General :: Hide File Systems From User

Jul 23, 2009

I was wondering if it was possible to hide the File Systems from a user. So when then browse through folders or choose to save something the default folder is their "home" folder. I am using SAM Linux distribution and don't want my users to be able to screw anything up! I use thunar as my file manager and was just wondering if it is possible?

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General :: Hide A User From The Who Listing?

Sep 3, 2011

Is it possible for a non-root user to hide themselves from the output of who/w, so that they can be logged in without other users seeing it? I think that the file /var/run/utmp might have something to do with this, but it's not writeable by non-root users (permission 644). I'm fairly certain that this can be done by a non-privileged user (because someone told me that they were able to do so), but I don't know how they did it and can't ask them right now.

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General :: Make NIS User Information Override Local User Information On Client Systems?

Jul 30, 2011

How would you make NIS user information override local user information on client systems? This is what I think is right? Add nis on the passwd registration file on the second line Is this correct?

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General :: Hide The Presence Of A File By Modifying The Gid/uid?

Jan 8, 2011

Whether we could hide the presence of a file by modifying the gid/uid?

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General :: Why Are File Systems Mountable And Unmountable

Oct 5, 2010

I'm familiar with the software and hierarchy of the mount command but I can't find any info on why it is needed or preferred. What are the physical aspects of it? What is the burden of having files accessible all the time?

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General :: Move Files Between File Systems?

Apr 29, 2011

I have to move files between two file systems /inst and /inst2.When I perform 'cp -a /inst /inst2' it copies everything even hidden files and preserves access permissions.But when I perform 'mv /inst /inst2' it also preserves access perms and moves everything besides hidden files.Questions :hy is so ?What tool to use when moving file systems from one fs to another (rsync) ?

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General :: File System Is Best For USB Drives For Booting Systems?

Sep 29, 2010

iv been looking around at the different Linux systems particularity the smaller ones such as DSL, Slax and Puppy Linux. However i need a Linux distribution that doesn't have a GUI desktop environment just the plain old terminal to work on. The system would have to be able to boot from a USB drive also. If anyone knows a systems that fits those requirements or something else related please post. Also what file system is best for USB drives for booting systems?

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General :: Why Does "ls -a" Hide Some Existing Directory From The Root User

Sep 2, 2010

Today I found something really interesting (at least to me) on one of our test servers:

I can change into an existing directory from my actual working directory using a relative path, but that very same directory is not listed when using ls -a.

Here is the shell session (as root):

$ pwd
$ ls -a
. .. <-- Note: "somedir" is not shown to root
$ echo $CDPATH


I had checked the automount thing mentioned by Gilles, but as I had changed to somewhere and issued a mount|grep somewhere there were no output.

Here is the lsattr and strace output as suggested: [URL]

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General :: Windows - Why Do Operating Systems Have File Size Limits

Aug 13, 2010

What limits a file to have some maximum size depending on the Operating System? I do not exactly understand this. If you have the storage space, what else can be the limitation? You should be able to store as much data as you want the way you want (even in a single file) unless you run out of storage space.

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General :: Filesystems - Best File-systems / Mount-configuration For Each Folder On GNU?

Apr 10, 2011

One of the good points of linux is that is easy to customize the partitioning scheme of the disk and put each directory (/home, /var, etc) in diferent partitions and/or diferent disk. Then we can use diferen file system/configurations for each of them for make them better. xamples:

noatime is a mount option to not write access time on the files. data=writeback is an option to layz write metadata on new files. ext3/4 has journaling that make the partition more secure in case of a crash. bigger blocks make the partition waste more space, but make it faster to read and may become more fragmented. (not sure) Then: What are the best filesystem/configurations for each directory? Note: given the answer of Patches, will only discuss /, /home and /var only.

/var -> It's modified constantly, it write logs, cache, temporal, etc.
/home -> stores important files.
/-> stores everything else (/etc and /usr should be here)

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General :: Windows - Find In-depth Information On Various File Systems?

Apr 28, 2011

Back in the old days of PC-DOS 3.1, computers are much simpler than today's. I can learn a lot of how File System works with tools like PCTools, Norton Disk Doctor, and [URL]. Have been working exclusive in corporate database application area for over a decade, my knowledge of how these stuff work is diminishing. Standard-clean OS (Windows, Linux) installation is all I can do now. And it starts to cause me many data-loss troubles, when I have to perform something that I don't have much insight, such as install and remove peer linux os or move and resize partitions.

I'm looking for books, web resources, or communities where I can educate myself on how various file system works, for which I can have in-depth answer to questions such as:

How to remove ubuntu and grub2 ? (I recently did that, but with a lot of frustration when I was not really sure what I was doing and confront with some scary error message like "Missing BootMgr" What kind of disk-partitioning operation can be performed non-destructively, and why ? What is Active partition ? Primary Parition ? Extended Partition ? How it stored on the disk. There are many free partitioning tools out there, which one is safe to used ? NTFS, Ext3, Ext4, .. What the differences ? How to choose it wisely.

