General :: Running Ubuntu From USB Stick - Cannot Connect To Internet

Feb 9, 2010

I have been using Mepis on a dual boot computer for over a year. I want to give ubuntu a try so I made a bootable usb stick from ubuntu's live cd. Everything works as advertised even saved files and changes. I can't connect to the internet. I am connected via a 2wire modem to a linksys router thats connected to my computer through a ethernet cable. the router is for connecting my son's computer. Anyway I have no problems connecting from windows or Mepis. Whats strange is I can even connect when booting directly off the Ubuntu live CD.

When I try connect when booting from my usb stick I get a can not connect error. I am using the auto eth0 function and everything appears fine. I compared my settings from when booted from the Ubuntu live CD and they are Identical. I used network tools and I can ping my IP address but when trying to ping a web address I get the can not connect error. I am beginning to think ubuntu has my USB stick confused with a CD but not sure how to correct it. Here's some additional INFO:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1c:25:6f:b2:70
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::21c:25ff:fe6f:b270/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:162 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:62 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:104139 (104.1 KB) TX bytes:6945 (6.9 KB)
Interrupt:27 Base address:0x8000 .....

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General :: Running Ubuntu 10.04 Inside VMware Player - Windows Vista - Can't Connect To The Internet

Jun 10, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 inside VMware Player running under Windows Vista and I can't connect to the internet or the host computer from the Ubuntu.

I have set all the VMware services to manual (like VMware DHCP Service), but starting them manually doesn't help.

In VMware, the network seems to work (there is a green dot beside the network icon) and I have tried both Bridged and NAT settings.

ifconfig doesn't show the eth1 interface, unless I give it as a parameter (or use -a). I think this means that Ubuntu thinks that the network isn't connected at all.

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General :: Connect Internet Through USB Bsnl EVDO Modemprocedure/commands To Connect To Internet?

Mar 21, 2011

I have installed linux 10.10 and i want to connect internet through USB Bsnl EVDO modemprocedure/commands to connect to internet

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General :: Get Vodafone UMTS Stick K3565 Running On Ubuntu 9.10?

Aug 26, 2010

I have tried geting the Vodofone dongle to work on Ubuntu 9.10 with some difficulty, followed several web suggestions, the software appears unstable.

This is for Australia.

Is there a good set of instructions to follow that work okay.

Dose Ubuntu 10.10 work better for this.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Laptop Running Vista Can Connect To The Internet But Its Not Visible On The Network?

Feb 21, 2011

i have 3 comps(running ubuntu 10.04) and a laptop(running vista sp2). i have installed samba on all ubuntu comps. i have a printer attached to one of the comps and it has been shared also the internet connection on that comp has been shared. all the computers are connected using lan cables through an ethernet switch. i also have a wireless router which is connected to the ethernet switch.

I am able to view all the comps on the network except the laptop running vista. all the desktops are visible on the network and are able to print and share files on the network and also connect to the internet.the laptop running vista can connect to the internet but its not visible on the network and nor can it share files across the network or access the printer.all the systems have a static ip.

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Ubuntu :: Running Off A USB Stick; Very Slow?

May 28, 2010

Now that I'm on Ubuntu, I love the look of it. Navigating the OS menus is fast and programs are generally fast once they're running, but they're extremely slow when first opened (basic programs like Firefox, OpenOffice Writer, etc.). Is this because I'm running Ubuntu off of a USB stick? I don't know if I'd make the full switch if programs typically open this slow, but otherwise I love Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Running Partimage From SysRescueCD USB Stick?

Nov 18, 2010

I have a 16gb flash drive with system rescue cd installed, I boot to it and run partimage. I'm trying to image an NTFS HDD. I would like to save it to the empty space on the flash drive but I'm unable to locate it in the file manager.

It's not under /dev/sdb1 or /livemnt/boot. The entire flash drive has been partitioned to be used by sysrescueCD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: USB Stick Install Running Out Of Space

Apr 6, 2010

I'm booting my server from a USB stick. It's working fine, but the root of my file system when booted only has about 100MB left. The USB stick itself has a little over 1GB free. How can I make / take up more space on the stick?

