General :: Multi Partition USB Key - Unable To Format Partitions / Sort It?

Feb 1, 2011

I am trying to create a multi-partition USB key to use to kick multiple OS's whenever I need (1 NTFS partition for Windows image and data storage, one ext3 for boot, another ext3 for Linux distros iso storage and the last one as a Fedora live usb with permanent storage).

I am using a Kingston Data Traveler G2 16GB usb key and I have absolutely no problem to create the partitions and all looks fine. The problem I encounter is that although I can format the 1st partition on the usd key to any fs I want, I am unable to do the same on the other partitions. I tried fdisk+mkfs.XXX (ext2, ext3, fat, vfat, ntfs) and gparted, and no luck.

mkfs.XXX gives me no errors when I run it but when I try to mount the partition in Fedora 14 the OS is unable detect the fs. Gparted allows me to format the fs, gives no errors, shows a format successful message, but when it re-scans the device the fs appears as unknown.

I know it is possible to do this as I had a DataTraveler 101 16GB and it was working fine until I lost it.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Format, Partitions Busy

Apr 23, 2011

I'm trying to format my main HDD and when I go to click format it says unable to format it says "Unable to format, device busy" I click details and it says "One or more partitions are busy on /dev/sda" I tried rebooting several times and no luck.

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Hardware :: Unable To Mount Main System Jfs Partition / Sort It?

Jan 14, 2011

I Am Having Problem With My JFS Partition On Which Ubuntu Is Installed. It Is Not Mounting. The Bootscreen Says There Is Serious Problem With Mounting The Partition And It Does Not Load Linux. I Tried jfs_fsck -p and -a But With No Success. I Also Tried Checking For Errors Using GParted.
The Logscreen Said logredo failed and unrecoverable error reading M from /dev/sda5/ CANNOT CONTINUE. Is There Any Way I Can Repair This Or Atleast Get My Data Back?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Format Partition In 8.04 LTS?

May 11, 2010

I have a Dell mini 9 with a 16GB SSD. At one time I had Hackintoshed it to run OS X. Went back to original OS(Ubuntu 8.04 LTS). Had some issues installing 8.04, apparently MBR was lost, or corrupted, so had to re-install grub and was able to complete the install. The issue is under partition ed. it shows dev/sda1 flagged as boot, with a yellow triangle, file system unknown, size 23.5 MB. When you double click the partition it shows status as unmounted, reason 1. file system damaged, 2. file system unknown to gparted, 3. no file system available (unformated). So I decided to try to formate the partition with ext2, or ext3 it fails with no detailed info. as to why it has failed. There is also no swap partition showing up? why this partition seems to be untouchable? When you right click the partition the options are delete, format, and manage flags. I am afraid to delete partition as this is flagged with boot, and cannot format.

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Debian :: Unable To Create A New Partition Table And Format?

Apr 6, 2010

I have an unallocated space at the end of my hdd, which is about 10 gb. I installed Pardus on that space, but then deleted the partition to install something else (I know I did not have to delete it, I could simply install the new thing over it), i dont remember exactly how, but it was from my Debian System, not from a LiveCD.Now, I am unable to use that space. GParted gives an error and says:Warning: the kernel failed to re-read the partition tableon /dev/sda (Device or resource nusy). As a result, it may not reflect all of your changes until after reboot.

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General :: Format HDD And Make 2 Partitions (20gb And 60gb)?

Dec 4, 2010

I have windows XP now with 3 partitions (5gb *containing XP*, 35gb and 40gb). i have backed up my data and now want to install Ubuntu only (no XP). i also want to format my HDD and make 2 partitions (20gb and 60gb). My idea of doing this is that i will delete my 35gb and 40gb partition and then while installing Ubuntu i will be prompted about using the unallocated space and i will install Ubuntu on it and then delete the 5gb partition using GParted once Ubuntu is installed.

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General :: Best Way To Do A Multi-partition OS?

Dec 29, 2010

I-ve just bought a new hard disk and i wonder what is the best way to do a multi-partition

So my set of drives is:
120Gb - sata
1Tb - sata2
I was thinking to do like this:
1st partition - Slackware Main OS
2nd partition - Arch Linux
3rd partition - /home
4rd partition - swap
5th partition - wind0ws Gaming only

the 120Gb hard drive i intend to do a /home2 for movies, etc. Is that order above the best or i could make swap as 2nd partition

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General :: Format Master LUKS Partition With/without Damaging Other Partition?

