General :: How To Update Debian?

Feb 26, 2011

I used ubuntu for few months.yesterday i installed debian .Then i try to update .But it was failed.It says your system up to date. But i didn�t update it.Then i go to settings in update manager.When i click it i got a window named software sources(as super user).It has several tabs. first one is debian software.there i couldn�t tick any one of three menu s under downlodable from internet Under debian updates proposed update and security updates are in inactive stat.I think i can only use cd as package can i use internet to update my new system.

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Debian Installation :: Apt-get Update Or Aptitude Update - Error "Cannot Initiate The Connection To"

Jul 14, 2011

I have a very strange problem; when trying to apt-get update or aptitude update I get time out errors. At first it was resolving ipv6 adresses:

Cannot initiate the connection to (2001:778::87). - connect (101: Network is unreachable) [IP: 2001:778::87 80] Err [URL] Cannot initiate the connection to (2001:a78:5:1:216:35ff:fe7f:6ceb). - connect (101: Network is
unreachable) [IP: 2001:a78:5:1:216:35ff:fe7f:6ceb 80] As my host does not have normal ipv6 support, i just tried to disable ipv6: echo net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 > /etc/sysctl.d/disableipv6.conf


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General :: Update The Kernel From 2.6.16 On Debian Squeeze?

Feb 12, 2010

I just did an update of my Debian system from lenny to squeeze as described here. I got some errors during the install, saying that glibc couldn't be updated. I did an apt-get -f install, which gives me the following warning: WARNING: this version of the GNU libc requires kernel version 2.6.18 or later. Please upgrade your kernel before installing glibc.

The installation of a 2.6 kernel could ask you to install a new libc first, this is NOT a bug, and should NOT be reported. In that case, please add lenny sources to your /etc/apt/sources.list and run: apt-get install -t lenny linux-image-2.6 Then reboot into this new kernel, and proceed with your upgrade dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.10.2-2_i386.deb (--unpack): subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing:


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General :: How To Set Debian To Automatically Update Time And Date

Aug 14, 2011

I have an old computer and BIOS counts the time slower than real. So, how can I set my OS to update the time automatically using the internet? If it updated the time only during booting, it would be enough.

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General :: Update Debian Squeeze From Lenny's Source.list?

Mar 21, 2011

What happens if I update Debian Squeeze from Lenny's source.list?A step by step manual is written on Lenny, and if I change lenny to squeeze things seem to not work.When I update the squeeze from the original source.list and then change to the source.list that manual uses things are working.But if I were to start squeeze with lenny's source.list I am getting error while trying to do this:

apt-get install wget mc zip unzip bzip2 ntp ntpdate lsb-release.

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General :: Not Able To Update Metasploit Modules Using Svn-update / Solve It?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a problem here with my back track. am not able to update my metasploit modules using svn-update nor sudo apt-get is working..

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Debian :: Update Debian 4.0 ''etch"?

Jan 8, 2011

I can't update Debian "etch" Is there any sites for updating?

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Debian :: No Gdm After Squeeze Update

Aug 31, 2010

I recently did an update squeeze and the next day after I restarted there was only a blank screen.The laptop started, the system installed, the wifi connected but no gdm.I started in recovery mode and tried;

# invoke-rc.d gdm start, and got the response that it was an invalid command or words similar to that.
# startx, gives me a blank screen with an unblinking cursor.
# apt-get install gnome, tells me that the latest version is already installed.

If it has any bearing on the issue, I dual boot with Ubuntu and that works fine.Is there anything to be done to fix the problem?

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Debian :: After Update Theme Not Right?

Jul 20, 2011

I am running Sid Fluxbox using Gnome programs. After updating around a month ago some (though not all) of the programs won't use the theme I have selected. Nautilus still uses it and non Gnome programs do, but others such as gnome terminal do not. So things are not matching up, which is most annoying since I like dark themes and these other programs are defaulting to something light. This problem is only on my netbook and not my desktop, so I am thinking maybe some config file is messed up some where but I am not sure. I have tried changing the theme using lxappearance but this is not helping with the "stuck" programs.

