General :: Connecting To A VBoxHeadless Machine(s)

Nov 30, 2010

I have virtual machines running "headless" (using virtual box); I started the machines with this command...

/usr/bin/VBoxHeadless --startvm machine1

How can I connect to the console?

I know I can use "rdesktop" to connect to the machines...but I can only connect to the first would I do it if I want to connect to another running instance? Currently I have 4 virtual machines running...

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General :: Connecting To A SonicWall VPN From A Machine?

May 16, 2010

Is there a SonicWall client for Linux? When I searched around I could only find answers several years old.

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General :: Connecting To Remote Windows Machine

Jun 19, 2010

Like ssh for linux,is there any way to connect to remote windows machine.

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General :: Connecting To VNC Server From Any Machine In House?

Jun 12, 2011

I am having trouble connecting to VNC server from any machine in my house. The server is running fedora v14.

Previously I was able to connect when i had dsl, but i have since switched to cable and am having a problem

I checked the vnc error log and saw the below error. Note these are excerpts from the file

I have checked
1. VNC server is up and running
2. My username is in the vnc file
3. the port i am trying to connect to is open.


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General :: Block A Virtual Machine From Connecting With A Website, From Outside The VM?

Mar 21, 2010

A couple of weeks ago, I completed a system upgrade that was motivated because I have to deploy Windows 7. I have to deploy it because my Windows development environment is getting very long in the tooth, and I have to become current again for a project of mine that is underway. So, yesterday, I deployed Windows 7 Professional in VMware 7 hosted on Mandriva 2010. With my new upgrade, I have a very capable quad-core athlon system with an NVidia 240GT video card, and it runs Aero quite nicely in the virtual machine. I do have to say that Windows 7 looks nice and isn't too annoying to use, except - of course - when I need to dig into it to change some setting or another.

Now, on Windows, for many years I have used Zone Alarm firewall rather than the Windows firewall, because ZA monitors and controls outgoing connections. I have used this on both my Win2K development system (virtual machine) AND my Win XP laptop to keep microsoft applications (notably media player) from calling the mother ship when I didn't think they should. It has worked well. So one of my first actions was to download the newest copy of ZA free firewall and deploy it on Windows 7, after disabling the Windows firewall. Well guess what. ZA doesn't stop Windows from calling the mother ship. I have all settings on ZA set to "ask" before allowing anything to contact the net, but I've been playing with some multimedia things and the microsoft software has been talking on the internet as happy as you please, and ZA hasn't asked me a single time if it could do so.

Of course, when I ran a few tests with ping and tracert, ZA asked me. Also, I had to fiddle with ZA settings a bit to get the Windows 7 to successfully talk to my LAN. But when Windows 7 wants to talk to microsoft, it talks regardless of what ZA says. Well, when you get down to it, this is one reason I have Windows running in a VM...I WILL be in control, regardless of what microsoft wants. Does anyone know of a tool that I could use from Mandriva to prevent a VMware client from talking to a website? I'd like to be able to easily enable/disable it so that I can let Win 7 talk to microsoft when I need for it to do so, but no other time. I'm using bridged networking in VMware so all my virtual machines have their own IP addresses, but of course all of them (as well as my host Linux system) go through the same network adapter. It seems to me that iptables would have to work for this, but I'm not at all sure how to set it up to do it given the bridge.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Start VBoxHeadless Using Upstart

Apr 24, 2010

Like the title stated Anyone with experience or suggestion, please do share. I've tinkered all night with this thing. Never get the VBox service I created to start.Here is my final code before I dried my brain.

# Archayl Server startup


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Ubuntu :: Connecting Usb Printer To A Xp Virtual Machine?

Apr 27, 2011

I have ubuntu 10.10 with all current updates. and I have virtualbox installed I have xppro running through virtualbox. I am unable to use my printer with linux, (lexmark) so I want to hook up my printer to my xp that is running in virtualbox. but the xp does not see any usb devices.

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Fedora Networking :: Router Disconnects On Connecting 14 Machine?

