Debian :: Apt-get Update Messages?

Jun 6, 2010

Ran, as root, # apt-get update, got this:

Hit lenny/volatile/main Sources
Hit stable/contrib Packages
Ign lenny/main Packages/DiffIndex
Hit stable/non-free Packages


W: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

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Fedora :: Running Update Shows Some Messages?

Dec 7, 2009

When I did update a few minutes back, it showed me the following messages


/boot/initramfs- contents have been changed
/lib/modules/ No such file or directory


I've not changed contents of any of these. Then why does it show me this messages? I did install akmod for my Nvidia graphics card for which I followed the steps mentioned for nouveau.

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Fedora :: Fails With Different Messages Which Looks Like:Could Not Add Package Update?

Apr 29, 2010

I installed Fedora 12 inside VirtualBox and trying to make Software Update. It fails with different messages which looks like:Could not add package update for ..Package name may differ. Internet connection is working. Is there another way to update the system?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update - Current Packages List In My Synaptic - Got Error Messages About Unresolved Gpg Keys

Dec 22, 2010

When I tried to upgrade (update) current packages list in my synaptic I got error messages about unresolved gpg keys as following:


How I can get all missed keys for completing update process?

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Debian :: Debian Testing: Warning Messages While Updating?

Aug 12, 2011

I'm running Debian Testing and since some time ago I'm getting the following messages:Any ideas how to solve this warnings?

(gtk-update-icon-cache:9204): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache': No such file or directory
Processing triggers for gconf2 ...


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Programming :: Logging Messages From Program Doesn't Reach /var/log/messages?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a syslog-ng running and kernel build of I use a syslog API in my program with facility LOG_LOCAL5 and and levels debug err and crit and info. when I ran on the older syslog facility I had everything logged fine as I intended. now I have written these rules into the syslog-ng.conf:

options {
flush_lines (0);
time_reopen (10);
log_fifo_size (1000);


the last two rules show my program gnssapp. the result is all debug levels or crit or err levels I don't see any of them !

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Debian :: Messages At Start Up

Apr 29, 2015

I am now for four weeks on Wheezy KDE after turning away from PCLinuxOS.But now that Jessie KDE is out, I installed it on a free 20 GB partition to have a look.What I really like is the following:

At start up on Wheezy GRUB MENU - INIT messages - KDE welcome screen -> desktop..I am missing those INIT messages. Gives me a good feeling for system status.I understand, we now have systemd, but is there a possibility to have those reassuring messages at startup and maybe also at shut down?

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Debian :: UFW Is Dumping Many Messages To Log

Feb 19, 2016

After installing ufw which is supposed to be a firewall system for the network-challenged, I am getting tons of these messages showing up in my dmesg;

[UFW BLOCK] IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=*my-MAC-number* SRC= DST= LEN=36 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2

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Debian :: Can't Receive System Messages

Mar 2, 2010

I have a small LAN. I am in the process of installing a Debian Lenny/Squeeze system into the LAN. I want to send and receive system messages using rwalld and wall.I can send a system message from my Debian system to another box using rwall. I can send a local message within the Debian box using wall in a console.I cannot send a local message using wall Konsole in KDE 3.5.x. The KDE Write daemon fails to provide any pop-up window./usr/bin/wall is installed from the bsdutils package and is set to -rwxr-sr-x.

The ktalkd package is installed. The KDE control center shows a configuration option in Internet & Network settings called Local Network Chat.When not in X, mesg is set to y at the console. After starting KDE and I open Konsole, mesg is always set to n. I don't know how this setting toggles. Further, setting mesg to y in Konsole has no effect on getting wall to work.mesg is set to y when I run xterm in KDE. Then wall works within that terminal window. However, the KDE Write daemon does not see the message in xterm.When I send a message from another system to the Debian system using rwall, xterm receives the message but not Konsole or the KDE Write daemon.

When I send a wall message from Konsole, xterm receives the message but not Konsole or the KDE Write daemon.I changed TTYPERM in login.defs to 0620 to no avail.I do not have this problem on the non-Debian systems.

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Debian :: NO Bootlog Messages In /var/log/boot

Jan 7, 2010

I've enabled BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=Yes in /etc/default/bootlogd on my Squeeze (Upgrade from Lenny) installed on the notebook, but after Retsrat NO bootlog messages in /var/log/boot. Is it a BUG?

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Debian :: Error Messages After Upgrade To Jessie

Jun 3, 2015

/var/log/syslog is full of messages

/etc/gdm3/Xsession[3408]: ![1433316153,000,xklavier_evt_xkb.c:xkl_xkb_process_x_event/] #011ATTENTION! Currently cached group 0 is not equal to the current group from the event: 1

What this means and how to fix it?

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Debian :: How To Log Bootup And Shutdown Messages (with Systemd)

Jun 23, 2015

During the boot-sequence of jessie there is more text flying by on the screen (including some errors or warnings) than I can read thorugh fast enough. I don't think this is very serious stuff, and if it were I could always look at dmesg and or syslog i /var/log but I would find it really convenient to log these messages in a file instead of sifting through or grep-ing dmesg.

