General :: How To Create Rpm From Tar.gz

Feb 19, 2010

I need to create an rpm, to decrease time consuming in installations of minor packages. I googled many sites in which they are going theoretically(of course, it should be in that way).

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General :: Create A Script That Will Simply Create A DIR With Date And Autorun Itself Every 24 Hours?

Jan 17, 2010

i am running into few problems with the script here. I have an FTP server, all configured, and i need to have a script that will create a folder with current dated within a tree as soon as particular user logs in. I was wondering if that is possible with proftpd. if not, can someone suggest how to create a script that will simply create a DIR with date and autorun itself every 24 hours? i am running Debian/Proftpd with Mysql authorization.

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General ::Create Custom Name Server \ Create Own Name Server?

Nov 4, 2009

I bought a web hosting account(cPanel) and I want to create my own name server(ns1 and So when I want to host addon domain, I can point them to my name server instead of hosting company name server.

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Ubuntu :: Create A Bash Script To Create Make A Ftp Mirror Copy Of It

Aug 4, 2011

I recently bought an host to have a personal website and would like to create a bash script to create make a mirror copy of it and then add it to crontab to run once a week. Essentially what I want to do is to get the website by using wget -m ftp://user***

Once this is done I'd like to have everything in an archive called I've no experience at all of bash scripting but I guess this should be an easy task? How to make the user and password not visible ? Is there any other option better than wget? (maybe rsync it works better?)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create New Partition Table Does Automatically Create New Mbr

Oct 28, 2010

When using the gparted option to create a new partition table does this automatically create a new mbr?

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General :: Create My Own OS

Feb 6, 2011

I do have all basic programming knowledge, I know what to do when it comes to C,C++, Python ETC.So what I want to do is is make my own OS based off a linux kernal or anything else.But I dont know where exactly to start, ive read the whole LFS book already and yeah but like im still confused because im already dual booted with windows 7 and Ubuntu, so in order to start do I need to dump my HDD completely or do I only need to uninstall 1 OS out of 2 ?

Also if I want to do this using the LFS live CD as a host where do I start with that when beginning to write my own OS?

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General :: Create A Dvd From A Dvd ?

May 12, 2011

I have a full series of a show in a box set....i need to make copies...and ive honestly never made a dvd myself...ive made plenty of cds....never a i guess the question is...what applications do i need? should i rip the dvd onto my hard drive first? really not sure what i need to using ubuntu 10.10 ive already installed gnomebaker...

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General :: Red Hat: Create A New Network Eth?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a machine that has eth0 and eth1, and now I want to create an eth2 and assign it some IP address.

What's the command for doing this?

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General :: Zip - How To Create A Folder

Nov 29, 2010

Build Zip archive, special cases

I'm using zip to archive different files. I need to create a directory in the zip file where to place some of them. Is that possible ?

The syntax I got so far is zip -r /var/www/test

Inside the zip I want a folder called backup1 and in there the files from /test.

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General :: Create A .tgz With The Filename?

Apr 21, 2011

I have some school work that involves creating a script that creates a backup of my /home folder, everything goes well but the problem is with the filename.

I am supposed to create a .tgz with the filename : hostname-day-date-HH:MM:ss.tgz

The .tgz gets created with the correct filename but when I try to unpack it the filename can't be resolved, it's the : that mess things up.

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General :: Can't Seem To Create A Dot File In /tmp

Mar 2, 2011

why I cant seem to create a dot file (a file that starts with a dot) in my /tmp folder even with root priviledges. I installed F-Prot for linux & when I try to do a scan it complains it "can't stat a file" it seems to want to create & quits. So I tried creating it my self but it wont create a file that starts with a dot it seems. I also tried "chmod go+rx /tmp/*"

This is the error

root@JASONS-BRAAIN:/opt/f-prot# /opt/f-prot/fpscan -l
F-PROT Antivirus version (built: 2009-12-23T13-43-55)
FRISK Software International (C) Copyright 1989-2009
Engine version:
Arguments: -l


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General :: Create Rpm From Pre Compile Tar.gz

Apr 22, 2011

I want to create rpm from tar.gz, what I want to know is,

1= download tar.gz
2= untar this tar.gz file
3= run ./configure command.
4= now I want to create rpm file to install my package via rpm so I can uninstall easy and redistribute this rpm to my friends.

(or I have to run "make" command also after step 3, then go to step 4 to create rpm) please help me with step by step commands, so I can create rpm with my own compiled options of package.

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General :: How To Create A LiveCD

Jan 18, 2010

What is the best/easiest way to create a Linux Live CD? Specifically, I'd like to create a Live CD that is very minimal in size, runs XFCE4, Wireshark, and has hardware drivers that make it compatible with a wide variety of laptops, ethernet drivers, and 802.11 drivers.

It needs to have an up-to-date kernel and it needs to be relatively easy to update as newer kernels become available.By minimal in size, I mean would like to get my features in to less than 300MB. I only need 1 language (English) supported and 1 keyboard layout. I'm personally partial to Ubuntu.

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General :: How To Create LiveUSB

May 3, 2010

How to create LiveUSB using Linux?

