General :: Echo Command Error - File Exits
Mar 17, 2010
I faced a issue with updating a file contents with echo command which fails with error as below:
echo "foo" > bar //to create a file named "bar"
echo "foobar" > bar //to edit its contents
The latter fails, it prompts "File exists" i.e.
~>echo "foo" > bar
~>echo "foobar" > bar
bar: File exists.
~>cat bar
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Dec 23, 2009
How can i enable caps lock by using echo command. I know that by using syntax echo -e "33[3q" this only turns the capslock led to glow. but the capslock is not working i.e. the words are typed in small case only.
Then by using xmodmap command i.e. syntax xmodmap -e "remove lock = Caps_Lock" or xmodmap -e "add lock =Caps_Lock" doesn't work. On running this it shows unable to display.
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Jan 2, 2010
can anyone tell me how can one enable capslock by using echo command. ofcourse we can glow the led by using the echo command.
Its syntax is echo -e "33[3q"
On searching i found that by using $xmodmap -e "add lock=Caps_Lock" we can enable capslock. but its not working.
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Dec 1, 2009
Can any body tell me where can i found the source code for echo command. so that i can download it such that it can help me for further studies on echo command
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Mar 1, 2011
I logged into my Red Hat Enterprise Linux machine at work (use it for software development) and the primary GUI does not load. Instead, widgets appeared for xclock, xterm, and Firefox. In the terminal, I start typing in commands to try to figure out what's going on, but all commands are not found except pwd and echo. I 'echo $PATH' and that returns just an empty, blank line. 'echo $SHELL' lets me know I'm using cash.
The likely cause was my attempt to install Adobe Reader Firefox plugin yesterday. After it downloaded, I ran the binary but Firefox didn't seem to recognize that I had installed it, so I went into my .cshrc file and added the adobe folder to the path. That didn't seem to work, so I gave up, deleted the binary and the folder I installed to, and removed that directory from the path in the .cshrc file. This last thing (the export PATH line in that file) I'm certain is back exactly as it was before.
I have successfully added the /bin and /usr/bin back to the path from command line via
setenv PATH /usr/bin:/bin
but of course it doesn't stick after reboot nor does it magically load the primary GUI. I'd rather not go through the effort of creating a ticket for our company's Global Service Desk cuz there's no telling how long that could take to resolve. In the meantime, I can't do any programming.
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Sep 26, 2010
I have a process which logs output to log.txt. If I want to see the process's status in real-time, is there a way to echo that output to stdout instead of opening the log in a text editor and constantly reloading?
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Apr 19, 2010
I am trying to figure out a totally odd behavior of the ext3 filesystem mounted in Ubuntu 9.10. There is a Korn Shell script, part of which does the following in the loop:
while ((1)); do
mv dir1/file dir2;
if [[ ! -r dir2/file ]]; then
echo "ERROR"
ls -l dir1/* dir2/*
exit 1
echo "OK"
Given that dir2/file always exists and that I do not move it asynchronously with "&", my script should never hit the "ERROR" statement. The odd thing is that it does, and quite randomly (no pattern at all). However when it does hit the ERROR case, ls -l prints that file is in dir2 and it is readable! I tried using "-e" instead of "-r" test - no luck. I never seen anything like this in 10 years of my programming experience. Same script worked fine on Fedora 11, and yet it wouldn't work on Ubuntu.
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Dec 16, 2010
What is the difference between
$echo cat
$cat echo
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Nov 2, 2010
I'm getting the following error when trying to extract a rar file using Squeeze in XFCE.
"Command exited with status 256."
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Sep 24, 2010
I have a log file that has an I/O Error about halfway in. It is a syslog file with Sendmail log entries. I need to break into smaller files. I tried using a simple egrep command creating new files by the date _egrep "^Sep 19" filename_ but the command hangs when it hits the I/O Error.
I tried split but it bails out when it hits the I/O Error. Is there anyway to read the file and get past the I/O Error? IS there a way to read the file from the bottom up so I can get the data from the top and bottom?
