General :: Install Software To Knoppix 6.1 From DVD Or CD Rom

Aug 7, 2010

I have installed Knoppix 6.1 on a memory stick and run it on my laptop. Everything works well, Internet, e-mail and so on. I have a DVD with Linux program on and I been trying to install them but no success. (No .exe files here). It appears the program on the DVD comes in different formats ( different file extensions). Can someone tell me how to install programs on Knoppix 6.1

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General :: Knoppix 6.0.1 Installation With Existing Vista Install?

Dec 6, 2009

System: Lenovo R61i, that had Ubunta installed, removed and Vista Home Pre. installed. Plenty of hardware power. Want to install a Knoppix 6.0.1 from an existing CD I have. I want to be able to run both systems on the laptop (dual boot)? I have partitioned the hard drive using vista, so there is now a partition that I believe is Lenovo rescue, the main large C space, and the new partition about 6.4 gb that vista shrank out that is not assigned. When I try to install the Knoppix it just keeps loading in and ends up running live off the CD without installing to the hard drive.

I have stopped the loading sequence in different places, but don't know what to enter or where. I also wanted to install it onto my 64 gb flash drive that has nothing installed but comes up showing that it is fat 32. I have tried to install to the flash drive from the live running Knoppix under install to usb drive, it finds the drive, I select it, and the next window says there is no such file. So, that's my story and I'm stickin to it. All I want to do is get this system onto the laptop or flash so I don't ever have to deal with Microsoft Windows again!

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General :: Authentication Is Required To Install Software Packages For Knoppix

Jul 24, 2011

I have had some help with root password su and sudo su, but I can not find the correct password to install or remove programs. I keep getting the same message ' Authenticate' Authentication is required to install software packages. An application is attempting to perform an action that requires privileges.Authentication is required to perform this action.Then it asks for a password, I've tried enter, seacats, knoppix, user, and my root password. None of these work I seem to be a second user and not the owner.

My Linux language is very low, but I am learning, right now in order to find or try to install software I go through the startup menu> preferences> software center. Is there another way to find and install software that doesn't require and authentication password? If so where do I find out the steps to do this? Hands on is always the best teacher.

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Programming :: (KNOPPIX) Running Other Scripts From

Jun 9, 2011

Every time I try to run another script from my file, it pops up and says permission denied. I've also tried running the scripts manually after stopping the script yet it still gives the same error.

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General :: Where To Get 64bit Version Of Knoppix

Jan 7, 2010

Does anyone know where I can get, or have available for download, a 64-bit version of the Knoppix distro?

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General :: Knoppix Sees Hda Instead Of Sda- Can't Recover?

May 23, 2011

I thought I knew my way around a little, but apparently mounting is still a complete mystery to me. I'm trying to back up my data with Knoppix since Ubuntu won't start up. something weird is happening with the keyboard and it starts spamming ^[[26~ across the splash screen. When I try to read my hard drive, Knoppix tells me "mount: wrong fstype, bad option, bad superblock." It seems like it should be a pretty common error, but I haven't found any anything helpful and understandable that doesn't involve rebooting (won't get me anywhere with Knoppix). I think it has something to do with Knoppix insisting my drive is hda instead of sda, though I have read that Ubuntu likes to tell you hda is sda anyway. Knoppix is the only distro that has worked on a live boot so far.I've thought of trying dd, dd rescue, or just cp onto my external, but I don't know if Knoppix's hda business will make a working backup. The other computers around are all Windows with no extra space, so I don't know what the easiest and safest way is to test wether the back up worked.

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General :: Multiple LUN Support In Knoppix 6?

Mar 6, 2010

I was trying to troubleshoot a problematic server. The server, which runs on CentOS 4.x, is attached to Hardware RAID / disk array. Since the OS partition is having issues, I plan to troubleshoot the server by booting up with Knoppix 6 in "knoppix 2" / text mode. Everything went fine except, I'm not able to see all volumes available on the disk array. Only the first volume is presented.

Based on this, I'm suspecting Knoppix 6 kernel is not supporting Multiple LUN by default, based on a few Google search. Tried kernel parameters such as "max_luns=128" and "max_scsi_luns=128" at boot prompt but no luck. how can I enable Multiple LUN support during boot time or right after boot time?

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General :: How To Burn Files To Cd While Running Knoppix

Feb 15, 2010

I can't open the cd drive because Knoppix is using it. Is there a way round this?

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General :: Change Sleep Time In Knoppix?

Nov 11, 2010

I want to transfer files from one comp to another. Its a few hundred gigs. Since the pc crashed i am using knoppix to access the drive and sharing over samba.

I'm using robocopy to copy the files. But i have a small problem with sleep. Every 30mins or maybe an hour knoppix goes to sleep and my transfer stops. How do i change the time or disable it completely? so i dont have to tap a key every 30mins

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General :: Autostart Vnc Server On Knoppix Distro?