Jan 5, 2011

I recently installed Fedora 14 on my machine. Ever since I cannot connect to the Internet at home.henever I plugin in the ethernet cable the ADSL router disconnects and all machines connected to the router lose connection to the Internet.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting XP Machine Using Terminal Server?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm trying to connect to an XPpro machine using terminal server, I've been to the microsoft web sight and configured xp as they explain. Which consists of "allow remote desktop connections" and "re configure the fire wall", Done. I've obtained the ip address of the router and the user name and password of the xp machine and still I cannot access it!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting A Virtual Machine To A Host Via NFS

Jul 7, 2011

I am currently running ubuntu on a qemu-kvm virtual machine, and the host is fedora. I would like to mount a folder of the host machine on my VM, but never succeeded. The result of the command is :

root@armnlib-kvm:~# mount -v /nfs
mount: no type was given - I'll assume nfs because of the colon
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Jul 7 06:02:43 2011
mount.nfs: text-based options: 'addr='


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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting Xp Machine To PPTP Server

Jul 8, 2011

I have been wanting to switch from my routers VPN to my headless linux box VPN. I have everything setup in the PPTP and then forwarded the ports to it. Heres the kicker. My APPLE Iphone connects to the VPN without a problem at all. Views Intranet pages etc.

My Windoz XP is kicking and screaming and one error after another. This is my setup on XP: I entered Ip Entered exact same credentials as used for connecting with my iphone turned off "use gateway on remote network" Changed type to PPTP VPN connecting my xp machine to this PPTP server on linux?

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Networking :: Connecting To Internet With Lubuntu Through Ubuntu Machine

Apr 29, 2010

How to create some sort of network, which would mean that one computer (Lubuntu in this case) is connecting to internet through second PC (Ubuntu), which is directly connected to cable, so maybe I get some manuals and tips. The computer which is connected to internet have two LAN cards (Realtek 8139 and integrated nVidia MCP65), Realtek card is connected to the internet provider cable (internet is tied to my computer's MAC address and uses static IP).

Second computer have also a Realtek card and it's connected to first computers integrated card. Anyhow - I've put on the first computer eth1 (which is integrated MCP65) IPV4 setting to "Shared to Other Computers" and IPV6 to "Link-Local Computers" and while I was having Windows XP on the second machine, setting on it (the XP machine) DHCP (or how was it correctly called, when system automatically resolves or gets the IP and the rest what it needs?), second computer was receiving Internet signal and I could use both of them in such way.

Now the second computer is with Lubuntu and I thought that I could do the same way as did on XP - just put in Network Manager for the connection (eth0) everything to automatical and there will be internet, but there aren't and the manager shows some kind of "Automatic Ethernet" option, which after activation also doesn't do anything. What do I have to do, to make my Lubuntu machine to recognize Ubuntu's eth1 and to use it as a source for Internet?

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Fedora Security :: Connecting Machine To A Microsoft VPN Server Using RSA Authentication?

Jul 28, 2011

Has anyone got experience connecting a linux machine to a Microsoft VPN server using RSA authentication? What puzzles me perhaps most about this topic is the absolute dirth of information. If it is not possible, can anyone tell me why?

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Red Hat :: Rhel 4.8 - Nc: Connecting - Cannot Get The Tripwire Server To Talk To The Agent On The Red Hat Machine

Dec 7, 2010

I have tripwire enterprise (not open source) agent running on one of my rhel4.8 web servers (I have actually tried with two servers with same results). The agent is a simple install rpm bin file and appears to be running as it should and the server for tripwire enterprise is set up accordingly. A windows tripwire enterprise agent is also on a windows machine that works perfectly well. But I cannot seem to get the tripwire server to talk to the agent on the red hat machine.

I can connect to port 9898 on the server, but the agent who also talks over the same port doesn't appear to be responding to the server on this port. There are no iptables set up to block the requests, there is no firewall set up (disabled) . Network team can see the packet requests being sent over the routers fine... So can't see why there would be a problem. So i reverted to the use of net cat.

Nc -l 9898 (on the agent machine)
Telnet <agent> 9898

But I get connection refused. Is there anything I could be missing here? Redhat is not my Linux of preference and it may be something obvious!

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OpenSUSE Network :: Failing In Connecting To An Access Point That Windows Works Fine With On The Same Machine

Nov 7, 2010

I have done a fresh install of the OS and I am having wifi trouble. I am failing in connecting to an access point that Windows works fine with on the same machine. As far as I can tell it is connecting but not getting an IP address via DHCP. when running ifup it says its backgrounding getting an ip address.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Connecting To A Network On 11.3 On A Virtual Machine

Sep 28, 2010

Recently loaded 11.3 onto a virtual machine, however none of the network settings will allow me to connect to the internet. First time Ive had this happen, other distro's Ive experimented with connected with no problems. I recall seeing a similar topic some time ago (dont remember if it was here or another forum), but at the time, there had been no fix. Anyone know if this has been fixed?

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General :: Transfer Files On A Machine With Ftp / Sftp And Scp Disabled Onto A Remote Machine?