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General :: Using The /proc File Systems To Increase Performance And Functionality?

Jul 5, 2010

I'm interesting in knowing what processes could be altered to improve performance and functionality on my system. And which process may be the best one to alter

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General :: Preventing Windows Version Of Vim From Destroying Other File Systems Permissions

Aug 30, 2010

I am currently using the windows version of gVim to edit source files on a networked drive mapped to a linux system, as well as local files created in cygwin.

The problem is that the windows version of gVim destroys the original file permissions on the respective systems. IE: Files on cygwin are defaulted to 077. When edited by the windows version of vim they are saved as 777.This problem doesn't even occur when using ms-notepad (as well as all other editors I've tried), so I am not quite sure why gVim does it.

A possible solution would be to use cygwin's gVim for everything, but that's rather cumbersome as it requires running an x11 environment to support it, and it causes some problems when running some commands from within gVim (or vim for that matter) when working on the networked drive.

Any ideas how I might be able to maintain the existing file permissions?

This morning while on a different machine the problem with cygwin did not occur. Cygwin & gVim were the same version, however the other machine is running WinXP while the machine the problem is occurring on runs Win7.

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General :: Can Switching File Systems Affect Email Backups And Other Data?

Nov 27, 2010

A while back I installed Dreamlinux 3.5 Gnome edition using ext2. When I attempted to use the email address books I imported from the Dreamlinux3.5 XFCE edition, which had been ext3, I discovered that none of the email addresses could be mailed to. I had to manually type in the addresses.

When I reinstalled Dreamlinux 3.5 Gnome using ext3, the same backup files that did not work in ext2 now work just fine. The question is, was this a "broken data" problem caused by the switch to ext2 file system or something else? Has anyone else experienced this?

The mail program is Thunderbird.

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General :: Ubuntu Live Disk Not Recognizing Internal And External Drive File Systems?

Jan 6, 2010

Im using it in an attempt to backup all of the files off of my dead Windows xp Computer. Right now I am using the 9.10 live disk of Ubuntu and cannot get the program to recognize what kind of file system my internal hard drive is using. (A western digital 320 GB hard drive with partition 1 in NTFS and part2 in FAT32) I would like to be able to back up this drive onto my 1 TB Western Digital external hard drive that is also in ntfs.

Now here comes the wierd part, it won't read or recognize my interal and external hard drives that run those file systems but it will recognize and allow me to read, edit, and access all of the ntfs hard drives on my home network. I did some lurking and tried a tutorial for creating a mount point and on how to force mount a disk, but neither of my disks would show up in Places/Computer. So then I checked the /etc/fstab file and is says,

aufs / aufs rw 0 0
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0

Which I think means that it says I have no hard drives installed or connected to the computer. Yet when I go into Disk Utility it tells me the disk is there and asks if I want to format the disk into ntfs...

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Fedora :: Configure GDM To Hide Individual User ?

Jul 1, 2011

This sounds like an old topic. I have an active user account in my system that I don't want it to be listed in GDM greeter. In the past (prior to Gnome 3), it can be achieved by configuring the "Exclude" option of the "greeter" section in the Custom.conf or by creating the user account with UID smaller than MinimalUID. But it seems the same old trick does not work for me in Gnome 3. I have tried the "Exclude" option with no effect at all. Using the UID approach only solves my problem partially, as it only exclude it in the GDM greeter during "switch user" but it still being shown in the list in the initial greeter after a cold boot.

Anyone know how to do this in Gnome 3?

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Fedora :: Exclude - Hide A User From GDM Logon Window

May 31, 2010

If you need to to exclude one or mode user from your gdm login window you must edit "/etc/gdm/gdm.schemas" and add the user you want exclude from the <key> "greeter/Exclude" (near the other user in <default></default>)

When Fedora could have a gdm config again?

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Ubuntu :: Hide User From Login Screen Lucid?

Oct 29, 2010

I actually got my boss to let me put Ubuntu on a laptop for a client and it works like a champ. I have it all setup but there's one thing I'd like to do on it. I have an admin user (the one I created during the install) and a desktop user (for the person receiving the laptop). I would like to hide my admin user from the login screen, so when it boots up all the user sees is their name. If I need to help them with something/install software I can choose other and login as my admin user.

It appears this was rather easy in 9.10 and previous but I can't figure out how to do it in 10.04. To be clear, I want to edit the user list, not disable it entirely. I've tried changing the user id, I found a post that claimed IDs less than 1000 were not shown on the login screen, this proved un-true in my case.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Hide A Database From The Root User?

Jun 5, 2011

Does anybody know if it is possible to hide certain databases from the root user in MySQL?

It may sound stupid, since the root is the root and all that, and it may feel strange but it kind of adds a level of abstraction which I want to give the "root user", and I want to avoid going down the route of creating a new mysql instance on the server.

