windows 7?

Jun 10, 2010

I have my system set up to dual boot Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala and Windows XP Pro, using GRUB 2 (1.97~beta4) as the boot loader. I want to remove Ubuntu and GRUB 2 from the system and install Windows 7 in a dual boot environment with Windows XP. My concern is to be sure that in the process of removing Ubuntu I do not make my system unbootable by removing or otherwise screwing up GRUB without replacing it with the Windows boot loader.

I read a suggestion saying that the most straightforward way to do what I want is to simply install Windows 7 and, during the install process, select my current Ubuntu ext3 partition as the Windows 7 system partition. The suggestion said the Windows 7 install process would overwrite the MBR with the Windows boot loader, effectively uninstalling GRUB 2. The Windows boot loader will find the existing XP installation and give me a choice between Windows 7 and XP at boot time. Does that scenario sound right? Would it work the way I have described it? (I know I would no longer have Ubuntu. That is OK; I intend to reinstall it later.)

For what it is worth, here is my current partition layout:

/dev/hda - 320 GiB internal hard drive
/dev/hda1 - 37.26 GiB ntfs boot (Windows XP)
/dev/hda2 - 18.63 GiB ext3 (Ubuntu 9.10 /root)
/dev/hda3 - 1.69 GiB linux-swap
/dev/hda4 - 240.51 GiB extended


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Ubuntu :: Restoring Grub After Installing Windows?

Jul 5, 2009

I had to install windows for my sister, and I had a 20gb partition there for backup ( /data/ ), and well, that's where I was going for. After reformatting and installing Windows, I try restoring grub and this is what I get:

Code: grub> root (hd0,5)
grub> setup (hd0)
Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... yes


Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time. /dev/hda: Not found or not a block device. Searching for an alternative way to install it, I found that if I 'installed' Ubuntu over my Ubuntu partition, it would automatically restore grub. But when I get to the partition tables, I get a message saying that "The computer has no operating systems on it" and it considers my hard drive as empty.

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Software :: Restore GRUB After Installing Windows 7?

Dec 26, 2009

have an Intel Core2 Duo system that would dual boot via GRUB between Windows Vista and Fedora 10. I recently attempted to upgrade from Vista to Windows 7, however because the version of Vista I had would not upgrade to Windows7. This has removed the ability to boot into my Fedora 10 installation. After some brief research on the Internet, I created a Live CD of Fedora 12, and booted into that. Accessing the terminal I tried typing:

[liveuser@localhost ~]$ su root
[root@localhost liveuser]# grub

Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.

GNU GRUB version 0.97 (640K lower / 3072K upper memory)
[ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB


Error 15: File not found

What is needed so I can restore GRUB on my system and boot into Fedora again?`

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Lost After Re-installing Windows / Stop It To Do So?

Jun 9, 2010

I need some help getting GRUB back after re-installing Windows. Now I don't have access to my ubuntu partition and the installation disk

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Ubuntu :: Install And Configure Grub After Installing Windows?

Nov 29, 2010

I installed in ubuntu 10.04 in my laptop
yesterday i needed windows and had to install it
so right no am unable to boot in ubuntu without my live cd
when i was installing ubuntu eather unchaked to install the bootloader or i installed it not on partition but starit on the drive on the /sda
am able to boot in my ubuntu with the live cd by typing in parameter :grub.
i really need grub boot loader in this computer to be able to chose to boot in windows or ubuntu
i tried couple of instructions and always goat some headache.

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Software :: Installing Grub From Scratch To Boot Windows?

Jan 11, 2010

Since CloneZilla doesn't include the MBR when saving a partition into a file, I need to take care of this myself. With a working XP in /sda1, I'd like to...

1. Boot with a Linux live CD

2. replace the Windows MBR with Grub, ie. without any Linux already installed

3. save Grub's configuration files into /sda2 (which is ext2fs-formatted)

4. add XP to Grub

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Debian Configuration :: Restoring Lenny's GRUB After Installing Windows XP Elsewhere?

Feb 21, 2010

My computer initially had one hard drive, with Debian Lenny 5.0.4 installed. I haven't done any special configuration, so upon boot, I was presented with the GRUB kernel select menu, then gdm, etc. I think I used the Debian installer's 'use entire drive with LVM' configuration.

I then added a second hard drive, with the intention of installing Windows XP on it. After I installed XP on this second drive, I found out that it had overwritten the MBR on the first drive. (It was my intention do use the BIOS' F8-key boot menu to choose between the two drives, each with their own distinct boot loader. The two drives and OS's would be completely independent.)

Using my Debian installer CD, I think I have GRUB installed on the first drive again. I've found a number of tutorials which say I can use 'set' and 'linux' to boot the system, but the linux command always returns a file not found error.