Mar 12, 2011

how can I autostart vnc server on my knoppix distro ?

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General :: Mounting Hard Drive In Knoppix ?

May 29, 2011

I have been running a computer under Windows XP for years, and recently it stopped booting unexpectedly. It tries to load windows, but partway though loading a BSOD flashes and it shuts down. To remedy this and hopefully fix this, my frined lent me some Knoppix CDs that I could boot from. He also lent me some external hard drives. I want to be able to access my files on my old hard drive.

Here's the problem: (in Knoppix 6) When I try to mount my main partition of my hard drive, which shows as sda2 (sda1 is an old recovery partition left over from when I ran vista), the following message pops up: "A job is pending on dev/sda2" A little later another error window pops up: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." I want to be able to mount my hard drive in Knoppix 6.

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General :: Connect External Speakers In Knoppix 6.2?

Aug 7, 2010

I used mini-jackstick. I turned my speakers on, but still it just plays it with the internal speakers.

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General :: Installed Knoppix 6.2 / 6.4 On HD - User Password?

Jan 28, 2011

I have installed Knoppix 6.2/6.4, on the whole hard drive, when I want to change, e.g. my location from America to UK. I am being asked for a user password. On install there were no menus to put these passwords, unlike Ubuntu, which I am using at the moment, in and location etc. Once installed there is the Knoppix menu to add a root password, no problem, but when I put the root password in, on user password ,it wont accept this.

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General :: Installing Flash Player On Knoppix 6.0

Aug 14, 2009

i have recently gotten the Knoppix 6.0, and have installed it on my usb flash drive. finally i can browse the internet again on that laptop, but alas, i can't watch any videos because flash player isnt installed yet. i tried to install it by myself and followed adobe's instructions but i just dont get why it won't install. here are my questions:

1. in the adobe instructions, it is said that i need to unpackage the files. and when i unpackage it, a new directory/folder is supposed to appear. but why does it always unpackage on the desktop? no folders are created when i unpackage it.

2. it is said that i need to navigate to the newly created directory and type a command. how am i supposed to navigate to a non-existent directory, huh? and how do you even navigate to certain directory? i typed help in the terminal (i'm using LXTerminal by the way) to look for a hint but i saw nothing there. so, how do you "navigate" using the terminal?

I really need to install the flash player. I've also tried using the Install components in start > system tools > install components and selected the 'flashplugin-nonfree: Flash support for your browser' but when i clicked install, nothing happens.

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General :: Installing Knoppix On Hard Disk?

Sep 18, 2010

I want to install knoppix on my hard disk of my netbook, I did manage to boot knoppix from usb to a live session. But when I try to install it, it says my hard disk does not have a compatible partion table or something.

check this link:


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General :: Knoppix Gui X Not Working On AMD64 DESKTOP

Jun 18, 2010

Working with knoppix 6.02 live cd, works fine on my laptop, but fails to show the full desktop on my AMD64 PC. i tried changing screen=1280x1024 but the screen goes to magnified status when i start GUI interface. I tried out knoppix -nohwsetup etc but no success

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General :: Knoppix Live CD And Permissions On Windows?

Apr 19, 2010

I have successfully used a Knoppix Live Boot CD to read the disks of a Windows Computer running XPI need to move some registry files around to make it boot into XP again, but I get a denied access error when pasting files into a directory

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General :: Knoppix Versus Ubuntu Installation CD

Feb 12, 2010

On my ms windows machine, the OS went out of order, and I wanted to salvage all my pictures, and decided to use a live CD and move some of my media files to my mp3 player... its storage is 8 gigabytes I tried a latest Knoppix first, it did not provide me a nice GUI. Instead, it provide me with a humble looking, less than friendly, menu-based interface which I gave up on in about 3 minutes. I was thinking for a minute, and when I tried to install Ubuntu in the past, one of the options I was provided when I ran the Ubuntu installation CD was "Try Ubuntu without installing it" and I thought it meant the Ubuntu installation CD could also be used a live CD. And I put together an Ubuntu CD and attempted to use it as a live CD! ah man it was beautiful. It even recognized the video card on my machine. I am never going back to knoppix. From now on, when someone ever mentions Knoppix to me, my response will be, "what is Knoppix?"

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General :: No Boot Device Available After Run Knoppix Live Cd?

Mar 28, 2010

New to Linux,after burned live cd,was left in the drive,then fund out the disk,from the drive next morning,and the computer(inspiron dell,windows vista)came with blue screen,after reboot the computer i have the black screen with this.ot boot device available after run knoppix live cd..."then i did F8 and when to windows system boot options, no one worked sofar,even r repair,then i did put the burned linux disk"knoppix live cd is mounted but was in germany,spanish and english are my options,do not what to do it next,how can i recover the windows system?i'm downloading another live cd in english,but no sure if the previous disk version,that i don't know wich it's? is going to be a problem with the new disk,the original intention with the disk,was to repair a dell xps 2010 with the windows32 system corrupted,some said that's possible with linux.