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Debian :: Deb Squeeze Running From USB-stick

Mar 8, 2011

I want to get a running Squeeze onto a bootable USB-stick to test it, to make desirable adaptions and adoptions and only when I feel, that everything is okay, install that over my existing Deb-installation.

The DVD however offers only an "install" over an existing Linux-system, destroying that. Really hours and hours of Google aso. brought no solution to a - in my opinion - simple task.

I want to transfer the content of the DVD onto the USB-stick, make that stick bootable and THEN enable me to act like the system on the stick were my real OS, including of course making changes to the configurations. Only when I'm satisfied with the result, I then want to overwrite my existing system.

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General :: Running Ubuntu 10.10 And Wireless Internet Was Very Slow?

Jun 2, 2011

I was running Ubuntu 10.10 and my wireless Internet was very slow (~1 minute to load a website, and downloading was excruciating). I dual boot my machine with windows 7, and I have no wireless problems at all when I am running windows. I disabled IPV6 and that did not do anything.I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 hoping that this may fix the problem however my wireless internet is still very slow. When I plug my computer directly to my modem, I have no problems at all.I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to what might be making my wireless Internet so slow when I run Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get New Belkin 7050 Wifi Stick Up And Running?

Mar 12, 2010

For two days I've tried to get my new Belkin 7050 wifi stick up and running. No matter what I did nothing changed, at all. After close to 8hrs of straight trouble shooting I have made zero progress. Zero.

If you have a bunch of free time and want a project then feel free to play with this device. However if you're short on time or have work to get done just take it back to the store and get a different device.

Here's the over view of my situation :

- Ubuntu 8.04 : Device is detected. DHCP = Doesn't connect to router / get IP. Router can see device. Router has no security / password enabled.After several hours of trouble shooting Ubuntu I booted into win2k (supported by device)

- Win2k : Device is detected, official software installed. DHCP = Doesn't connect to router / get IP.

It does the exact same thing in Win2k as it does in Ubuntu. - Ubuntu 9.10 : Did a fresh install if 9.10 just to trouble shoot this problem. Symptoms are exactly the same. DHCP doesn't get an ip. There are no errors in /var/log/messages

- Ubuntu 9.10 : Blacklisted the regular drivers and did the ndiswrapper method, smooth sailing. After all is said and done it does the exact same thing. DHCP doesn't get an ip.

In all the trouble shooting I did (iwconfig, ifconfig, etc) I never received any error messages telling me that something had went wrong (besides the part where dhcp didnt get an ip).


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General :: Can't Connect To The Internet In Ubuntu 9.04

May 4, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my daughters pc which also has xp installed as a dual boot.

I am unable to access the internet via ethernet or wireless in Ubuntu however when booted into xp I am able to connect to the internet and my home network.

how to get a ethernet and/or wireless connection working while booted in Ubuntu.

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General :: Internet Not Connecting On Asus M51Sn Running Ubuntu 10?

Feb 18, 2010

My home network is has a Netcomm NB5 ADSL modem with a D-Link DI-524 wireless router (WEP encryption). While I can access the internet using the Vista partition, on the Ubuntu partition, I cannot access anything. Further investigating the problem, I have noticed that there is something wrong with the DNS on the Ubuntu partition. Pinging the IP address of a website (such as loads up, yet, when I type in the Domain Name, there is an endless wait. I have already deleted and re-entered the contents of the resolv.conf file as well as try to change the settings but to no avail.

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General :: Programmatically Connect To A Box Running Ssh From A Windows Pc?

May 11, 2010

I am writing an application that has a web service client on a Windows PC that needs to call a web service on a Linux server. In order to create the client, I need to be able to programmatically read the WSDL on the server and use it to create the client. I'm using the web tools in MyEclipse to build the client.

