General :: Unable To Get Internet To Work

Sep 17, 2010

Im having trouble setting up my internet connection.I have cable internet. The laptop is connected directly to the modem (no router, no wireless).I just installed suse 10.0 from dvd onto my laptop.When I use YAST to go network devices->network card, an Ethernet card is detected.

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General :: Internet Won't Work / Make It Possible?

Jul 10, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 10.04 and my Internet wont work properly I can go on sites like Google but almost any other non Major website i cannot visit

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General :: Can Not Connect To Internet / Get It To Work?

Jul 21, 2011

Well i have broadband connection in my company and i wanted to connect my centos pc to the Internet via this can i do this and even the ifconfig command isn't working.

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General :: Unable To Connect To The Internet

Mar 21, 2010

I am unable to connect to the internet. I have Motorola Netopia DSL (NO router) and can't connect to the internet in ANY linux distro (openSUSE, fedora, slax, mandriva, simplymepis, mint, dreamlinux, ubuntu, ubuntu studio, artist linux). The only linux distro that works right away is backtrack linux 3. All other distro do not work including new back track linux 4 because in version 4 they switched to debian. My ISP is Bellsouth and they do not want to cooperate. I was told they do not support linux.

DSL shows internet and activity lights green but it does not connect.It seems to me problem is in eth0 because when I go to terminal and ifup eth0 it gives me can't assign requested address. I have dynamic DHCP and can't assign static address.I have 2 questions:

1.- How to connect to the internet?

2.- As I said above backtracklinux 3 works out of the box but doesn't have flash.How to install flash in backtrack linux 3 so I can play chess on Yahoo games and [URL]?

I run all linux distros from live CD/DVD from external DVD drive except fedora which is on C: drive.I did try to run already network devices, dsl configuration without any results If I can go to my modem thru browser address I would be able to solve the problem but I always get message can't connect to server.

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General :: Unable To Connect Internet In Red Hat

Jan 8, 2010

i am not able to connect to internet in red hat enterprise linux 5.2 but i have a connection in windows 7 and its working wid same settings..i have taken following steps:

1. neat-tui

2. entered the ip, subnet mask, gateway

3. vi /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver serveraddress
nameserver serveraddress

4. service network restart;chkconfig network on;shows every thing ok..

5. launch firefox shows the error message: address not found firefox can't find the server at [URL]

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General :: Unable To Access Internet Or Mail

Aug 3, 2010

When powering up with Linux, I get the message "THERE WAS AN ERROR CREATING THE CHILD PROCESS FOR THIS TERMINAL".I posted this on Newbies several months ago but received no replies. I hope this is the correct forum.I am using Windows XP Pro at the present.

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General :: Unable To Connect Internet - NIC Not Detected

Nov 16, 2010

I have crunchbang lite 9.04.01 installed on an old laptop and I am very pleased with it. apart from one thing, I am unable to connect to internet as it is unable to detect my NIC.

lspci can detect it, see output below:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82845 845 [Brookdale] Chipset Host Bridge (rev 04)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82845 845 [Brookdale] Chipset AGP Bridge (rev 04)


I have tryed running puppy linux live usb to see if that can detect it but none of the modules worked, this may just be a coincedence though?

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General :: Unable To Get Internet Connection On Startup

Sep 22, 2010

When I boot up my machine (running CentOS 5.5), I have no internet connection. ifconig doesn't show that eth0 is present. Going into my Network Gui from the administration tools, it says that eth0 is not active. I can't activate it from the GUI.But...If I sudo dhclient -d eth0, the process runs for a little bit, and all of the sudden my internet connection is there.

There must be some sort setting that I need to change to avoid doing this everytime I start the machine. Its odd, because I have an identical machine right next to it that doesn't have this problem.

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General :: Unable To Connect To Internet With Modem?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm an Ubuntu lucid user and i have AnyData adu 560d modem. i try to connect to the Internet using my modem, but ubuntu read it as usb, how can i using usb mode-switch to solve this problem,in otherworld i know what is the problem but i need the steps to solve this problem .

