General :: Create An Ettercap Log?

Feb 25, 2011

How can I create an ettercap log ?, how can I read it with etterlog command ?.

And how different new version of etterlog and etterlog v0.6.6 ?. How can I get ettercap v0.6.6 manual ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ettercap / Certificate - Turn Off SSL Attack In Ettercap When Not Interested In SSL Information?

Mar 4, 2010

I have been playing with Ettercap on my home network, learning about packet forwarding and all such things. Recently, after doing some certificate stuff, Ettercap is performing the SSL attack where it sucks out the password of a user after it issues a fake certificate. How do I turn off the SSL attack in ettercap when I'm not interested in SSL information?

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General :: Get No Passwords With Ettercap?

Jun 23, 2011

I can not manage to get any passwords on my network with Ettercap.I have followed several tutorials but I still seem to have no luck in getting them.I have BT5/KDE/32bit installed and using an alfa network adapter (RTL8187).First I configured etter.conf script to look as below:

ec_uid = 0 # root is the default
ec_gid = 0 # root is the default
# the command used by the remote_browser plugin


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General :: Error While Trying To Install Ettercap Configure Error Libnet On Red Hat Enterprise

Jan 4, 2011

I am quite new to Linux. Just some basic information, I am using windows xp but have installed vmwork station and am running Red Hat enterprise linux 4.

When i run ./configure it gives me this error. "configure: error: libnet >= not found "

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Ettercap To Work

Aug 6, 2011

I goggled a lot on how to get ettercap working on ubuntu, but unfortunately wasn't able to find anything good.
So, i decided to make a new post about it.

1. The GUI mode crashes after scanning for hosts.[ Fixed by downloading the version by timothy]

2. After Scanning, When you start Sniffing, and run the chk_poison plugin it says no poisoning at all . Why, i am not able to poison it at all?

3. Running the original ettercap in text mode(-T), also gives the error , if you uncomment the two lines required for SSL sniffing, then you are met with error saying that you don't have enough permission to and suggest that i should either upgrade iptables or my kernel[I am sudo]. O.o?

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Networking :: Dns Spoofing With Ettercap Does Not Work?

Jul 3, 2011

for dns spoofing in my local network (one laptop and a router switched), but that does not work. An access to a specified site does not redirect.If you need any details, The command I use is:

#ettercap -T -q -i eth0 -P dns_spoof -M arp // //

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Ubuntu :: Can't Launch Ettercap After Installing It

Dec 10, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10 installed.

I have installed ettercap using:

sudo apt-get install ettercap
But I cannot see it in any of the Ubuntu Menus(Aplications-->Network etc).
If I type


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Fedora :: Ettercap Unable To Detect Any Interface

Aug 3, 2010

I am using fedora 13 and have installed ettercap from Add/Remove Software in Fedora. But when it is starting(Application->Internet->ettercap), it is not able to detect any interfaces ( i am using eth0 interface, wired lan ).

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Ubuntu :: Ettercap Doesn't Scan For Hosts

Jul 30, 2010

i downloaded ettercap and wireshark but when i ever i press scan for hosts after doing the things before it doesn't scan it just gives me

Randomizing 16777215 hosts for scanning...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ettercap Not Showing The Passwords?

Aug 17, 2010

I used to have ettercap on backtrack 4 and everything was ok...But on ubuntu 10.04 I'm having this issue; it is not showing passwords (if i log in for example in a forum with a http link )and not sending false certificate (if i try to log in in https links, after uncommenting the redir ip tables in etter.conf).Other features seems to work alright (such as dns spoofing) and the arp poisonning is succesful. Besides, Wireshark gets the passwords.

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Networking :: Host Lists Of Ettercap Is Empty

Nov 29, 2010

My Host Lists of Ettercap is empty when I try to sniff my Lan. I modified /etc/etter.con, obtaining this:

# if you use iptables:
redir_command_on = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i %iface -p tcp --dport %port -j REDIRECT --to-port %rport"
redir_command_off = "iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i %iface -p tcp --dport %port -j REDIRECT --to-port %rport"
and the error is this:

Code: iptables v1.4.6: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Permission denied (you must be root)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded. I lunch ettercap as root.

