Ubuntu :: Hide A Specific Instance Of A Window?

Jul 21, 2010

I have a terminal that opens when the system starts and I was wondering if there is any way to keep it specifically, not other terminal windows, from appearing in the window switcher in compiz?

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Ubuntu :: Closing A Nautilus Window Instance ?

Apr 18, 2010

Is there a way to identify and close a given instance of an open nautilus window from a command line?

Or can one identify via a command line that a given instance is open?

I'd like to tag one when it is open with a specific title and then if that is already open not open it again all from the command line.

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Hardware :: Multiple Barcode Scanners - Can't Seem To Redirect Output From One To A Specific Instance Of My Program

Sep 30, 2010

I have nine barcode scanners, each of whose input I want to send to a separate instantiation of a program I wrote. Each device shows up as /dev/hidraw_ (I'm using Ubuntu 10.4). The problem is that they all act as simple keyboard input, and I can't seem to redirect the output from one to a specific instance of my program. I've tried something like cat /dev/hidraw5 > ./myapp, and that doesn't work. I've tried actually opening the device in my program using open("/dev/hidraw5"), and it returns success, but subsequent reads don't do anything, and the scanner output is just printed to the console.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Window Decoration On One Specific Window?

May 14, 2010

Is it possible to remove the window decoration from a single window, maybe in compiz or something?

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General :: Kill A Xterm Instance In Tiny Window Manager Using Mouse Pointer?

Aug 10, 2010

The only way I know is to use exit command to come out.

Is there some way to close the Xterm windows using the GUI (the mouse pointer)? Killing a lot of windows would be easier that way.

I am using Tiny Window Manager.

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General :: Hide Window Using Command ?

Mar 18, 2010

In my windows xp I used [url] to hide a window & bring it back. In linux I came across XtUnrealizeWidget() & XtUnmanageChild(). How can I use them to hide window ?

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Ubuntu :: Links From Widgets - Task Bar Shows An Instance Of Konqueror And Another Instance Of Firefox

Feb 15, 2010

I have KDE 4.4 and Firefox 3.6. Whenever I click a link from a plasmoid widget, it tries to open Konqueror and another instance of Firefox. The page actually loads in the opened Firefox window, but the task bar shows an instance of Konqueror and another instance of Firefox, that keeps loading for a while then close. See image below:

I currently have setup the browser default application as "firefox". If I set this option to use the default application, it opens in Konqueror and I don't see additional windows in the task bar. If I change the option to "firefox %u", then it exhibit the same issue, but the process is much faster, so the loading windows don't stay for long in the task bar. Additionally, it opens the link on a new Firefox window and opens the page twice. Although Konqueror is not loaded, the bouncing icon next to the mouse pointer shows up and stay for a while.

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General :: Hide Or Minimize X11 Window From Console?

Sep 9, 2010

Window is full-screen and grabs everything.New windows are appearing behind it.I cannot just kill that application.I'm logged in as root remotely through the SSH.Expecting something like that:

$ xcontrol
> ls
window id: PID: Window class: Window name: ...


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Fedora :: Exclude - Hide A User From GDM Logon Window

May 31, 2010

If you need to to exclude one or mode user from your gdm login window you must edit "/etc/gdm/gdm.schemas" and add the user you want exclude from the <key> "greeter/Exclude" (near the other user in <default></default>)

When Fedora could have a gdm config again?

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General :: Hide Terminal Window Whn Running Script

Mar 14, 2011

This is my first post and I am new on Mac OSX. I have create an app using python/py2app.

App is working fine but I need little modification.
1. My app name is test.app. Inside I have Contents/MacOS/test(executable)
2. I rename test(executable) as launch.
3. I create a simple bash script with name test(set executable permission) in Contents/MacOS directory inside app.
4. This script set same environment vars and finally execute launch executable.
5. This works but problem is that a terminal window comes up when launching app.

Is it possible to run the script(test) in such a way that it should not show terminal window?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcut For Moving A Window To A Specific Display

Feb 23, 2010

I noticed that while Compiz has every keyboard shortcut imaginable for moving windows between desktops, there's no shortcut for moving a window to a specific display when using dual monitors.

So far, I've found the best method is to use the command line automation tool: xdotool - [url]

Here's what I did:Test out the xdotool in a new terminal window using this command

This should move your terminal window 100 pixels in from the top left of the leftmost display.

Find out the top-left coordinates of your rightmost display by using the Nvidia X Server Settings tool in Main menu > Administration or via the terminal:


Go to X Server Display Configuration and click the rightmost Display in the layout section. Its position offset should be displayed in the position field. Make a note of these two numbers.