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General :: Unable To Connect Vnc Server Over Internet

Aug 5, 2011

On the server having live ip address, I have installed vnc server using:

yum install vnc-server
yum groupinstall "X Window System" "GNOME Desktop Environment"
yum install xinetd vnc-ltsp-config
/sbin/chkconfig xinetd on
/sbin/chkconfig vncts on
/sbin/service xinetd restart

On my local machine connected to internet via LAN, I have installed vnc viewer using: yum install vnc When I connect to the vnc server using vncviewer ipaddressofvncserver:1 it shows unable to connect to host. No route to host (113)

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General :: Unable To Log In Credential For Internet Through Command Line?

Jun 30, 2011

My GUI for backtrack is not working. I want to connect to internet. I gave the required static ip to my machine. but the problem is I have to give username and pasword through the browser before accessing the internet. Now here , i dont have any browserHow to give the log in credentials through command line in backtrack machine?

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General :: Unable To Connect To Internet In System / Resolve This?

Jun 10, 2011

I have installed Linux 5.6 in my home PC, i tired to use internet connection its failed to connect. Whereas i am able to work in windows XP.

In Linux:-

i am not able to ping any sites.

i am using BSNL Broadband connection.

i have enable the option DHCP (IN DNS Configuration) to obtain an IP automatically from the ISP.

/etc/resolv.conf file looks like

search localhost

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General :: Unable To Connect Internet From Client System

Jan 28, 2010

I have Cisco Switch 2960, and it has been configured with dhcp (from to 192.168.43.) and all my client connected to It. I have a modem and Its IP is, I used Fedora Linux system in between Modem and Switch , and made IP forwarding (Only one ethernet port is avaliable in Fedora Linux System), so that I can use the Internet through out the LAN. But When I try to ping modem form client system, I get an message
icmp_sep=1109 Redirect Host: (New nexthop:,
I am not able to connect Internet from my Client system.

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General :: Unable To Configure Wireless Internet Connection

Sep 8, 2010

Laptop : Dell XPS m1330 OS : RHEL5 I am not able to configure wireless internet connections.

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General :: Unable To Connect To Wired Internet Connection Using Ubuntu

Aug 26, 2010

I am unable to connect to the Internet using a wired connection. I was able to use the wired network yesterday. But I had problems with the flash player, so had to reinstall Ubuntu again. I am able to connect to Internet using wireless connection. But I need to connect to the wired connection. I am using Ubuntu 10. In my IPv4 settings, it is automatically set to DHCP, using which, I was earlier able to connect. But now it doesn't seem to be happening.

But there are other entries on the syslog that were recent.

Output of dhclient

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General :: Unable To Browse Internet On Virtualbox - Network Unreachable

Aug 16, 2009

I installed centos 5.3 x86 at vrtualbox on windows 7 x64 as host. The ping answers "network is unreachable", ifconfig has an ip "192,168,51,100". At control panel, I seleted intel PRO/1000MT Desktop Host only. Is this centos's problem?

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General :: Unable To Connect My Internet Device With Back Track 4

Feb 10, 2010

I instaled vmware and created a virtual machine which is bt4. first of all i cant creat an user password and i log on with root second when i run the command airmon-ng i cant get my device name or anything caz nothing comes up under interface or i forgot what its caled.

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General :: Unable To Connect To The Internet Despite Wireless Networks Being Detected

Aug 11, 2009

My wireless network is being detected but it refuses to connect to it. I am entering the accurate passcode and I have tried doing various commands for it to work, but it is being stubborn.

Also, it would help to know which WEP Index to use and type of Authentication.

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General :: Internet Connection - Netgear WPN111 Wireless Adapter Work With 10.10?

Dec 28, 2010

Will the Netgear WPN111 wireless adapter work with Ubuntu 10.10? If so what action is required to get connected with it running Ubuntu 10.10. The adapter works with Windows XP.

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General :: Internet Explorer Not Downloading Files From System Server / Work Around This?