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Mar 8, 2010
When follow the below step for patching the file diff file1 file2 > patchfile.patch patch -p0 file1 < patchfile.patch but I got the following error after that Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n] I dont know what happen here Kernel version is:
patch version is:
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Jan 11, 2010
I am testing the serial ports on a Single Board Computer(SBC) running Linux kernel 2.6.29. I usually do this by connecting the serial port to another PC serial port, then doing "cat /dev/ttyS0" on PC and "echo hello > /dev/ttyS0" on the SBC. However in the current system, "echo hello > /dev/ttyS0" command does not return at all! Also no characters appear on the destination port. I am running the echo command as root. The system boot messages show that the serial port in indeed /dev/ttyS0.
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May 27, 2011
find /var/spool/mqueue -group abc -exec rm -rf {} ;Using above command , I delete all the files belong to group abc.Now the problem i face is that the this command gives error that some files are missing . And this error occur because after creating list of files, it pass that list to rm -rf but till that time sendmail process queue and some of files disapper from /var/spool/mqueue.
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Nov 5, 2010
In a script, when I enter "echo $1" the first argument is outputted. When I enter:
echo "$$a"
The output is just "$1", not the first argument. If I enter:
echo $b
The output is still "$1" and not the first argument. How can I get echo to output the first argument without use "$1" directly?
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Jan 25, 2011
I try to write script and echo two command at the same line .
echo "A"
echo "B"
How can I pipe above two command at the same line in text file . So, in the output text file , you can see below ? Code: A B not Code: A B
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Jan 24, 2011
I try to write script and echo two command at the same line .
echo "A"
echo "B"
How can I pipe above two command at the same line in text file . So, in the output text file , you can see below?
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Feb 19, 2010
command will just execute and exit with a status of "0" -"Every command returns an exit status (sometimes referred to as a return status ). A successful command returns a 0, while an unsuccessful one returns a non-zero value that usually may be interpreted as an error code. Well-behaved UNIX commands, programs, and utilities return a 0 exit code upon successful completion, though there are some exceptions."[URL]With the command . . .
# dosfsck -v /dev/sdb
it could be very helpful (and decide my next move) to see the exit code as 0, 1, or 2 . the man page suggests the command exit code will specify if the message I get - "Cluster size is zero" (I think it is a "1")is a recoverable or fixable error by the utility. or is non-recoverable - a pretty nifty feature if I understand this right. [URL] is there anything like this script COMMAND_LAST used in the following link. [URL] that can be entered in the terminal window after - or at end of - my dosfsck command or any command. just to see if it has a 0, 1, or 2 status ?
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Jun 11, 2011
I have a router with linux firmware and attached to it a USB modem with which I can do both data and voice.Any other command send through echo method works ok. I was able to send SMS, edit phonebook and many many other stuff, but not make a call.So what is different from sending the call command within Minicom 2.5 and echo it?
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Jan 4, 2010
I am trying to run a script called as follows: I get a jar file, and extract it using the command: unzip filename.jar -D path/to/files then I navigate to that directory where I extracted the files, and run the command: sh (where is one of the files that has been extracted in that directory using the above unzip command.) running this command gives me an error:' command not found.' among other errors in the script ( from that portion of the script that should not even be executed, which is really weird). However, instead of unzipping the jar file, if I just copied the same file to that folder, and ran the 'sh' command, the script runs fine.
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Nov 11, 2010
We make everyday a DB Mysql backup on Linux redhat Enterprise. We are using a bash shell script (and putting it in the crontab) to execute it automatically everyday. We added a line to this script telling, once the backup has completed, to find old backup files (stored on hard disk after each backup) older than x days to remove them. We use the find command (search for file type) with the mtime option and in combination with rm command. Everything runs ok but we also want to add some new code to the same line: If find command cannot find anything or fails, for example if it cannot delete file or fails, send the error message (standard error output) to an error file (like error000001 and increasing) and mail the errorxxxx file to an email address for example to What would be the code for this issue to add it to our find command in the same bash shell script??
