General :: Can Switching File Systems Affect Email Backups And Other Data?

Nov 27, 2010

A while back I installed Dreamlinux 3.5 Gnome edition using ext2. When I attempted to use the email address books I imported from the Dreamlinux3.5 XFCE edition, which had been ext3, I discovered that none of the email addresses could be mailed to. I had to manually type in the addresses.

When I reinstalled Dreamlinux 3.5 Gnome using ext3, the same backup files that did not work in ext2 now work just fine. The question is, was this a "broken data" problem caused by the switch to ext2 file system or something else? Has anyone else experienced this?

The mail program is Thunderbird.

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Debian :: File Integrity For Backups Of Home Data ?

Nov 17, 2010

I'm currently backupping our home data (pictures, videos, our CDs ripped to FLAC which I spent a lot of time to tag accurately ), totalling almost 300 Gb, on 2 external USB drives, one of which is meant to stay at a friend's. I left the factory msdos filesystem as it was, thinking it could be useful to be able to connect the drives to a windows machine with no problems. It's certainly useful to have «normal» data that I can take with me e.g. when visiting my family.

I'm simply using rsync manually, checking for suspicious changed or deleted file before commiting the change. I do that every 2 weeks or so.

Now I want to add a file integrity management to my backupping scheme: I want to be able to check that new data I'll be committing has not been tampered with (integrity check before updating tags on my main drive), and I want to be able to check that backupped data is still sane on my USB drives, especially if I need to recover from data corruption on my main drive.

Since I'm essentially mirroring the data, I thought run of the mill integrity software would let me just rsync the integrity database, and I'm done.

But after browsing through the docs of tripware, afick and the like, I fear they work only with absolute paths, so the database for my main drive wouldn't work for my USB drive, that's mounted elsewhere when I plug it in, obviously.

So, I feel I'm missing something. It looks to me I'm trying to solve a very common problem, how do people do it?

Did I miss a file integrity software that works with backups?

Is there a trick like using a symbolic link pointing to whatever file hierarchy I want to check, and have tripware/afick/... monitor that link?

Should I run a more elaborate backupping system than plain rsync? Which one? (Storebackup for instance looks promising since it involves md5 sums, but it's targetting a completely different problem, and I'm not sure I can use it at all for what I need.)

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Ubuntu :: Format Drive With Data To Two Partions With Different File Systems?

Aug 1, 2010

so here's what i want to do. I have a harddrive with Ubuntu 10.04 on it, the biggest partition is a 242gb ext3 partition. I want to format a part of that to FAT, without loosing any data from the hard drive.Is this possible?

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General :: Block A Email Address From Logging Into Multiple Systems?

Jun 15, 2010

can we block email address in a way that a user cannot login into multiple systems simultaneously, so that if a user logs in into a system (with ip address if he tries to login to into another system at the same time(with ip address his previous system(i.e has to logout automatically. Is there any predefined scripts for this.

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General :: Share Data In Dual Boot Systems?

May 28, 2011

Personnally up until now I've been using either NTFS or a ext3 fs driver from Windows. I wonder if there's a better way. Probably NAS is the best, but not really practical with a laptop.

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General :: Rsync Incremental Backups Rather Than Full Backups?

Nov 12, 2009

How do you get Rsync to do incremental backups rather than full backups? At the moment I have a script that will create a backup folder (if it doesnt already exist) then copy the source files into the backup directory with the command

rsync $VERBOSE --exclude=$TARGET/ $EXCLUDE --exclude '/Ls-wtgl1c8/**' -rt --delete $source/ $TARGET/$source/ >> $LOG_FILE

Target is where the files will be backed up to Sources is the dir(s) to be backed up Exclude files is the list of files not to backup
log file is where the output will be saved to. At the moment it only does full backups, but I would only like to do incremental, how would this be achieved? Am I missing out an option in the Rsync that is required.

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General :: Cause Any Harm To Use Dual Operating Systems Like Windows In Terms Of Losing Data?

Aug 12, 2011

I have Windows 7 working on my laptop. I have 20GB space unpartitioned. I want to install a flavor of Linux like Fedora or Ubuntu in that space, but I have heard that keeping a dual OS configuration sometimes results in losing data stored on the hard disk. I've also heard that it may sometimes cause unrecoverable problem because when Linux is loaded on hard disk it will take over the boot loader from Windows.

