Fedora :: Install Ubunto 11.04 From 15 Using Usb Live And Make Dual-boot?
Aug 7, 2011
I'm using Fedora 15 and i want to install Ubunto 11.04 using live usb and then the two linux systems to be on my computer.note:first fedora 15 is to be installed
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Aug 17, 2011
So I want to install the original version of Fedora 15 and make it dual boot with my Windows 7. Problem here is that I don't have a cd/rom. and the iso file didn't have a .exe thingy.....
so now what? Also this is my partitions> http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/9853/unledtlh.jpg
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Oct 8, 2009
I want to dual boot Fedora 11 and Windows Vista, and the last time I tried I deleted my Windows Vista (big no no). So, I've made a partition of about 30GB, and I'm trying to go through the installation (from the live CD), but I don't know quite what to do? If I select Shrink existing disk, it doesn't let me do it for any amount that I put in, by the way.
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Apr 16, 2011
In the end, I am trying to dual boot my MacBook Pro with Fedora 14 and OSX. I am having issues getting the bootloader working for Fedora though. I have setup my partition table like this:
/sda1 - EFI
/sda2 - OSX
/sda3 - /boot
/sda4 - LVM (root, home, swap)
Fedora installs fine, and the bootloader installs to sda3. I use rEFIt to allow me to boot to my Linux partition, but when I do I get "no bootable device". I have done a little reading and have found people have problems doing with this with GRUB (default Fedora bootloader). So what I would like to do is try installing LILO or maybe even GRUB2. how to change the bootloader Fedora installs from the Live CD?
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Nov 28, 2010
finally got mostly everything fixed on my opensuse 11.3. 11.3 is my only os on my laptop right now and I want to be able to dual boot with backtrack4. I used to have bt3 but it was on a usb loading up with winxp. Anyway, I've downloaded the iso image and after hours of forum reading I figured out how to mount the iso image. Doing so allows me just to look at the files. Is there an install file somewhere I'm missing?
Also, couldn't ever figure out how to partition my drive to make room for bt4. Tried downloading gparted and failed. Tried using the expert partitioner program that came with this system but it won't allow me to create another partition. Couldn't ever find a reason why. Will bt4 allow me to create a partition upon installation? How do I install?
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Jan 23, 2010
I want to make dual boot system with windows Xp and Linux fedora 11, please help and guide me in detail, also I tried it with fedora 10 and windows xp, it easily works without any problem, but in fedora 11 the grub boot loader is not detecting the installed Xp
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May 25, 2011
I have Windows 7 and Fedora 14 both on my laptop in dual boot configuration. When my computer starts up it shows a screen that says press any button to select another operating system to start, then I can make Windows 7 start. But after 2 seconds, if I DON'T press any button then Fedora starts automatically. How can I change this so Windows starts automatically when I don't press any button?
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Mar 11, 2010
I'm trying to install from the Live CD. I read the sticky about needing a /boot and a / partition. I think that sticky applies to me but I'm not sure; once the Live CD loads, I click the "Install to Hard Drive" icon on the desktop. It thinks for awhile but ultimately doesn't display anything.What I'm not sure about is how exactly I go about making those partitions. My current HD is a Ubuntu system (Karmic Koala), and its network slowness has prompted me to try FC12. I've backed up everything already, I don't need to preserve anything on the existing drive.
I'm looking for the easiest way to get FC12 installed. Should I fool with the partitions? I just download a different install CD i.e. a non-Live one? If so, which one? Do I need all 5 or so CD images? I don't have a DVD burner so downloading the DVD isn't an option. I'm comfortable working from a Linux command line once the system is working, but I don't have much experience "close to the metal" i.e. actually getting a system up and running.
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Jun 26, 2009
I actually have a Suse running on a partitioned harddisk of 27GB but I prefer Fedore anyway. I would like to install Linus Fedora on my computer to make a dual boot system (Vista and Linus) by overwriting the previous Suse. My question is
Will I be in OS booting trouble (i.e unable to resurect the previous boot screens, windows might possibly be deleted, or not be present in the boot options) if this is done ?
Also, because I have only one disk (the first disk of Fedora 11 downloaded), will it be fine with just one first disk ? (there are several to download but I think I assume I am not going to use all of them during installation, right ?)
