General :: Changing Old Laptop To Ubunto?

Dec 11, 2010

Is there a general how to for installing? I am wanting to install it on an older laptop and a question I also have is how to get it so it picks up the wifi or is Linux so on top of things that those drivers are already included?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install UBUNTO 10.10 On Laptop

Jan 24, 2011

i can't install ubunto 10.10 on my toshiba satellite c655 laptop which run on windows 7 x64bit

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General :: Changing The Operating System On An Old Laptop From Vista

Aug 22, 2010

I am interested in changing the Operating system on an old laptop of mine from Vista to Linux. Problem is I don't know anything about Linux. I have been told Fedora is a good distribution for me to get started with. uninstall windows and get started with Linux?

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General :: Loading Ubunto Onto A 2nd Drive?

May 11, 2010

as mentioned in the header I have 2 HD's

The C drive runs on Win7

I would like to load the latest Ubuntu on the D drive but cannot find any info on how to do this on the ISO disk.

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General :: Install WebCamStudio On Ubunto 10.04?

Aug 5, 2010

I need to download this [url] and i cant figure out how to install it.

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General :: Install Latest VLc In Ubunto 10.4?

Dec 3, 2010

seems there is no easy way to install latest VLC in Lucid 10.4

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General :: Ubunto 10.10 Install/Screen Flickers

Apr 5, 2011

I burned Ubunto 10.10 to a disk and when it goes to load I can see the Ubunto load up and ask me what language I want except the screen flickers like crazy.

my video card: ATI Radeon HD 5700 series

here is the link to the short video: [URL]

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General :: Install Ubunto 10.10 On Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bits?

Nov 15, 2010

I have the windows 7 installed and I want to install the Ubuntu . Has anyone done that and does it work?

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General :: Put The Ubunto File System On A 1TB Hard Drive?

May 31, 2010

I installed ubuntu off of my laptop and put the Ubunto file system on a 1TB hard drive off of a drive enclosure. Now the only way I can access Windows is if the drive is still connected to the laptop. NO EXTERNAL HD No BOOT MENU when I boot up.

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General :: Ubunto Have Driver For WPC100 Linksys Adapter Wireless Card?

Jun 7, 2011

Does Ubunto have a driver for the WPC100 Linksys Adapter wireless card?

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Ubuntu :: Brightness Not Changing On Sony Vaio Cw Laptop?

Mar 21, 2010

I am having problems with the brightness control on my sony vaio laptop, at virst when i upgraded the driver for the VGA card the whole screen went blank, I had to port a bin file from windows and write my own EDID file to get it to work (nVidia GT 230M), but I am having problems with the brightness, although ubuntu does read the input from the keys (FN+...), the brightness refuses to change, adding the brightness applet to the taskbar does not work either. I really need to be able to change my brightness because the battery usage is off the charts.

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Debian Hardware :: Changing Display Brightness Causes Laptop To Restart

Jul 15, 2015

Today I installed debian-8.1.0-amd64 on my older Samsung Laptop (Model r560). The installation without a desktop environment worked fine and the system booted without any problems into the virtual console. There was however one problem: when I was away from keyboard for some time, the screen turned black and when I came back and hit a button to wake the system up, the laptop immediately restarted. Later I installed the gnome desktop environment. This also worked fine.

But whenever I try to change the screen brightness in the gnome-shell, my system immediately restarts and successive attempts to boot debian fail. Some time later and after countless attempts to boot debian, it finally does boot again. By "debian fails to boot" i mean the following: The initial ram disk is loaded and fschk runs. Usually the system suddenly reboots at this point. SOmetimes, however, the video mode changes, the console font is changed and some services are getting started, but then at some point the system also restarts. I don't reach the point where a login prompt appears, or the graphical environment starts up.

Assuming, it has something to do with buggy acpi implementation of my hardware, I tried the following:

I tried to disable acpi completely by using the kernel parameter "acpi=off". This doesn't work and causes the kernel to hang

I tried to start debian without using a GUI using the single parameter. This also didn't work.

acpi_backlight=vendor also did not fix the problem.

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Ubuntu :: What Does The Term Vanilla Ubunto Mean

Feb 14, 2010

i'v heard it some where and i'm not sure what it mean is it ubuntu without ubuntu-desktop or without some more things?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Cannot Get Ubunto 10.04 To Boot On 1.2 Ghz

Jun 6, 2011

I cannot get ubunto 10.04 to boot on my 1.2 ghz 256 mb ram powerpc ibook g4. I downloaded/ burned the live disc and it worked just fine in my powerpc imac g5 (both g4, g5 were supported I believed)It gets to the screen where I select my image to boot, and that works by it says after failing to load for several minutes: "144.9818211 b43-phy0 ERROR: firmware file "b43-openucode.fw" not found you must go to URL... to download to correct firmware for this driver version".I've gone to the website and found a 43 driver and am not sure how to update/ install it...

the hard drive (30 gb) is shot, kaput. currently no os, though I would like to have a firewire drive with tiger or leopard, and potentially a linux partition if even possible. So here are my biggest questions: can any version of ubunto boot on my ibook from a firewire drive? Can i create a dvd that boots in my ibook that not only has the operating system but also some lightweight application on the dvd so that I can run linux just from the dvd as a toy?I'm not replacing the internal hard drive, it's too costly and not worth it when I have several other working macs running snow leopard already.

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Networking :: Connect The Internet In Ubunto 9.10?

Jan 4, 2010

i m using ubunto 9.10 since i cant able to connect the internet

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Networking :: Unable To See Any Windows Share On My Ubunto 9.10 / Sort It?