Create a script to move your window, either to the leftmost screen or the rightmost screen, using this code or similar:


Remember, the number at the end is an argument that denotes the display (1 for left, 2 for right). Assign a keyboard shortcut to your custom shortcut. Repeat for the right display. Now when you press the keyboard shortcut, the active window should be moved to either the left or right display!

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General :: Hotkey To Raise/lower Specific Application/window?

Sep 5, 2010

How can I define a hotkey which will raise (and ideally also lower) a specific window or application?. Assuming epiphany is minimized, pressing F5 will raise the epiphany window. Pressing F5 again will minimize it. Something like guake/tilda.

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Fedora :: Auto-Hide Panel Will Not "un-hide"?

Jul 18, 2010

I just moved my bottom panel to the right side of the screen and set it to auto-hide., The panel hid it'self but will not un-hide when I move the mouse to the edge of the screen... I tried to re-boot, but the panel is still "stuck"Is there an easy way to fix this? Or will I have to manualy delete the panel and make a new one

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Ubuntu :: Giving A Specific User Permission To Start/stop A Specific Service?

Jun 8, 2010

How do I give permission to a logged in user to stop/start a specific service without entering a root/sudo password? So they can do a simple "service SomeService stop|start" It is for a headless Ubuntu server.

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Ubuntu :: Allow A Specific User To Mount Or Remount A Specific Partition?

Jun 9, 2010

my system I want user1 and only user1 to be able to mount and unmount a specific partition, this partition contains backups and is usually mounted read only, needs to be temporarily mounted read/write by user1 while doing the backup.user1 is an unprivileged user. I've read that the user option will let any user mount the file-system (and only that user can then subsequently unmount it) and that the users option allows any user to mount or unmount the file-system.I also found this in mount's man pageQuote:The owner option is similar to the user option, with the restriction that the user must be the owner of the special file. This may be useful e.g. for /dev/fd if a login script makes the console user owner of this device. The group option is similar, with the restriction that the user must be member of the group of the special file.So it looks like I'd need a login script for that user to make the user owner of the device file (/dev/voiceserv/backup in this case)

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Programming :: Search A Bunch Of Files In A Specific Folder For A Specific Number?

Jul 24, 2010

I need to search a bunch of files in a specific folder for a specific number and add all the numbers together to a total sum. I use Rsync everyday, everytime I run rsync i get a logfile (rsync output) witch contains the textstring "Total bytes sent: xxxxxx".

The "xxxxx" can vary in lenght. I need to extract the "xxxxxx" from each file and add the numbers together to a total size over a week or a month. Is this possible? And I wish to only use bash. One way of doing stuff at a time my friends .

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General :: Change A Specific Characters To Capital In A Specific Text?

Dec 2, 2010

for example

else {
for fileDOC in $location/*.doc


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Server :: Sendmail: Block Specific Sender To Specific Recipient?

Oct 1, 2009

I'm trying to configure our mail server to block email from a specific sender reaching a specific recipient. In other words, if one of our employees is getting harassed by a 'stalker', how would one go about blocking, at the MTA (Sendmail) level, a specific sender email address from reaching a particular users inbox? We do not want to capture the email - simply block it before it consumes server resources.The Sendmail server (MTA) is a front end to our Exchange server so no user accounts exist on the Linux server. We simply use it as a SPAM and Virus scanner then forward clean email to the Exchange server.

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Programming :: Replace Specific Character After Specific Line By Awk?

Jul 19, 2010

I want to replace specific character in a file after every specific line. example as follows.

O 000000000000000000
A 111111111111111111
C 222222222222222222


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Server :: Redirect Specific Ip To Specific Web Page?

Jul 1, 2009

I configure squid to work with squidGuard , and all thing work properly , but there is problemfirst look to this squidGuard.confdhhome /usr/local/squidGuard/dblogdir /usr/local/squidGuard/log

src blacklist {


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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't SSH Into UEC VM Instance

Feb 10, 2010

I am running Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud on two PCs, one as Controller, one as a node. I have downloaded two Ubuntu virtual machine images from the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud Store and can successfully start instances of them with: euca-run-instances -k mykey emi-XXXXXXXX -t c1.medium

If I run this command I can see the instance is running: watch -n5 euca-describe-instances

I can ping the IP address of the VM instance from my Controller but I can't make an SSH connection to it. I'm following the instructions @ [URL] so I have tried connecting with: ssh -i ~/.euca/mykey.priv ubuntu@

The result is: Permission denied (publickey).