Is this correct? Moreover, I have 6 partitions in Windows, but if I use a Live CD for Ubuntu or Fedora to boot, then it is not showing some partitions -- sometimes it shows only 4 or 5 partitions. What might be the problem, and how to resolve it without formatting the whole hard disk and repartitioning it?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Regular Data Backups What To Use

Jul 1, 2010

So basically I have 6x 1TB drives in a Linux raid 5, and I have 2x 1.5TB drives running standalone and 1x 2TB drive.I want to backup weekly, data from the Raid 5 array to these independent disks. I configured 3 directories, one for each disk.

data1 => 2TB drive with 1.1TB of valuable data
data2 => First 1.5TB drive 430GB of tech tools and Linux ISO
data3 => Second 1.5TB 46GB of Misc items.


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Ubuntu :: Data Loss And Backups When Upgrading?

Jun 14, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on the laptop and it looks pretty good. I currently run 9.10 on the main desktop and would like to upgrade to 10.04, by pressing "upgrade" in the update manager, but I have some questions before I do, namely about data loss.

If I upgrade, will stuff like Thunderbird keep my emails, FF keep its profile (cookies, bookmarks, addons etc..), the documents keep all the documents, I have an apache server installed with a few websites - will they still be there after an upgrade? I also have a virtual machine with windoze on, what about all the stuff in there and VMware itself?

Or, will I need to back everything up onto an external hard drive (not sure how to backup Thunderbird and FF), and then reinstall everything, and transfer all the documents, websites etc.. back over again??

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Ubuntu :: Email Roadblock After Switching From Windows?

Mar 14, 2010

I have Googled a bunch for this and have found that it may not be possible, but I would love to find out I am wrong since this is the issue keeping me from switching from Windows full time. My school uses an Exchange server hosted by Microsoft and accessible, from Outlook 2007 through via http proxy. We have laptops with MS office 2007 installed and can use the Outlook connector to connect to this server.Is it possible to use an email client in Linux to connect to this server and retain the use of mail and calendar.

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Server :: Sending Email - Leave Management Systems In PHP

Jun 29, 2011

Our mailing systems was working in web mail and we had a tool wherein if we apply leave mails where sent to web mail. Now we have moved to exchange server and we want the mails to be sent to exchange server. The Leave Management systems is developed in PHP with Mysql the platform used is linux.

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Ubuntu :: Auotomount Hard Drive - Can Get The Backups HD To Auto-mount On Startup But Not The Data HD

May 3, 2010

Dropbox will not start properly because my Lucid installation is on a SS HD (/dev/sdc) but my data, including my Dropbox folder is on an internal NTFS-formatted HD (/dev/sda), and I also have another internal HD for backups (/dev/sdb).

For some reason I can get the backups HD to auto-mount on startup, but not the data HD. My fstab file looks like this:

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgraded From 11.2 To 11.4 - Switching Systems Packages To PACKMAN Packages

Aug 31, 2011

I just upgraded from 11.2 to 11.4 and the installation/upgrade worked just perfect. I than followed the instructions in the "New User How To/FAQ", "Multimedia and restricted format" post. I was following the instruction in the 11.4 section. I added the additional repositories as explained. I then was on the section where it talks about going into software management and selecting the "Packman" repository and clicking to "switch systems packages" to the versions in this repository (packman). I than click this link and the "warning" screen appears and I am present with conflict resolution after conflict resolution dialog. It just seems that there are some many conflicts, it just seems wrong and I canceled.

The installation/upgrade appears to have worked just fine. My mail is there, audio and dvd play back worked the first try after the upgrade. I am not clear if this is what I should expect or their is something wrong or if I even need to complete this step for a successfully installation.

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General :: Why Are File Systems Mountable And Unmountable

Oct 5, 2010

I'm familiar with the software and hierarchy of the mount command but I can't find any info on why it is needed or preferred. What are the physical aspects of it? What is the burden of having files accessible all the time?

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General :: Hide File Systems From User

Jul 23, 2009

I was wondering if it was possible to hide the File Systems from a user. So when then browse through folders or choose to save something the default folder is their "home" folder. I am using SAM Linux distribution and don't want my users to be able to screw anything up! I use thunar as my file manager and was just wondering if it is possible?

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General :: Move Files Between File Systems?