Nov 30, 2010

How do you transfer files on a Linux machine with ftp,sftp and scp disabled onto a remote machine

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General :: How To Configure Serial Port Of Virtual Machine With Host Machine?

Jul 29, 2009

I successfully installed the virtual box on my fedora 8 system, and also created a virtual machine with windows xp OS, it works nicely, I try to configure the serial port of my virtual machine and try to configure the path for the port "screen shot are attached" it gives me the error message also the "screen shot are attached" for your review.Is kind of mistake is going on during the path setting, and how to set the path for configuring the serial port of my virtual machine so that I can use the hyper terminal tool of windows.

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General :: Transform A File On 1st Machine With A Tool On 2nd Machine In One Line Over Ssh?

Jul 14, 2011

I have some file tools on a mint machine that I would rather not install on my mac laptop. Mainly because of the vastness of apt-get and the low risk of installation failure. Anyway, every so often I have a file that I want to process in place using some remote tool. Both machines can ssh right in to each other so I was figuring there must be some script or tool out there that would allow me to type out something like remote [file] [tool & args] to send my file to the other machine, get it processed, then get it back.

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General :: Setup A Machine Running Drupal CMS On A Debian Machine?

Aug 13, 2010

I'm know very little about Linux but decided to set up a machine running Drupal CMS on a Debian machine and it won't go. The folks at Drupal have tried to help but it seems the Debian OS won't do it's PHP thing for Drupal.

That means i'll have to start at the START I guess.

how to become a master of Linux if one is starting from ABC (I can add and subtract, that's what it feels like)

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General :: Access Windows Machine Through System Machine?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm the Administrating the computers in my office. I want to monitor the user's activity. How can i remote login without distrubing the user's activity on his computer? Any software need to be installed? (I don't want to use Terminal server client).

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General :: Copy Files From Machine A To Machine B?

Mar 8, 2010

How can i copy a files from Machine A to Machine B.Which is LAN connected

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 Not Connecting To Internet At Home But Connecting From Work

Feb 9, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and its great. However when I connect to the internet at home it shows that the connection has been established but I still cant connect to the internet. My flatmates are all able to connect. However, I am able to connect from work both wirelessly and through an ethernet cable.

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General :: Connecting C++ With Mysql

Nov 17, 2008

I am using fedora 7 ,i want to connect c++ program with mysql, i found mysql++ library for connecting c++ with mysql.when i used mysql++ rpm for installing and typed at shell prompt ./configure,then the error says unable to find mysql client library,can any one guide how to do the connection via a c++ program.

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General :: Connecting To Net With Rescue Cd?

Aug 18, 2010

I was ill a few days ago and in bed stumbling LOL cat pictures when I got hammered by a drive-by trojan. I'm sure I will have to do a complete install of windows and all my stuff, but I wanted to get the pc working to the point where I could move files off one drive to another.

So, I started trying out various linux based rescue cd's, Avira, BitDefender, F-Secure, and all off them will not connect to the internet. I have a att two wire modem set to bridge mode and a linksys router. I'm using this set up to send this message with off my laptop wired to the router. Also, from my laptop I can view the shared folder on the infected pc. So, to me it seems that it should work.

I did have to replace the onboard lan with a pci lan card, but I did turn off the onboard lan and the (cheap) lan card shows up on slot 1 using irq 10 during post.

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General :: Connecting Net In Ubuntu?

Feb 16, 2011

I started usin ubuntu 10.4 only a week ago. I use reliance MG880+ for internet connection. The problem is that the modem sometimes connects and most of the times( usually when i put the system in hibernation and switch it back on or something like that) it doesn't.

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General :: Connecting To The Internet On Wi-Fi?

Jul 24, 2011

Is it possible to connect to the internet through Wi-Fi on a Red Hat Linux 5 system?

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General :: 13 OS - Connecting To The Internet?

Sep 7, 2010

i have installed linux 13 OS from a CD and i have it all working now but am a bit stuck on how to connect to the internet.

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General :: Connecting To An FTP Server ?

Jul 18, 2009

I've set up an FTP server with vsFTPd, and I can connect when on the same machine that the server is running. However, when attempting to connect from another machine on the internet, or even on the same LAN, the connection always fails. Port forwarding on the router is enabled.

When attempting to connect over the internet via FileZilla, this is displayed:


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General :: Login From Machine A To Machine B With Password-less SSH Login As Described?

Nov 10, 2010

Possible Duplicate: SSH asks for password, even with public key installed [URL]...I am trying to login from machine A to machine B with password-less SSH login as described in the above link.I have followed all the steps but still the password is being prompted for.How to diagnose this and resolve the issue

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