General :: Failure Of Opensuse Upon Start

Jan 6, 2011

upon starting openuse ireceived the msg fsck failed please reboot manually theroot file system is currently mounted read only t oremount it read-writedo:
bash# mount -n -o remount,rw/

doesn't seem to do anything if typing above line after giving root password and following red msg appears (repair filesystem #)

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General :: Troubleshoot Failure Of Ldap Server Start On OpenSUSE 11.2?

Feb 27, 2010

How do I go about to troubleshoot the failure of ldap server start on openSUSE 11.2? I added a custom configuration (through GUI) and now the server does not whant to start with that configuration.

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General :: Boot Loader Failure - Windows Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing

Oct 18, 2010

I have a system with 2 hard drives. One drive (D) is my Ubuntu 10.04 system and the other drive (C) is my Windows XP system.

When I boot, I get BIOS then GRUB. If I choose the XP selection I am taken to a Boot Loader that now longer works. I get an error saying: "Windows could not start because the following file is missing. <windows root> system32hal.dll Please reinstall a copy of the above file.

Can I remove the boot loader and let Grub take me directly to the C:/windows? If so how?

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Server :: New Centos 5.5 Start Crashing Or Hardware Failure

Oct 4, 2010

i installed a new centos 5.5 1 old server hp ml380 g3 series on 2gb ram, 72gb raid 1+0 scsi disk

after running 1 sucessfull day next morning i found no response of ping, telnet, putty, ssh. when i check physically machine the mouse keyboard was hang, i reboot machine, then it says kernel panic failure mounting hardware, then next time i reboot the o/s centos start book properly and running. i check the dmesg logs, can someone guide me how to check cpu,raidcontroller,memory,harddrive are getting failed or what hardware exactly choking out.

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Slackware :: Failure To Start Apache / Cannot Find Libltdl

Dec 5, 2010

I am new to slackware and linux at all. Today I have installed slackware 13.1 on my PC. Everything seems fine. Furthermore, I successfully installed mysql and edited the http.conf file throughout vim(this was also new to me). I discommented the line where it says "Include /etc/httpd/mod_php.conf" and moreover changed "DirectoryIndex index.html" to "DirectoryIndex index.php".

I assumed that the library "" is missing. When I tried to google it, I cannot find a proper version for slackware.I sincerely apologize if I have posted the thread in the wrong section.

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CentOS 5 :: Failed To Start The X Server After A Power Failure?

Oct 29, 2010

Before to describe my problem I want to say that I searched a lot on the internet and I think I tried all the solutions provided by other users to similar problems.

I've got an IBM xSeries 346 server running CentOS 5.5 with all updates applied with yum.

The video card is an ATI Radeon (lspci says: 01:06.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]).

Everything worked fine until a bad day where there was an environmental power failure and the server crashed.

I turned it on, I manually check the file system, some files went lost and after the reboot the X server didn't start.

After the first boot I had problem with /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit, sbin/multipath.static and /dev/cpu/microcode, I solved them and now the message it shows is:

"Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface) It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem?"

I choose OK and it appears an empty log, if I go in /var/log/gdm and I do an ls -al:

total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 28 04:44 :0.log.4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 28 04:44 :0.log.3
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 29 04:52 :0.log.2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 29 04:52 :0.log.1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 29 04:52 :0.log

So a lot of empty log files.

I press enter on the OK that appears at the bottom of the screen and it says: Would you like to try to configure the X server?

I choose Yes, I enter the root password and appears the following messages:

Couldn't start X server on card 0
Couldn't start X server with old config, trying with a fresh configuration

Then another messages:

Trying to restart the X server, I press enter on OK and it loops the initial message ("Failed to start the X server...)

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Debian Installation :: Intel HD4400 Graphics Failure To Start GUI

Nov 30, 2014

I have an HP pavilion laptop with core i5 4210U that has intel HD4400 graphics. I installed debian wheezy 7.7 after shrinking win 8 and freeing 350GB for debian. I went through the hurdle of making a UEFI bootable USB drive and the system dual boots fine. But once I boot debian, I get all the run time messages and then login prompt flashes and the whole screen is blank except for a prompt on top left. I can open a terminal but that's about it. I'm unable to remotely login (connection refused) from either windows using moba terminal or another debian machine.

I searched the internet and found : [URL] ....

