General :: Red Hat: Create A New Network Eth?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a machine that has eth0 and eth1, and now I want to create an eth2 and assign it some IP address.

What's the command for doing this?

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General :: Can't Create Network Folder Over Ssh With KNetAttach

Feb 11, 2010

I get the following error:


Unable to connect to server. Please check your settings and try again.

However at the same time I get a notification pop up on the taskbar that says :


Succesfully connected to xxxxxx

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General :: Want To Create Social Network Software

Jul 14, 2010

I want to create Social Network Software. What are the specifications required for using Linux as server.

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General :: Create A Relationship Between Two OS Like Mapping Network Drive?

Feb 13, 2011

in my windows7 laptop, I installed a virtualbox 4.0 then Fedora 14 as OS. Can I transfer the files from Linux system to windows syatem? I mean can I create a relationship between two OS like mapping network drive?

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General :: Create A Home Network Between SuSe 11.3 And Windows 7?

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to set up a home network but I am having a slight problem. The network is reported as being open and active but when I click on the Windows network icon a dialogue reports that " unable to mount location, failed to retrieve share list from server. What have I missed. I have tried other distros such as PClinuxOS and that connected automatically so there is no physical problems with my wired network. My Workgroup is MSHOME and my host is Home1.

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General :: Create A Profile Settings And Network Drive Can Be Mapped Automatically When User Login?

Mar 26, 2010

create a profile settings and network drive can be mapped automatically when user login to the (like Domain and active user profile on windows environment) Ubuntu systems?

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Fedora Networking :: Setup The Network Scripts To Create Two Network Interfaces For Vlan X And Y?

Apr 7, 2009

Using Fedora 10, can anyone tell me how to setup the network scripts to create two network interfaces for vlan x and y. Both interfaces should obtain an ip from dhcp and both interfaces should run over eth0.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create A Home Network To Share Files - Scanner And Printer

Dec 31, 2009

I have four PCs in my house that are running opensuse 11.2 and I want to create a home network to share files, scanner and printer.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create A Gateway Server That Allows Virtual Private Network Connections?

Feb 26, 2010

I have openSUSE 11.2 installed and i need to create a gateway server that allows virtual private network connections. I want to play with my friends some lan games, but we are in different networks, so i want to create this gateway server so we can connect with VPN clients to this server and play freely.

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Red Hat :: Networking - Setup Network Scripts To Create Two Network Interfaces For Vlan X And Y

Apr 7, 2009

Can anyone tell me how to setup the network scripts to create two network interfaces for vlan x and y. Both interfaces should obtain an ip from dhcp and both interfaces should run over eth0.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create Network Bridge / Device Hooked Up Via Ethernet Had No Internet Connectivity?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm on opensuse 11.4 (11.3 won't work with my monitor).

My computer gets internet through wireless and I want to share that internet through its ethernet port. So far I've tried using Knetworkmanager to create a network bridge between my wireless and wired connections. I created a new wired connection and shared it using the ip address settings. I was able to get both connections active, but the device hooked up via ethernet had no internet connectivity.

I also tried this command:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

but another test resulted in the same fashion (no internet on wired). I believe anything I add to /proc should have an immediate effect, correct?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create A Network Policy Server?

Jun 1, 2011

how to create network policy and system policy in opensuse11.4 and domain policies also???

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General :: Create Cron Tab When DSL Line Down Set Automatically Restart The Network Service While DSL Line Up?

Oct 7, 2010

How to create cron tab when DSL line down set automatically restart the network service while DSL line up?

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Ubuntu :: NetworkManager: "Create New Wireless Network" - "Create" Button Grayed Out?

May 28, 2010

EDIT: Whoops. Just realized that there is a Networking subforum. Apologies. In 10.04, I am able to get to the dialog in NM that asks for the network name and security for the creation of a new wireless network. However, the "Connect" button is grayed out and filling out all fields doesn't allow me to press it. I assume that this means that either there is a problem with my configuration or that my network card is not supported. Here is the lshw entry for my wireless card:

description: Wireless interface
product: PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection
vendor: Intel Corporation


EDIT2: Well, I was able to make an ad hoc connection via "Edit Connections" This seems to be a bug in the NetworkManager dialog.

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General :: Create A Script That Will Simply Create A DIR With Date And Autorun Itself Every 24 Hours?

Jan 17, 2010

i am running into few problems with the script here. I have an FTP server, all configured, and i need to have a script that will create a folder with current dated within a tree as soon as particular user logs in. I was wondering if that is possible with proftpd. if not, can someone suggest how to create a script that will simply create a DIR with date and autorun itself every 24 hours? i am running Debian/Proftpd with Mysql authorization.

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Create A RPM From Netatalk 2.0.5

Jan 24, 2010

Is there someone who knows how to create a RPM from netatalk 2.0.5. Or better has a URL to a RPM? I aske this because so fare I know there are no RPM's for opensuse 11.2 (or suse). I want to use this RPM in the susestudio this is because the version in the repositories don't work with snow leopard.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Create P2P Network

May 1, 2011

my wireless card is working well .... but (11.04) is not able to create an ad-hoc (peer-to-peer) network successfully.

i have made a P2P network by (ubuntu 10.10) ... it had worked well ... and i could sharing my internet and files to other computer .

now, the problem is i'm able to create a new ad-hoc network but it doesn't listed in other computer.

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Fedora :: Cannot Create The Hamachi Network Interface

May 9, 2010

I simply cannot get this to work, has anybody managed it?

My problem is related to tuncfg I believe. I make the modification to the source of tuncfg to change ifconfig to /sbin/ifconfig. If I run hamachi start debug I get the following output:

It appears it cannot create the hamachi network interface because it doesn't appear under ifconfig.

