General :: When Ubuntu Starts It "sometimes" Hangs Up?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a two Ter machine, one Ter is Windows 7, the other Ter is Ubuntu 11.04. Umbuntu starts much slower then 10.04 and it hangs up at startup about 50% of time. I have to reboot to get into OS

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General :: Gentoo Starts But Hangs After Displaying Some Lines?

May 8, 2011

gentoo linux starts but hangs after displaying some lines, no error message, no panic, just stops after about 20 lines

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General :: Server Hangs At Startup To Connect To Ldap Before Network Service Starts?

Jul 6, 2010

I am using centos 5.5 x85_64 2.6.18-194.3.1.el5 The server is hanging at start up due to the follwoing error

udevd[746] nss_ldap reconnecting to LDAP server (sleeping 4 seconds)
udevd[746] failed to bind to LDAP ser er ldap:// cant contact ldap

It fails and then tries again, and again, each time increasing the sleep time. This is happening before network sercvices are started so ther is no way it can connect to ldap. anyone know a way to fix this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Hangs At Load Screen - Never Starts Up

Oct 31, 2010

Now I'm trying to run Ubuntu again. The problem started when I put Ubuntu to sleep, but instead it turned the screen black and hung without going into sleep (this is common for me). I had to cut its power, but afterwards it wouldn't boot.

I tried booting off old kernel and "recovery" ones, but that gives me an error and loads "ash" shell, which doesn't let me browse any of my files (no /home director to speak of).

I'm really at a loss. Is my only option to delete everything and reinstall? If I back-up my home directory, can I just copy/paste the contents into it once I install a new Ubuntu and have things more or less in working order?

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Fedora :: 14 Hangs Before Anaconda Starts?

Apr 1, 2011

Tried to install F14 x64 last night, and selected "install or upgrade" from the splash screen. It ran a bunch of text past me a lot faster than I could read it, and the last line (where it ceased all function) said

Code:[ 2.040098] Registered taskstats version 1. I happened to have a 32 bit dvd of the same o/s, and it provides the same error. Anyone know of any parameters that can be entered, perhaps to skip a certain type of test, or whatever it is doing here?

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Fedora Installation :: F12 64 Bit - Starts The Boot Process And Then It Hangs

Dec 28, 2009

I'm attempting to install F12 64 bit. I currently have F10 running on this system. I'd like to do a clean install. I'm using the DVD. I boot the computer with the DVD in. I choose the first option (Install or upgrade). It starts the boot process and then it hangs. [URL]

After asking at #Fedora I was given the advice to boot with `intel_iommu=off`. That gets me slightly further in the process. It gets to the point where anaconda is starting. Then all heck breaks loose. It appears the monitor loses the signal from the computer (power light turns red just like if the computer was off). The caps lock and the scroll lock lights on the keyboard blink about once a second. The DVD drive continues to spin for about a minute and then stops. Since I have no display, I have no idea what's going on.

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OpenSUSE :: KMail : Hangs, Crashes, Failed Starts?

Aug 20, 2010

I have been plagued by problems with KMail. Sometimes Akonadi server fails to start:

0: akonadiserver(_Z11akBacktracev+0x39) [0x40c5d9]


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Starts And Stops And Starts And Stops?

Feb 10, 2010

Sometime after I upgraded to ubuntu 9.10 I've been having trouble with my wireless network connection.It will usually log on to the network, then disconnect a shortly after. Then try to connect again, usually successfully, then it cuts off again. Then connects again, then disconnects. FWIW, ubuntu 9.10 works on a different machine pretty consistently, so I don't think its a problem with the router.

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General :: Xp Starts And Nothing Happens - Overcome?

Apr 6, 2010

I downloaded "debian-504-i386-netinst.iso" and burnt it to a dvd. When I boot the machine with the CD in the drive, Win Xp still starts and nothing happens. How can overcome this.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 - Screen Starts Up In Double Vision

Jan 16, 2011

I have just installed ubuntu 10.10 on a separate partition on my hardrive and when the screen starts up its in double vision and shaky. Have you had any such probs with ur installs. If so whats the cure. It clears after awhile and never had any probs with the old ubuntu OS.

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General :: KDE Hangs Afterwards Df Hangs

Oct 31, 2010

For a given user on a given networked system, starting KDE (slackware 13.1 stock) hangs during the startup. CNTL+ALT+Fx gets out, and KDE / X can be shutdown with a CNTL+C, however, afterwards doing a df hangs bash.My guess is that there is something IO oriented, as top shows a load of 9+.
There is 5% iowait according to iostat.

