General :: How To Make Startup Message

Jul 30, 2010

I am using Ubuntu as my os.I have read that we can change the startup message.So i go to etc directory as root, and found file called "motd" and try to open it.But it says "The Link "motd" is Broken. Move it to Trash?"This link cannot be used, because its target "/var/run/motd" doesn't exist.So how can i make startup message.why i couldnt open that file

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General :: Make - Install Zaptel - Error Message

May 7, 2010

When i try to install zaptel i have received the following error message:

I have already installed kernel-devel.

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General :: Make A Script Run Upon Startup Of The Machine?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to run /home/myuser/ How do I make that run in the background, everytime my linux machine boots up?

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General :: Can't Build RRDTool On RHEL4 - 'make' Command Give Error Message

Mar 19, 2010

I'm new to LinuxQuestions and this is my first post. I'm trying to build rrdtool to install Cacti and encountered the following problem: 'make' step returns an error messages:

./.libs/ undefined reference to `xmlTextReaderGetParserLineNumber'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
What I have doneDownload and build the latest version of pkg-config, glib, pixman, cairo, pango, atk, gtk+ from official sites.
Download rrdtool source
Set PKG_CONFIG_PATH correctly


There is actually another problem with the computer which is "The Nautilus application has quit unexpectedly" everytime I open File Browser application or right-click>Properties a file/directory. This happen only after installing cairo and pango and I don't know how to revert to old version. Since there are a lot of log files so I'm very confused. Can someone give me a direction on how to resolve this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Weird Message At Startup / Get Rid Of This?

Oct 31, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 10.10. Everything is fine so far except that after the kernel boots I receive the following message:

The disk drive for /media/drv0 is not ready yet or not present
Continue to wait; press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery

After I press S everything goes normally. How can I get rid of this message?

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General :: Error Message When Run The "make" Command While Configuring The NIS Server?

Jul 27, 2011

I am getting this error message when run the "make" command while configuring the NIS server

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Fedora :: Boot Sequence Of 11 Using Lvm - Message - Press '1' To Enter Interactive Startup ?

Jun 15, 2010

I've been fiddling about with vortexbox (the one before 1.4 I think), for a while. This is a music ripping and server rpm setup using Fedora 11 as the base.

As it was on a test machine, decided to try changing the logical volume sizes of LogVol00 and LogVol02 to fit a few more cd's on 02 before getting a new pc (just to see how it works).

Logged on and opened up the graphic version of lvm (using gnome). Then selected the LogVol02 logical volume, select edit, changed name to LogVol02-Storage, saved and logged out. Rebooted vortexbox since then its been unable to start properly (is this a kernel panic?).

Read up a lot on lvm on the net, have access to Fedora 11 disk 1, so logged on. Eventually managed (I thought to) to change LogVol02-Storage to LogVol02 using lvrename.

However, still refuses to boot completely.

The message it gives is as follows (sort of): Welcome to Fedora Press '1' to enter interactive startup

Setting up Logical Volume Management: 3 logical volume(s) in volume group 'VolGroup00' now active

*** An error occurred during file system check.
*** Droping you to a shell; the system will reboot when you leave the shell.

Give root password for maintenance (or type Control-D to continue):

Loving vortexbox appart from this. Will it be easier just to reinstall everything? If so, is there a way of listing all the changes I've done so I can reproduce (I'm thinking of just looking at all the commands I ran on the CLI).

Otherwise, is there a way of listing all of the commands I ran in terminal and piping them into a file so I can see what I need to do to rebuild after reinstalling?

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Security :: How To Make PAM Give Message When Denying Ssh Access?

Oct 23, 2009

We use PAM to control access to our RHEL4 servers. We would like PAM to give a message, of our choice, when users who are not allowed to login try to login. PAM's default is to let the user try 3 times without any explanation.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Make Irssi Beep Through The Speakers Whenever Get A Message On IRC?

Dec 7, 2010

how to make irssi beep through the speakers whenever i get a message on IRC? I have tried the set beep thing on but doesnt work.

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Applications :: Mount Or Make An Encrypted Container A Message Pops Up?

Jan 7, 2010

I am running Pclinuxos with KDE 4.3.4. I have installed Truecrypt but am having problems using this program when the user is not root. If I try to mount or make an encrypted container a message pops up saying: Administrator privileges required: enter user password or administrator password

When I enter the root password a box then says: Failed to obtain administrator privileges: username is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported

I can't understand why this has happened as I gave the root password. Once I provide the root password, surely I become all powerful and the system should let me do anything? Also to mount a encrypted file in Truecrypt I have to assign full write permissions for users to the /media directory. Is this safe to do?