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Debian :: Apt-get Update 403 Forbidden

Jun 1, 2015

Just did a fresh Debian 8 install from the net iso and used a usb stick.

Install went fine. I did not have internet at the time of install.

Now that I have internet (confirmed by pinging many internet sites) I get "403 Forbidden: request URL denied IP: 80" When ever I run apt-get update.

I have tried different sources in my sources.list

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Debian :: Update Via Terminal?

Jul 29, 2015

Does Debian 8 have a Software Updater or is the appropriate way to update via terminal?

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Debian :: Sound Gone After Update

Feb 5, 2016

I'm completely new to linux, or to debian for that matter, it's been a while since I wanted to move on from w...s, and when I finally did it, I spent 2 days just trying to make the sound work - at this time I've done every thing from pavucontrol, alsamixer, edit (and restore) /etc/pam.d/common-session...

I even messed up the os, when I reinstalled it the sound worked - brief glory, after the update it was gone again.
The headphones output works, but the normal output don't (audio, browsers, video).

I've installed debian 8.3 jessie x64

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Debian :: How To Update The Glib

Sep 1, 2010

Im running a stable lenny version and having a problem with mysql workbench. it needs newer libs. how do I install them ? Its a swedish system but I translated the first row.

mysql-workbench-oss is depending on libcairo2 (>= 1.7.2), but:
  Versionen av libcairo2 on systemet is 1.6.4-7.
mysql-workbench-oss beroende av libcairomm-1.0-1 (>= 1.6.4), men:
  Versionen av libcairomm-1.0-1 systemet 1.6.0-1.


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Debian :: Apt-get Update Messages?

Jun 6, 2010

Ran, as root, # apt-get update, got this:

Hit lenny/volatile/main Sources
Hit stable/contrib Packages
Ign lenny/main Packages/DiffIndex
Hit stable/non-free Packages


W: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

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Debian :: Network - Run Apt-get Update And It Hangs

Feb 17, 2010

i got an asdl-modem and a router behind that. before that i just had the asdl-modem and connected with pppoeconf. i start the OS and run apt-get update. all is fine. i open iceweasel and it takes very long till a site is loaded. now and then it can't find the site at all. i rerun apt-get update and it hangs.


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Debian :: Confirming Update For DSA-2110-1?

Sep 26, 2010

Just trying to confirm that I've properly patched my system against the user-elevation flaw identified in Debian Security Advisory: [URL]../security/2010/dsa-2110 and I'm running into trouble.

When I open Aptitude, the package manager says that I have Kernel 2.6.26+17+ installed. I've run apt-get update and there are no Kernel in the list of available updates when I run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade. Here's my source.list:

deb lenny main non-free
deb-src lenny main non-free
deb lenny/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src lenny/updates main contrib non-free
deb lenny-backports main contrib non-free


I need to do to get myself to 2.6.26-25lenny1? I'd rather not step away from apt and install the .deb manually...

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Debian :: Can Reinstall Update-manager?

Oct 23, 2010

I can't run the update-manager.When I run the Update Manager, it starts to check and then gets"A fatal error has been detected in the update-manager. Do you want to submit a bug report? Selecting No will close the application."What should I do now? Should I reinstall the update-manager? How do I do that?

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Debian :: 'update Grub' Command To Use?

Jan 20, 2011

I have two partitions with Debian on them. One is straight Debian and I installed Grub to the MBR. Another is Linux Mint LMDE and I installed (or so I think) grub to the root partition. Mint is not listed when Debian boots up and there's no entry for it. What did I do wrong? I'm not familiar with Grub 2. Is there some 'update grub' command that I need to use? Why doesn't this get configured when the other OS is installed? Or is this just how it works? I suppose grub will work for the other OS. If I 'update' Grub with my Debian system, it will "detect" the new OS, maybe? I wanted the current Grub in my Debian install to handle everything since the Mint install isn't my main system and just experimental for me.

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Debian :: Squeeze Update 6.0.1 DVD Is Broken?

Mar 23, 2011

I have an offline machine and the full 8 DVD repository set and have added them to the system and they work fine to install packages. I used jigdo to download the update 6.0.1 DVD and the "packages" file and the one inside of "packages.gz" are empty files. This prevents the disk from working at all. I'm not sure who to report this to.