Apr 29, 2011

I have to move files between two file systems /inst and /inst2.When I perform 'cp -a /inst /inst2' it copies everything even hidden files and preserves access permissions.But when I perform 'mv /inst /inst2' it also preserves access perms and moves everything besides hidden files.Questions :hy is so ?What tool to use when moving file systems from one fs to another (rsync) ?

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General :: File System Is Best For USB Drives For Booting Systems?

Sep 29, 2010

iv been looking around at the different Linux systems particularity the smaller ones such as DSL, Slax and Puppy Linux. However i need a Linux distribution that doesn't have a GUI desktop environment just the plain old terminal to work on. The system would have to be able to boot from a USB drive also. If anyone knows a systems that fits those requirements or something else related please post. Also what file system is best for USB drives for booting systems?

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Server :: Change The Configuration In Httpd.conf File With Out Affect Current Status Of Http Service?

Jan 27, 2011

I need to change the some configuration in httpd.conf file with out affect any current status of http service.

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General :: Windows - Why Do Operating Systems Have File Size Limits

Aug 13, 2010

What limits a file to have some maximum size depending on the Operating System? I do not exactly understand this. If you have the storage space, what else can be the limitation? You should be able to store as much data as you want the way you want (even in a single file) unless you run out of storage space.

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General :: Filesystems - Best File-systems / Mount-configuration For Each Folder On GNU?

Apr 10, 2011

One of the good points of linux is that is easy to customize the partitioning scheme of the disk and put each directory (/home, /var, etc) in diferent partitions and/or diferent disk. Then we can use diferen file system/configurations for each of them for make them better. xamples:

noatime is a mount option to not write access time on the files. data=writeback is an option to layz write metadata on new files. ext3/4 has journaling that make the partition more secure in case of a crash. bigger blocks make the partition waste more space, but make it faster to read and may become more fragmented. (not sure) Then: What are the best filesystem/configurations for each directory? Note: given the answer of Patches, will only discuss /, /home and /var only.

/var -> It's modified constantly, it write logs, cache, temporal, etc.
/home -> stores important files.
/-> stores everything else (/etc and /usr should be here)

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General :: Windows - Find In-depth Information On Various File Systems?

Apr 28, 2011

Back in the old days of PC-DOS 3.1, computers are much simpler than today's. I can learn a lot of how File System works with tools like PCTools, Norton Disk Doctor, and [URL]. Have been working exclusive in corporate database application area for over a decade, my knowledge of how these stuff work is diminishing. Standard-clean OS (Windows, Linux) installation is all I can do now. And it starts to cause me many data-loss troubles, when I have to perform something that I don't have much insight, such as install and remove peer linux os or move and resize partitions.

I'm looking for books, web resources, or communities where I can educate myself on how various file system works, for which I can have in-depth answer to questions such as:

How to remove ubuntu and grub2 ? (I recently did that, but with a lot of frustration when I was not really sure what I was doing and confront with some scary error message like "Missing BootMgr" What kind of disk-partitioning operation can be performed non-destructively, and why ? What is Active partition ? Primary Parition ? Extended Partition ? How it stored on the disk. There are many free partitioning tools out there, which one is safe to used ? NTFS, Ext3, Ext4, .. What the differences ? How to choose it wisely.

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General :: Using The /proc File Systems To Increase Performance And Functionality?

Jul 5, 2010

I'm interesting in knowing what processes could be altered to improve performance and functionality on my system. And which process may be the best one to alter

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CentOS 5 :: Scheduled Unattended Backups With Alerts If The Backups Fail

Feb 3, 2011

I've been a DOS/Windows guy for 20 years, and recently became a SW test lab helper. My company uses CentOS for a lot, so I've become familiar with it, but obviously not as comfortable as I am with Windows.

Here's what I have planned:

machine: Core 2 Duo E8400, 8GB DDR2, 60GB SSD OS drive, ATI 4650 video card, other storage is flexible (I have 3 1TB drives and 4 750GB drives around that can be used in this machine.)

uses: HTPC, Network Storage, VMWare server host: SMTP, FTP server, and Web server virtual machines

I've figured out how to do much of this, but I haven't figured out how to do backups in Linux. I've been spoiled with Windows, with the built in backup system so simple to use. I find myself overwhelmed with the array of backup software, and unable to determine which to use. none of them seem to do everything I need them to do, but some come close, I think. I'm hoping someone here can help me out in figuring out which program to use and how to use it.

