General :: Install A Program On A DDWRT Hacked Router?

Mar 20, 2011

I need to install a program on a linux router. Can this also be done on a linksys router that has ddwrt installed on it? How?

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General :: How To Cross-compile Program For Openwrt Router

Nov 15, 2010

I want to compile a program with the source I already have but I have to add an option. When I run the command ./ the terminal returns aclocal not found. Is it a package or something i have to install?

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Programming :: Cross-compile A Program For Openwrt Router?

Nov 15, 2010

I wanted to compile a program for my openwrt router from source i already have but to add an option. I ran ./ in the terminal but it returned aclocal not found.

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General :: Laptop As Router Between Wireless Router And Windows 7 Box

Aug 7, 2010

I'm using a cross-over ethernet cable to connect a Desktop Windows 7 box, and a laptop running on SUSE 11.2. I want Windows to connect to the internet via the laptop's wireless interface.

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General :: Getting Belkin Router Working On A New Ubuntu Install?

Sep 27, 2010

Last night I jumped into the linux world and finally installed Ubuntu in a dual boot system with XP on board as well (eventually I want to get rid of this). How can I get my wireless Belkin F5D8233-4 router working. I put the install disk in and it shows on the desktop but unable to execute - keep getting an error message. Getting frustrated...

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General :: Installation - Where Does A Program Install ?

Aug 6, 2011

I want to know the procedure of installation and uninstallation on Linux?

Are there any log file that logs these procedure?

For example, I am installing Netbeans IDE on Linux. I want to know where are the files of this IDE? I want to know where the folder is that contain programs that installed on Linux.

For example, if you install Netbeans IDE, then you can see somethink like below on a file :

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General :: Install Java Or Any Other Program?

Apr 27, 2010

I just got linux yesterday, ubuntu 9.1, with the wubi installer. I have no previous knowledge of linux and I am having a very hard time working out how to install or run any programs, at the moment I'm trying to get java to work.

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General :: Possible To Install Program With Options?

Mar 8, 2011

I want to install squid with the options --enable-storeio=null. I am using Ubuntu Server 10.10. Can I install squid using apt-get with options or use another package manager?

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General :: Can't Install Updates With Apt-get Program Ubuntu 9.04

May 1, 2010

My update manager is alerting me of new updates to be installed and when I try to install them with apt-get, I receive this error message:

ronin-machine1:~$ sudo apt-get install updates
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package updates

This is the first time I've ever encountered problems updating. I tried updating apt-get thinking maybe this was the problem:

sudo apt-get update

It was successful but it wasn't the problem. I tried Google but the info I could find related to not being able to install specific software. I also tried rebooting my computer just as a last resort and that didn't do anything either.

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General :: Install Delphi The Programming Program Onto Pc

Jan 16, 2010

How can i install delphi the programming program onto my linux pc

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General :: Install A Program After Downloaded It From A Website?

Aug 4, 2010

I got an HP mini 1120NR as a gift and it runs Linux software. I am not sure which version, but I think its Edubuntu and I do not know how to actually open and install a downloaded program file from the web. A specific example is Adobe flash player. It goes into a list and asks me to open it with Archvie Manager, but after that I am lost.

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Server :: Centos 5 Hacked Again?

Apr 7, 2011

my server is web server with centos 5 & parallel 9, don't why all web sites in this server have been added a home pages which is not mind. even the mysql admin also redirected to other site, what i can do!

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Debian Configuration :: Server Has Been Hacked?

May 25, 2011

Let me start by saying its a school assignment, and therefore not a real world situation. Nevertheless, I would appreciate any help I can get.The company ProvidIT has contacted us, their website has been hacked. Instead of their normal website, it shows œBuy creditcard details online, click here (cc4u.jpg). A classical defacement.The following offenses also might have been committed. So it™s our job to find evidence for those offences.(I had to translate the Dutch law articles, so they might not be 100% acurate legally speaking, but you get the idea)

- Unlawfully accessing automated systems
- Copy or tap (eavesdrop) data after hacking
- Unlawfully access or use system resources of a 3rd party computer


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Ubuntu Security :: Using Lucidlynx - How To Know If Some One Hacked My Box

Mar 8, 2010

I want to know if any one hacked or getting into my computer. I am using lucidlynx right now, My computer directly connected to modem, not using any wireless router. How can i check if some one hacked? How to prevent it?