Mar 13, 2010

I need your help i have ubuntu 9.10 fully updated ,but cant see any pc or shares on my network . (windows xp/7 )
i can ping the pc's ,but thats about all .i cant smb:/// them at all

i cant even see them in my networks . it does not even give me any workgroups

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can Download And Upload Of Phone Using Ubunto?

Mar 31, 2010

i need help im trying to get my new c903 phone linked to my pc but need the software i only have ubunto on my pc and it says run with windows or vista! is they anyway i can download and upload of my phone useing ubunto?

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Fedora :: Install Ubunto 11.04 From 15 Using Usb Live And Make Dual-boot?

Aug 7, 2011

I'm using Fedora 15 and i want to install Ubunto 11.04 using live usb and then the two linux systems to be on my computer.note:first fedora 15 is to be installed

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Server :: CD-ROM Couldn't Be Mounted - Error When Installing - Booting Up - Ubunto Server 10.10

Feb 22, 2011

Perty self explanitory, I'm trying to boot up ubunto server edition 10.10 from a USB stick (pen drive) and it works fine until step 3 when it says "Your installation CD-ROM couldn't be mounted. This probably means that the CD-ROM was not put in the drive. If so you can insert it and try again

Try again to mount the CD-ROM? <Yes> <No>"

I don't have an installation cd-rom! I put the .iso file onto a memory stick, inserted it into my old computer (which i will turn into a server later) , restarted it and got past the first two slides and got this error? Do I have to put the iso on a cd-rom?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Settings Always Changing / EMESENE Always Changing

Sep 1, 2011

is everytime i reboot , my keyboard is reset to USA. im in canada & it pisses me off each time i need to change it also.all my options on EMESENE is the same issue always's like if nothing keeps the changes once rebooted.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ubunto 8.04 Cannot Detect Sata Hard Drive Or Sata Drive Cdrw?

May 28, 2011

ubuntu 8.04 server can not detect seagate sata hard drive 2tb or sata Lg dvdrw x22 sata drive .is it possible to install it without buying a pci ide sata card?is it possible to get a driver for sata driver and sata drive that can be recognise by ubunto 8.04 server ?or to get the files for 1.44 floppy diskdoes the late edition of unbutu recognise sate hdd and sata cdrw drive automaticly during the installation of the unbutu?

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General :: Changing The Dr-xr-xr-x To Drwxr-xr-x?

Nov 22, 2010

I have no writing privileges for root, user, nor group. After copying Fedora 14 iso image to my USB flash drive, I attempted to take it off to install another distro for mult-ibooting, but was not able to delete the content. I am stuck with no writing privileges on my USB drive.

Here is what may have caused it. When removing the content that was on it before to a /data directory, I accidentally removed the flash drive title = 4003-6F40. So I have directory 4003-6F40 in my /data file. Then after copying Fedora-14 to USB, Fedora-14 is now acting as the title of my USB pen.

(Side note: I never installed using my USB pen because it was before I learned of syslinux, which is what brought me to this issue now that I am trying again to use my USB to install.)

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General :: Changing The Date IST To GMT?

Jun 19, 2011

Somehow during a recent ubuntu install I managed to set my clock to Indian Standard Time instead of Greenwich Mean Time. Now I'm having problems acessing some websites and I think it's because the certificates appear to be off date.

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General :: RHEL 5, Changing AM To PM?

Nov 27, 2010

i searched on google before pasting here. I am using gnome 2.16.0. When i set the time (lower right corner) it sets my time automatically to AM. I dont see any option to change it to PM.

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General :: Windows 7 Keeps Changing The MBR On Boot?

Mar 11, 2010

I am having an issue with Windows 7 changing the boot order everytime I start up.I have 4 partitions:bootlinuxwindows.Grub is installed on the boot, and boots up both operating systems fine, however when I boot to Windows the bootable partition is changed to Windows and the MBR is rewritten.How do I stop this? Its rather annoying to have to boot, chroot and fix this problem everytime.

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General :: Grep Changing The Delimiter?

May 13, 2010

any way we can change the delimiter that uses grep?

I think, by default, grep uses as the delimiter.

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General :: Changing User To Root?

Sep 17, 2010

I tried to make my account root by editing etc/group:


But it didn't succeed.What can I do more?

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General :: Changing Default UMASK Value?

Jan 15, 2010

I am attempting to modify the default umask value under all accounts on my linux system to 002. This will hopefully allow both the account and the account's group access to the created files.

I have modified it within /etc/bashrc, however it seems to be making no difference on this default value. The files I create through "File Browser" all have the access rights set to 600.

Is there any error here, as all evidence I can find on the internet points to the bashrc file.

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General :: Changing The SSH Port Number?

Jan 12, 2011

im using CentOS 5.2 and cant change my default ssh port number. I have edited /etc/ssh/sshd_config to this


#$OpenBSD: ssh_config,v 1.21 2005/12/06 22:38:27 reyk Exp $
# This is the ssh client system-wide configuration file. See
# ssh_config(5) for more information. This file provides defaults for
# users, and the values can be changed in per-user configuration files


I have then restarted ssh by typing (as root) "sbin/service sshd restart" and it restarts fine but still is on 22 and not 222.

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General :: Changing File Permissions While Doing Ftp?

Sep 17, 2009

I am trying to automate ftp to transfer files from windows to Linux server automatically and my script looks like this .

@echo off
SET CUSTOM=/apps12i/oracle/KIRAN/apps/apps_st/appl/custom/12.0.0/reports/US
echo user oracle> ftpcmd.dat


Any files we transfer through ftp from windows , their default permissions to be set 755 automatically . We are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 7) .

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