The only way I have found to use Truecrypt with a non root user account is to go to super user mode terminal, sign in with root password, CD to the truecrypt directory and launch Truecrypt from the terminal. I find this very laborious to do every time.

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Software :: MadWiFi Installation - Error Message With Make Command

Feb 7, 2010

When I go to try to install madwifi in the terminal I get the following error message after typing the make command.

Checking requirements... ok.
Checking kernel configuration... ok.
make -C /lib/modules/ SUBDIRS=/usr/src/madwifi-0.9.4-9pclos2007 modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-'
Building modules, stage 2.
MODPOST 14 modules
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-'
make -C ./tools all || exit 1
make: *** ./tools: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [tools] Error 1

I am running pclos 2009.

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Software :: Why Gcc Make Warning Message Don't Show Color Font?

Mar 16, 2009

rencently, i move develop env from one linux machine to another, two linux have same gcc and make version, but at new linux machine make warning/error messages dont show color, when make, there are all white messages, i cant focus on warning and error.

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Ubuntu :: How Do Make Anything Start On Startup

Sep 4, 2010

How do I make something start on boot? I remember there being a command.. nano something, can anyone tell me?

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Ubuntu :: Make Gdm Not Load On Startup?

May 8, 2011

I edited some file in /etc and it stopped loading, but after upgrading to natty it loads again. I'm already starting X manually from /etc/event.d/tty7, but the X started from gdm is the one I see on the screen. I don't have a keyboard, so I can't switch to the console with the right X after startup. Is the only option to deinstall gdm, or is there a way to make it not start?

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Fedora :: Getting Error Message - Can't Hit On Secret Mount Syntax - Make At Least To 1400x1050?

Nov 26, 2010

I am not ready to upgrade my Fedora 13 to 14 yet, but I wanted to test some things in 14. So, using the live CD, I installed Fedora 14 under Virtualbox. But some things are not working and the Virtualbox Help files aren't helping. I have added my Fedora 13 /home/jjj/ folder as a shared folder with the name Home_jjj. The instructions say that in Fedora 14 I must mount it with "mount -t vboxsf share mount_point." So (as root in Fedora 14). I used the command "mount -t ext3 vboxsf Home_jjj /media" but I got an error message. I tried varying the command different ways, but haven't hit on the secret mount syntax. I would really just like to add it to Fedora 14's fstab file to make it auto-mount. I have an external monitor, which Fedora 13 sees, but Fedora 14 cannot see it. The main display for Fedora 13 is 1680x1050. Fedora 14 installed itself with 1024x768 as the max. I tried changing it with xrandr -s, but the only resolutions xrandr will take are 1024x788, 800x600 and 640x480. How can I make it at least, say, 1400x1050?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Make Any Updates - Message - Following Packages Block The Update

Jul 14, 2011

I can't do any updates! it just gives a message like this: "The following packages block the update: kdebase-workspace-libs4+5"

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Debian :: Make Program Run On Startup In The Graphical Env

Feb 21, 2011

I have a dedicated server which runs a game server. On that dedi, I had Debian installed, and I wanted to have graphical access to it so I installed Gnome and nxserver. I want the game server to run automatically when the server boots up and have it appear in a console window when I connect to nxserver. So I added it in the Startup list by going in System > Administration > Session.

My problem is that the program doesn't start when the system boots up, but only when I connect to nxserver. So I assume it is something like gnome not starting up or opening a session until I open one remotely or something such.

But is there anyway to have that game server start in a console window when the system starts up? I tried using init.d but the problem is that it doesn't open any window, and I need to interact with the server through the console. What can I do?

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Fedora :: Make A Simple Startup Script

Apr 27, 2010

make a start up script so that it executes this command: cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state I managed to execute it writing command to .bashrc, but every time I open terminal it starts like this:


I need this command on start up, so that my battery meter starts working properly. For some reason, if the command is not activated, gnome battery meter is showing that battery is charging even if I am not on AC power. If there is any other way to fix this without making script I would be glad to hear.

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Fedora :: Startup Suddenly Quite Slow / Make It Up?

Jul 30, 2010

All of a sudden, the startup (time from GRUB to Login Screen) has been quite slow. I recently installed a LAMP server. I've tried disabling httpd and mysql but it didn't seem to have any effect. I've attached my dmesg output below.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Make A Process Run At Startup

Mar 17, 2011

I am trying to make a file run at startup (e.g. runlevel 5). Here is what I done;

Copied file to /etc/init.d/rc5.d with these permissions:

-rwx------ 1 root root 274 Mar 17 08:33

Contents of this file is:

#! /bin/sh
# . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions # uncomment/modify for your killproc
case "$1" in
echo "Starting noip2."


