General :: Hide Window Using Command ?

Mar 18, 2010

In my windows xp I used [url] to hide a window & bring it back. In linux I came across XtUnrealizeWidget() & XtUnmanageChild(). How can I use them to hide window ?

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General :: Hide Or Minimize X11 Window From Console?

Sep 9, 2010

Window is full-screen and grabs everything.New windows are appearing behind it.I cannot just kill that application.I'm logged in as root remotely through the SSH.Expecting something like that:

$ xcontrol
> ls
window id: PID: Window class: Window name: ...


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General :: Hide Terminal Window Whn Running Script

Mar 14, 2011

This is my first post and I am new on Mac OSX. I have create an app using python/py2app.

App is working fine but I need little modification.
1. My app name is Inside I have Contents/MacOS/test(executable)
2. I rename test(executable) as launch.
3. I create a simple bash script with name test(set executable permission) in Contents/MacOS directory inside app.
4. This script set same environment vars and finally execute launch executable.
5. This works but problem is that a terminal window comes up when launching app.

Is it possible to run the script(test) in such a way that it should not show terminal window?

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General :: DBus Command To Toggle Auto-hide On A KDE Plasma Panel?

Mar 5, 2011

Is there a DBus command (or some other way from the command line) to toggle auto-hide on a panel in KDE Plasma? (I'm running KDE 4.6.)

I have a game I run in WINE that doesn't work right if it's autohidden and it would be nice to run it from a script that takes care of that for me.

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Ubuntu :: Hide A Specific Instance Of A Window?

Jul 21, 2010

I have a terminal that opens when the system starts and I was wondering if there is any way to keep it specifically, not other terminal windows, from appearing in the window switcher in compiz?

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Fedora :: Exclude - Hide A User From GDM Logon Window

May 31, 2010

If you need to to exclude one or mode user from your gdm login window you must edit "/etc/gdm/gdm.schemas" and add the user you want exclude from the <key> "greeter/Exclude" (near the other user in <default></default>)

When Fedora could have a gdm config again?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Command - Take Screen Shot Of Non Focused Window Or Minimized Window?

Oct 30, 2010

Is there any command /utility in linux that would Take screen shot of non focused window or minimized Window?

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General :: Command For Getting Logout Window?

Apr 12, 2010

I am using SLC4.6. I just wanted to know what is the command to get the log out window as we get it from Action-->Log Out button ?

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General :: Command From The Terminal Window?

Apr 11, 2011

I think this command is for a symbolic link "ln -sf to folder from folder" is this correct?
Also what does the -sf stand for?

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General :: What's The Command To Switch Between Window

Apr 21, 2010

What's the command to switch between window in emacs? Like CTRL+W+j/k/l/h in vim

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Ubuntu :: Command To Hide File Extensions?

Apr 20, 2010

i was just wondering if anybody knows of a command that i can run in the terminal to HIDE file extensions.I would apretiate this command and i dont mind if it is for ubuntu or windows.

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General :: Open A Folder In A Window From The Command Line?

Nov 24, 2010

How can I open a folder in a window from the command line. I don't want to list the contents of the folder by the "ls" command, but want to open the folder through the command line, like it opens when we double click on the folder.

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General :: X Window KDE Logout / Exit From KDE And Go To Command Line?

Mar 28, 2010

every time I logout from Xwindow KDE, it doesn't redirect me to Linux command line, instead it was halted without the machine being shut down. How can I exit from KDE and go to Linux command line?

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General :: Create A New Terminal Window From The Command Line In RHEL 5.3

May 18, 2011

I use putty to get to my RHEL 5.3 workstation from my Windows laptop.

Typically, if I want a new terminal on my windows 7 workstation from another terminal or mc, I have to type start and I will see a new terminal window running the default shell.

QUESTION : What is the equivalent command in RHEL 5.3 (and or solaris) to create a new terminal window from the command line ? I will be entering this command from the shell prompt or mc's command line.