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May 1, 2010
simple scan error as follows: Failed to save file ImageMagick returned error code 11 Command line: convert -adjoin /tmp/simple-scan-DA9MBV.jpg /tmp/simple-scan-XCK4BV.jpg /tmp/simple-scan-NZVYBV.pdf Stdout: Stderr: using karmic note: I have apparmor extra profiles installed but didn't notice one that related to simple scan or imagemagick. Red herring or not?
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Mar 27, 2011
I have a script,
smartctl -a /dev/sda > /smartlogs/sda-$(date).txt
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Jan 25, 2011
awk ' {
# when executing the script pass the logfile as parameter on the command prompt with the name of the file
#export file_name= "&1"
my problem is that when i execute this script only the first two functions are being called.once the DBcounttry_finalnofunc() is done ,the script exits.The rest of the functions are not being called.
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May 3, 2010
cmake 2.8.1-2
dh-make .54
I'm having some issues building deb packages. dh_make --createorig behaves as expected, but when I attempt to buld the package with dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot the build dies on a dpkg-source error.
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Mar 1, 2011
I have a script: `cd $FILEPATH && patch -i $TMPFILEA2$FILETMPPATH` Variable $FILESPATH is = /tmp/ardiff.AvUUGfOKa2/a/hello/ and Variable $TMPFILEA2$FILETMPPATH is = /tmp/ardiff.AvUUGfOKa2/b/hello/hello.c.patch. I don't know, why is it no working from script file, it write me message to terminal: ./ line 242: patching: command not found.
But I have no PATCHING command there!!!! The paradox is, when I want to patch it from terminal (I write it to terminal by keyboard, it works).
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Mar 9, 2010
I am an extremely inexperienced user of command line computing (I am working with on Mac OS X Snow Leopard) who is trying to compile Fortran code with the G95 compiler. I have created a folder within the G95 directory that I would like to use for storing all of my code files, but when I try to cd from the G95 directory to the new one that I created, I get the above error. I can cd to other folders within the G95 directory, and have tried all combination's of capitalization.
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Apr 23, 2010
I am using CentOS 5.4. I created a bash script that does some checking before running any commands. If the check fails, it will simply exit 0. The problem I am having is that on our server, the script will exit the su or ssh session when the exit 0 is called.
# check if directory has contents and exit if none
if [ -z "`ls /ebs_raid/import/*.txt 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
echo "ok"
exit 0
Here is the output:
[root@ip-10-251-86-31 ebs_raid]# .
[russ@ip-10-251-86-31 ebs_raid]$
I was removed from my sudo session, if I wasn't in the sudo session, it would have logged me out of my ssh session. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here or where to start.
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Oct 7, 2010
I'm running GNU Emacs 23.1.1 on "Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS" and any search I perform using the built-in M-x rgrep on the standard Linux kernel source code (vanilla) ends prematurely with the following error printed to the emacs echo area:Grep exited abnormally with code 123.I have been seeing it for a while on Redhat systems as well, and with other (large) code bases.
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Mar 26, 2011
I know my way around MS Windows much better, but I just don't feel right trying to program something for Android on a Microsoft operating system. I am interested in Android programming so I followed the instructions on [URL] to install the environment on my computer...
I just installed the JDK, SDK, Eclipse successfully (or I assume):
* When I get to Step 4 where I'm supposed to run 'android' it will not run. I get the error message "android: command not found" (I am definitely in the right directory).
** When I double-click it in nautilus, it opens up in gedit. I can set the permissions in nautilus (through the properties - Allow executing file as a program) and get it to work,
My system:
Intel i7
Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat
eclipse 3.6.2
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May 24, 2010
I just setup a cron that display a message like : "hello world" for every minutes. So I put this:echo "hello world" And then I waited and stare at terminal. But seems like it doesnt shown off, did I messed up something?
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