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Sep 7, 2009
I have a PC with three HD's. My primary hard drive has a single partition and contains Win XP SP3. I have a second hard drive which I use to store junk (pictures, movies, etc). The third, 60GB HD, I just put into my PC and I wanted to install Fedora 11 onto it. I want to have a dual boot system with WinXP being the default boot. I downloaded the latest build of Fedora 11, created a LiveCD out of it and I tried to install the OS onto this third new hard drive. I installed the OS, I told it to use the entire third HD and to have a dual boot setup and make the WinXP OS be the default boot. The installation seemed to go without any problems. However, after restarting the PC, the PC stops booting right after the DELL screen. It gives me a cursor and that's it. It just sits there. I have tried redoing the install about 4 different times now and no matter how I change the different installation options, I get the same result. Now I can't even boot into XP even after I disconnect the third drive. I am guessing that the dual boot got screwed up; I just don't know how to fix it and more importantly, how to install Fedora, dual boot.
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Sep 14, 2010
I installed a copy of Fedora 13 onto my HDD yesterday and everything went fine until, for some reason, it stopped working. (Got stuck at the white bar while booting up). Well, I wasn't sure what the problem was so I decided to run the live CD again (which *is* a good CD, unless it somehow managed to destroy itself since yesterday) and I get "Could not mount root filesystem," sleeping forever. Hm.I haven't changed any of the hardware, and all the connections seem to still be good, so, I dunno... Any ideas on what could be the problem? Thanks in advance for any input.:UPDATE:Now my computer simply displays a list of repeating errors, each one like:Quote:
ata1.00: failed commnad: read DMA
ata1.00: [ABRT]
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Jun 6, 2011
I cannot get ubunto 10.04 to boot on my 1.2 ghz 256 mb ram powerpc ibook g4. I downloaded/ burned the live disc and it worked just fine in my powerpc imac g5 (both g4, g5 were supported I believed)It gets to the screen where I select my image to boot, and that works by it says after failing to load for several minutes: "144.9818211 b43-phy0 ERROR: firmware file "b43-openucode.fw" not found you must go to URL... to download to correct firmware for this driver version".I've gone to the website and found a 43 driver and am not sure how to update/ install it...
the hard drive (30 gb) is shot, kaput. currently no os, though I would like to have a firewire drive with tiger or leopard, and potentially a linux partition if even possible. So here are my biggest questions: can any version of ubunto boot on my ibook from a firewire drive? Can i create a dvd that boots in my ibook that not only has the operating system but also some lightweight application on the dvd so that I can run linux just from the dvd as a toy?I'm not replacing the internal hard drive, it's too costly and not worth it when I have several other working macs running snow leopard already.
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Jan 12, 2009
i have a hp dv6707us with windows vista and i'm trying to install fedora 10 x86_64 from a live cd, when i try to use the live cd it shows a screen saying that it will boot after 10 seconds, then appears a black screen with a loading bar with fedora 10 word next to it when the bar becomes completely white along with the word fedora 10 it doesnt happens anything and any indication of what could be wrong then i type enter and it reads the live cd for a while then a black screen with a blinking cursor appears and yet nothing happens i wait until i get bored and cancel the all the process.
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Apr 24, 2010
I am completely new to Ubuntu and recently installed Ubuntu 9.10 using the live CD. I allowed the set-up to install Ubuntu next to Windows XP and to let me choose which OS boots at start-up. Upon restarting my computer after installation, however, there is no boot-screen and my computer goes straight to WinXP. I have done some reading and it seems like I need to install GRUB, but I'm really not sure if this is really the case or if I am missing something else entirely.
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Apr 19, 2011
First off how do i make a live cd boot up on a usb key?
Secondly does a ubuntu usb key retain logs after you turn it off?
Thirdly how do i know if my laptop supports booting from usb-would that be in the bios screen options?
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Jul 9, 2010
I've a 8GB USB drive, and I usually carry some Live CD in it, like Ubuntu or other distros, and sometimes I carry things like System Rescue. The problem is, I want to have all those things available to boot, but I don't know how to make it. Therefore I can only carry one thing, and with 8GB of space it's such a waste because I could carry tons of tools and Live Distros.
The way I see it, it must no be that difficult, maybe changing some file and adding a few lines, but I don't have any experience with this whatsoever . if someone can tell me how to do it?
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Feb 28, 2009
I was able to install Fedora 10 from the Live KDE CD, however I can't boot it.
I placed it on /dev/hda4 of an IDE disk, while on /dev/hda1 I have a RedHat 9 Linux, /home is on /dev/hda2 and the swap is on /dev/hda3. I'm not sure if RedHat 9 and Fedora 10 can coexist on the same HD.