If I try adding -v to the ssh command I get:
OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-6ubuntu2, OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: Applying options for *


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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Ec2 Instance Of 10.04?

Mar 24, 2011

I need to set up an ubuntu 10.04 instance on ec2, but there are some instance ready available I tried with few but I am not really happy with that since those are meant for test puporse.

I have to deploy a java/j2ee based web app with mysql. 1)need to install tomcat 2)java runtime 6 3) apache web server

What would be the best image to use for my requirement and I initially planning to launch with the micro instance if my web app demands I may further move to small and larger instances. So it should be eligible for free usuage tier.

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Ubuntu Installation :: KVM Instance Creation Fails On 10.04?

Nov 1, 2010

I'm trying to install a virtual 10.04 image on a 10.04 server host, and the method I used that worked with 9.10 now fails. For example, I try to install with the following virt-install command (as root):

virt-install --name=star3--escience --connect=qemu:///system --ram=3000 --vcpus=1 --disk path=/disk2/images/star3--escience_60GB_Ubunut10-04.qcow2,size=60 --noautoconsole --os-type=linux --os-variant=ubuntulucid --accelerate --cdrom=/home/mc321/ISOs/ubuntu-10.04.1-server-amd64.iso --network=bridge:br0 --vnc


In fact, that XtreemOS iso (a Mandriva derivative) is what I installed successfully as a quest OS on the same machine when it was running 9.10.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Create More Than One Mysql Instance?

Dec 28, 2010

Hi. I need to create second mysql instance on the same server but another port. What is the right way to do that?

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General :: Sed To Replace First And Second Instance?

Jul 17, 2011

I might just be crazy or particularly dumb today but what I'm trying to do is have sed replace the first and second instance of a character on a line but not after that.

Basically it is a csv file with a date formatted as dd/mm/yyyy and I need to completely remove the slashes. No problem using:

sed 's////g' < file > outputfile

The only problem is that one of the columns after this may also contain these slashes and shouldn't be removed.

I must have read every single sed page on the net today to find a way to do it to no avail! Is it as simple as :

sed 's////1' < file > outputfile

And then run the same on the output file again? these two slashes will always be the first and second slashes in the file.

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Software :: VNC Not To Open A New X Instance?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm trying to use tigthvnc (with ssh tunneling) in order to acess remotely my parent's kubuntu desktop. That way I'll give them some support when I'm at my home or office.

Practically I hadn't used vnc with linux, but I recall having used with windows. In linux when I logged to the remote machine (which runs vncserver) it's opens a new instance of X server. I'd like to access to the X session that's already opened. Let's suppouse my parents are logged into X with the user: john. I'd like to access john's session, to see and check his applications. In one word I'd like to vnc in linux behaves the same way as windows.

Is that possible with vnc? I'm using tightvnc. I tried -shared option in client, but no success.

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Ubuntu :: X Apps Via SSH - Displaying Already Running Instance Of A Process

Jan 5, 2010

how to configure X11 forwadring over SSH so, that when I open any app over SSH, I get displayed window of a process that is already running on my server (in case its running ), not a new instance of it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Instance Of Postgres On The Same Machine?

Mar 16, 2010

how to setup multiple instance of postgre server on the same machine.

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Ubuntu Servers :: UEC: Unable To Ping And Connect To Instance?

Mar 30, 2010

I have set up UEC on a single machine 64 bit blade. I have followed the steps as per the documentation.I am using Managed NOVlan mode. I have installed the Karmic kola image. When I try to run the instance, I get an error "no resources available. Try --addressing private". When I try addressing private, an ip address is assigned and the instance was running.

a) When trying to ping the ip, error displayed that the host is unreachableb) I am also unable to connect to ubuntu@ using ssh. Error message is displayed that " No route to host".I have searched the forums but couldnt find any solutionPS: I suppose everyone is very busy. I see very limited responses to posts. Sharing your experience and expertise will be helpful for all and will reiterate the meaning of ubuntu

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Access UEC Instance From Public Ip?

Apr 14, 2010

I have setrup Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud on a single machine.

1) I am able to run the instances from store (karmic) On running the instance two ips are assigned (public and private) as 10.B.C.X and

2) I am able to connect to the instance (10.B.C.X) through ssh (using key)

3) However I am unable to access the instance outside the UEC (using public ip). When I try pinging, I get an error Request timed out or sometimes Destination host unreachable.

4) I have provided the following access using euca-authorize

Details below:
1) Hardware : Blade (64 bit)
2) Version : Ubuntu 9.10; Eucalyptus the one using apt-get install eucalyptus
3) Topology : Single physical system
4) Mode : Managed no-vlan


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