I think my LVM filesystem is still intact, as the Debian installer's fdisk reports it, it can also chroot to it and my installation appears to be intact. 'ls' within GRUB shows (derek-swap_1) (derek-root) (hd0) (hd0,1) (hd0,2) (hd1) (hd1,1) (fd0) . 'derek' was the hostname I used.

I would like to simply restore the system to the way it was before: with the standard GRUB that comes with Debian 5.0.4, which then boots into the debian with my LVM filesystem. Is there a way to do this from the Debian installer CD? (I was hoping there would be a 'dummy install' command which would install GRUB and configure it properly, but leave all my existing partitions and filesystems intact.)

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OpenSUSE Install :: GRUB Boot Loader After Re-installing Windows XP ?

Mar 21, 2011

This is a problem when Windows is running some malware that cannot be removed, which happens all the time. The problem is all the new hardware or specialized hardware will not work on Linux so Windows is the only choice. I would think the latest versions of Linux would have this problem worked out by now. I installed 11.3 one week ago, only to find that the repair option in the install menu no longer exists so don't bother uses this link to reload the GRUB HowTo Boot into openSUSE when it won't Boot from the Grub Code on the Hard Drive. I also tried this link Re-Install Grub Quickly with Parted Magic which does not work either. On step 2 typing grub returns the error message "grub command not found". You can use GRUB if you boot the install DVD and select Rescue Boot. However when you type find /boot/grub/menu.lst the error message "file not found" is returned.

I did the following to restore my GRUB boot record. Boot the install DVD and select the update option during installation. Change all the repositories to enable except the NVIDIA repository, it is not responding at this time. When the system comes up go into Yast and open the boot loader. It should have your original boot menu in memory. Change the default to another option and re-write the MBR. This will write a new MBR using the original data updated with your new default. Re-boot and then change your default back. I am just a NewBe so this may not be exactly correct but I hope it saves someone like me some time fixing a MBR re-writing by the Windows installer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restoring Grub Failed After Installing Windows XP?

May 21, 2010

I am pretty new to ubuntu, and not sure if this question has been solved by anyone, I tried search this forum, but didn't find enough information. The closest thread I found here was this one:[URL].. Here is my situation, I have installed Ubuntu 9.04 a few days ago with an old Live CD, after running it pretty well, I upgraded it to 9.10 with the online update tool. (I guess this makes sure I was using Grub 1, the legacy Grub). After updated to 9.10, I installed a Windows XP on my hard drive, obviously, it wiped off my Grub from the MBR. So I tried to restore the Grub back to the MBR, but failed, please see below:I first run the fdisk

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
omitting empty partition (5)
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Software :: Replace Windows Boot Loader On Sda1 With Grub When Installing Fedora?

May 28, 2010

I recently replaced a failed graphics card w/ a GT 240. Next thing I know, Fedora 11 won't boot up properly. I guess it was a driver issue. I can tell you I went about fixing it all wrong because I wiped the FC11 partition (intending to install FC13) and now I can't boot anything up. My system consists of: sda1 vista, sdb1 XP, sdb5 extended, sdb6 Fedora. I thought grub was on the fedora partition, but reinstalling fedora with grub on that partition didn't fix the boot up problem. Do I need to replace the windows boot loader on sda1 with grub when installing fedora?

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General :: Dual Boot And Windows 7 But Use The Windows Bootloader Instead Of GRUB?

Sep 11, 2010

Is it possible to have the Windows bootloader point to Windows 7 and a Linux partition instead of using GRUB to point to Windows 7 and Linux?

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Ubuntu :: Why Does Installing Grub-doc Remove BOTH Grub-pc And Grub-common

Jan 3, 2010

I'm just slightly confused here, but... what the? Why does installing grub-doc remove BOTH grub-pc, and grub-common? So basically it seems like by installing grub-doc, I have uninstalled grub totally (yes, it is still there as the bootloader, but i have no way of updating it now!) from my system. What's the conflict between grub-doc and grub-pc, such that grub-pc has to be removed?

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Debian Configuration :: How To Restore My Debian's Grub After Installing Windows 7

Sep 5, 2010

I have installed Windows 7 on my laptop . Now, it directly boot from Windows 7 . I think the MBR overwrote my grub . I have found two methods by google , but still does work .
1: boot from debian install CD, Alt +F2 switch to the console. "grub " "root (hd0,0)" "setup (hd0,0)".
2:boot from CD, mount /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 /mnt ; chroot /mnt ; grub-install /dev/sda.

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General :: Unable To Boot Windows / Grub Error Saying GRub Loading Stage2 Read Error

Jul 8, 2011

I am new to Linux. I have installed RHEL 5.4 on my PC with preloaded Windows XP.

Windows was set as the first boot kernel. So if i do not choose which OS to be loaded it will load Windows by Default.

Today I got an error saying GRub Loading Stage2 read error.

