General :: Eth0 Wlan0 - Net.lo Doesn't Start

Jun 25, 2010

In an attempt to set up wireless so I could connect to the university network, which I think I probably should have just downloaded network manager or something but I didn't, I tried to put things in /etc/conf.d/net and some other places and I am afraid I'm not sure exactly what (and I have learned my lesson! I will pay attention to what I am doing so I can undo it next time I mess around with stuff!)

Anyway, the long and the short of it is now, when the computer is starting up and its doing the init stuff net.lo doesn't start. Later try and start net.lo or net.eth0 you get told "not enough arguments"

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Slackware :: Configure System To Start Wlan0 Instead Of Eth0?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm running Slackware-13.1 on my laptop. Connection to my network is via wlan0, a cable in most cases not pluged in.When starting the system the first attempt to configure the network is via eth0, which ends with dhcpcd timing out since there is no cable pluged in. Afterwards wlan0 is set up properly.

I have installed ifplugd, which is a daemon who connects to ethernet only if a cable is connected. With Gentoo this works out of the box. With Slackware ifplugd is started after rc.inet1 (probably). So the the system still tries to connect via ethernet before connecting to the wireless network.

I have also installed wicd.How can I manage that wlan0 is prefered over eth0?I noticed that neither wicd nor ifplugd belong to the default full installation of Slackware and therefore assume, there must be a solution which meets my requirements without even one of both programs.The laptop is only used at home. Wireless connection is normaly used. I need eth0 only in a case of emergency.

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General :: Arch Does Not See Wlan0 Or Eth0

Aug 12, 2011

On a new Dell Lattitude e6400, I have installed both arch and Ubuntu. Ubuntu recognized wifi and ethernet right away and connected and is working fine, but in arch, I am having more problems then I usually do when using arch. From the output of lspci the ethernet is a intel device 1502, I have researched this and found it to need the e1000e module as its driver. I modprobed this module sucessfully, but no ethernet. With wlan, i have found that the card is a DW1501 Wireless-N WLAN Half-Mini Card that has a broadcom 4727 chip in it. I downloaded the windows driver for this chip and isntalled it with ndiswrapper but this did not help. What I think is the root of the problem is the error message that restarting networking creates.


Dell only supplies drivers for ubuntu, but it should still be possible to get this to work. I have tried booting various live distros that I had drives for and I found that the parted magic boot disk saw the ethernet port and was able to connect to ethernet, and that the ubuntu live disk was able to connect to both wifi and ethernet. Somehow they must be seeing the prescense of the hardware in a way that I have not tried with arch. Please help, I really need to get this computer workign with arch.

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General :: Wireless Networking - Binding Wlan0 To Eth0?

Jul 7, 2010

When I type ifconfig,

I see wlan0 and eth0. I want to somehow bind these two together into one device.

How would I go about doing this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get "wlan0" And "eth0" Interfaces To Start At Startup?

Jul 3, 2010

Quick question guys and gals: How do I get "wlan0" and "eth0" interfaces to start at startup as as well as for "dhclient" to obtain an IP address automatically for "eth0?"

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Ubuntu Servers :: Eth0 Doesn't Start After Interfaces Modified

Aug 12, 2010

I have three VMs (VMWare Server 2) all running Ubuntu Server 10.04. (one I asked to be a samba share from the outset, the others are blank server installs, no pre-config)

I follow the layout in the community documentation regarding setting up firewall rules through iptables. I.e. I create a file called iptables.rules and place it in /etc. I then modify the /etc/network/interfaces file to look like this:

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo


However this third one I have reinstalled Ubuntu 3 times now, and every time as soon as I modify the /etc/network/interfaces file, eth0 fails to start up (is not visible in ifconfig, only the loopback adapter), and no networking works.

I have tried reducing the iptables.rules file (which is a carbon copy across all machines anyway) to a basic accept all rule, and it still doesn't like it. As soon as I remove those two extra lines in the interfaces file, the network starts up no problems and eth0 is there.

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Networking :: No Networks At All - Eth0 - Wlan0 ?