There's an option in the Live KDE CD boot install, which allows one to select:
boot from hard disk:
Do you know what to type in in order to direct Fedora to boot from /dev/hda4 (who may be /dev/sda4 as seen by Fedora)?
P.S. For the time being, I want to forget about Grub or LILO and see if I can boot it this way first. I have LILO working, it boots Windows from a separate disk and RedHat 9 from /dev/hda1.
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May 25, 2009
I already have windows XP SP2. i want to install fedora 10. how can i install it as a dual boot option. I current have
C: drive 40GB -- windows XP NTFS
D: drive 20GB NTFS
E: drive 20GB NTFS
tell me the steps to install fedora 10 as dual boot option.
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Jan 6, 2010
Can I install Fedora 12 on a clean sata drive and have it run alongside my current Windows XP Pro? How do I do it?
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Feb 15, 2010
I've run the install to hard drive program three times over and each time I get "disk boot failure". I believe I've got Grub to install to the mbr but I am not sure.
Barton 3200+ with 1GB of DDR1
Asus A7V333
High Point hard disk controller
other items
All the hard drives are hooked to the High Point controller. It recognizes all of them that have power hooked up and read/writes to them. Two have 98SE installs, the third is where I'm trying to install Fedora 12 to get away from some problems I'm having with 98SE.
The BIOS is set up to boot from the "SCSI device" which means it's booting from the High Point controller. The High Point lets me set a boot mark, which, when set to the Fedora drive, yields the disk boot failure no matter what I do to it.
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Jul 28, 2009
I tried a number of times to install dual boot with Win2k. I keep getting errors at the stage of setting up the partition for the install. When I try to choose ext4 it says Fedora cannot be installed on a bootable drive, fix the problem. I don't see how to fix it...it does not say what to do or change.
I have had other linux installed in the same partition without a problem. What gives?
150GB drive for both OS's Separate drive for data, not involved in the install.
| 72GB NTFS Win2K | 76 GB free for ext3 and swap |
LBA support on in Bios.
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Feb 7, 2010
I am a major noob to FC12. I need to install Windows 7 Pro and FC12 dual boot. I first used the windows CD to create 1 250 Gig partition on my 500 Gig HD. Of course windows created the 100 MB system partition. I left the rest unpartitioned. Windows installed okay. I then booted to the KDE FC12 Live CD and installed FC12. I specified to use the Free Space remaining on the HD. The installation finished but now only boots into FC12 and does not prompt me for the OS I want to boot.
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Aug 21, 2011
I downloaded Fedora 15 Live and Fedora 14 Live to try to see where Linux is for music and broadcast audio on a laptop. It turns out I have to use 14. 14 and 15 both sort of work as live out of the box, although why they ship with the common Broadcom wifi driver missing and the touchpad tap disabled beats me. I also never found the magic button to close down 15. There must be one, but blow me I couldn't find it. Then I tried to follow the instructions at [URL] which mostly seemed to work. I need to keep Win 7 as this is the 32-bit test machine. I used EasyBCD v2.1 rather than the older version the guide is written for.
Booting into Win7 at first worked, then a boot into Linux stopped at a line that said something about a kernel thread helper Then Win 7 blue screened on boot, although it would boot to Safe Mode. Removed Veriface from the Lenovo laptop and it would boot Win 7. Tried setting Drive in EasyBCD to "Boot" rather than "C:" for Fedora. Now booting Fedora gave a Windows missing file message and croaked. Repairing startup with the Win 7 boot CD cured Win 7. Repeated the loop with the same failures. Re-partitioned and re-installed Fedora and just the same - a screen of text that stops. I can now boot to Windows and need help to sort out the Linux boot. How do I start to investigate the screen of text saying things like "__bad_area_nosemaphore" ?
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Mar 13, 2010
i installed windows 7 successfully. When I installed it,I created 40 gb of unallocated space in the hard disk for the Fedora installation. However, whenever i start the partition editor during the Fedora installation, it says that there is no free space in your hardware, even though it shows 40gb space in the disk partition table.
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Jun 30, 2010
I am planing to install fedora 13 on my dual boot (windows-7 + fedora) laptop. Previously some one helped me installing fedora on my laptop. Below let me mention the my file system architecture as the question is related to it. It's a 320 GB hard drive.