When duckduckgoing this matter I found [URL] ....

I installed tried bootlogd but when configuring it to "yes" and rebooting nothing comes up in /var/log/boot.

Then I saw this line in above link

If you use systemd as your init system, you may need to use systemctl to debug boot problems.

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Debian Configuration :: Can't Receive System Messages

Mar 2, 2010

I have a small LAN. I am in the process of installing a Debian Lenny/Squeeze system into the LAN. I want to send and receive system messages using rwalld and wall.I can send a system message from my Debian system to another box using rwall. I can send a local message within the Debian box using wall in a console.I cannot send a local message using wall Konsole in KDE 3.5.x. The KDE Write daemon fails to provide any pop-up window./usr/bin/wall is installed from the bsdutils package and is set to -rwxr-sr-x.

The ktalkd package is installed. The KDE control center shows a configuration option in Internet & Network settings called Local Network Chat.When not in X, mesg is set to y at the console. After starting KDE and I open Konsole, mesg is always set to n. I don't know how this setting toggles. Further, setting mesg to y in Konsole has no effect on getting wall to work.mesg is set to y when I run xterm in KDE. Then wall works within that terminal window. However, the KDE Write daemon does not see the message in xterm.When I send a message from another system to the Debian system using rwall, xterm receives the message but not Konsole or the KDE Write daemon.

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Debian Configuration :: Vanishing Boot Messages ?

May 4, 2010

An issue that has been hassling me for years since I started using Linux (Debian!) is related to the boot messages that quickly scroll on the video during the boot process. The main hassle is related to the fact that I cannot get a log of those messages. The second hassle is due to the fact that with my brand new netbook (Toshiba NB200) I cannot even stop the scroll and go back along the message stream with SHIFT+PageUpDown to understand what's going on. Of course I know that I can get a log of the boot process with 'dmesg' but I get the feeling that the very first lines show some problem I cannot grab at all.

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Debian Hardware :: USB Connection Missing In /var/log/messages

Jan 22, 2010

I'm running GNU/linux systems on all my PCs: Debian unstable, Ubuntu 9.10, and use Clonezilla (alternative based on Ubuntu Karmic), SystemRescueCD (beta and stable) to diagnose problems if needed.

My issue is that I've got a few hard drives that I can no longer mount either under linux or Windows, but Windows at least sees all the drives whereas linux sometimes tells me absolutely nothing:

1) one drive (Seagate 250GiB AS drive) has an ext3 file system, and /var/log/messages shows me lots of lines of information for the USB connection when I attach it, including the size of the drive, but can not mount anymore. Windows too sees the drive. I haven't tried to recover data from it.

2) two drives (not mine, both 500GiB drives) have NTFS file systems. With these, when I attach them, there is not even one line of information in /var/log/messages, or in the kernel or authentication logs. However, on the same computer booted up with Windows XP SP2 the device is seen by windows, including the size. Windows cannot mount the drive, but recovery software can after about 2 weeks' running, recover virtually all the data (I let it run using each of the various options for the guessed drive geometry/file system settings).

So my question is: why would linux not even give me a single line in /var/log/messages, not even to say that something has been attached to a USB port? I'd like to believe that linux does see something but that the USB/SCSI emulation is somewhat faulty and could be improved.

I'm not sure what kernel modules I should be looking at for the physical connection control.

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Debian :: Burning CD / DVDs With Brasero - Error Messages

Dec 17, 2010

Does anyone experience burning problem with Brasero? At first, everything was great, but lately I receive all kind of messages (mounting problem, ejecting problem etc.) and burning is unsuccessful.

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Debian :: Ome Peculiar Messages That Occur When Booting Machine Up?

Mar 1, 2011

Looking through syslog, I see some peculiar messages that occur when booting my Debian machine up. Can anyone explain to me, why it seams to think my filesystem is read only, and what do the other messages mean? Is there anything I need to start worrying about?

Feb 26 08:48:21 chris-desktop kernel: [ 4.082355] EXT3-fs (sdb3): recovery required on readonly filesystem
Feb 26 08:48:21 chris-desktop kernel: [ 4.082361] EXT3-fs (sdb3): write access will be enabled during recovery


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Debian :: Icedove Display Unread Messages In Taskbar?

Jun 18, 2011

I would like to have Icedove display the number of unread messages in the task/window bar when both active or minimized; note I am not interested in a system tray solution just yet. There must be a hack to do this right? Would it involve recompiling Icedove?

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Debian Configuration :: Disabling Boot-time Messages?

Jul 17, 2011

I'm trying to stop all boot time messages from appearing -- basically I'd like to have a simple blank screen from grub to xdm.

I tried everything -- used the "quiet" option in grub's config, added dmesg -n 1 to rc.local, changed console=ttySx, set kernel.printk in sysctl.conf to 4 1 1 7, and even eradicated rsyslogd altogether... to no avail. I still see all sorts of messages on my screen.