I had wondered if there is some kind of 'hide' parameter for a database or whether it is possible to change the root username to something else (e.g. 'realroot') and then create a new user 'root' with all the same privileges (except those on the hidden databases).

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Ubuntu :: Become A Very Competent User Of Operating Systems?

May 12, 2011

I am looking for recommendations on books and studying material for a person starting from zero and wanting to become a very competent user of Linux operating systems. From learning the very basic commands and use of the terminal to contributing to the development of a distro.

Can someone please suggest any books or authors that would be suited to start a program of this sort? (It would be preferable if they are available in hard copy format but e-books could also work)

I would also like to have an expert opinion on how much time you think it would take to get from novice to expert in the Linux world if devoting roughly thirty five hours a week. I intend to compile a step by step curriculum from personal experiences.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Hide User Account In Login Screen?

May 8, 2011

When opensuse boots up and shows the login screen. The login screen shows all configured user accounts to select from.

How would I hide these accounts for opensuse 11.3 with KDE and opensuse 11.4 with LXDE.

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Ubuntu :: Hide The Bubble With The Name Of The User - Mini-applet Session?

Jun 2, 2010

How can i hide the bubble with username in the upper bar, right hand? It is linked to the shutdown icon but i want to keep that icon but hide the bubble with the name of the user.

I was searching but i didn't find anything, only how to hide all the mini-applet session (shutdown icon included).

I attached an image with what i am saying.


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Programming :: How Some Websites Hide Exact Location Of File On Their File System

Mar 12, 2010

in case you have been wondering how some websites hide the exact location of a file on their filesystem, just thought i'd share it with the commnity at large in case someone else is looking for something like this.i take no responsibility for how it is used.

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General :: Create User Add File With Default Password And Force User To Change It?

Feb 2, 2010

I want to add 50 new users, not on the server yet I want to add them all to group Accounting - with 1 option, not user by user I want to setup a default password for them all, and have it say something like 'You must now change password or no access will be permitted' Any other options I also want to do once, not for each user?

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General :: Error - "no Mountable File Systems"

Jun 11, 2010

I downloaded and burned Mandriva one to a cd. When I tried to open the cd on an old-ish Mac PowerPC I received a message saying "no mountable file systems". Is there a way to get around this problem?

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General :: Limit On File Size - Doesn't Allow User To Create File Which Are Greater Than 100Kb

Jun 13, 2011

I was just testing specifying limit on file size to a user and have added the following to /etc/security/limits.conf bob soft fsize 100 This basically should have said not to allow bob to create anyfile greater than 100Kb in size.

But the interesting thing is, if bob already has any file which is greater than 100Kb in size, it even doesn't allow to log him into the system both from console and SSH. Also nothing is logged in logs.. How do I configure it so that, bob can login to the system even though he has any file greater than 100Kb (but doesn't allow him to create file which are greater than 100Kb) ??

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Ubuntu :: Command To Hide File Extensions?

Apr 20, 2010

i was just wondering if anybody knows of a command that i can run in the terminal to HIDE file extensions.I would apretiate this command and i dont mind if it is for ubuntu or windows.

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Programming :: Hide C++ Codes In An Executable File?

Apr 4, 2011

I wrote a c++ program but for security reasons I need to make sure that no one can read my codes by my ".out" files. I did everything I could. But everyone can see it by "strings Alpha.cpp".I heard that g++ has some options to do so.

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Debian :: Rsync And Different File Systems ?

Oct 21, 2010

I have 2 different mounts. One points to a local windows share(NTFS ->Samba) and the other one points to a PPTP VPN connection sharing(I belive that is NTFS too). I use "cifs" scheme in my fstab to mount these. And I use my Debian box to copy between these 2 mounts. I have started using Rsync for that purpose, I think that it works fine for now. My main problem is that it looks like Rsync cannot figure out if the files are same or not in source and target folders when I use these mounts. Most of the time Rsync copies the same files and folders over and over again even though those files and folders are on the target.

I am wondering if there is a way to make this scheme work? Being on a Vpn connection(slow) a Windows box, Rsync could have save a lot of my time if it could have recognized the files and folders that are same on both ends

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Networking :: Distributed File Systems

Jan 21, 2010

Last year I was looking into fault-tolerant distributed file systems and I recall one kernel-based system that required a physical partition on each machine in the cluster, but would treat it as a single volume - ie. a write on one server would appear on the disk on all the servers.Unfortunately I didn't bookmark the specific system I was looking at, and now a year later I can't remember the details.What I don't want is NFS - a single file server with a file system mounted on various machines. What I do want is mirroring - one disk shared among multiple servers, so that if one server dies, it doesn't make any difference to the rest of them.

A bit of investigation turned up Red Hat's GFS, which kind of looks like what I want, but looks more and more like an NFS model to me. I was wondering what everyone's opinion of the various options out there were.

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