Sep 11, 2010

I just switched from Fedora 13 to openSUSE 11.3 on my laptop and so far love it...well...not quite. I'm having some major network issues. As networks.

I installed everything and booted up for the first time. Everything worked great, I had wireless through wlan0 and could connect directly to my home router via eth0 with no problems. Installed a few applications and ran into some problems with hibernating/suspend modes. I rebooted and like magic, NetworkManager said networking was diabled. My WiFi light was off. Network switch on the computer didn't do anything.

I thought alright, I'll connect my ethernet cord and can go from there....problem is that won't work either. I tried searching for drivers online on my desktop, found some and transferred them via USB with no luck. They won't install. I have no idea why, or whats going on but I really need my laptop for school on Monday so it would be AWESOME to have it working by then.

Here is what I have:
Intel 5150 WiFi card
Dell Studio XPS M1640 laptop
OpenSUSE 11.3

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Fedora :: Way To Get Conky To Show Only Eth0 Or Wlan0?

May 24, 2010

Is there a way to get conky to show only eth0 or wlan0? My configuration only shows the wireless bit when wifi is switched on but shows eth0 all the time.

Temperature: I have nvidia card with drivers from rpm fusion, can conky give me the temperature of the card and the cpu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using Eth0 And Wlan0 At The Same Time?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a wired connection going to my router, which is encrypted with WPA2-PSK. That works fine. I hooked up a WUSB54G v4 (Linksys USB Wireless Adapter), and used ndiswrapper to install the drivers from Vista to make it compatible with WPA2. Also configured the /etc/network/interfaces with the wpasupplicant lingo to make it all work. So if I do that, my eth0 will not work anymore. Also on a side note my network manager stops with displaying in the top panel. Not a problem I can run /etc/init.d/networking (re)start and dhclient eth0 (wlan0) and all the other commands that are necessary to make it work.

Back to the problem, so I hook up wlan0 with the settings and eth0 stops working. I want to use the wlan0 solely for the purpose of my media server. The eth0 is there for my internet and that is it .

How can I keep 'em separated?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Same IP Assigned To Eth0 And Wlan0

Mar 23, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu Server 10.10 on a 64 bit laptop (also have GNOME installed just for convenience), and have a website up using apache2. I am wondering if it is possible to configure both eth0 and wlan0 to the same local static IP address? I would like to walk around my house and do stuff when I want and still have the website accessible, but also be able to jack my laptop back into the router when I am away, just for peace of mind.

Is this possible? If it is, do I need to do some configuring in apache2 to tell it to use another device? Is this even a smart way to get what I want done?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Route Traffic From Wlan0 Through Eth0?

Dec 10, 2010

I'm running Linux Mint 10 . I have a wireless PCMCIA card (Linksys WPC 11 ver.3) that I've put into master mode, and I'm trying to set up my laptop as a wireless hotspot. I am very confident that I want to do this and have no interest in using a wireless router....I say that because that topic inevitably comes up with posts like this. The problem I'm having is I don't understand how to get wlan0 and eth0 to "talk" to each other...That is, I don't know how to set it up so that traffic from wlan0 goes through eth0, so that devices that connect to my hotspot can access the internet.I've seen a few guides about this, but they were either much broader in scope (i.e. much more complex), or for other distributions, etc, and it's too much for me to follow as a linux .

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Networking :: Bridge Eth0 And Wlan0 Connection On Ubuntu 11.04?

Jul 23, 2011

just wondering if I could get a hand with bridging my eth0 and wlan0 connection. I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 if that helps at all.

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Networking :: Ubuntu 10.04 Packet Forwarding Between Eth0 And Wlan0

Aug 15, 2010

I would like to pose is very specific to a system I'm assembling. I have ask for assistance from other forums and people, however the answers receive were too vague to implement.

As for my background, I am a network user able to write TCP Linux client/server applications quite easily. At a Linux system level I do not understand the necessary combination of applications and services to affect the following;

Network components;

- WiFi access point/router with four ethernet ports

- Laptop (user computer) cabled directly into the access point via a physical cable

- Second computer running Ubuntu 10.04, with one WiFi (wlan0) and one ethernet (eth0) interface. Eth0 is configured as a DHCP server with the following;


Eth0 is physically connected to an IP camera via a Cross-over cable. The camera is configured as a DHCP client. This connection works perfectly from the Linux box with a KVM attached.