Here is what I need the backup software to do:
1. scheduled unattended backups, with alerts if the backups fail
2. a weekly full backup with incremental every 12 hours
3. removing the old backups when the new full backup runs, I would prefer to keep 2 weeks of backups, but that's not necessary
4. a GUI would be preferable, since my arthritic fingers don't always do as I want them to do. I typo things a lot, and the label worn off my backspace can attest to that.

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General :: Convert An HTML Email Saved As A Text File To A PDF File From The Command Line?

Aug 23, 2011

I need to be able to convert HTML email messages saved as text files (.eml or .msg) to PDF documents, one PDF per email, retaining formatting and images.

Are there any Linux tools that will allow me to do this from the command line (so it can be scripted)?

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General :: Preventing Windows Version Of Vim From Destroying Other File Systems Permissions

Aug 30, 2010

I am currently using the windows version of gVim to edit source files on a networked drive mapped to a linux system, as well as local files created in cygwin.

The problem is that the windows version of gVim destroys the original file permissions on the respective systems. IE: Files on cygwin are defaulted to 077. When edited by the windows version of vim they are saved as 777.This problem doesn't even occur when using ms-notepad (as well as all other editors I've tried), so I am not quite sure why gVim does it.

A possible solution would be to use cygwin's gVim for everything, but that's rather cumbersome as it requires running an x11 environment to support it, and it causes some problems when running some commands from within gVim (or vim for that matter) when working on the networked drive.

Any ideas how I might be able to maintain the existing file permissions?

This morning while on a different machine the problem with cygwin did not occur. Cygwin & gVim were the same version, however the other machine is running WinXP while the machine the problem is occurring on runs Win7.

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General :: Ubuntu Live Disk Not Recognizing Internal And External Drive File Systems?

Jan 6, 2010

Im using it in an attempt to backup all of the files off of my dead Windows xp Computer. Right now I am using the 9.10 live disk of Ubuntu and cannot get the program to recognize what kind of file system my internal hard drive is using. (A western digital 320 GB hard drive with partition 1 in NTFS and part2 in FAT32) I would like to be able to back up this drive onto my 1 TB Western Digital external hard drive that is also in ntfs.

Now here comes the wierd part, it won't read or recognize my interal and external hard drives that run those file systems but it will recognize and allow me to read, edit, and access all of the ntfs hard drives on my home network. I did some lurking and tried a tutorial for creating a mount point and on how to force mount a disk, but neither of my disks would show up in Places/Computer. So then I checked the /etc/fstab file and is says,

aufs / aufs rw 0 0
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0

Which I think means that it says I have no hard drives installed or connected to the computer. Yet when I go into Disk Utility it tells me the disk is there and asks if I want to format the disk into ntfs...

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General :: LUKS Encryption Affect TRIM? (SSD And System)

Mar 26, 2010

I'm moving over to Linux when the new SSD arrives. SSD gives increased performance, so I thought that I could encrypt everything.

But then I came to think about TRIM, and garbage collection on the drive. Will a LUKS encrypted drive affect the garbage collection system? (TRIM).

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General :: Adjusting $PATH In /etc/profile Does Not Affect Root

May 25, 2011

I added a directory to the $PATH variable in /etc/profile. This works for my user account but not for root. It's easy to add it to my /root/.bashrc but I would like to understand whats's wrong. It's a widely unmodified Debian 6 so I think my changes should do the trick.

Here is what my /etc/profile looks like:

# /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for the Bourne shell (sh(1))
# and Bourne compatible shells (bash(1), ksh(1), ash(1), ...).
if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then


Edit: The path I added is the distcc-stuff. Here is what echo $PATH tells me:

$ echo $PATH
# echo $PATH

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Fedora :: File Backups - With Suffix

Dec 1, 2009

As you know everywhere we create a new file ,immediately a backup file with suffix ~ will be created with it if we open the file , i deleted a file but always i have problem with its backup how can delete them with deleting the file?

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Ubuntu :: Getting The File System For Backups?

Nov 25, 2010

I'm having some trouble to find a file system that allows me to backup my data to an external HD, and then access this data in other Linux (and sometimes windows and mac) machines.

The file system that I'm looking for must:

- have no user permissions: anyone can do anything with the data;

- have support to large files: I've used FAT for a while but it just sucks;

- maybe support access in windows and or mac with additional drivers;

- have journaling (or something of the sorts) to reduce the risk of data loss.

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