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Debian :: Update-Manager To Upgrade

May 2, 2011

Before you answer I am just curious about this. I certainly would never do this nor recommend it. However because I have never tried this I was curious if it actually would happen.At the end of Lenny, would it pop up in the update-manager-gnome that a new release "Squeeze" is available? I am just curious.

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Debian :: Kernel Update On Testing?

Aug 9, 2011

Today i`ve updated kernel packages to version 3.0.0. on Debian testing. After that- updated grub. But after all this the old one kernel version[2.6.39-3] is booting. What can i do?

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Debian :: Package Continues To Update

Mar 10, 2015

At my current job it is my responsibility to update all the servers, as well as some of the workstations. Its an easy enough job, I just remote in to each "machine", and use Synaptic to update. Well, we have a package that was created here "key-build-tools-g6" and for some reason, after I update and go to close Synaptic, it says "There are still marked changes that have not yet been applied. They will be lost if you choose to quit 'Synaptic'". If I cancel and "Apply Updates" then look at the "Details" it says "key-build-tools-g6 (version 18) will be upgraded to version 18". I go ahead and update it again, it downloads, and installs, but then when I go to exit... Same thing.

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Debian :: How To Only Update Jessie Stable

Jul 10, 2015

I have installed debian 8.8.1 stable and run updates. When I run the cat release command it shows stretch/sid. I made no changes to the apt/sources list.

What do i have to do so it only updates with the stable release I am planning to use it as a server and only want stable fixes.

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Debian :: How To Update WiFi Driver

Jan 15, 2016

I just installed Debian 8 and it doesnt look like my WiFi card is working. Unfortunately I didn't make a note what is the card manufacturer. How would I update WiFi driver?I previously had Windows 7 but I installed Debian over Windows.

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Debian :: Can't Update/upgrade The Package

Aug 8, 2010

Im fairly new with Linux (Puppy and Mint) and have only been working with Debian for 24 hours. I have come across the errors shown in the attached screen shots.

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Debian :: Apt Get Update Doesn't Work

Jan 3, 2011

i want to apt-get update. But it is not working.


Is it something that is wrong in the source.list?

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Debian :: How To Update SUN JAVA (non-free)

Mar 11, 2011

My issue is how will I update my SUN JAVA to the latest offering of SUN JAVA? I use a non-free repository.

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Debian :: How To Go To Command Prompt And Update

Jun 12, 2011

I am new to linux. I have mounted debian on vmware. Now I would like to get the updates on linux on the desktop all I can see it computer, my home, and trash icons. How can I get the updates. How can I go to command prompt.

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Debian :: Update Error - Public Key Not Available?

Jun 13, 2011

I have added the following line in sources.list, deb [URL] squeeze main non-free

Running apt-get update i get this error message,
Reading package lists... Done
W: GPG error: squeeze Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 123456789

Do i need to generate this public key 123456789 ? If so, how?

Running apt-key update has not solved the problem.

apt-get install debian-archive-keyring was a recommended solution from some googling.

I have also read this page, [URL] , but how to add a key is under construction.

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Debian :: Error Message At Each Update?

Sep 6, 2011

My computer: 3 year old cheapish box, Gigabyte board with onboard video and sound. Cat5 cabled to Linksys wired router to a cable modem. Debian 6.0 Stable. Network installation.

This didn't happen from the initial installation but I now get an error message each time I get the updates.

I first see the red update notification icon top right of Gnome desktop. I click on it, enter root password at prompt. Click the install updates button on the update manager window. The software progress bars show me the download progress but then I get the following errors.

An error has occurred and installing has been aborted. Error Message: subprocess installed post installation script returned error exit status 1

Error message: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured.

I cancel the messages. The notification icon then turns to the reboot icon. If I start the update manager again from the System menu it shows me that my system is up to date, so I suspect the update has taken place. But why am I getting the error messages. This now happens every time I see the new updates icon. Apart from that everything works fine.

I include my source list in case this helps.
# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.1a _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110320-15:03]/ squeeze main


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