And the file this is supposed to run is in /usr/local/bin/noip2 with the permissions as:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 80431 Mar 17 08:16 noip2

However, this didn't worked for me. What can I do?

Edit: I can run shell file by invoking it with terminal. So there is no problem with the file

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Make MySQL Running On Startup?

May 3, 2010

I run Ubuntu 10.04. For some reason, MySQL won't start on startup. How do I make it run on startup? I installed it by installing LAMP using tasksel and did everything according to: [URL]. Also, I have another problem: When I try to start/stop/restart mysql in the terminal, the terminal will not give me any prompts after entering the command. E.g., after entering "sudo service mysql start", nothing will happen. Even after waiting for 30min, nothing happens.

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Startup Disk Of Partition

Sep 17, 2010

I would like to put my ubuntu system (the one on my partition) in a usb drive, so that way I can take it everywhere I go. The reason for this is because all of the programs I have and the configuration I currently have in my ubuntu (I should say "macbuntu"). That is:

burg boot loader (I probably don't need this one!)
x system plymouth theme || also windows 7 original plymouth theme
mac4lin 1.0 aqua GTK theme and emerald theme
mac ultimate icon theme
mac4lin 1.0 cursor theme (working even with compiz)
gnome global menu
compiz packagers ppawith all the extra stuff
telepathy ppa for empathy, having all the extra stuff working
also win2-7-pack_v-9.1
And lots more stuff!

I don't want my personal documents though (text docs, music, videos, pics 'maybe few pics'), just configuration files and programs. Can this even be possible?...

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SUSE :: 10.2 Won't Startup - Error Message "Could Not Start Kstartupconfig. Check Your Installation"

Mar 16, 2010

I foolishly changed the mount point of a partition on a HDD which Linux was not in fact using, and now when I try to start up I get a message box stating:- Could not start kstartupconfig. Check your installation.

How do I recover the situation. I do not have an up to date recovery disc. I do have a full bootup disc of Suse 11.2 - could I use the opportunity to update without losing all my personal files, or should I use the old 10.2 disks? The first essential is to get something back up and working.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Linphone-3.3.0 - Error Message Make File Is Not Found

Jun 14, 2010

I downloaded linphone 3.30 using mozila and tried installing. while giving the command ./configure it was successful and next giving the command make gives me a error message make file is not found. but and is already available in the current working directory.

I have given the link of the pastebin for ./configure command and make command..

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Ubuntu :: Make Wget Download Automatic In Startup?

May 21, 2010

i try to make wget download automatic in startup in ubuntu

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Ubuntu :: Make Skype Launch During The System Startup?

Sep 12, 2010

I know usually, on other systems, skype automatically starts. But not on my Ubuntu. How to make it to start?

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Ubuntu :: Startup Disk Creator / Can't Make Persistent USB

Oct 1, 2010

I have enjoyed setting up a live USB stick to boot Ubuntu from and it works very well but I can't make my settings persistent. The option to do that in Startup Disk Creator is greyed out, the Stored in Reserved Extra Space is just not available.

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Ubuntu :: Make Load At Startup - Screen Busted

Mar 14, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS installed on my HP Compaq Presario CQ60. Unfortunately the screen is busted & I'm using an external LCD. It boots directly onto the LCD, but the resolution is 800x600 by default, the only other option is 640x480. I'm assuming its using the VESA drivers for the graphics. I've managed to temporarily fix the resolution to 1024x768 by running the following in terminal for every session:


I've added a document to /etc/init.d so that it may be loaded on startup, but it does not seem to work.

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Bluetooth Service Disabled At Startup

Jun 5, 2011

I have recently installed Lubuntu 11.04 on an old system. the problem is that it hangs at startup when tries to "Starting Bluetooth". I have searched through this forum and the web and it seems that the problem has something to do with my TV Card. But I can't remove the card because it is a part of my Graphic Card which is an "ATI Radeon 8500DV All In Wonder". I can start the machine with Lubuntu Live CD, and so I thought that maybe I can change a value in a file from installed Lubuntu through Live session that makes the Bluetooth Service disabled at startup.

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Ubuntu :: Make Script Startup When Booting But No Response

Jul 17, 2011

I tried to make script startup when booting but no response

This steps that i did, i made it in my pc and work but in another pc can't work

That i did in details

I don't know why can't see this script as start when booting

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