I tried the apt-get but it failed saying:

Code: Select allE: The value "wheezy-backports" is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources

In case I have to install Debian testing version that some said worked, how do I get rid of my current installation, which is UEFI? Do I just erase its partitions in windows? Then what happens to its UEFI boot manager? Just leave it there to rot? If I install again with debian testing version, I envision some problems of the grub UEFI boot manager thinking that the debian 7.7 is still there and try to boot to it. I do have the partition images in partition manager home version 12 so I could just restore the UEFI partition.

HP Pavilion 15
Core i5 421-U
750GB WD hard drive
15.4" 1366*786

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Fedora Installation :: Failure To Start X / Text Install Work Around

Jun 25, 2009

I'm running a P4 system with Dual ATI Radeon 2900HD Graphics cards. When I try to install F11, the graphical interface fails to start and I end up in a text install. I've seen plenty of information on how to fix the problem post install, however I'm not nearly advanced enough to then continue the installation (the text install does not install much, particularly doesn't install the graphical interface). Is there a way to work around this (IE a more complete text install, or somehow getting it to install in graphical user interface?)

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Software :: RAID5 Fail To Start Array After Power Failure

Apr 23, 2010

I am having a RAID5 with a spare(total 4 disk).then the steps which lead me to a problem:

1. i was doing I/O on the array.
2. i pulled out a drive manually. So the spare drive took care of the failed one and started rebuilding. then
3. in the, mean time i pulled out the power plug of my NAS box.
4. After power up i saw my array was not active(by -D command option of mdadm). then
5. i executed: mdadm --assemble --scan /dev/md0 it gave me

I checked into the linux source and found that bd_claim is a function inside fs/block_dev.c and it failing due to which lock_rdev function (calling bd_claim in md.c) is failing and we are not able to start the array.I don't know why my RAID is not live after power on.
Plese help atleast can i save my data?

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General :: Make Dhclient Start At Boot In Opensuse 11.0?

Jun 15, 2009

I looked into the handbook,googled for it,but found no working solution to this "problem". Everytime I use Opensuse I must su and then type dhclient,how can I make sure my connection will be up as soon as I log in?

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General :: OpenSuSe Fail To Start - No Message Logging

Jan 6, 2011

OpenSuSe fail to start if loading on fail safe following msg appears
blogd: no message logging because/var file system is not accessible
I have run defrag through XP

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OpenSUSE :: Firefox 3.6.10 In 11.3 Failure

Oct 17, 2010

Firefox in linux, 32 & 64 bit versions, crashes when accessing the page mentioned with the following error message. There is no such crash when using firefox within win7. The crash is repeatable.

BuildID: 2010091400
CrashTime: 1287306281
EMCheckCompatibility: true


This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.

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OpenSUSE :: Start Apache And Ktorrent On The Systems Start Up?

May 11, 2010

i want to start apache and ktorrent on the systems start up, is there a program that will do it for me or do i need init scripts?

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General :: Uninstall Current Opensuse 11.3 Installation And Start Again With A Different Distro?

Oct 3, 2010

I would like to uninstall my current opensuse 11.3 installation and start again with a different distro. How do I go about doing this?

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OpenSUSE :: Failure To Install Win4Lin Pro

May 30, 2011

My OS11.4 KDE 64 bit I'm trying to install Win4LinPro and I get this error message. "An internal system error has occurred. A problem that we were not expecting has occurred. Please report this bug with the error description. Details: [PK_TMP_DIR|dir:///var/tmp/TmpDir.vZjMM9] Repository already exists". When I click OK the install shuts down.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Keyboard Failure In 11.2 Kde

Mar 3, 2010

I have a a Compac Presario laptop 1.5G AMD Turion64, 1.2G ram, ATI radeon xpress 200m. I originally tried to install 11.2 w/gnome but could not get a screen. I erased the partition and installed 11.1 kde. That seemed to work ok so I upgraded to 11.2. Now the keyboard doesn't work with the gui, although it works in grub. I have tried >sax2 -r< and >sax2 -r -m 0=vesa< in run level 3 but each of those killed both the keyboard and the mouse so I had to shut it down using the power switch. Should I go back to 11.1

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OpenSUSE Install :: XEN Boot Failure On 11.1?

Dec 19, 2009

Resently I installed OpenSUSE 11.1 including XEN as I planned to use virtual machines. XEN item appeared in GRUB boot menu along with other items (OpenSUSE, windows...).I was instructed to boot XEN in order to use virtual machines.During boot, XEN was examining my disks and partitions, and when it reached CD and DVD drives, seemingly it went into infinite loop between the two drives. Finaly the screen went dark, and I have to make hard reboot. How can I work around this problem?