May 11, 2010

I need to change my LUKS partition to NTFS as I do not need the boot partition any longer, but I need to keep sdb3 (truecrypted ext3) intact. This is how the disk looks now:


Disk /dev/sdb: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Programming :: PHP - Sort Multi Dimensional Array

Apr 30, 2010

I have a multi-dimensional array like so:

Array (
[0] => Array (
[0] => Eleven
[1] => NumberEleven
[2] => 11 )
[1] => Array (
[0] => Twelve
[1] => NumberTwelve
[2] => 12 )
[2] => Array (
[0] => AnotherEleven
[1] => Eleven,Again
[2] => 11 )

I need to sort it by array[ $key ][ 2 ] so that it is sorted like so:
Array (
[0] => Array (
[0] => Eleven
[1] => NumberEleven
[2] => 11 )
[1] => Array (
[0] => AnotherEleven
[1] => Eleven,Again
[2] => 11 )
[2] => Array (
[0] => Twelve
[1] => NumberTwelve
[2] => 12 )

I've looked at the php array docs the closet thing I found was array_multisort which won't work for my above requirements, does anyone have any insight to how to sort this way?

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General :: Mounting A Multi-partition Disk Image?

Nov 16, 2010

I downloaded an raw SD card image that has two partitions. It caused some file system errors when I tried to dd it directly into an SD card. I am not sure if the card is defective or the image. Is there a way to examine this image without writing it to a physical card? Like trying to mount the partitions separately or checking the tables?

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General :: Ubuntu - How To Remove A Partition A Multi-boot Machine

Jun 11, 2011

I have 4 OSes installed:

Windows XP on sda1
Backtrack on sda5-6
Ubuntu 11.04 on sda7-8
Ubuntu 10.10 on sda9-10

I want to remove Ubuntu 11.04 (partitions sda7-8). I tried using GParted from Ubuntu 10.10, but it says that I have to unmount logical partitions with a number higher than the one being removed.

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Programming :: Access To Multi-Partitions Disk Image

Jan 30, 2010

I have a 2GB file which is a dd image of a block device. The block device (a USB-connected flash memory) contains multiple partitions, and therein lies the problem. I want/need to access the various partitions in the image file, but need to do this without actually using a physical flash memory device. If the image was that of a single partition, I could simply mount it on a loop device, and access the filesystem as necessary. However, I can find no kind of virtual block device upon which to write/mount the image.

I've searched the net exhaustively for anything that would seem to allow me to do what I need, but without even a sniff of success. Sadly, I have seen bits of information that suggest "you can't get there from here". Even the outstanding dd tutorial by AwesomeMachine on LQ didn't help. Anyone know of a kind of virtual block device on which a multi-partition image can be written and mounted? Or any other way I can access individual partitions (with various filesystem types on each) and then re-assemble them back to a single image?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Multi Media Restricted Format Installation For 11.3

Nov 1, 2010

After having followed the guide in the link below

Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide

I tried to reproduce MP3 files on video like .AVI or MP4 and everything was fine.Every program and library seems that has been installed correctly.

But when I checked , following the instructions in the link, I found different results. I can understand that the guide has been written a long time ago and some packages are not available anymore in the repository, but I think there are too many differences.

This is what I got:


And I got the following list

Another differerence that I have noticed is: when I was listening a MP3 file using Amarok the music was quite clear and loud, but when I reproduce a MP4 or MP3 video file using VLC I could bearily hear something and the volume was at its maximum. How can it be ?

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Ubuntu :: GParted Disk Format To Use For Multi Platform Network Drive

Aug 7, 2010

I am pretty new to Ubuntu and am practicing on an old desktop as a file print and domain controller for a work from home business while I build and configure a Linux server. My question is as follows: I have a laptop running windows 7, my wife has a MacPro running Snow Leopard, the kids have desk top running Ubuntu 10.04, I have a 500GB additional disk in the spare desktop which I want to use as a netork drive that will:

1) Win 7 backup location from the Laptop
2) Store backups of large photoshop files and other graphicsy type stuff from my wifes macpro.
3) Act as a shared directory for all of us
4) Store large multimedia files, mpegs etc