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Software :: Ettercap Crashes During Scanning For Host

Mar 4, 2011

I have installed ettercap using apt. But, when I scan for hosts, Ettercap crashes. I've found on the Web that there's a solution, but I don't manage to solve this problem.

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Software :: Ettercap Quit With Segmentation Fault

Aug 3, 2010

I am using fedora 13 when i am starting ettercap, i get following warning and when i clicked "scan host" , the program quit after scanning hosts due to some segmentation is warning


[piyush@localhost ~]$ sudo ettercap-gtk
ettercap NG-0.7.3 copyright 2001-2004 ALoR & NaGA
(<unknown>:2315): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:3079: signal name `depressed' is invalid for instance `0x9f9ee00'


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Ubuntu Security :: Ettercap Can See Http Request But Not Response

Nov 8, 2010

ettercap can see http request but not response

I'm trying to see regular http responses from my wireless ipad (victim) from my wired pc (attacker). Everything's working great but I can only see the http requests not the responses.

I've done much reading and googling and tried registering in more relevant forums but some forums were shutdown, so I've come here.

# setup ip forwarding
echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# use ettercap to do the mitm using only mitm
sudo ettercap --iface eth0 --text --plugin autoadd --only-mitm --mitm arp:remote / /


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Security :: Ettercap On Company Gateway - Traffic Stops And No One Can Access Anything

Mar 24, 2010

a client asked me to install ettercap on their linux gateway machine - two ethernet machine. I tried it in bridged mode, it but as soon as I start it, the traffic stops and no one can access anything. Did anyone ever succeed in running it on the gateway?

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Ubuntu :: Ettercap Arp:remote Not Working Only Shows HTTPS Pages In Firefox

Jan 27, 2011

I am using unbuntu as root. I've made all the edits to my etter.conf file as follows:

ec_uid = 0
ec_gid = 0


remote-browser = "firefox -remote openurl (http://%host%url)"

I also turn on ipTables. I then start my attack as follows:

ettercap -T -Q -M arp:remote -i eth1 /client-ip/ // -P remote_browser

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
ettercap -T -Q -M arp:remote -i eth0 /target_ip/ /gateway_ip/ -P remote_browser

My problem is Firefox only shows https:// pages and not regular pages like google. I'm stumped. I have no clue why. I've tried other versions of linux. Different computers and still the same result. If I turn quiet off I see in my terminal all the traffic.

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General :: Create A Script That Will Simply Create A DIR With Date And Autorun Itself Every 24 Hours?

Jan 17, 2010

i am running into few problems with the script here. I have an FTP server, all configured, and i need to have a script that will create a folder with current dated within a tree as soon as particular user logs in. I was wondering if that is possible with proftpd. if not, can someone suggest how to create a script that will simply create a DIR with date and autorun itself every 24 hours? i am running Debian/Proftpd with Mysql authorization.

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Fedora Networking :: Ettercap - "Dissector "dns" Not Supported"

Jun 2, 2010

I've been using ettercap for awhile now for testing the security of the websites I manage for others along with home network stability and I've recently come across this issue:

When running:


ettercap -G

I get an error in the terminal saying:


Dissector "dns" not supported (etter.conf line 70)

I proceed to select my interface and scan for all hosts, then ettercap crashes, exits and outputs the infamous message:


This shouldn't happen...
Segmentation Fault...

recompile in debug mode, reproduce the bug and send a bugreport I took a look at line 70 in my etter.conf file and it looks like this:

dns = 53 # udp 53

I've searched online and it seems like others have this issue as well, but I can't seem to resolve it.

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General ::Create Custom Name Server \ Create Own Name Server?

Nov 4, 2009

I bought a web hosting account(cPanel) and I want to create my own name server(ns1 and So when I want to host addon domain, I can point them to my name server instead of hosting company name server.