Wlan0 is connected wirelessly to the access point and the Laptop can access the Linux box and vice versa.

My objective is to have the

- Laptop via the access point/router connect directly to the IP camera on the Linux box via the wireless link.

- I would prefer not to make any configuration or routing changes/entries on the access point/router.

The type of response I'm looking for;

- is this possible at a macro level

- what facilities/server are required on the Linux box (I would like all configuration applied to this computer only)

- what commands need to be executed and in what order. If possible a brief explanation of why the command is needed and where it fits in the grand scheme of the solution.

This is probably a gigantic request outside what the forum usual activity.

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Debian Configuration :: Creating A Network Bridge From Eth0 To Wlan0

Jan 18, 2016

I am very new to linux.I have a network camera which only has an Ethernet port but no WiFi. Sadly no Ethernet port is available close to the camera.

Therefore I now bought a raspberry pi and installed raspbian to create a bridge into the wireless network, for connecting the camera to the internet.I now played around with the interface- and bridge configuration but I have problems with it.This is how my interfaces file looks like:

(The WiFi is secured with WPA2 Enterprise)

Code: Select all# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)

# Please note that this file is written to be used with dhcpcd
# For static IP, consult /etc/dhcpcd.conf and 'man dhcpcd.conf'
# Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:
source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d


The WiFi is connection works fine and I am in the internet using the WiFi.But I am wondering about eth0. The network parameters I specified are not the same as the parameters ifconfig tells me.Ip, Broadcast, Mask, nothing is as specified.It would be nice to give the camera a static IP that I can access it always with the same IP from the RaspberryPi.The Raspberry Pi itself gets always a new IP from the WiFi network. How do I get the camera into the internet using the existing connection of the Pi?

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Fedora Networking :: Hostapd - Create A Bridge Between Wlan0 And Eth0

Feb 3, 2011

what i want to do is

client <--> wlan0 <--> computer <--> eth0 <--> internet

i have 2 network connections eth0 wired connected to internet wlan0 wireless (work fine) i have installed hostapd with madwifi and so on oki when i run hostapd the clients see the hot spot oki clients connect with wpa oki network manager run at demand not automatic (keep it for internet help) now i'm a bit lost what do i need is wlan0 give the client an ip (dhcp demand) create a bridge between wlan0 and eth0 steps to create a permanent bridge between wlan0 and eth0

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.2 X64 Webpages Load 5x Slower On Eth0 Than Wlan0?

Jan 8, 2010

currently on an acer aspire 5532, and using mozilla and google chrome. webpages take about 10-12 seconds to load using the ethernet, wifi its about 2-3 seconds. using eth0 loading videos - broadcast yourself. in chrome, will sit at "resolving host" for about 10 seconds before bringing up the page. you would think eth0 is faster than wlan0, but for browsing the web its slower. i tested the speeds at - the global broadband speed test and both wlan0 and eth0 get the max speed my internet provides.i never downloaded drivers for the ethernet card or wifi, they worked so i didn't try to mess with them. but perhaps that is my problem?

# lspci
00:00.0 host bridge: advanced micro devices [amd] rs780 host bridge


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OpenSUSE Network :: Kernel Device Eth0,wlan0 Are Not Present?

Feb 27, 2011

I have installed Open SUSE in my DELL server which has 2 broadcom NIC cards, it showing both the NIC cards in Network configuration in YAST ,but it showing as not configured and not connected . Kernel device eth0,wlan0 are not present. In device manager also 2 Broadcom nic cards are detected.

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Fedora :: Missing /etc/sysconfig/network File And Eth0 And Wlan0 Files?

Oct 31, 2010

I just installed Fedora 13 on a new Dell XPS desktop and some of the networking files are not created/missing. The computer has Broadcom Gigabit wired card and Asus PCE-N13 wireless card. When I type lspci, I see that Network conroller: RaLink RT2860 and Ethernet controller: Broadcom BCM57780 Gigabit Ethernet. So, somehow they are being detected by the OS, but I am not sure if the drivers are installed or why some of the network files are missng.

