General :: File Still Unwriteable In /var/www/html After The Chmod Command
Jun 17, 2011
I've got some trouble while trying to install some applications on my linux system. It is said that the files in my /var/www/html/xxx directory, where I put them, is not writeable. The command chmod 777 xxx has been tried to make it work, but the error remains when I opened the applications again.
To be specific, I want to install phpFreeChat on my system, so I put those files in the /var/www/html/freechat directory, cd there and typed chmod 777 data/private, chmod 777 data/public on bash. Here's the result of list -al data:
drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 4096 Jun 17 15:07 .
drwxr-xr-x. 13 root root 4096 Jun 17 15:22 ..
drwxrwxrwx. 2 root root 4096 Jun 17 15:07 private
drwxrwxrwx. 3 root root 4096 Jun 17 15:07 public
These all seemed all right to me, until I typed http://localhost/freechat in my browser. Here's the result:
phpFreeChat cannot be initialized,
please correct these errors:
is not writeable
I need to be able to convert HTML email messages saved as text files (.eml or .msg) to PDF documents, one PDF per email, retaining formatting and images.
Are there any Linux tools that will allow me to do this from the command line (so it can be scripted)?
How can I give execute permission to chmod command from run level 3.Because in GUI mode we have the execute option in the properties of file. E.g. I gave following command chmod -x chomod After that I want to give the execute permission (x) to chmod command again but how from command prompt?
1) capturing an RDF formatted RSS feed as a file on my computer
2) converting the result to HTML using local command line tools
I've sorted 1) with wget? I've discovered xsltproc but I'm going round in circles. The master plan is to import my pinboard bookmarks into a static web site produced on my linux box using a handful of clever bash scripts.
I had created a file under a directory & set the permissions through chmod command but when I create another file under this directory, I get the default permissions. Is this due to umask or can I set the file permissions through chmod under a directory.
that works to disallow non-owners from renaming the file, but what I wouldlike to do is disallow EVERYONE ( including the owner of the file ) fromediting, moving, or changing the filename once it is created. the only personwho should be able to make those changes is a special user.
Kernel, Slackware 12.0 A command line html reader, or a conversion tool from html to text is what I would like to know if any of you guys knows. It has not to do a perfect job. And it would be nice if it is a native unix/linux program.
I've hit a wall here; I'm attempting to find some way by which to view files and cd into directories on a device mounted read-only. So I need the permissions to read, write, execute (and the same with directories), but chmodding is out of the question because I don't want to alter the drive one iota.
I guess what I could do--what I was thinking of initially--was to dupe the whole drive and then mess with permissions. This wouldn't affect the original (actually I'm working on a duplicate of the original, but I'm treating it as if it were the original) but I was hoping for something that would maintain data integrity. This is a forensic application and not altering the data is very important.
i'm trying to convert a html file into a text file when i simply run "html2text <filename>" the output displayed is the way we want but when i redirect the same using "-o" or ">>" the file is having extra characters in it. i even tried -ascii,but no much use.
I have indexnew.html file in /var/www/html. I have to view this file in the browser within the network and without using Apache server. Because, my Apache server gets the request to my application. I used http://localhost/indexnew.html to open the file, but it gets to my application.
I'm such a newbie when it comes to Ubuntu, or any Linux varient, period. I was trying to install a driver for an HP All-in-One Printer and was trying all kinds of commands from different Google searches... still unsuccessful in the installation. I downloaded the file to my desktop, but after using a Chmod command someone mentioned, I now have a folder on my desktop named:
"You are not the owner so you cannot change these permissions". The folder's icon on my desktop has a red box with white circle on the middle right side and a lock symbol above that. I'm the only user so I don't get why the permissions are protected from me, how do i undo this?
Have a look at the image. i hav two users ,one is apoorv(administrator) and other is others(ordinary user). i want to restrict the ordinary user from accessing the files directory as shown in picture. so i tried the chmod command with o-rw option. but its not working ..i hav enabled auto mount for all partitions at boot time.
nfs mounted directory which is mounted rw. I and everyone else are members of a common group. We all have write permissions in the tree: All files and directories in the tree are in the common group. All directories are set to 775 and all files are set to 664 or 775, as appropriate.If a file is owned by someone else, even though the file and the directory are group writable, I get permission denied when I try to chmod the file.
Here's the command synopsis: 997 > ls -l portparms.txt -rwxrw-r--. 1 bdaugher fc 4091 Sep 5 2003 portparms.txt
I'm building a file server using Ubuntu. I want to setup an HTML based file upload/download system where I can create accounts for a few users and allow each user access certain folders. So that the user would open it like a webpage using a web browser and then uploads and downloads files, not needing special setup for the computer. Is there a ready made solution for that purpose? Will I have to code it?
I am just starting to learn to script and I need to know what this doesn't work, here's the error I get: "chmod: command not found" The error goes away when I delete the line with "dirname $NAME" in it.
#!/bin/sh echo "enter file name with extension and path" read NAME FULLPATH=`dirname $NAME` OPENFILE="open "$NAME OPENPATH="open "$FULLPATH echo $OPENFILE > /Users/admin/Desktop/tmpLink echo $OPENPATH >> /Users/admin/Desktop/tmpLink chmond +x /Users/admin/Desktop/tmpLink
Notice that "chmod" and "touch" are part of the package coreutils which gets installed only after these commands are used. I'm seeing a similar problem with selinux being referenced before the libselinux package is installed. I can boot the resulting image but after the kernel boots it panics because it cannot find /dev/root which might or might not have something to do with the errors above.
we have a customer that ran a sudo chmod +x -R * command on his / filesystem by mistake and now the machine cannot be accessed on the network Has anyone any idea what chmod command to run to restore the system to its original state ?
I've been searching the web, without finding any sollution to my problem.vsFTPd is acting really weird. I've never seen this problem before, and I've been using vsftpd for some years nowWell.. The thing is, I've made a user that chroots to the folder /var/www on my server. And when I then try to chmod the file /var/www/htdocs/testsite/index.html through my ftp-client, I only get the error "550 SITE CHMOD command failed.", and when I then check in my /var/log/vsftpd.log it says
Code: FAIL CHMOD: Client "", "/htdocs/testsite/index.html 777" Which I think would mean that it tries to chmod the file "/htdocs/testsite/index.html" instead of chmod the