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Is Broken After Power Failure

Feb 3, 2010

I had a power failure, now Gnome will not completly start and just hangs almost there. another member of the family was at the computer and when it restarted and something like TomBoy was flagged as no working and the question was asked if they wanted to delete reference or not , so they said yes now Gnome still will not finish loading. How do i repair from the console prompt?

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OpenSUSE :: X Window Display Initialization Failure

Feb 12, 2010

Im trying to "ssh -X" my university server for accessing cadence, but i get this:

HTML Code:
*Warning* X Window Display Initialization Failure
*Warning* (DISPLAY "<not defined>")
Apparantly i need to assign it my machine IP e.g like:
HTML Code: setenv DISPLAY machine:0.0

But unfortunately it still doesnt solve my problem. All it does is stop printing this warning message as a result.

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OpenSUSE :: Authentication Failure Of Root Password?

May 2, 2010

have been experiencing an error (the past few weeks) whenever I try to install a software package using the default installer. Each time I enter the root password it is not accepted and I am unable to get past it and the installation fails.This is the error message that is issued:[PK_TMP_DIR|dir:///var/tmp/TmpDir.mf2zCf] Repository already exists.I am able to enter the root password in a terminal session without any problem along with using the Install Software option in the main menu.

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OpenSUSE :: Failure Migrating Firefox And Thunderbird From 11.2 To 11.3

Sep 9, 2010

get my system from 11.2 to 11.3, I made a clean, new install instead of an upgrade. (I also used the opportunity to change to a new, bigger harddrive.) I installed Mozilla Thunderbird from the repositories and (using the root account) tried to replace the automatic entry in .thunderbird with my own cryptic-named folder which I copied in from external storage. I changed the target name in the profiles.ini to my folder's name. (I also made sure that although "root" did the copying, my main user is still the owner of all folders and files.)Same procedure for Firefox (except for the installation part).

I made the same kind of copying for the OpenOffice "user"-folder and Office came up with all my individual settings. But both Firefox and Thunderbird gave a failure notice, telling that "the program is already running, but does not react. In order to open a new window, you need to shutdown the existing process or restart your computer."(Original German: "Thunderbird wird bereits ausgefhrt, reagiert aber nicht. Um ein neues Fenster �ffnen zu k�nnen, m�ssen Sie zuerst den bestehenden Thunderbird-Prozess beenden oder ihren Computer neu starten.")

I restarted the computer several times, but to no avail. (A similar (or the same) bug was reported two years ago, but it seems that no solution was reached [see ]Thunderbird l��t sich nicht mehr starten - -- User helfen Usern.)

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OpenSUSE :: AVG Scan Causing Kernel Failure?

May 1, 2011

I just installed OpenSUSE 11.4 x64 as a fresh full-install last week. Seems to be running great, up until the last couple days when I installed AVG. Every time I do a avgscan, it runs for 20 to 60 min, and then causes the PC to reboot. The only thing I can find is the following event in the /var/log/messages:

May 1 11:45:01 linuxbox sntp[7653]: Started sntp
May 1 11:45:59 linuxbox kernel: [38429.349995] iTCO_wdt: Unexpected close, not stopping watchdog!
May 1 11:46:00 linuxbox kernel: [38430.111688] PM: Marking nosave pages: 000000000009d000 - 0000000000100000


I get this result every time I try to do a virus scan. I also have seen this result once when doing a large scp transfer from another Suse box. The AVG log just terminates and gives no warnings as to what's going wrong.

Are there any other logs I can check out to try to troubleshoot this further???

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.3: KDE Network Management Failure?

Aug 2, 2010

I just changed my power settings so that my laptop would hibernate when I closed the lid... but now KDE Network Manager has decided that it will not allow itself to be enabled. I can get my ethernet connection working through YAST... but I *really* need the wireless to work as well... so can somebody *please* tell me why KNM is being so stupid, and how I can fix it? EDIT: I just realized that I should have put this in the Network subforum...

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: External Disk USB 2.0 Failure?

Sep 14, 2010

Since I installed 11.1 and now 11.3 I haven't been abble to access my LaCie 500gb USB 2.0 external disk. So I asked LaCie support about it and they replied as follows:Windows 2k or SuSe Linux 11.0 can not see device in any USB 2.0 portsIs this a known problem and will it ever be fixed?

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OpenSUSE Install :: KDE & Startx Login Failure?

