General :: Result Of Type Command Is Hashed And Shows Another Path In Brackets?
May 30, 2011
I came across this reult of the type command (hashed) in another post. (see below).
fraespappp8:/data/apps > type is hashed (/data/apps/pnbgstk/publication/
This (result = hashed) is new to me.
#!/bin/shLOOK_FOR="NTLMAuthenticationFilter"for i in `find ./ -name "*jar"`doecho "Looking in $i ..."grepjar -e $LOOK_FOR $idoneI wrote the script above, and try to find if there any file name LOOK_FOR exist in those jar,my quest is: grepjar -e $LOOK_FOR $ihere how can I check if there are any successful result , and output them ?
Every time I need to find a file and then open it, I have to use : find ./ -name **.properties. , then copy the result, and then vi "paste the result here" . If I need to use a mouse, it can be a little trouble. So is there any better way to do this?
So I am trying to put together a simple command that when executed from the project folder will run the appropriate hg/svn command in each project i.e:
Since the client has many such projects, Instead I am looking for a solution similar to find -exec where the svn/hg commands are automatically executed on each first level of match (i.e. svn up is run in the project/a folder but not in project/a/subfolder). How can such a command be constructed ?.
I have the following commande /sbin/fuser -f -u /u/DT01/F010107 1>/tmp/null 2>/tmp/seausr.T0069 when executing as root 'su' this give me all user using the file. but when tried with 'sudo' i am asked with 'user password'. Is ther anyway to simply get the result without having to supply a password and to see all user not only me. (i have the file open also).
i format and reinstall centos after that i create one sambha share and valid users restart smb service but i am unable to access it from windows pc shows network path not found any other service need to start
In the file /var/log/kern.log, I see kernel logs in the following format, Oct 6 11:18:30 machine kernel: [212.443755] Some logs... What are the numbers in the bracket [212.443755] stands for?
I have never posted here because i never cared to read the rules or understanding how the forum actually works. That being said, before 10.04 there was a button on nautilus that let you change the path buttons for a text box so you could type the path you wanted to go. Now that it has been removed how can i get it back? I know you can use control L to get a text box but pressing control L again does not return the buttons.
I accidentally type mv command wrong.actually it supposed to be mv SNAP-20101215* dec10/week3_dec10/but i type the below insteadmv SNAP-20101215* dec10/week3_dec2010/Note: there is a folder name "dec10/week3_dec10/"but there is no folder name "dec10/week3_dec2010/"as a result of it, instead of having those files under dec10/week3_dec10 but it merge those files into one file name "week3_dec2010" , is there any way to change it back to orginal files?
I'm upgrading my machines UDTE-64 from 9.10 to 10.4LTS. 9.10 is working fine. I just want to upgrade to a current LTS release.Update manager showed the way on one desktop and I upgraded successfully.On another desktop and a laptop, update manager does not show that a new release is available. It's fair game to tell me to use the live cd so long as I preserve user data.
i use linux ubuntu..i try to copy db and type some mysqldump command..but at terminal show: The program 'mysqldump' can be found in the following packages:
* mysql-client-5.0 * mysql-client-5.1
Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package> bash: mysqldump: command not found
how to get mysqldump for my pc? i've tried to follow the instruction,but show like below:
Err jaunty/main libnet-daemon-perl 0.43-1 Could not connect to (, connection timed out
I logged into my Red Hat Enterprise Linux machine at work (use it for software development) and the primary GUI does not load. Instead, widgets appeared for xclock, xterm, and Firefox. In the terminal, I start typing in commands to try to figure out what's going on, but all commands are not found except pwd and echo. I 'echo $PATH' and that returns just an empty, blank line. 'echo $SHELL' lets me know I'm using cash.
The likely cause was my attempt to install Adobe Reader Firefox plugin yesterday. After it downloaded, I ran the binary but Firefox didn't seem to recognize that I had installed it, so I went into my .cshrc file and added the adobe folder to the path. That didn't seem to work, so I gave up, deleted the binary and the folder I installed to, and removed that directory from the path in the .cshrc file. This last thing (the export PATH line in that file) I'm certain is back exactly as it was before.
I have successfully added the /bin and /usr/bin back to the path from command line via setenv PATH /usr/bin:/bin but of course it doesn't stick after reboot nor does it magically load the primary GUI. I'd rather not go through the effort of creating a ticket for our company's Global Service Desk cuz there's no telling how long that could take to resolve. In the meantime, I can't do any programming.
I am looking out for a command which can give me the list of applications installed and the corresponding install paths for those.let me know if there is any such command. Also, i am using rpm command to get the list of packages installed(i am assuming that this shows the list of applications installed).
I am using CentOS5.5 & everytime it is showing command not found. If I export the path as below it will be working fine until a reboot. Again same error i.e command not found if I open new terminal. Every time I am exporting as below:
How can I set these permanently as that the paths should automatically be exported for everyone user whenever the system boots. And command completion also should happen for eg. #fdi (press tab), then it should show available options such as fdisk, etc.
I need to extract the absolute directory from the type command when I pass it a program name. E.g.
>type cat cat is hashed (/bin/cat)
There is one other case (I believe):
>type lpr lpr is /usr/bin/lpr
I thought of using regex, but it returns the whole line, not just the match. In addition, there is no option cited in the man page for type that returns just the command directory.
Note: this is part of my solution to a programming assignment in bash shell scripting.
I am having problems with symbolic links and the $PATH variable.I have a directory:# /usr/rulerX/squarewhere /usr/rulerX/square is a symbolic link such that:
# ls -la square --> square.hg.current My path variable is set as:
I am total new to linux as I worked mostly on RTOS (symbian). My problem is, I need to find the file IOSTREAM.H and I am following commands below: 1) cd / 2) find . iostream.h ( finds the file / directory from the current path) It shows No such File or Directory
After saving above changes, I enter the command: source ~/.bashrc Now if I do echo $PATH, the path shows both the old PLAY_HOME and new PLAY_HOME. This is really bad and messes up a lot of things in my project. This problem only goes away if I logout or reboot, a rather very long process. What is happening is that the old path is added to new path element and the old path includes the old path element you want to remove.
I'm trying to create a program that would locate the oldest file of a certain type on a server. Here's the commands:
OLDEST_PATH=`find -L / -depth -maxdepth 6 -mindepth 6 -type d | sort -f | head -1` OLDEST_FILE=`find -L $OLDEST_PATH | grep .mp3 | sort -f | head -1` ls -al $OLDEST_FILE
I'm writing this all in expect but I'm having problems. The main problem I have is whenever I try to run the first command, I can't seem to isolate the result of the OLDEST_PATH so that the 2nd command will work. There always seems to be a newline in the variable and the result is only "find -L" command running and it bypasses the variable. If I can just figure out how to get the 1st and 2nd command to work, then I can figure out the 3rd. Here's some code:
I know there is a better way to write this. I've tried multiple ways and this just happens to be the last way I've tried it. If you try running this, you'll notice that there is still carriage returns after the result of OLDEST_PATH and it prevents the 2nd "find" command from working properly.
Is there a command to know " From where a specific RPM package was downloaded & installed ( The full HTTP/FTP path ) " ? For example, if I had previously installed Firefox from here [URL] is there a specific rpm query, or any other place, from where I can get the full ftp path back.
What I am looking for is a dashboard type plugin for Rhythmbox which will show on the main screen ...then (because of the small size) I can use VNC on my Android Phone to see what is playing and to change songs etc.