General :: Writing A Custom Xsession In Ubuntu That Logs Out On Process End

Aug 30, 2010

Im trying to create a custom xsession on Ubuntu 10.04 that will launch nxclient and logout automatically when it closes.

This is what I have so far


How would I go about altering this script to logout when nxclient closes? To make this more complicated, nxclient spawns a separate process (nxssh) when it logs in and closes itself.

Is it possible for a script to listen for a child process to close and then execute some commands (in this case a logout)?

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Ubuntu :: Custom .Xsession Behaviour Not Normal?

Jul 19, 2010

My problem is, when I start my custom xsession through startx I get almost ideal results; the network manager requires a password every time. But when it is run through gdm I cannot use any of the awesome3 hotkeys (and so alas, cannot actually do _anything_) although the wireless does connect automatically (?).


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Programming :: Writing A Shell Script That Logs Some Actions?

Mar 26, 2010

I need help creating a script that makes a log file in wich to save information about every user that uses the ftp command (information like username and date) and the server to wich he is trying to connect.

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Software :: Redirecting Apache/Tomcat Logs To Rsyslog Without Writing To Disk?

May 27, 2011

For internal security reasons I need to prevent ourmcat logs from writing to the webserver local disk. We set up a separate logging server with rsyslog and need to pipe the log data to it.I am trying to work out how to configure tomcat to send all log data to the logging server via the rsyslog client (running locally) via a named pipe. We are on CentOS 5.6, Tomcat 6 and rsyslog 5.8.1. I need to know: 1) do we use the default logging library or log4j2) where is this configured in the tomcat config3) is there any code that would need to be written to achieve this

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Ubuntu :: Stop An Upgrade From Over Writing A Custom Source Compilation?

Dec 13, 2010

I created a customized version of a package, and when I did an upgrade later the source build got overwritten.How can I configure the package system to stop that from happening even if the main repositories have newer versions?

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Server :: Writing Debian Init Script For Process That Has No Syslog Integration?

May 18, 2011

I have inherited ownership of a Debian server process that logs its error message to stdout/stderr. Currently its initscript has lines like:

start-stop-daemon [options] --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_ARGS < /dev/null 2>&1 | logger $LOG_OPTIONS 2> /dev/null &

I have tried to abstract as much of that away as possible. The options specify a pid file, to make a pid file. A subsequent line tries to establish whether the process is up, though I think several conditions are not checked for. This script seems pretty ropey to me. I am trying to start again with the lsb-base one in /etc/init.d/skeleton though that is going to require a lot of modification. get the code change to use the syslog API however that is out of the question at least for now.

1.) Create a named pipe
2.) Start up a logger daemon that reads from the named pipe
3.) start up the server process that writes to the named pipe

It would be ideal for this if start-stop-daemon offered options to specify where the IO of the daemon process should be redirected to. However I am not about to offer to adopt that package (with ~400 bugs) so I doubt that will happen. Trying to specify the redirection on the command line does not work. In the case of the logger daemon start-stop-daemon seems to hang on the system call. In the case of the server process the pipe gets closed when start-stop-daemon exits, so the logger daemon exits. None of that seems surprising.So what I am doing now is to write simple wrapper scripts for the server and logger processes. Both wrapper scripts have this structure:

1.) sanity check the arguments
2.) exec program [suitable redirection of IO]

Then the start-stop-daemon can call the wrapper scripts as daemons. From my experiments so far this seems to work. However I feel a bit uncomfortable with this. It introduces several new wrapper scripts.I cannot think of any obvious security holes but I suppose race conditions are inevitable.

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Ubuntu :: Kick Off A Custom Process From Screensaver In Kubuntu

May 10, 2011

I am running Kubuntu 11.04 and I use the standard "Blank Screen" screensaver. I want to start a command every time the screensaver starts and to stop it when the screensaver stops.

My idea is to copy the "Blank Screen" screensaver and add a couple of my own lines in the source code ...
but I have some trouble finding the correct files.

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General :: Exporting A Variable From Within .xsession?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm trying to export a variable from within the .xsession so it will be available to any application started afterwards.

Here is a minimial .xsession file:


export MYVAR=123
exec gnome-session

The problem is that when I start a terminal and do:


echo $MYVAR

I get an empty string, meaning it's undefined.

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General :: Creating XSession File Makes StartX Go Black

May 28, 2011

I want to put:
xmodmap -e "pointer =3 2 1"
somewhere in the startup. It seems creating an .xsession is the solution. But after I create a .xsession file in my home folder, the next time I run startx the screen just turns black. (And only for a short while can I switch to another virtual terminal, before that too becomes impossible). After deleting the file it runs OK again. I'm not using any login/desktop manager. I use IceWM on Debian Squeeze. Is there some script/import that has to be present in the .xsession file, or is something else going on? Also I'd like to know what I should do when I get a black screen. Turning off the PC is such a crude method

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General :: Removed All The Files From /home Folder.tried Recovering With Foremost.xsession Erro?