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General :: Adding Ubuntu/Mint Repositories To Knoppix

Jun 7, 2011

Inspired by Knoppix Adriene, I am trying to install it on my netbook. However, I don't want the knoppix repositories since most of them are outdated.

How do I add ubuntu or linux mint's repositories to Knoppix? I guess I need to install the gpg-key also for each repository, correct?

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General :: Knoppix Data Recovery Ownership Permissions?

Jun 4, 2011

I use Linux but have a computer with windows I use for gaming. It died and put the hard drive into another computer and used knoppix to recover my files. I looked at the ownership of the windows files and the owner is knoppix. Now I am concerned that ownership will not work on my new Windows computer (when I finish building it, that is). Since I don't get into Windows much I have no idea what those permissions should be.

If I copy them with owner knoppix can I even access them in Windows to change the ownership to whatever Windows will accept? If I change the ownership before putting them on a CD with knoppix, can I write the CD? I will have to use the hard drive on the new windows box so will not have access to the files later (unless I also copy them to my Linux computer for safekeeping). At least I know the ownership changes to make with Linux.

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General :: Accessing Secondary Hard Drive With Knoppix

Apr 5, 2011

I am working on a computer that the hard drive crashed. Inititially they had a virus, reloaded windows, and had the computer up and running. When downloading software it crashed and will not boot. I have tried all the numerous routine fixes with no success including using the repair discs. The repair discs no longer work and they are unable to get a second set. As a last resort I am able to access the hard drive when booting from Knoppix from a CD. There are a couple things I would like to try from Knoppix, but do not know if it is possible. First, Is it possible to load the boot files from knoppix? Second, can you roll back the drivers from knoppix?

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General :: Customized And Create (CD/DVD) Knoppix Image From 6.2 Version?

Nov 17, 2010

I want customized image of knoppix 6.2 version. Please let me know how to customize and create CD/DVD knoppix image.

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General :: Knoppix 5.1.1 LiveCD - Getting Errors On Sony Vaio

May 21, 2010

When starting Knoppix 5.1.1 livecd on my new Sony Vaio I get a bunch of errors, but when starting on any other computer it works perfectly fine. I can manage without using it on that computer, but what I could do so I could use my own computer with this CD.

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General :: Ubuntu And Knoppix Freezes After GNOME Login?

Jun 23, 2010

i had tried to install ubuntu karmic koala and recently unbuntu TLS 10.04 along with windows 7 but every time i login the screen freezes. i dont know the details, my PC consists of a 160gb HDD, 1gb RAM with pentium dual core processor. i even tried knoppix live cd version. is this because ubuntu is installed along with windows?

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General :: Windows Vista Password Recovery Using Knoppix?

Jun 6, 2010

I am new to knoppix. I actually have never used it. I was under the impression that I could change or recover my password on Windows Vista. I only have one user and it is the administrator. I am not exactly sure why it is no longer working. It is on a laptop and I have let others use it at times. don't know if someone may have changed when it was open at work or something. Every time I boot up and my user account comes up. I put in my password and it looks like it will log on but then comes back and says wrong password. I did see a way to do it with Windows 2000, and XP. Will that also work with Vista?

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General :: Windows 7 - Access To NTFS Volume From KNOPPIX Live Cd

Aug 10, 2011

Im trying to recover some data from my friends laptop, since it wont boot from the harddisk anymore. From the knoppix cd i can find harddrive but when i try to access it im asked for a password. However dont know the password I have tried the password from his windows login but that doesnt work. Is there another way to access the drive so i dont have to use a password? If possible i would like to avoid removing the harddrive from the laptop. The installed OS is win7.

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General :: Make X Login Window As Default In Knoppix Version 6.2.1?

Dec 26, 2010

i'm beginner in linux and don't know how to resolve my problem in knoppix i have installed knoppix version 6.2.1 in my system recently and when i turn on my computer , knoppix runs as compize fusion and don't show username and password screen to me . i searched alot in interent and found that that screen called GDM or KDM and i have them and when i run GDM in command i see the login screen in my system . but i don't know how to make it my default window when i turn on my computer .

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General :: Restore Overwritted Data Of Knoppix Formatted 2nd Drive?

Jan 12, 2011

whilst installing knoppix 6.3 to my sda, i clicked use all drive and my sdb drive is showing no files in it? has it wiped them out?

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General :: Strande Folder Names In Knoppix And File Permissions?

Oct 4, 2010

I am trying to rescue some files on a Dell Laptop running XP that is in a BSOD state. I can boot up Knoppix just fine but all the files are read only but get the error: The remount command failed. Maybe there is another process accessing the filesystem currently.Also when I look at the files and folders on the Knoppix CD they look really odd. See attachment

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