The Linux server is running Red Hat, I believe, with ssh enabled. I can connect from Linux to Windows with no problem, but I can't reach the Linux box from Windows. I get one of three errors when I try: no path to host, connection reset, or unknown error number, depending on the port I use. I've googled for an answer, but haven't found anything yet.Is there some way to add the Windows IP to a permission file on the Linux machine so it will be recognized when it queries for the WSDL?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Can't Get DVB-T Running USB-Stick (video_buf Not Found)

Mar 14, 2010

when trying to scan for channels w_scan says:

Checking for kernel module video_buf.. [NOT LOADED]
Loading module video_buf...
FATAL: Module video_buf not found. [ FAILED ]

I don't know what to do

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get Internet Stick To Function With LVM On Laptop?

Feb 8, 2011

How do I get internet connection through mobile broadband (internet stick Nokia CS 15) for my laptop (Fujitsu Siemens) with encrypted hard disc (LVM)? I have set up LVM using Ubuntu 10.04 Alternate install.

Earlier when I installed the ordinary desktop version (Ubuntu 10.04 desktop) using no encrypted disc the internet connection worked fine. Before I installed the software from the internet stick an image appeared (Nokia Modem) on the desktop. I dubbel clicked the image and through the files that appeared I installed the software. After that I clicked the Eject Volume and after some input I had my connection.

But now I dont get that image on my desktop when the stick is plugged in. I can imagine that I have to mount the stick some how. I can further imagine that the encrypted hard disc through its protection now stop me from this action.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use Internet On A USB Stick - Read-only

Jun 20, 2011

I am in Germany right now, and for the internet, I have given a USB Stick: mobilcom-debitel Surf-Stick, XS Stick W14. The problem is, the files on this stick all have .exe extension. I tried to use Wine to make them work, but Wine says that they are not marked as executable. So I tried to change that, but I got a message saying that the files are "read-only", and I cannot make that change.

PS. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

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General :: Won't Connect To The Internet ?

Mar 22, 2009

I bought a HP2133 mini note pc which runs on linux. I have never used it before so i'm unsure about it, but i've done the basic set up on it but it's won't connect to the internet!

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General :: Can't Connect To The Internet

Sep 3, 2010

I'm running ubuntu 10.4 on my desktop but I can't connect to the internet .I'm using mobile broadband vodafone vmc lite which is a huawei modem.The disc icon is on the screen and the auto run software is there but when I try to run it ,it says error can't find autorun and cant find media/my dischelper. period. I'm writing this on a different computer by the way.

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General :: Can't Connect To Internet

Apr 6, 2011

After being fed up of all the problems I have had with Windows, I have just installed Mandrake Linux and everything seems OK apart from the fact that I can't connect to the internet. I presume it's because I have not got the relevant driver (or have not configured it if it's there) My machine was previously running Windows and all the disks I have are for Windows.

I have looked in my manual and it says I have a K8NBP GRAND (I think that's the motherboard, you'll see that I don't really know a lot!!) The manual also says Gigabit Ethernet LAN : NVIDIA Gigabit MAC + VITESSE Gigabit PHY - Supports 10/100/1000Base- T Ethernet/Fast Ethernet/Gigabit Ethernet. When I was running Windows I just had a network cable running out of the back of the PC connected to one of the LAN sockets on my router. I am currently having to use my wife's laptop (which runs on yet another OS but at least it connects to the internet or I'd be really stuffed).

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General :: Cannot Connect O The Internet

Jul 6, 2010

I suddenly cannot connect to the internet from work and at home with my laptop. Both ethernet and wireless won't work. I still get an IP address, and can also ping it, but cannot ping other addresses. What befuddles me that it happened today at work and at home, that it worked fine at both places before, and that I just connected to the internet yesterday at an airport. I have not installed any new programs, nor have we changed our internet provider etc. My girlfriend's laptop (Windows -- gnnn) still can connect to the internet without problems.

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General :: Can't Connect To The Internet?