What is the best disk partition format - Am I restricted to NTFS due to the requirements to store Win 7 Backup files Secondly can anyone point me in the direction of a URL for getting the Samba permissions sorted for Windows 7, The kids PC dual boots Win XP and Ubuntu 10.04 Win XP is no problem to network but in Win 7 I can see all the shares in the network map but I always get permission errors both from the Ubuntu PC and Win 7 laptop. Most of the help files and manuals deal with 98/Me/XP and not windows vista / 7 that I can find.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Multi Distros To Choose Best For Server: What Partitions

Jan 22, 2011

i decided to build a home server on an AMD64 (buyed some years ago) for file storage, printer sharing and something else... I've searched a lot for "the best distros for server" and discarding extreme solution (like command line only) what remains is: Ubuntu, Fedora and Debian

Now the problem: how to install more than one distros on the same hdd? what i know is that i need a bootloader (grub/lilo) and partitions for boot,swap, and remaining space will be split for the distro itself.

I think is a good idea to have a partition only for files (/data) that all distros can access, but for sure i'd like to have one /root and one /home partitions each distro!

I can't understand if the correct way is first of all to install a distro (let's say ubuntu), then set up everything such as partitions and bootloader and then install other distros. I'd like to know if it is possible to manage dinamycally the space reserved for distros, so i'll be able to install 2,3,4,5...distros with no problems.

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General :: Windows - Deleting A Partition Also Removes Two Other / Sort It?

Aug 4, 2011

I have a hard drive with the following layout:

I want to delete the first two partitions (a 243 MB Linux swap partition and a 5.87 GB root partition). Problem is, every time I deleted them, Windows would also delete Drive G: and H:, leaving only drive F: intact. Deleting the two Linux partitions using GParted from a Live CD also gave the same result. I've attempted this multiple times now and, after each attempt, TestDisk always managed to recover all the deleted partitions.

Any ideas on how to delete these two partitions without affecting the rest?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitions On Multi-boot--primary Versus Extended?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm setting up my laptop to dual boot (default Vista installation and Ubuntu). There's also a possibility I may add XP later as a triple boot.

My laptop came with two partitions already, the second one labelled "Recovery". I was planning on adding three partitions, one for the Ubuntu installation, one for Swap, and one for storing my files (accessible to both OSs). However, this would be five partitions (or six, if I add XP later).

I've never had to deal with this many partitions before and just learned about the maximum of four primary partitions.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Format For Server & RAID Setup For Multi Platform Read/write/access?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm looking to set up a server with attached mass storage device and tape autoloader to run linux. It's set up under Windows at the moment. Goal is to have users, connecting from individual workstations and laptops, backup their data to the linux server. On their personal machine, some users run linux, some MacOS, some Windows. I plan to set up the 5 500 GB drives as RAID5. I understand that if setting up as software raid the format is "physical volume for RAID". Under this setup, will Windows users be able to read/write and function as expected? I can't assume only linux user access.

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Debian :: How To Install Clonezilla And Mount Multi-partitions Cloned Image Disk

May 15, 2010

Simple question, which implies lot of complexity, unfortunately : how to install Clonezilla and mount multi-partitions cloned image disk under DEBIAN ?

Wishing that one day Linux would be so easy and complete as Windows. But we are gaining more users, so Linux will have more apps

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General :: Safe To Format Extended Partition?

Aug 6, 2010

My new Debian box is running well and stable enough for me to decide to swipe out WindowsXP altogether. I have a 40GB HDD, which has the following partition scheme (after Windows was removed and hda1 was converted to Linux native type)

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/hda1 * 1 1762 13313159+ 83 Linux
/dev/hda2 1762 5168 25756889 f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/hda5 1762 3985 16813408+ b W95 FAT32
/dev/hda6 * 3986 5018 7809448+ 83 Linux
/dev/hda7 5019 5168 1133968+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris

As you can see, my Linux is in the 2nd logical partition hda6 which contained in the extended hda2. The 1st logical partion hda5 is the one I want to erase the data and convert to Linux filesystem in order to have more space. (Yes I can mount it ntfs-3g and use it without any problem, but I just want to say farewell to as many things Microsoft as possible) . What I'm worried about is whether it's safe to do that, without damaging the extented partition which contains the root file system for Debian.