In Windows, if I want to start another terminal and in that terminal, I want to run a program, I can do "start program.exe arg1 arg2". this will create a new terminal window and runs program.exe in that terminal window. I don't have to create a terminal and then in a separate step run the program. How can I do this in Linux ?

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General :: Possible To Use A Command In Terminal Window To Download And Install Drivers?

Apr 1, 2011

How do I install Drivers for logitech c100 webcam in kiwi 10.08?

I am dyslexic. Is there a command for install webcam drivers that I can copy and paste to terminal window?

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General :: Machine Boots W/ Grub > Command / Window Installed ASAP For A Class?

Jan 26, 2010

I had linux installed on dell latitude d600, I did fdisk and deleted the OS so I can install Xp. When I try to boot from the Window xp cd , I get LINUX grub command line . " grub>" and can't do anything.I need window installed ASAP for a class that I am taking .

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General :: Use Command Line And Wmctrl To Make A Window Larger Than The Screen To Get A Huge Screenshot?

Jan 24, 2011

I use a program which makes a large image which I have to scroll to view. The program has no way to save the image, and I have no access to the source to modify it. The only way I have to get the image from the program is by screenshot. My goal is to save the full size image without having to piece together individual screenshots. I'm using this script to try taking a screenshot:

window=$(wmctrl -l | grep "Program$" | awk '{print $1}')
wmctrl -v -i -r $window -e '0,0,0,6030,5828'
wmctrl -i -a $window
import -window $window ~/Desktop/screenshot.png

This uses wmctrl to get the window id ($window) for a window named "Program". It then tries to resize the window to the desired dimensions. It uses imagemagick (import) to save a screenshot.png on the user's Desktop. All of this works except the resize step. I can resize the window using wmctrl -r -e, but sizes greater than the screen size don't work. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and the Gnome Desktop. I run two monitors, but I've tried this with one of them disabled. Is there a way to resize the window larger than my screen to get a huge screenshot?

Part II: I tried using xrandr to set up screen panning, so as to have a bigger desktop than my monitor. xrandr --output LVDS --panning 2600x2500 This command makes the laptop screen pan over a 2600x2500 size desktop, even though it can only show 1440x900 at one time. To turn off the panning, I can use a similar command to set total size and with zeroes for the panning section. This gives me back my original laptop display behavior. xrandr --fb 1440x900 --output LVDS --panning 0x0 This is all done with xrandr, and does not require any Xorg.conf changes (my Ubuntu system doesn't even have an Xorg.conf).

My video card seems to only allow about 6.5 million pixels, even though the maximum dimensions are 8192x8192. That maximum seems to be the maximum for either dimension, but there is a limit to how many pixels can be drawn, which is the width multiplied by the height. Once I did the screen resize, I tried my script again and got a screenshot. The screenshot however is totally scrambled. I'm not sure if it's unable to take a screenshot of an off-screen window or if it is unable to handle the large dimensions of the window. With the panning display, the window should think it is visible, and the window manager should think it is on-screen. So there is a pixel buffer somewhere with those pixels in it, so there should be a way to get a screenshot.

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General :: Disallow Closing Last Emacs Window Via Window-Manager Close Button

Jul 8, 2011

I like to start Emacs as part of a login script and leave it running for the duration of my login session (which is typically weeks).

I have scripts to call emacs-client which will allow me to use a file-manager or Windows Explorer to locate files and right-click to edit them in Emacs.

I often end up with a lot of emacs windows (frames) open and I like to just be able to close them by clicking on the MS-Windows or KDE X button at the top-right.

The trouble is, if the window is the last one, this will shut down emacs which will lose all kinds of interesting history information.

As a work-around I use C-x 5 0 which won't let me close the last frame but this is often not as convenient as using the mouse

Does anyone know how to configure Emacs so that it can intercept the Window-Close button of the last frame to either request confirmation or simply disallow it?