Mar 31, 2011

a friend of mine recently wiped my computer (windows XP) and installed Linux. The internet provider is Comcast cable. I have not ever had a problem connecting w/ windows XP but now I can't connect to the internet.I've spent hours on the phone w/ IT at Comcast and they tell me that I have connection to their modem and I also have a valid IP number. They seem to think that it could be something as simple as a setting, somewhere in the program and advised me to contact Linux for a solution. I am anxious to use Linux as my friends rave about the performance and all the 'bells & whistles' so the speak.

I have since, reinstalled windows XP (because I need to use the internet a lot, but can't get connected to the internet with it either.Again Comcast shows that I have connection to their modem and I have a valid IP address, but still can not connect to the internet. They seem to think that since all other variables remain constant except for the installing of Linux that the problem lies somewhere in that install.

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General :: Can't Connect To Internet / Why Is So?

Mar 15, 2010

I have just finished installing Fedora 10 on my machine and I have it connected to the internet via ethernet cable. The problem is it wont connect at all for some reason.

I click on the green Activate button in network configuration to see if it does anything but I keep getting this AVC denial error. I don't even understand what the problem is:

So I play around in the settings and put this SELINUX thing to permissive but the thing still pops up, so it didn't help:

The only other thing I messed around with is the DNS server; I put two DNS servers in those boxes, and I got those from the people in charge so it shouldn't be wrong.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 Can't Connect To Wireless Internet But Windows Can?

Apr 8, 2011

I have a dual boot laptop. It has both Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7 running on the same machine. Windows can connect to the wireless flawlessly, however, Ubuntu seems to be so fuzzy. The first time, it can connect to the wireless internet in the dormitory. The succeeding days, the network icon just keeps on turning as if it's trying to connect. What's wrong? Is it because of the drivers? If that's the case, then why are there times when I can connect to the wireless internet?

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Ubuntu Servers :: DHCP General - Connect To The Internet

Jan 22, 2010

I'm going to load ubuntu server to a computer just for testing and learning. There is one ethernet card on this computer that will only be used occasionally to connect to the internet. This computer will not have any computers or routers connected to it. So my question is, once installed and running, will DHCP just sit quietly and wait for a request or is it going to complain a lot that it is not finding any other computers?

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General :: Connect To Internet Via Phone (bluetooth) In Ubuntu?

Apr 21, 2010

i have got myself a couple of ubuntu 9.10 live cds.. i have booted my laptop after inserting the live cds into the dvd tray..

thus ubuntu booted from the live cd..and i was TRYING to get familiar with ubuntu (linux..)

my problem was that i couldnt connect to the internet from ubuntu.. but its a piece of cake when im using my windows 7. (duh.. )

so guys.. HOW o you connect to the internet from the ubuntu.. using:

a EDGE/GPRS enabled phone a bluetooth device??

i have tried many things.. and have visited many pages but i dont really understand what to do...

how do you set up the connection and then how to connect to the internet from the PHONE(using it as the modem via bluetooth).....

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General :: Can't Connect To Internet Using Wireless On Ubuntu 10.10 Despite Having A Connection

Dec 24, 2010

I would like some help setting up using a wireless connection. I can connect using wired connection, and I have no trouble browsing. I have a strong wireless connection as well; however, when I try to browse I get a server not found error. I did download the necessary drivers. Before that, I didn't have a wireless connection. I was able to connect on this pc before the install, and all other devices still connect using wireless. I have a linksys router.

The one thing that stands out at me is the ip address that it says the wireless connection is using. It says it is
I feel like that might be problematic because I'm pretty sure my router only accepts connections with values that are between and

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General :: Connect Wired Broadband Internet With Ip In 'ubuntu'?

Jul 18, 2010

How to connect wired broadband internet with ip in Linux 'ubuntu'

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Software :: Gnokii And Nokia CS-15 Internet Stick ?

Jul 27, 2011

I just thought about to buy a Nokia CS-15 Stick to be able to send and receive sms. But now I was wondering, if Gnokii is able to handle that Stick?

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Software :: Get Nokia Internet Stick CS-15 Working?

Nov 2, 2009

I can't get working Nokia Stick CS 15- GNU, stick is blinking blue but I can't get /dev/ttyACM0 from the drop down list and Internet dosn't work?

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