09 23:14:39.810 [ 117] [ 3338] ipc: login
09 23:14:39.810 [ 117] [ 3338] ses: set_reconn(no)
09 23:14:39.810 [ 117] [ 3338] ses: go_online
09 23:14:39.810 [ 117] [ 3338] ses: state 1.1 -> 2.0


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OpenSUSE Network :: UMTS: Can't Create A PPP Connection

Aug 2, 2010

I tried to build a PPP connection with umtsmon, but failed. I'm using a ZTE MF110 Stick. The reaction from my provider's support was succinct: "Linux untersttzen wir nicht." (We don't support Linux.)

The hardware seems to work fine, the stick shows a green light, and I sent a test SMS via umtsmon. The umtsmon interface successfully identifies my Provider, but does not connect.

Here is part of umtsmon debug output:

UIState::setState(6 -> 6)
##P4 t=133: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount ++, now is 1
##P3 t=133: TempSerialPort::TempSerialPort()
##P5 t=133: 0x75a6c0 = Query::setSerial(0x7fffece12a00)
##P3 t=134: Serial::openDev('/dev/ttyUSB2') as FD 8 - Serial instance


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OpenSUSE Network :: Cannot Seem To Create Tun Device Using Ifconfig

Dec 13, 2010

I cannot seem to create a tun device using ifconfig, even though the module is loaded, and the node tun is present in /dev/net and appears to have correct access permissions, trying to use nstx which requires the tun device. Only thing I can think of is adding an alias, but not sure where, since there is no /etc/modprobe.conf or /etc/modules.conf in SUSE 11.3.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create A Remote (ONLY) User?

Jun 27, 2011

I want to create a user on my opensuse 11.4 computer, for the sole purpuse of using it to access network shared data (eg samba, nfs, etc). This user must be in the "Users" group, but it must NOT be able to login directly on the computer, i dont want him to show up on the GDM users list at logon, he must not be able to login to a terminal, etc.

How can i add a user like that? must he belong to a specific group?

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Server :: How To Create Samba Shared For Network

Oct 26, 2009

I am new linux like OS. I need the steps to create Samba shared and to use it in my network.

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Red Hat :: Correct Process To Create Network Names On RH?

May 27, 2010

I am playing around with RH for the first time. I have two applications which insist on using names for network ranges - so they need /etc/networks. I created one on the RH box as suggested via google but the apps still cant see the names (basically they are not reading /etc/networks). What is the correct process to create network names on RH? Basically the equivalent of solaris /etc/networks?

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Fedora Networking :: How To Create Virtual Network Adapter

Nov 11, 2010

I m facing problem in creating virtual network adpater. I want to have multiple mac address for a single NIC.

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OpenSUSE Network :: MySQL Create User/permissions?

Jan 13, 2010

MySQL gets installed with root user by default, root user can administer every mysql database installed in the system. Question is how to create a new user that will not be able to administer all the databases in the system the way as root user is? Can it be done using webmin?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create A Backup Ldap Server?

Apr 27, 2010

We have a ldap server which has been running for a couple years now, and I was told to make a fallback / backup ldap server. So should the old one fail we won't be officially screwed.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create A Personal Mail Server?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a domain name with a mud and an html page and now Im working on my own personal mail server preferably with the first email on it [URL].

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Ubuntu :: Windows Network / Cannot Create Folder On Share?

Jan 20, 2010

We have a storage server here running Windows. I have full permission to my share, blah blah, whole 9 yards. When I'm on Ubuntu and connect to it, I cannot create a folder or paste any items in "my" folder unless I put it in a sub folder.\storagejason = cannot create folders.\storagejasonstuff = can create folders.So, I come here asking the obvious question: dubya tee eff??

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Ubuntu :: Create Shortcuts To Network Shares On The Desktop?

Mar 11, 2011

I'm in a situation where we might see a few Ubuntu machines added to the fleet of systems here at work (school district). A problem that I'm facing is I would like to do a very, very simple task in Ubuntu, which is to create a shortcut share to a network resource. On Windows, you can right click - new - shortcut - \servershare, done. Then when you click on it, you have the appropriate permissions within the folder based on what permission settings exist on the actual server where the folder resides.

In Ubuntu, the closest I can get is to create these shortcut links on the left side of Nautilus in the bookmark pane. Here's the part that rages me to no end. If I log out and back in, they're ALL renamed to "smb". LOL. What. Really? I'd like to create shortcuts for several network resources. I'd like these links to either be within the Nautilus bookmark area, or within the desktop itself. Ubuntu is on the domain,

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Ubuntu Networking :: Create Wireless Network Hotspot ?

Jul 22, 2011

I connected a USB Wireless Dongle (Sapido AU-4512S) on my Ubuntu 10.04 64bit. I wanted to share my wired internet connection from my pc to my friend's laptop.

So, I did the following:

1. Installed ndiswrapper-utils, ndiswrapper-common and ndisgtk in Synaptic Package Manager.

2. Installed Windows 7 64bit driver of my USB Dongle through Wireless Network Drivers(ndisgtk)

3. Now it says, net8192su -- Hardware present: Yes

4. Created a Ad-hoc connection clicking on Network Manager > create new wireless network..

5. Edited the Name, set Security to WEP 128-bit Passphrase and entered my desired password.

6. Finally clicked Create but it says "Wireless Connection disconnected"

I'm thinking about maybe the problem is with my dongle so I checked by using the command:


which gives me information about wlan0

The next thing I did worsen the situation. I unplugged the USB dongle ang plugged it again. This time,


gives me no result anymore.


Also, the option that says "create new wireless connection" disappeared in my Network Manager Applet now.

Now I have no problem. To restore the "Create new wireless connection" in my Network Manager Applet and finally create a wifi hotspot using my wired connection from pc.



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