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Ubuntu :: Create A Bash Script To Create Make A Ftp Mirror Copy Of It

Aug 4, 2011

I recently bought an host to have a personal website and would like to create a bash script to create make a mirror copy of it and then add it to crontab to run once a week. Essentially what I want to do is to get the website by using wget -m ftp://user***

Once this is done I'd like to have everything in an archive called I've no experience at all of bash scripting but I guess this should be an easy task? How to make the user and password not visible ? Is there any other option better than wget? (maybe rsync it works better?)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create New Partition Table Does Automatically Create New Mbr

Oct 28, 2010

When using the gparted option to create a new partition table does this automatically create a new mbr?

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General :: Create My Own OS

Feb 6, 2011

I do have all basic programming knowledge, I know what to do when it comes to C,C++, Python ETC.So what I want to do is is make my own OS based off a linux kernal or anything else.But I dont know where exactly to start, ive read the whole LFS book already and yeah but like im still confused because im already dual booted with windows 7 and Ubuntu, so in order to start do I need to dump my HDD completely or do I only need to uninstall 1 OS out of 2 ?

Also if I want to do this using the LFS live CD as a host where do I start with that when beginning to write my own OS?

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General :: How To Create Rpm From Tar.gz

Feb 19, 2010

I need to create an rpm, to decrease time consuming in installations of minor packages. I googled many sites in which they are going theoretically(of course, it should be in that way).

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General :: Create A Dvd From A Dvd ?

May 12, 2011

I have a full series of a show in a box set....i need to make copies...and ive honestly never made a dvd myself...ive made plenty of cds....never a i guess the question is...what applications do i need? should i rip the dvd onto my hard drive first? really not sure what i need to using ubuntu 10.10 ive already installed gnomebaker...

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General :: Red Hat: Create A New Network Eth?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a machine that has eth0 and eth1, and now I want to create an eth2 and assign it some IP address.

What's the command for doing this?

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General :: Zip - How To Create A Folder

Nov 29, 2010

Build Zip archive, special cases

I'm using zip to archive different files. I need to create a directory in the zip file where to place some of them. Is that possible ?

The syntax I got so far is zip -r /var/www/test

Inside the zip I want a folder called backup1 and in there the files from /test.

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General :: Create A .tgz With The Filename?

Apr 21, 2011

I have some school work that involves creating a script that creates a backup of my /home folder, everything goes well but the problem is with the filename.

I am supposed to create a .tgz with the filename : hostname-day-date-HH:MM:ss.tgz

The .tgz gets created with the correct filename but when I try to unpack it the filename can't be resolved, it's the : that mess things up.

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General :: Can't Seem To Create A Dot File In /tmp

Mar 2, 2011

why I cant seem to create a dot file (a file that starts with a dot) in my /tmp folder even with root priviledges. I installed F-Prot for linux & when I try to do a scan it complains it "can't stat a file" it seems to want to create & quits. So I tried creating it my self but it wont create a file that starts with a dot it seems. I also tried "chmod go+rx /tmp/*"

This is the error

root@JASONS-BRAAIN:/opt/f-prot# /opt/f-prot/fpscan -l
F-PROT Antivirus version (built: 2009-12-23T13-43-55)
FRISK Software International (C) Copyright 1989-2009
Engine version:
Arguments: -l


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General :: Create Rpm From Pre Compile Tar.gz

Apr 22, 2011

I want to create rpm from tar.gz, what I want to know is,

1= download tar.gz
2= untar this tar.gz file
3= run ./configure command.
4= now I want to create rpm file to install my package via rpm so I can uninstall easy and redistribute this rpm to my friends.

(or I have to run "make" command also after step 3, then go to step 4 to create rpm) please help me with step by step commands, so I can create rpm with my own compiled options of package.

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General :: How To Create A LiveCD

Jan 18, 2010

What is the best/easiest way to create a Linux Live CD? Specifically, I'd like to create a Live CD that is very minimal in size, runs XFCE4, Wireshark, and has hardware drivers that make it compatible with a wide variety of laptops, ethernet drivers, and 802.11 drivers.

It needs to have an up-to-date kernel and it needs to be relatively easy to update as newer kernels become available.By minimal in size, I mean would like to get my features in to less than 300MB. I only need 1 language (English) supported and 1 keyboard layout. I'm personally partial to Ubuntu.

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