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General :: Script To Run When Terminal Starts?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a small script that I wish to run whenever a gnome-terminal is initialized from an x-win session (gnome). The script has been tested and is working, where does it need to be implemented?I tried emplacing the script in /etc/profile.d as '' but was unable to create the file.

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General :: Applications Starts When Logging In?

Jan 7, 2011

When i log in any time,the applications which was left open before the last time i logged in,opens autometically.I have closed all applications and rebooted my PC but i find no difference.

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Ubuntu :: Hangs At Install Screen - Then Reboots And Hangs At HP Logo

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 x64 on a HP Pavilion p6565uk.

My PC is x64 compatible, although ubuntu will not install.

I don't get to any gui, it says ubuntu will continue install in 5 seconds, at 0, nothing happens. The CPU light is flashing, but nothing happens.

After about 10 minutes, it reboots, but when the HP splash screen shows (Before the boot selection screen) it just hangs. I have to do a hard shutdown to boot back up.

I am using wubi for install.

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General :: DownThemAll Extension Randomly Starts On Its Own

Apr 26, 2011

I am using Firefox 4 on Linux with the DownThemAll extension. On random occasions DownThemAll will start on its own against my will, such as:

When I press Enter after entering a link in the address bar
When I click an entry from the address bar
When I click a link on a page

One possible solution might be to remove DownThemAll and reinstall it. However removing the extension doesn't clear any of its settings, so I am stuck.

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General :: Grub Starts With Wrong Root?

Aug 8, 2010

After deleting a ntfs partition, grub is giving me troubles. My fdisk -l gives:

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 1 3824 30716248+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda2 3825 121600 946035720 f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sda5 3825 4716 7164958+ 7 HPFS/NTFS


I have one harddrive and a DVD drive. In the bios, the harddrive is mentioned first. So (hd0,5) should point to the /dev/sda6.

BUT when I start my computer, it returns to the grub prompt. The command root gives: (hd0,6).
Why? It should be (hd0,5).

At the grub prompt I enter: root (hd0,5) and configfile /grub/grub.conf and the computer boots fine to fedora.

How can I tell grub use the correct partition?

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General :: RAID 1 With 2 Disks Starts Degraded After Reboot From 3rd

Jun 20, 2010

Basically, I installed Debian Lenny creating two RAID 1 devices on two 1 TB disks during installation. /dev/md0 for swap and /dev/md1 for "/"
I did not pay much attention, but it seemed to work fine at start - both raid devices were up early during boot, I think. After that I upgraded the system into testing which involved at least upgrading GRUB to 1.97 and compiling & installing a new 2.6.34 kernel ( udev refused to upgrade with old kernel ) Last part was a bit messy, but in the end I have it working.

Let me describe my HDDs setup: when I do "sudo fdisk -l" it gives me sda1,sda2 raid partitions on sda, sdb1,sdb2 raid partitions on sdb which are my two 1 TB drives and sdc1, sdc2, sdc5 for my 3rd 160GB drive I actually boot from ( I mean GRUB is installed there, and its chosen as boot device in BIOS ). The problem is that raid starts degraded every time ( starts with 1 out of 2 devices ). When doing " cat /proc/mdstat " I get "U_" statuses and 2nd devices is "removed" on both md devices.

I can successfully run partx -a sdb, which gives me sdb1 and sdb2 and then I readd those to raid devices using " sudo mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 ". After I read devices it syncs the disks and after about 3 hours I see fine status in mdstat. However when I reboot, it again starts with degraded array. I get a feeling that after I read the disk and sync array I need to update some configuration somewhere, I tried to " sudo mdadm --examine --scan " but its output is no different from my current /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf even after I readd the disks and sync.

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General :: High IOWait - System Starts To Slow Down

Jan 5, 2010

I've been having a problem in Ubuntu 9.10 recently where starting about 2 minutes after startup my computer slows down and becomes unresponsive. I believe the problem is associated with a high IOWait because I have the system monitor applet on my Gnome Panel and it displays 100% IOWait every time my system starts to slow down. I have tried booting into other kernel version and the problem persists. I don't really know what IOWait is or how to diagnose this problem further. I've looked around online and it seems like you have to find a specific process that is causing the IOWait, but I don't understand how to go about doing that.