1. First 250 MB primary partition (used to be for /boot, which is currently unallocated, because in last installation I chose fedora to install automatically).
2. Next 120 GB windows primary partition.
3. Next 200 GB Logical partition
a. First 125 GB for windows backup
b. rest for Linux (500 MB + 60 GB).
As Linux was installed later thus it wrote the boot partition itself. I want the boot partition in the first 250 MB partition (reason, to be safe, I don't want to mess up with the master boot record while playing with Linux), also need to install fedora 13. The architecture I want is following:
1. first 250 MB: /boot
2. Next 120 GB: Windows
3. Logical:
a. First 125 GB: Windows backup.
b. Next 4 GB: /swap
c. Rest: /root -- I want to install Fedora here
So, what I plan to do is to whip out all the current Linux file systems and insert fedora dvd and install according to my criteria!
Now my questions are:
1. since currently Linux has the master boot record, will it cause any problem for the machine to boot up from installation dvd, if I whip off all the current Linux partitions? (Or in other words, does installation/ live-CD need a master boot record to boot? -- I am guessing once I reinstall Linux, booting is not a problem).
2. Once Linux is whipped off, can windows boot up automatically?
3. Is there any worry of messing up windows, specially its boot sector(off course I will take precaution not touching windows partitions!)
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Jan 12, 2009
I'm stuck with installing Fedora Core I have 2 hard drives both 80Gb I want to install a fresh copy on one of the drives to do a dual boot I have vista on the main hard drive this is where I am at Installation requires partitioning of your hard drive by default, a partitioning layout is chosen which is reasonable for most users. You can either choose to use this or create your owe. Select the drive to use for this installation?
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Jan 2, 2010
I have been searching around and found lots of details of how to fix a dual boot situation gone wrong but I have not run across a guide or steps on how to install Windows & FC12 the correct way.I have to reinstall my computer any way for other reasons so I am going to reinstall with either XP or Win7 (leaning towards 7) and Fedora 12. I can dedicate a drive to each OS no problem and I can imagine how I would install each on it's own drive, but not quite sure what to use as a boot manager?
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Dec 10, 2010
I am having 320G of HDD , on the HD i m having 40G free space when i m trying to install rhel5.4 in the free part it is showing me this error
Could not allocate partitions as primary partitions: Partitioning failed: Could not allocate partitions as primary partitions.Not enough space left to create partition for /boot.
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Jan 19, 2010
I have just install both fedora 12 and slackware 13 on my laptop I did not install lilo because fedora uses grub I am able to use slackware by using the the DVD and booting from the command prompt I have attached my grub .conf file also when i boot from cd the command is as follows
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Aug 2, 2010
After asking on both this forum and the Fedora forum, I felt it was safe enough to install a copy of Fedora on my working-well openSUSE drive. I have a 1 TB drive, partitioned as follows:
I did an install of Fedora 13, was VERY careful to set up the installer to put it's files in the partitions I wanted, although I did let it mark the partition as active, feeling it may have to boot during the installation process.
I had grub installed in the root of the partition rather than the MBR for both systems.
When Fedora finished installing, I rebooted the system only to find that it wouldn't. I got the dreaded "No Boot Device" message.
So, I started the 5 hour process of booting with the parted magic disk, booting with a Gentoo live disk (only one around), monkeying with the install parts of the openSUSE and Fedora disks, swapping drives to Windows to download openSUSE Live CDs (yes, both) and searching the forums and various other web sites for some poor bloke who did the same stupid whatever it was I did, and finally, as I was using fdisk on the Gnome Live CD, I noticed the warning message stating that fdisk would not work on a drive that was partitioned with the GPD format.
Notice that I have 5 partitions? That is not a typo on my part, I used the GPD format when I set it up so I could do what I did without using "imitation" partitions.
When I used parted (the command line editor on the Gnome Live CD) to change the active partition, everything started working again! Well, at least I can boot the openSUSE system, the most important thing.
It is my suspicion that the Fedora install uses fdisk to do it's work, and fdisk just mucks up a GPD formatted disk. Not the information, just the part of the drive that holds the partition table. Perhaps just the flags section. I don't know enough to say with any certainty.
I didn't change the drives parameters during the installation of Fedora, so I don't know of it even offers the GPD partitioning option. If not, I can understand how this sort of thing could happen.
Still....So now all I have to do is make the grub menu, the one installed with openSUSE, boot the Fedora installation on the next partition. Seems simple enough.
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