On MS-Windows, disallowing closing of the last window may cause logoff to hang if emacs is still running but I'm not too worried about that.

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Fedora :: Auto-Hide Panel Will Not "un-hide"?

Jul 18, 2010

I just moved my bottom panel to the right side of the screen and set it to auto-hide., The panel hid it'self but will not un-hide when I move the mouse to the edge of the screen... I tried to re-boot, but the panel is still "stuck"Is there an easy way to fix this? Or will I have to manualy delete the panel and make a new one

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General :: How To Hide PC From Network

Sep 7, 2010

I installed a linux guest in my windows host, I don't want my network admin see this linux, is there any way to hide my linux?

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General :: Hide IP For IRC With Pidgin

Jan 19, 2011

Here is a how [URL] where to type to type this into pidgin or irssi?
//mode $me +x

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General :: Possible To 'hide' A Process From The Listing Of `ps` Or `top`?

Oct 13, 2010

I presume that if this is possible it would need to be done as root (or as a user who shares root's UID of 0).How can a process be launched so that it does not show up in a ps aux or ps ef or top listing if the command is run by non-root?Is this even possible?The distributions I typically run are RHEL/CentOS and Ubuntu - so if there is a distro-specific answer, that's ok, too.

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General :: Hide A User From The Who Listing?

Sep 3, 2011

Is it possible for a non-root user to hide themselves from the output of who/w, so that they can be logged in without other users seeing it? I think that the file /var/run/utmp might have something to do with this, but it's not writeable by non-root users (permission 644). I'm fairly certain that this can be done by a non-privileged user (because someone told me that they were able to do so), but I don't know how they did it and can't ask them right now.

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General :: Hide Files On System?

Feb 7, 2011

Can anyone tell me how to hide files on Linux

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General :: Hide The KDE 4.3.5 Menu Until Its Needed?

Mar 10, 2010

I installed the new Frugalware 1.2 via USB and that went well. I wanted an LXDE menu, as I don't like the "style" of the KDE menus, and the KDE menus seem slow, too.

The problem is that after installing LXDE, I have the LXDE menu from what I'd call the start button, which I like, but the KDE menu is now covering the entire screen on all desktops, and there seems no way to minimize it. I doubt I'll have to use it often, but don't want to lose all access to the programs on it. I haven't checked to see if all the programs are on the LXDE menu, but I noticed that Gfpm (the package manager) is now missing from the menu. Not sure if anything else has disappeared.

n Is there a way to minimize or hide the KDE menu?

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General :: Hide And Make It All Invisible For One Another?

Jan 21, 2011

I run Ubuntu Lucid Lynx and users have access to other users directories and read files. How can i hide and make it all invisible for one another...?

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General :: Unmount Versus Hide

Oct 25, 2009

trying to do a multiboot, just for fun Now I installed Foresight Linux, which was not such a good.Foresight is based on rpath and uses Conary as update system Now Conary destroyed all other linux systems installed on the other partitions. Now I found that there is something such as hide and unmount but have read several pages full of it but still have no idea what is the difference between the two and more important, how to use this as most explanations seem to complicated How can I hide partitions for a booted linux operating system so it is unable to see it, use it or even mount it when it tries

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OpenSUSE :: Window Placement - Resizing From Command Line

Feb 10, 2011

I'm looking for a solution which would allow me to move and resize windows (e.g. rdesktop or firefox, etc...) in X. Preferably independent of either GNOME or KDE. The purpose of this is to be able to perform demo, where certain windows would be placed on a laptop's external monitor, without the obvious mouse cursor movements and resizing.

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Ubuntu :: Bottom Of Window (with Command Buttons) Below Taskbar?

Mar 16, 2010

and I cant bring them up. Tried minimize/maximize, tried resolution change, F11, click n drag top border,?

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Ubuntu :: Create A Window Message From Command Line?

Sep 20, 2010

Is there a way to create a windowed message from the command line? Like an alert?

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