Sep 15, 2010

i am a new guy here..i unfortunately removed all my files from /home folderrm -rf ~ /. picasa / As some of the files were important i tried recovering data using foremost..i used the command foremost -i /dev/sda1 -o /mnt/foremostThen there started a was downloading something..and i left the computer for an hour or so..when i return there was nothing on i reloaded the system..And after that when i try to login i get the error"xsession: warning: unable to write to /tmp; xsession may exit with an error" when i googled for it i found its because there is no memmory in my /root i tried login via console (tried ctrl+alt+f1..after the login screen appears..when i type ctrl+alt+f1 i get a black screen)..but nothings can i login via console..can my datas be recovered.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Writing Init Script - Signals To Kill The Process (Ctrl-C) From A Bash Script And Exit Dtach (Ctrl-`)

Dec 5, 2010

I'm trying to write a init.d script to daemonise a sagemath notebook server. Here's what I've done so far, I've copied /etc/init.d/single for the structure, and tried to use dtach to provide a handle to access the process. However, my main problem is issuing the signals to kill the process (Ctrl-C) from a bash script and exit dtach (Ctrl-`)


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General :: Kills A Process Internally Or From Where It Picks File To Continue Its Process?

Jan 8, 2010

one tell me the internal working of kill command. that is how it kills a process internally or from where it picks file to continue its process.

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Ubuntu :: How To Run .Xsession In 10.04

Jun 9, 2010

I recently upgraded to 10.04, but I'll be darned if I can get GDM to run my personal .Xsession (or .xsession or .xinitrc or.Xclients...) when I log in. I don't see any option on the session menu. The only entries are window managers and "xterm". My script works when I log in from the console. don't tell me that Ubuntu (or GDM) has made things simpler by taking away the option of a .Xsession! Nah, couldn't be.

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General :: Elevate The Priority Of A Process Without Process Superuser Rights?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a high priority service that I start with sudo nice -n -10 process. This process does not need superuser rights though, except for the priority elevation. But nice requires superuser privileges to elevate priority.

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General :: How To Identify Raid Degrade Process / How To Rebuilt Process

Jun 12, 2010

send the details raid configuration how to use in linux el5 and how to indentify the raid degrade process and how to rebuilt the process.

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General :: Sending Signal From Child Process To Parent Process?

Sep 8, 2010


#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>


Description of what the code does or what i intended to do:

1. Created a child process from parent process using 'fork()'

2. Sent a signal 'SIGALRM' from child process to parent process using 'sigqueue' function.

(The Third parameter of 'siqueue' function contains the message (message msg) which the child process wants to send to the parent process.'msg' is a stucture instance containing a) pid of child and b) string) 5. Print the 'msg' sent by child process inside the signal handler function 'sig_action_function' of the parent process I am getting some junk value when this line is executed



I expected to get the pid of child process, which the child process sent to parent process through the signal.

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General :: Process Scheduler A Part Of Process Queue?

Aug 12, 2010

as we all know Process Scheduler does Process scheduling and its a process as well. I was just wondering that if this happens then the Process "Process Scheduler" should be a part of Process queue as well.

So if there are 5 process are there in Process queue & process scheduler is administrating them then since its also a process, once it puts a process under RUN state it should itself go inside queue because at one instant only one process can get executed on a processor. This is quite confusing for me. Please help me out. I tried to search on this but could not find any relevant topics.

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General :: Find The Parent Process Of A Zombie Process?

May 4, 2010

How do you find the parent process of zombie processes?

When the child process is something where the parent is not entirely obvious...

Is there some way to list processes in tree format or something?

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General :: Process Shows Multiple Process Ids(pids)?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a process running on Linux.When i do ps -eaf | grep <myProcess>, it show muliple entries for <myProcess> with different pids for each entry.Kindly tell me what could be the reason for a process having multiple pids?

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Fedora :: FC12 Logs In And Then Logs Out?

Apr 19, 2010

When I try to login as me - it gets pretty far but then something happens and automatically logs out. This happens in Gnome, Kde too. Now - I have no problem logging in a Root. Is there a way I can try to stop the login process before it kicks me out, or is there a way to look at some files to tell me what's going on?

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General :: Ran New Process After Sungrid Process Finished?

Mar 23, 2010

I want ro ran new commandy after sungrid finish his task.Exp:qsub -q bla command1; command2 command2 start only when job of command1 finished.

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General :: Save The Process And Log Out Then Log In And Continue The Process?