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Ubuntu :: Eth0 Doesn't Exists For Firestarter - Eth0: Error Fetching Interface Information: Device Not Found

May 5, 2010

My network name is eth2 it was changed by some reason and now i got these errors... i installed, reinstalled, re re installed, tried to run the asistant but no luck :/


* Stopping the Firestarter firewall...
eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found


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OpenSUSE Network :: Networkmanager (eth0 And Wlan0) And Ifup Wifi Not Working After Monster Update?

Jul 13, 2011

I've had 11.4/KDE working pretty well on dual boot Asus G73SW for a few weeks now. Only issues were the FN-* functions that control keyboard lights and whatnot but no biggie since the essential worked.The last couple of days the update notification was indicating 1,201 updates to be made. Yeah it seemed extreme but I googled around and checked the forums and there was nothing related. I figured I might be missing some packages since I installed from the live KDE CD (still 1202 updates!!!???). So I updated. Big mistake!!!!! Ever since NetworkManager cannot connect to the internet, be it wired or wireless.

Initially it could not even see my home network but it picked it up after I removed the plasmoid from the panel and reinstalled it. However it doesn't respond when I click the network icon and still no connection.I managed to get eth0 working with ifup but not wifi. The last part of network manager log file is quoted below. I can send the whole thing to whoever is interested. I can't make sense of it but maybe someone on the forums can.

Jul 13 11:09:08 linux-yy10 NetworkManager[1649]: <info> NetworkManager (version 0.8.9997) is starting...


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Realtek NIC Installation - Unable To Configure The Network Card Because Kernel Device (eth0, Wlan0) Is Not Present

Nov 30, 2010

Installed a TP-Link TG-3269 Gigabit card in a machine running OS 11.3 32 bit, when I go into Yast, Network Devices, Network to try configuring the card I get this errormsg: Unable to configure the network card because the kernel device (eth0, wlan0) is not present. This is mostly caused by missing firmware (for wlan devices). See dmesg output for details. Couldn't find any mention of the card in dmesg's output, (though the 8139 onboard card is in there) there is some stuff about pci host bridge but I don't know whether they would be relevant or not

The chip on the card says it's rtl8169sc but lspci lists it as being 00:07.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 8369 (rev 10) Done some googling and there don't seem be any drivers for a Realtek 8639 and it returns no matches from a search on realtek's site, but there is a driver there for rtl8169sc chips, which I downloaded and installed, no errors when installing it Even after a reboot I still get the same error in Yast's Network Settings screen, lspci still lists it as 8369 and the device isn't listed at all if I run ifconfig

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General :: Eth0 Does Not Start (neither Startup Nor Ifup)

Jun 9, 2011

I'm having a weird problem, eth0 does not start neither on bootup nor ifup...not even issuing /etc/init.d/networking restart...i will show you some info just to check


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General :: Get Eth0 Interface Doesn't Support Scanning

May 14, 2011

I am trying to connect my fresh new Ubuntu 10.10 to my router. However I am having a bit of difficulty. This is what I have done so far:



My devise is a Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 02). Then:


sudo ifconfig eth0 up
sudo iwlist eth0 scan

I get eth0 Interface doesn't support scanning.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Network Bridge Betw/ Eth0 And Wlan0?

Dec 24, 2010

I'm new to this forum site and I was wondering how can I bridge a network between the eth0 and wlan0 connections?my eth0 NIC is a RealTek RTL8111B 10/100/1000 Ethernet Card (OnBoard) and my wlan0 NIC is a RealTek RTL8187B 802.11b/g WiFi USB Adapter Card.Are there any utilities, such as bridge-utils that I can use, except for Firestarter since Firestarter states that the eth0 connection is not established, or do I right-click on the network icon and select Edit Connections and go to Auto eth0 and under the IPv4 Address setting and select Shared to other computers and run a live connection there?The main reason is that I need an Internet connection for my Xbox 360, which is connected to my Linksys WRT54G 802.11b/g Wireless Router, that has DD-WRT firmware installed and 4 WiFi hotspots for any wireless device, such as my PSP, DS, DS Lite, Wii, Laptop(s), my brother's PC (needs a WiFi card), and my dad's PC (needs either a WiFi card or an Internet connection from my brother's computer to my dad's PC)