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Ubuntu Security :: System Hacked / What's Going On?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a 6yo laptop...z60m. Solid little thing that I knocked around so much the hinge broke. My dad jerryrigged it so it can stay open.

So now I use it as a glorified DVD player. Then, around February the hard drive died. I put it in fresh, loaded a couple of regular games and the DVD modifications to play DVD's. So, besides the basic upgrade to 9.1 not much as been done.

Well, last week my panel disappeared. I procrastinated and last night I got on the computer. I did F2 and "xfce-panel" and my panel reappeared exactly how I'd last tweaked it.

With on exception. This blue globe, "Akonadi" had mysteriously appeared.

Thing is that I haven't installed or updated anything for 8 months...why? becuase I haven't had this thing connected to the Internet. The wireless tower has been on. (my bad) but all of the signigals in my neck of the wood are encripted so I just let it be.

I don't know where this program came from. Is it loaded in xubuntu? Why would it show up? And furthermore if there was someone with malicious intent (unfortunatly I do have to take that into consideration) have put this on for data collection?

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Ubuntu Security :: My Computer Is Being Hacked / What To Fix It?

Feb 27, 2011

I have windows computer and it is being hacked.About month ago or more some one hacked my router and install new firmware from Firmware Version: Talisman/Basic V1.2.9a

My router is linksys and SSID got changed to sveasoft.I had WPA set up and MAC filtering .

Some one hacked my router and change Firmware Version.And user name and password also got change to just admin.

Well now I got a pop up from my Kaspersky saying network attack scan.generic.TCP

only thing I can find on it

It is Limestone Networks in Dallas.

Some strang things have been happing to my computer in past 4 months and is getting worse.

I have no firewall or router now.And have not gone to the store and get new router yet and I'm thinking of formatting my computer and putting linux and get good firewall like zone-alarm.

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Hardware :: Mini Box For Hacked Linux?

Dec 28, 2010

I'm wondering if there is a mini pc than I can use to install my compiled linux.For watching video, listening radio from internet..As small as possible, with HDMI, audio output, no more than 3 PCI ports, many USB ports and without the old PS/2 ports.

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Security :: Server Hacked By Opyum?

Apr 11, 2011

Awoke to millions of failed SSH attempts into my public server. Behind a firewall which forwards only SSH and HTTP. Local iptables deny everything except SSH and HTTP. Exact same symptoms and results as Chris over at his site: here.I just want to know how they managed to execute a script, or make changes etc? Here's some info:According to cat /var/log/secure | grep "Accepted" no one besides myself gained entry via SSH.The FTP account (500:48 (Purposely in apache group)) is chrooted to a 775 directory and vsftpd does not accept anonymous entry. vsftpd and xferlog's are empty?

You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@dev etc]# tail /var/spool/mail/root


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General :: Use Wine To Install A Program Called E-sword On Ubuntu?

Jun 28, 2011

i have no clu about this wine thing i cant even install it.

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General :: Install Program - Spew Out An Error About .obj/matrix.o File

Feb 24, 2011

I am trying to install a program and it spews out an error about the .obj/matrix.o file. The output is quoted here:


The program I was trying to install is a robot simulator which performs lots of matrix manipulation and linear system solving. I followed every step in the installation guide, except for this one:


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Fedora Installation :: Sick Of F11 Completely Hacked Off Now?

Aug 27, 2009

I am sick to the back teeth of fedora 11 Every time I try and run yum for any install at all it just keeps saying segment fault. When I have tried installing mysql it keeps coming up with the same fault yet again segment fault. I even get this stupid error when trying to install postgresql:


Its got nothing to do with my connection at all keeps happening at home, work when I use my vmWare server, I have a netinstall of FC10 so I am going back to that.

If anyone can help me in using a better method of making yum work, then thats brilliant but one final try and one error I am going back, this is a major rant as I am working for clients now and this just isnt suitable, if FC10 does this then I am going to a different dist like CentOS or something more robust as this is just rediculous!

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Understand If I Have Been Hacked And Being Monitored

Oct 21, 2010

make a check list of things to do to see if i can figure out if my machine is or not compromised .