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Software :: Not Able To Play Vcd Format In My Vlc Player / Sort It?

Oct 10, 2009

I'm not able to play the vcd format in my vlc player , it just hangs when i do so . Is there anything that i need to add like more plugins or codecs. Sorry if the info is less , this is only way I can explain from my limited knowledge

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General :: Filesystems - Format Does A Partition Have To Be In Order To Boot Off Of It?

Sep 19, 2011

I am using disk utility to partition an external hard disk. My intention is to boot linux off of the partition. However, I am unsure of which format to make the partition. Disk Utility in OS X only allows Mac OS X Journaled, Mac OS X, FAT, exFAT, and free space. Which one should I use?

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General :: Clonezilla Skipping Partitions In LVM Partition?

May 24, 2011

I'm trying to backup a drive with an LVM2 partition. 8 of the 10 partitions in the LVM restore fine, two do not. SDA1 is the boot partition, SDA2 is an LVM2 partition with 10 partitions inside of it. When I restore the image created by Clonezilla the partition names are there but two of the partitions are unreadable and unmountable. I'm certain Clonezilla is skipping these two partitions because its entire image is around 40G and when I TGZ these two partitions I get an 80GB file. Clonezilla doesn't appear to give any errors and as it "winds up" it shows that it's unmounting the LVM partitions and I see my missing two in its list but when Clonezilla makes the image it never mentions the two I (really) want. I'm trying Clonezilla's DD method right now but it appears to be DDing each partition (going through the LVMs right now).

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General :: System Call (not Bash Command) To Format Partition?

Feb 18, 2011

I'm working on Linux OS (Suse/redhat) and trying to format a linux partition from a c program. Is there a way to do this without using : 'system ("mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdxy")'

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Install Multi-Disc Game - Unable To Eject CD-RW / DVD RW Drive DBus Error

Apr 22, 2010

I'm trying to install The Sims 2 (which I'm aware currently does not run properly in wine anyway), using the multi-CD version. The installation goes normally, up until it comes time to switch from disc 1 to disc 2. The installer prompts me to insert disc 2, but it seems that Ubuntu still believes that the installer doesn't want me to open the drive, because, when I try to open it, it doesn't open, and a window pops up with the following message: Unable to eject CD-RW/DVD RW Drive DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending

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General :: Unable To Detect Sata Dvd Drive In My Fedora Box / Sort This?

Mar 18, 2009

Recently i upgraded my dvd writer from pata to sata, now i install LG sata dvd writer into my system, now my problem is that its unable to detect in my fedora 8 box , but i can successfully boot fedora 8 from this dvd writer.i have a kernel version 2.6.23. solution for this.

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General :: Unable To Play Mp3 - Mp4 File In Rhel 6.0 Beta / Sort It?

Dec 1, 2010

I can't play mp3 from Rhythmbox music player, it says MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder plugin required, and also I can't play mp4 from movie player it says h.264 decoder and MPEG-4 AAC decoder plugin required. what a joke!!! can you imagine for a newbie and for the first time like me use linux operating system find something like that.

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General :: Unable To Select A Higher Screen Resolution / Sort It?

May 21, 2011

I have done a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04 on my oem intel machine.After the installation,the screen resolution is stuck at 800x600.I am unable to select a higher screen resolution.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Format Partitions / What To Do?

Apr 10, 2010

I have a pretty weird problem, which is that I can't format any partitions anymore.

It started when my laptop suddenly froze and I killed it (I just ran FF, IRC client, Kopete, ... and I think the last thing I did was plugging in a USB drive). When I wanted to boot the machine again it gave me a lot of errors that the root and the home partitions are both corrupted.

Repairing the system with the DVD didn't help at all and finally I removed all the partitions to reinstall the whole system.

During the installation it can create the partitions, but it can't format them with ext4.

I tried to format the partitions with a live CD and YaST Partioner and the same problem showed up code...

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CentOS 5 :: Reinstall OS Without Format All Partitions

Aug 23, 2011

How do I reinstall cent OS 5.2 without formatting the partitions? for example: I've create several partitions (create custom layout) and OS is installed completed. But I have some application need to reinstall at "clean" OS. If I delete and create same partitions again it take long time to format the partitions. How do I just reinstall OS without formatting those partitions?

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