Jan 27, 2010

I have a very simple php web application deployed on linux (centOS4) machine. It creates a file and stores the file in /tmp folder on my linux machine. The path for this file is specified in the href attribute of the link. Ideally when we click this link the download manager should pop up so that the file can be downloaded on client machine.
When i access this website remotely from my window xp machine on firefox it downloads the file properly but when i run on internet explorer (i have IE7 on my windows XP) and click the link, the download manager does'nt pop's up. even when i right-click that link and select save as, an error message pop's up saying "file path not found". possibly IE is not able to determine the linux file path .so how do i work around this. is there some specific way for specifying the linux file paths to be downloaded by IE?

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Ubuntu :: Won't Connect To The Internet \ Unable To Make Any Connection To The Internet?

Jun 4, 2010

After upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04, I'm not able to make any connection to the internet with either my netbook through WiFi or my computer on wired LAN. I can, however, ping my Solaris machines and Macbook. How do I fix this?

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General :: Unable To Get The Ls Command To Work Exactly

Jun 15, 2011

I am have trouble getting the ls command to work exactly how I want, for example, sometimes I want to list the contents of a directory into a text file by command:

ls directory > list.txt

(assume the only objects the directory contains are files with extension .dat eg file1.dat, file2.dat, ...)sometimes I want the relative path of the files prepended to them in my text file eg:



It feels like ls is unpredictable in this regard - sometimes it prepends the path and sometimes it doesn't and sometimes it adds both entries (with and without the path prepended into the text file)....How can better control the way ls works?

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General :: Windows XP Vmware Guest Unable To Access Certain Internet Hosts

Jan 28, 2010

I have annoying problem. My setup is the following: debian Linux, 64 bits, VMWare workstation 7 host, with Windows XP running as guest. From Firefox, or Internet Explorer, I am unable to access few sites, for example, osdir. Basically get connection timed out, on the other hand ping works to those sites. Moreover, Slashdot loads very very slow and sometimes gets horrible text-only version.

everything works fine on Linux host

I suspect it has something to do with routing on Linux, I recall having similar problem long time ago, which was fixed by setting something in /proc.

I tried setting MTU and TCP window size on Windows lower, but did not help

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General :: Unable To Access Wired Internet On Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop Edition?

Jan 18, 2011

I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 desktop edition in my system. I am unable to access wired internet services after establishing the connection.

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General :: Unable To Wireless After Loading 10.4 / Work Around It?

Mar 21, 2011

I've tried another forum to get help but I'm still unable to wireless to work on this laptop.

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General :: Locate Command - Unable To Work

Oct 5, 2010


nnjond@nnjond-den:/$ cd /media/disk/Dual_Data/
nnjond@nnjond-den:/media/disk/Dual_Data$ ls
07_Magna_DOWNLOADS 21_TEMPS Peleas.htm
08_Self-Improvement 22_Desktop Pelleas.odt


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General :: Browse Internet Via Ethernet But Unable 2 Connect Via Wifi - Install Applications

Jun 20, 2010

i'm using redhat enterprise version, i'm facinh problem in wifi. i able to browse internet via ethernet but unable 2 connect via wifi and how to install applications.

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General :: Ubuntu Lucid User And AnyData Adu 560d Modem - Unable To Connect To Internet

Jan 25, 2011

I'm an Ubuntu lucid user and i have AnyData adu 560d modem.i try to connect to the internet using my modem, but Ubuntu read it as usb tell me how can i using usb mode-switch to solve this problem,in otherworld i know what is the problem but i need the steps to solve this problem .

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General :: Unable To Reach The Internet - Light On Mobo Where The Ethernet Cable Is Plugged In Is Steady Yellow

Aug 2, 2011

I used my computer this morning, but when I returned this evening, I am unable to reach the internet. Also the light on the mobo where the ethernet cable is plugged in is steady yellow.

My limited experience would tell me it is a hardware failure, but it seems so strange with nothing happening during the day. How might I best diagnose the problem?

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General :: Make Ubuntu Work As Wireless Router / Wireless Internet Sharing

Jul 18, 2010

My PC is connected directly to the cable modem. I would like to use my PC's WiFi card to share my internet connection with my Android phone and laptop so I can avoid buying a wireless router.

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