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Ubuntu Security :: Warning Signs Of Having Been Hacked

Feb 19, 2011

I had a serious breach of the cellular segment of my communications network this week. All I can say is nobody got hurt. The attackers also knew where to find me via email. I'm concerned that perhaps they've penetrated this aspect of my system as well, although they seemed pretty specifically focused on the phone. There have been no changes on anything on my computer, and of course, I went ahead and changed all the passwords. How can I verify or at least look into the possibility of having been hacked as well.

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Ubuntu Security :: Computer Has Been Hacked / Monitored?

Mar 22, 2011

my computer has been surely hacked for at least more than two months; my private information are being hacked and spread around! I initally used Windows Vista and I had the firewall off and no antivirus software. When I realized that my OS had been hacked, I began turning my firewall on and installing security softwares, but nothing stopped the hack.

Yesterday, I erased all my partitions and installed Ubuntu 10.10. I installed rkhunter and a firewall. I changed my static IP adress, at least for the sake of knowledge, to another one, then I got disconnected since my router only allows my old IP.

When I'm about to write my admin password, I disconnect from the network. I've scanned my system using rkhunter, and the result is a list of 30 suspicious files!

Can I adjust my router in a way that it can allow any IP adress? If yes, can I have a non-static IP adress? How to prevent the hacking in the first place? However, I believe, I don't know yet, that my Ubuntu has also been hacked...

If I can't get rid of the hacker(s), then I should permanently disconnect from internet and find another way to receive information anonymously through the internet.

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Security :: LAN Hacked - How To Find Infected Machine

Jul 3, 2009

I have LAN with 20 machines. I see that one of them is infected. Its sending a lot of packets to the internet. My internet connection at this momment is realy slow. What should I do? How to detect which machine is infected? I'm using hardware firewall. Fortigate... Its hard to configure there nice logs. Any good software. I don't want to switch off network cable from each machine and check.

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Security :: The Server Was Hacked From So Called Tor IP Address?

Nov 14, 2010

I always use professional services to secure my servers. Everything was fine for years but a week ago my server got hacked.I don't know how the hacker got my username/password - it was not something like admin, password.9 months ago my PC was infected with some virus which connected to the FTP server by using password which was saved in CuteFTP and infected all index files with some javascript. Then I changed the user/FTP password and didn't save it anymore in Cute FTP. Of course, I checked all the folders and re-uploaded all infected files. Is it possible that this virus uploaded some hidden file which was able to get the new password for this account?

The server was hacked from so called Tor IP address. I am tiref of worrying about server security and now have an idea to get a static IP address from my ISP and to allow logins only from this IP address. What do you think about it? This idea looks good for me but are there any risks to lose access to the server. Can ISP provider change the static IP address for some reason?

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General :: Follow Directions To Install A Program From Source Code (tar.gz File)?

May 11, 2010

I had Ubuntu for awhile, now I installed Fedora12, I'm trying to follow directions to install a program from source code (tar.gz file) I have the February 2010 issue of Linux Format, and am trying to follow it step by step. I copied gnurobbo off their disk to my desk top, which copied it. Then I did the cd command, then I did the ls command and it didn't show me anything but a line saying desktop and a few other things like pictures movies etc. so I did cd gnurobbo-0.64 and it says no such file. I have been trying this for a few times and I think I'm going crazy.

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Fedora :: Can Computer Be Hacked When The Firewall Is In The Default Setting

Apr 5, 2011

Am I safe when surfing the web with default Firewall setting? Can My Computer be hacked when the firewall is in the default setting? I have no knowledge on configuring Firewalls

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Security :: Nmap Retuns Many Non Existing Local Ip -- Hacked?

Nov 18, 2010

A scan on my computer reported as up many local ips which simply does not exist in my network. This host is supposed to have ip, but all other ip should not be there. I have a USB modem connected to a Linux box, connected itselfs to a wifi linksys router and thats it.

# nmap -sP '192.168.*.*' | grep -v down
Starting nmap 3.81 ( ) at 2010-11-18 21:46 CET
Host appears to be up.
Host appears to be up.
Host appears to be up.


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General :: Make A Script To Open A Program Then Operate Within That Program?

May 7, 2010

I am new to linux and am trying out script writing. I am using shell. How can I make a script to open a program then operate within that program?

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