Nov 16, 2010

I've been running my shellscript for about half an hour now. It's taking longer than I thought to process all the data. I have the process ID of it. Is it possible to save the process and log out then log in and continue the process? I know how to pause a process using kill -pause pID and continue it using kill -cont pID. But that only work if you don't log out after pausing it.

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Ubuntu :: Stop The Xsession Reporting Errors

Apr 13, 2010

I delete the file and within about a week i am back to a "out of space error" I have tried root owning the file with no permission to write, but it still gets written, just with a number on the end

the system appears to be working fine otherwise. I could set a cron remove but that seems a bit more hacky than telling it to shut up.

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Ubuntu :: .xsession-errors Is Filling Up Fast

Feb 18, 2011

Just today I started getting notices about lack of disk space on my system. After much digging I found that .xsession-errors and .xsession-errors.old were taking nearly 70GB of space combined. The primary message I'm getting over and over again is: SSL_Write: I/O Error I have been unable to figure out what's causing this error.

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OpenSUSE :: Xrandr For Kdm Before Xsession?

Aug 4, 2009

Normally you can put your xrandr command in /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup to change resolution before login. This does not work for openSUSE. Why, where else ?

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Fedora Installation :: Erratic Install Results W/initrd - Custom Spins With Custom Drivers - Modules?

Dec 28, 2009

Just spent three whole days barking up the wrong tree, solving Fedora 11 and Fedora 12 boot failures because the correct hypothesis was illogical: installation did not update/modify the initrd.

The first couple of times I installed Fedora 11 on the HighPoint Technologies RocketRaid 2640x4, the installation inserted my "custom" driver module (rr26xx) into the initrd, permanently, so that the system booted off the controller card for which the custom driver was inserted. (I yelled about this success in this thread: [url]

My most recent installs of BOTH F11 and F12 on the RocketRaid failed to properly set up the boot. It turns out that the "rr2640" module I "slipstreamed" into the installation process was *NOT* permanently added to the initrd by anaconda. (F12 gave me "no root device found boot has failed, sleeping forever", on boot; F11 hung also, without such error, I presume, during the init script execution). Because of limited resources and time, I only know for sure the module was missing from the F11 initrd, and am ASSUMING the same was the case with F12.

The only difference between the successful installs and the ones with failed boot is that the successful installs were made on a single-drive (JBOD) mode on the controller; whereas, the failed ones were placed on RAID 5. But, AFAIK, the created logical device for the card is "/dev/sda", in both cases, and the kernel can not distinguish between the two cases (or can it?). Thus, the inconsistency cost me a lot of time, and is still inexplicable to me.

Question: What is the best way to deal with custom drivers, today? There are custom spins, and many tools, like isomaster. Stupid question: Is there a way to modify the initrd inside an installer ISO -- be it for CD/DVD/USBboot drive -- beefing the init RAM disk with whatever modules you'd like, for the boot process (using, say, isomaster)?

And what makes anaconda understand that a module must be added to the initrd ? How can one force anaconda to do so?

How does moving to dracut as the initrd tool affect any/all of the above?

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Ubuntu :: Xsession-errors - Failed To Load .compiz

May 5, 2010

I have had a few X crashes and started to suspect compiz as they usually happened when I was resizing a window or the window was wobbling.

Here is the Xsession-errors log (it's a hidden file in your home folder). It mentions:

WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported! This is an application bug!
Starting gtk-window-decorator
Unable to find a synaptics device.


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CentOS 5 :: Logs In Goes To Check The Logs And Gets "/var/log" Permission Denied

Jan 29, 2010

On our app server the logs from the Sybase Mobilink service get logged to /var/log because of that I did a chmod a+rx /var/log and all is well until.... the next day QA logs in goes to check the logs and gets:

qa@dwdb [~]$ ls /var/log
ls: /var/log: Permission denied
qa@dwdb [~]$

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Ubuntu Installation :: Pure LXDE Borked Xsession Autologin?

Nov 28, 2010

Installed 10.10 Ubuntu and found the Dell D820 did not digest Gnome that easily. I tried adding Lubuntu from repos after adding PPA. Seemed unstable to use, so I followed Psychocat direction for Pure LXDE and removed Ubuntu. Now login is giving error "xsession:unable to launc "openbox-gnome" X Session --- "openbox-gnome" not found; falling back to defaultsession." Where do I correct the xsession login to allow auto login. (I know the chances for autologin, and still choose to use it)

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Fedora Networking :: Use A Running Xsession Environment Via Ssh?

Apr 22, 2011

I'm trying to control my media center via my netbook
but when I ssh into the machine and do
Code ...

So I guess the ssh session is trying to start an x session. Obviously I don't want another session but instead use the existing x session that the machine runs anyway (and on which Rhythmbox runs)

googling I found a similar bug for f12 but no solution or fix or anything...

sorry if this is such a noob question. I've never dealt with xsessions in that way...

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