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Debian :: Hide Boot Text Messages During The Startup?

Sep 23, 2010

Howto hide boot text messages on the screen during Lenny startup? I've tried to change in /boot/grub/menu.lst:

## additional options to use with the default boot option, but not with the
## alternatives
## e.g. defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda5
# defoptions=quiet splash

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Debian Installation :: Apt-get Update Or Aptitude Update - Error "Cannot Initiate The Connection To"

Jul 14, 2011

I have a very strange problem; when trying to apt-get update or aptitude update I get time out errors. At first it was resolving ipv6 adresses:

Cannot initiate the connection to (2001:778::87). - connect (101: Network is unreachable) [IP: 2001:778::87 80] Err [URL] Cannot initiate the connection to (2001:a78:5:1:216:35ff:fe7f:6ceb). - connect (101: Network is
unreachable) [IP: 2001:a78:5:1:216:35ff:fe7f:6ceb 80] As my host does not have normal ipv6 support, i just tried to disable ipv6: echo net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 > /etc/sysctl.d/disableipv6.conf


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Debian Configuration :: Get Cron To Send Messages In First Place Instead Of Root?

Mar 25, 2010

The system crontab (/etc/crontab) uses the same format, except that the username for the command is specified after the time and date fields and before the command.


Every hour, I get an e-mail complaining about the first line of the crontab:


I get the same complaint from the other entries: It looks to me as if cron, or anacron, is trying to execute the user (root) as a command. Predictably, the shell doesn't like it, so barfs and triggers an e-mail about it. Why is this not doing what the man page says it should do? The 2nd problem I believe is related to exim, not cron. The e-mails I'm getting above are being bounced from my ISP because they are directed to, rather than my regular e-mail address. When the message bounces, it bounces to my regular e-mail address. In /etc/aliases, I have root: [URL]... and in etc/email-addresses I have root: [URL]... Adding the entry to /etc/email-addresses allowed the bounce to find me because the sender's address is [URL]... but how can I get cron to send these messages to me in the first place, instead of root?

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Debian Configuration :: Hide Boot Text Messages During The Startup?

Sep 25, 2010

Howto configure /boot/grub/menu.lst from Lenny to hide boot text messages during the startup?

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Debian Configuration :: Udev Warning Messages At Boot After Upgrade?

Apr 23, 2011

I've done an upgrade from lenny to squeeze.Now, I'm getting a lot of udev warning messages at the boot time.Knows someone howto remove them?

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Debian Configuration :: AMD64 - Wrong Architecture Errors Messages

Jun 22, 2011

Installed 6.01a from DVD 1 on a system with 4GB ram. Installer installed amd64 version by default. When I try to install amd64.deb files I get "wrong architecture" error messages from the package manager.
root@Laptop-RalphDeb:/home/ralphq# uname -r
root@Laptop-RalphDeb:/home/ralphq# uname -p
Why I can install amd64 programs and why I get unknown for the uname -p command?

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Security :: Stop Particular Messages In /var/log/messages?

May 30, 2009

More than 7 G bytes were logged to the messages file last three weeks I got this message in /var/log/messages I want to stop this messaging cause it takes to much space


Apr 30 20:25:18 TEST-NODE kernel: IPT: IN_NOMATCH IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:17:a4:a7:3d:a2:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=104 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=10100 DPT=10100 LEN=84


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Debian Configuration :: Shorewall (Shoreline?) Firewall Up And Running, But It's Logging To /var/log/messages?

Jan 29, 2011

I've got a Shorewall (Shoreline?) firewall up and running, but it's logging to /var/log/messages. I'd much rather have it logging to another location e.g. /var/log/firewall but can't find (a clear enough) explanation on how to do this. Apparently, it varies greatly depending on the distro, the kernel, and the version of Shorewall that is running. You'd think it would be something as simple as setting a path in a config file, but apparently not. I'm running a stock Lenny kernel on the firewall machine. It comes with version 4.0.15 of Shorewall.

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General :: Debian E-mail Client Download E-mail Messages

Aug 7, 2011

I need help in setting up the native e-mail client included in Debian Squeeze. My ultimate goal is to have the Debian e-mail client download e-mail messages and process attachments automatically.

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Debian :: Update Debian 4.0 ''etch"?

Jan 8, 2011

I can't update Debian "etch" Is there any sites for updating?

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Debian :: No Gdm After Squeeze Update

Aug 31, 2010

I recently did an update squeeze and the next day after I restarted there was only a blank screen.The laptop started, the system installed, the wifi connected but no gdm.I started in recovery mode and tried;

# invoke-rc.d gdm start, and got the response that it was an invalid command or words similar to that.
# startx, gives me a blank screen with an unblinking cursor.
# apt-get install gnome, tells me that the latest version is already installed.

If it has any bearing on the issue, I dual boot with Ubuntu and that works fine.Is there anything to be done to fix the problem?

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