Aug 16, 2011

After upgrading several packages (can't remember which now) I can't login with the graphical login. It accepts the password, starts to load, but then dies and dumps me back at the login prompt again.Attempting to login from the prompt, sometimes works (there is specific condition), and when it does, I then attempt to "startx". OK, it complains the display is already in use, so I then "startx -- :1". Everything starts to load, but then fails again like the graphical login.

checking /var/log/Xorg.1.log I see no errors [EE].checking /home/***/.xsession-errors I see the following.xauth: file /home/***/.serverauth.15914 does not existI have also tried as another forum suggested and rename the .kde4 and the .skel directories to something else. Login via graphical and prompt still both fail.I have also tried logging in with another window manger. That also fails.However, I have also tried creating a new user and logging in. That works. It is from this user account that I write the postI have attempted copying over all of the application settings from the corrupted user account, but some things are missing and there are various personal project directories and permissions that are causing issues. Therefore I would like to repair the corrupted account. Where do I begin to fix the corrupted account?OS: Linux 3.0.1-40-desktop i686System: openSUSE 11.4 (i586)KDE: 4.6.5 (4.6.5) "release 4"Video: nouveau

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OpenSUSE Network :: E1000e In 11.3 Driver Failure

Aug 6, 2010

I ran into a problem that seems to be related to: [URL] with an HP Desktop. The desktop has a Intel 82567LM-3 on board gigabit ethernet adapter which on a fresh install of 11.3 would not operate properly. The e1000e driver was properly detected however on loading, the ethernet interface was never initialized. My solution was to get the latest e1000e driver from Network Adapter Driver for PCI-E Gigabit Network Connections under Linux*


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OpenSUSE :: Backup In Case Hard Disk Failure?

Jun 10, 2010

I looking for advice on what is the best way for backup on opensuse in case hard disk failure .

I have opensuse as server running samba (with some share folder) and mysql and web service. for mysql backup I run cron job using automysqlbackup script that run 3 times a day (morning , lunch , evening).

in case of hard disk failure, I wish to be put every things on new hard disk in 1or 2 hours.

do I have to use disk imaging software ?

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OpenSUSE :: Compile Failure - Linking Testkeys - Error 1

May 2, 2011

how I can resolve this error in compiling?

Linking testkeys... /usr/lib/gcc/i586-suse-linux/4.5/../../../../i586-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lSDL_ttf collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [testkeys] Error 1

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Memory Swapping Causes System Failure?

Jan 11, 2010

We have a four socket amd machine, running barcelona processors, with 64gb ram.The system runs for extended periods just fine when the system is running up to or below the 64gb memory limit. A typical load on the machine has short periods where the machine uses heavy amounts of swap space (30+ Gb). We have a swap partition of around 96Gb. When we push the machine into heavy swapping, the machine will fail within 24hrs. Has anyone experienced this problem and is there a solution other than buying more physical memory? Or am I wrong and maybe the physical memory is the issue? I thought maybe it was the memory itself, and after stripping the memory down, I get the same problem...failure upon heavy swapping

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Possible Hard Disk Failure Imminent?

Apr 20, 2010

[System: OpenSuSE 11.0 , kernel, athlon i386] I've recently begun to have problems with my Sata Hitachi disk drive; it stores all my documents and music etc. I've only begun to notice these problems when I installed the Ex2 IFS driver for Windows so I could access my data (read only) from my Windows disk. However, the problem is not exclusive to Windows; Windows blue-screens when the Sata link goes down, but SuSE attempts to re-establish a link. Here's the dmesg output (only includes output relevant to disk activity). I've also run smartcl on the disk, here's the output. Note that the output says that it's soft-resetting the link. Any clues as to what this may infer? Also, the system has sometimes failed to boot as it sees the disk as corrupted and asks me to perform a fsck, which rewrites the journal (although this may or may not have been down to the aforementioned driver possibly not playing nice with the journal, even though it is in read only mode) and restores the disk to working order.

I can have periods of days where the disk works perfectly fine on both Windows and SusE, and random events where the disk link goes down for some reason. The situation seems to be remedied by me physically pushing the Sata cable into the disk and motherboard., and returns when the computer tower is subject to a considerable vibration from a slight knock et cetera. On the other hand, this may be a power problem, some ends on a rail are faulty on my PSU and will only give power to my optical drives if they are positioned in a certain angle, although this is probably less likely as the disks don't go offline, just the link.

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