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General :: Black Screen Starts When Load Ubunu 9.10

Feb 3, 2010

When i open my pc and load ubuntu 9.10 a black screen opens and i should write my user and then my password i was doing something in the terminal last time but i don't remember what how can i fix it ? i don't care if i lost data

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General :: Easiest Way To Be Notified When Someone Starts Using Wireless Network

Jun 20, 2011

what's the easiest way (in, let's say, ubuntu) to be notified when someone (besides me) starts using my wireless network ?

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General :: Restart Rhe Server Automatically Starts To Work

Mar 1, 2010

some times network disconnected automatically. if we restart rhe server it automatically starts to work. again 2 or 3 days, the same senario is happening. on this server 2 database is running, it makes lot of problem to us. what will be the problem? is any connection parameter is there? (ie i mean only 50 numbers of client connection is only allowed like.) or any problem in NIC card or NIC driver.

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General :: How To Modify Sound That Is Played When Computer Starts

Jan 30, 2010

how to modify (or get rid of) the sound (music) that is played when the computer starts ? (with ubuntu).

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General :: Syslog Format - Cleanup Code Starts

Oct 6, 2009

I am using vsyslog() function in my application to write logs to syslog. I could see the logs in /var/log/syslog as follows.

Oct 6 11:25:23 machine application [4544]: cleanup code starts

What is this number [4544] stands for?

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General :: Mplayer Just Starts Playing The Audio Stream From The Beginning?

Mar 18, 2010

I have and avi file and an ac3 file that contains an alternate audio stream. I run mplayer like: mplayer -audiofile foo.ac3 bar.avi

mplayer takes the audio stream from the ac3 file as expected, but when I try to scroll the video using arrows or pgup/pgdown keys, the audio gets desynced: mplayer just starts playing the audio stream from the beginning. Do I have to pass any additional command line arguments in order to make it scroll properly without desyncing audio?

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General :: Boot - What Are The Various Programs Or Process That Gets Executed When A Machine Starts

Aug 2, 2010

what are the programs or process that gets execututed when a linux start. ie starting from the grub (linux bootloader)

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General :: Start/stop Recording Automatically When There Is Someone Starts Talking?

Dec 24, 2010

I want to start recording when someone starts talking, and stop recording when it becomes silent. I guess if there is stream audio processing tool like ImageMagick, so I can strip away blank sections like this:

$ rec -t wav - | wavefilter -strip-blank=3sec | lame - >record1.mp3

EDIT This question is resolved by using:

$ rec -t wav - silence 1 0.1 3% -1 1.0 3% | lame - >record1.mp3

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General :: Way Can Force To Boot Into Console Mode Before It Starts Xserver?

Oct 13, 2010

During startup (suse linux old distro) LILO immediately after stratup procedure I can see login for about 1 sec and then Xserver starts. I'm unable to kill it with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace or Ctrl+F1..So the question is: is there any way I can force linux to boot into console mode before it starts xserver? (I'm unable to modify any files since I cannot reach the consol mode)?Is there any shortcut ky I need to press during boot in order to prevent GUI from starting?

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General :: Network Starts Then Drops When CLI Login Screen Appears?

May 17, 2010

I've restarted a server a couple times, and during the boot process pings respond when it brings up eth0, but then when i get to the command line login screen, the pings die. once i log in and do a ./network start the pings respond again, so i'm guessing its dying or not set to start automatically maybe? What should I check?

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General :: Terminal Command / Centos Server Starts Mysqld, Httpd And Ftpd Services At Boot Time Automatically?

Dec 27, 2010

Can anyone tell me what command can be used so that the Linux Centos Server starts mysqld, httpd and ftpd services at boot time automatically?

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 - CD Hangs While Booting?

Dec 1, 2010

I requested a Live CD from ubuntu. when it arrived i booted from it to try Ubuntu without installing. i booted from the live CD for about 5 times. now when i want to install Ubuntu it just hangs when the booting screen appears (when its written Ubuntu and 5 dots are flashing behind the word) now i dont know what is the problem, i have also tried a different CD-ROM but same result. the CD is new/ scratch less but it just wont boot. hangs up all the time. Now i dont know how to install Ubuntu. 1- i can make a bootable USB. i downloaded the ISO and made a bootable USB with Universal USB installer, set my computer to boot from removable but that too didnt work. 2- or i can write my own cd. i will do that but i just wanted to find out why the CD doesnt work after working for 5 times.

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