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General :: Risks Of Installing Grub Into Partition?

Jan 26, 2010

Using Ubuntu which comes with grub 1.97~beta4:
root@voyager:~# grub-install /dev/sda7
grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea.
grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are unreliable and its use is discouraged.
Installation finished. No error reported.
This is the contents of the device map /boot/grub/
Check if this is correct or not. If any of the lines is incorrect, fix it and re-run the script `grub-install'.
(hd0) /dev/sda

As you can see, the installation goes well, but, why installing grub into a partition instead of MBR is a bad idea? I like to have many distros on my computer, and each one comes with their own menu.lst parameters, which also can change during updates. So it's much more pratical to create an empty partition of 64MB or less, create a /boot/grub there, install into MBR and then chainload into the other partitions.

So if I mess up with any distro, my mbr is still intact. And also if the parameters of grub setup required for a distro changes with any updates on the distro, they keep updated. So for me it is not pratical to have one distro installed on MBR controlling the other ones, having to constantly change my menu.lst. What are the risks of installing GRUB into a partition instead of MBR? Why is this message displayed? Maybe the question goes for why blocklists are unreliable or something like that?

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General :: Uninstall Windows Black "GRUB" And Use The Purple Grub Instead?

May 16, 2011

When i turn on my laptop the dell logo comes up, and then it goes to the Windows black "grub" (i have ubuntu and 7), if i click on "Windows 7" it starts, but if i click on "Ubuntu 11.04" it goes to the nice and purple grub that we all know, and i also have two options: Ubuntu or windows. It seems stupid and pointless to have 2 grubs.Is there any way to uninstall Window's black grub so the computer will go direct to Ubuntu's purple grub?

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General :: Grub Freeze And Trouble Installing / Resolve This?

Feb 23, 2011

I just bought a Intel D525MW ITX board, a PicoPSU and a stick of 2GB ram.
I burned the new stable debian netinst to a disk and booted it up from a usb cdburner. At this point I had a usb keyboard and a usb kingston pen drive (temporary / ) connected. The computer would freeze whenever I chose a menu item. I rebooted a couple of times, same thing. I disconnected the usb pen and were finally able to start a graphical install. I quickly reconnected the pen and the install went fine as far as I could see.
Now. When I boot from the pen it just freezes showing "GRUB lading. Welcome to GRUB!" and a blinking underscore.

I were able to boot the usb pen on my Alienware laptop just fine - although it wanted a reboot after it ran a fsck.

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General :: Installing Grub On A Dual-boot RAID Config?

Sep 29, 2010

Ive created two RAID0 partitions on my drives, a 500GB and a 60GB. Im trying to install Ubuntu on the smaller partition (ive already put Win 7 on the larger one) and every time when i get right to the last part of installation it says Grub couldnt be installed. "the grub package failed to install in arget......."

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General :: Re-installing XP In The XP Partition Erase The GRUB Boot Menu?

Mar 3, 2011

The XP partition ceased to boot (in fact when it seems to start Windows, it re-boots once and again). I can access the XP partition from Ubuntu 9.10

If I boot with the WXP CD and reinstall it in the original NTFS partition, will it wipe the boot menu out, loosing any chance to boot in Linux?

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General :: Windows - Deleting Linux Partition And Grub Boot Loader Without Affecting The Windows Partition At All?

Aug 30, 2011

I am currently running a dual boot machine with Ubuntu 11.04 and Windows Vista.Is there any way I can delete the Linux partition and Grub boot loader without affecting the Windows partition at all?I would also like to be able to repartition all of the space that was previously occupied by Linux.

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General :: Reboot From Windows With Grub?

May 6, 2010

I have machine with Windows and Linux with GRUB, only with remote access. Is there any way to chage default OS in grub from windows? I know how to achieve it from linux, something like

echo "savedefault --default=2 --once" | grub --batch; sudo reboot

should work. Is there any way to achieve it from windows?

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General :: Windows Taking Over From Grub?

Mar 24, 2010

I'm trying to dual boot a server with Windows 2008 R2 and RHEL 5.4. I've done these dual boots 20 or more times in the last few months, and never had a problem. (This is the first time I've tried it with R2, mind you.) I do the normal install Windows on one drive, then install RHEL on another. The first time it reboots after the install (which is still part of the install, as it's my kickstart script prompting the install and it still has post to run), it goes to the grub menu, and I can select RHEL and it boots into it fine. After that, if I reboot it just goes directly into Windows, without seeing grub at all.

I've tried pressing esc, shift, various things in case it's hidden, with no luck (also, I have a 30 second timeout set and it's not sitting there that long). I've tried editing the grub.conf to remove Windows entirely, and it still just goes into Windows. I've reinstalled RHEL 3 times (yay for kickstart files!), and this exact behaviour happens every time. Does anyone have any idea of what might be going on here

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