Here are my Computer Specs:
ECS nForce6m-a Motherboard
2GB DDR-800 PC6400 Memory


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Fedora Networking :: How To Start Wlan0 On Bootup

Dec 4, 2010

I've been able to get a laptop on Fedora 14 ( working with a Netgear WNA1100 Once up and running, I execute "ifconfig wlan0 up" from root, and everything connects just fine and is stable as long as I stay logged in. But, I haven't found how to do this automatically on boot.

I've tried to use NetworkManager, but I cannot figure out how to get the GUI to show up - it says its running and enabled in the Services gui, but I haven't figured out how to actually use it! I checked to see if the nm-applet is running with ps, and for the user login, I see:

I'm not sure if the "sm-disable" flag is my problem, or how to change it. I'm not even sure if NetworkManager will allow me to set things up for bootup, but that is the path I ran down...

I assume this is a fundamentally easy process to set this up on bootup, but I'm not stumbling across the method. I recall doing this kind of thing years ago when I was an engineer, and before I got my lobotomy to become a manager...

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Wlan0 Does Not Start 'automatically At Boot'

Jul 24, 2011

I have a 32-bit openSUSE 11.4 ( installation with a
WNBA3100v2 wireless USB card and a 100Base-TX NIC running on a Dell 4700c:

BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (Not connected)
BusID : 0000:04:07.0
Device Name: eth0


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Debian Multimedia :: 7.8 Startx - No Screens Found > Wlan0 Doesn't Exist

Apr 17, 2015

Installed Debian 7.8 KDE next to Windows 8.1.

Installed perfect perfect (except for network part). Grub came up, I selected Linux. After start up I typed

Code: Select allstartx

And I get the

Code: Select allFatal server error: no screens found

Also when I run

Code: Select allsudo iwconfig all I get is
Code: Select alllo        no wireless extensions

eth0            no wireless extensions

Running lspci I get (vga for startx problem and network for WiFi problem)

Code: Select allVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation  ValleyView SSA-CUnit (rev 0e)
Code: Select allNetwork controller: Atheros Comm. AR9485 Wireless network adapter (rev 01)

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Wlan0 Interface Doesn't Support Scanning : Network Is Down

Aug 11, 2011

I have installed open suse 11.4, gnome but no luck with wireless settings so far. kernel version is iwl3945 here is stuff that i did but it says "scan is deprecated"

linux-1f6k:/home/rajbanul # dmesg | grep firmware
[ 7.249018] tg3 0000:18:00.0: vpd r/w failed. This is likely a firmware bug on this device. Contact the card vendor for a firmware update.


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Fedora Networking :: Bring Up Wi-fi PCI Card (ifup Wlan0 Or Ifconfig Wlan0 Up) Whole PC Just Hangs Until Power It Off

May 20, 2009

When I try to bring up my wi-fi PCI card (ifup wlan0 or ifconfig wlan0 up) my whole PC just hangs until I power it off.

I believe I have the right drivers, but cannot see what I am doing wrong.

I'd really prefer not to go down the ndiswrapper route.

Firstly, I can see the PCI card and the driver it is using :

[J@gx260-f10 ~]$ lspci -k
01:08.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 20)


the PC just hangs for ever. No mouse movement, ctrl-alt-del, nothing.

I have downloaded a Linux driver from Realtek but it will not compile. I have the latest kernel-devel, headers, and gcc. I can post compiler errors if anybody would like. They're all apparently to do with missing parameters.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ignoring Unknown Interface Wlan0=wlan0?

Jun 6, 2010

Also having this problem on Ubuntu 10.04.If I do "iwlist scan" I can pick up networks on wlan0:

lo Interface doesn't support scanning.
eth0 Interface doesn't support scanning.


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