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General :: Create 100 Users In One Go

Jan 24, 2011

i have to create 100 users in Linux with some password can it be done in one go i tried newuser command but the home directory is not created for those users.

plus when i login for the first time into a server i got
EXECUTING /etc/profile ...
EXECUTING .profile ...
EXECUTING /xyz/abc/bin/setenv.ksh file ...

before the prompt. The above three lines shows that some kind of script was set to run when a user login for the first time that will create the home directory (if i am not guessing wrong)and never run if user login again.

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General :: Create A Boot Cd From And Iso?

Nov 18, 2010

How to create a boot Cd from and iso? I searched online but only found info about copying the boot.img

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General :: How To Create Rpm Package

Jan 5, 2010

I am facing a problem creating rpm with ".tar.bz2"extension file how to create.

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General :: Create An Ettercap Log?

Feb 25, 2011

How can I create an ettercap log ?, how can I read it with etterlog command ?.

And how different new version of etterlog and etterlog v0.6.6 ?. How can I get ettercap v0.6.6 manual ?

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General :: How To Create Another User

Aug 11, 2009

I know this will sound stupid, but we've been tasked with standing up a professional Linux server to run a vendor tool and product on. And my team has never administered a Linux or Unix box before. I know the concepts, but can't find the tools!

How do I create a user-ID? And is there a GUI tool I can fire up from the command line to make some of this easier? We can get to the box, manipulate files, etc. But to this point we're exclusively usint 'root', and I know I need to stop that, and prevent that happening in the future.

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General :: How To Create SSH Users

Jun 10, 2010

I just loaded a new server. I did an adduser with the -c and -p to create a few new users. The users show up in /etc/passwd, but when i try to SSH to the server as them I get access denied.

Is there somewhere I have to add their names to allow them to SSH in? they have /bin/bash as their shell accord to passwd.

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General :: Create VM Under Xen On Fedora 11?

Feb 21, 2010

I have a Fedora 11 running on my Dell Laptop.I usually build up VM under Vmware Server 2.0 on Windows but want to give a try on Xen to know how it creates new Virtual Machine.

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General :: How To Create Certain Alias

Apr 29, 2011

I'm testing out the aliases to have a better understanding on how to shorten commands. I am trying to list all files whose file names end with a .c extension in which starts from the current working directory and recursing through subdirectories as well. And I want to delay the path name expansion until the alias is executed. I want to use the directory /usr/share. Would the command be: alias findc='find -type d -exec /usr/share'?

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General :: Allow To Create CD / DVD Covers?

Nov 4, 2010

I am looking to rid myself of the last windoze computer in my home but I need a program that will allow me to create CD/DVD covers.I do a lot of disk burning and would like to have the disks look professional.Media Face did the job but not in Linux unfortunately.

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General :: Use An USB Instead Of A DVD To Create ISO Image?

May 21, 2011

I just downloaded the FEDORA iso image file. Naturally, the next step is to create a DVD. The problem is I'm using a mininetbook hith no DVD unit and I have not an external one, so I think I can use the USB as an alternative, but I just don't find how to in the documentation, and the applications to burn DVD's dont have the option... how can I do this?

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General :: Create A USB Stick That Boots On Mac?

Apr 2, 2010

If I try to create a bootable USB stick by using dd to copy an ISO file to it, it usually works on PC but it won't appear in the boot menu of my Macbook. Is there an easy way to generate a bootable USB stick from an ISO file so that it would boot on a Mac?

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General :: Create FTP Shortcuts To Another Folder?

Nov 7, 2010

How can I create shortcut from one ftp folder to another using SFTP client such as WinSCP with Putty?

For example, application path is /home/primary/webapps/appication/

We have created new user with default home directory /home/secondary/

Using Bash command:

setfacl -R -m u:secondary:rwx /home/primary/webapps/appication/

we added full Read-Write permission for secondary user.

To access application folder he suppose to type full path to application folder which is not so convenient for daily usage.

As a solution I would like to create some shortcuts in home directory to this folders as I seen something similar in default cPanel configuration where PUBLIC_HTML folder has some alias such as WWW.

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General :: Create All Subdirectories Of A Path?

Dec 9, 2010

Is there an easy way to create all subdirectories of a path in linux ?

Something like

mkdir /a/b/c/d/e/f

executed in / should create directories a,b,c,d,e,f

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General :: How Can I Create Multiplatform USB Stick

Feb 7, 2011

The goal woulb de to have a USB stick, bootable on any system, containing a local webserver to host various offline versions of websites. This stick can then be used to show demos of websites to people, even if they don't have an internet connection.

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General :: How To Create Swap In Fedora

Apr 19, 2011

I am new about swap and filesystem. Now I encounter a problem: 2G ext4 disk /dev/sda7 # Want to be used as swap in fedora 24G ext4 disk /dev/sda8 # My fedora is built on it without Swap As described above, I want to use /dev/sda7 as swap in /dev/sda8. How to deal with it?

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General :: How To Create Custom Commands

Apr 29, 2011

So I'm here thinking how to create custom commands on my Linux Debian? I mean so i could open up terminal and just type the script name (and possibly some arguments) and it would refer to the script in my home directory. Otherwise I've write the whole path to the script each time and it gets annoying.

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