General :: Changing The Dr-xr-xr-x To Drwxr-xr-x?

Nov 22, 2010

I have no writing privileges for root, user, nor group. After copying Fedora 14 iso image to my USB flash drive, I attempted to take it off to install another distro for mult-ibooting, but was not able to delete the content. I am stuck with no writing privileges on my USB drive.

Here is what may have caused it. When removing the content that was on it before to a /data directory, I accidentally removed the flash drive title = 4003-6F40. So I have directory 4003-6F40 in my /data file. Then after copying Fedora-14 to USB, Fedora-14 is now acting as the title of my USB pen.

(Side note: I never installed using my USB pen because it was before I learned of syslinux, which is what brought me to this issue now that I am trying again to use my USB to install.)

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OpenSUSE Install :: New Partition On External Drive - Permissions: Root Drwxr-xr-x?

Apr 21, 2010

I tried two times to make an new partition (after the FAT partition on it) on my external hard drive with YaST>Partitioner.Fist I had tried ext3 now I have ext2 on it.Both times the partition (or the corresponding folder in /media) was only writeable to the superuser/root but not to a normal user (readable to the normal user). Root is the owner.The FAT-Partition on the same external drive is owned by the normal user who was logged in as I plugged the USB-cable in.I can unmount both partitions als normal user in natilus.1. Can I start nautilus as root to change the permissions?2. What have I done wrong? Should I use an SuSE Live-CD or an CD with an special partitioning-program instead?ng X20) openSuse 11.1 and Gnome 2.24.1 (mostly, 1 account is using KDE) and Kernel Linux "/home" is on an separated partition (as part of an extended partition). I have also 2 NTFS partitions for Windows XP (System and Data), and a FAT, a root (/) and a swarp partition.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Settings Always Changing / EMESENE Always Changing

Sep 1, 2011

is everytime i reboot , my keyboard is reset to USA. im in canada & it pisses me off each time i need to change it also.all my options on EMESENE is the same issue always's like if nothing keeps the changes once rebooted.

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General :: Changing The Date IST To GMT?

Jun 19, 2011

Somehow during a recent ubuntu install I managed to set my clock to Indian Standard Time instead of Greenwich Mean Time. Now I'm having problems acessing some websites and I think it's because the certificates appear to be off date.

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General :: RHEL 5, Changing AM To PM?

Nov 27, 2010

i searched on google before pasting here. I am using gnome 2.16.0. When i set the time (lower right corner) it sets my time automatically to AM. I dont see any option to change it to PM.

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General :: Windows 7 Keeps Changing The MBR On Boot?

Mar 11, 2010

I am having an issue with Windows 7 changing the boot order everytime I start up.I have 4 partitions:bootlinuxwindows.Grub is installed on the boot, and boots up both operating systems fine, however when I boot to Windows the bootable partition is changed to Windows and the MBR is rewritten.How do I stop this? Its rather annoying to have to boot, chroot and fix this problem everytime.

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General :: Grep Changing The Delimiter?

May 13, 2010

any way we can change the delimiter that uses grep?

I think, by default, grep uses as the delimiter.

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General :: Changing User To Root?

Sep 17, 2010

I tried to make my account root by editing etc/group:


But it didn't succeed.What can I do more?

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General :: Changing Default UMASK Value?

Jan 15, 2010

I am attempting to modify the default umask value under all accounts on my linux system to 002. This will hopefully allow both the account and the account's group access to the created files.

I have modified it within /etc/bashrc, however it seems to be making no difference on this default value. The files I create through "File Browser" all have the access rights set to 600.

Is there any error here, as all evidence I can find on the internet points to the bashrc file.

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General :: Changing Old Laptop To Ubunto?

Dec 11, 2010

Is there a general how to for installing? I am wanting to install it on an older laptop and a question I also have is how to get it so it picks up the wifi or is Linux so on top of things that those drivers are already included?

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General :: Changing The SSH Port Number?

Jan 12, 2011

im using CentOS 5.2 and cant change my default ssh port number. I have edited /etc/ssh/sshd_config to this


#$OpenBSD: ssh_config,v 1.21 2005/12/06 22:38:27 reyk Exp $
# This is the ssh client system-wide configuration file. See
# ssh_config(5) for more information. This file provides defaults for
# users, and the values can be changed in per-user configuration files


I have then restarted ssh by typing (as root) "sbin/service sshd restart" and it restarts fine but still is on 22 and not 222.

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General :: Changing File Permissions While Doing Ftp?

Sep 17, 2009

I am trying to automate ftp to transfer files from windows to Linux server automatically and my script looks like this .

@echo off
SET CUSTOM=/apps12i/oracle/KIRAN/apps/apps_st/appl/custom/12.0.0/reports/US
echo user oracle> ftpcmd.dat


Any files we transfer through ftp from windows , their default permissions to be set 755 automatically . We are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 7) .

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General :: Changing The Default Welcome Message?

Nov 22, 2010

When the computer boots in Slackware 13.1 i get the default welcome message: "Welcome to Linux (tty1)". How do i change it?

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General :: GLABELS And Changing The Format To PDF?

Mar 12, 2010

I have downloaded GLABELS and noticed that when it was time to save, it will not allow you to save it as a pdf or anyone other format. Is there any tool or trick to do what I need to do?

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General :: Possible UUIDs Changing Every Reboot?

Aug 1, 2011

I have installed CrunchBang, then I moved the /tmp and /var to different partitions (I like to put these on reiserfs) the reason I did it after the install is because CrunchBang's installer doesn't give me the options to create reiserfs partitions during install (but does recognise reiserfs as I can manually mount them). Also these two partitions are logical.Anyway I have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 already installed and working fine but CrunchBang always changes the UUIDs of /var and /tmp when I reboot. Is that even possible I have also tried using the old method of /dev/sd** but of course that gets changed as well.

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General :: Changing The Time Zone To GMT?

Dec 15, 2010

I want to to change my time zone from PKT to GMT but when I do it from setup command it give the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/system-config-date/", line 112, in ?


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General :: Changing A GTK Caret Width?

Jul 17, 2010

How can I change GTK caret width?

Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.4;
Gnome 2.22.3.

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General :: Changing Printer URI To A File:///

Dec 1, 2010

I like to redirect the print output to a file for later analysis and I was able to do this in an old Fedora 9 but with the new installation of Fedora 13 or Ubuntu 10 it is not working! I always get an error when selecting a directory/filename like file:///tmp/output.prn.

How can I fix this problem?

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General :: Changing SSH Default Port?

Apr 20, 2010

is it a bad idea to change SSH's default port (22) to a different port number

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General :: Changing The IP Address Of The Primary DNS?

Jul 21, 2011

If I change the primary ip address for DNS, do I need to reboot the server?

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General :: Changing The Logon Password?

Nov 19, 2010

i would like to know how to change the "logon "password,not the one under "about me",

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General :: Changing The Name Of The Home Folder?

Jun 23, 2010

im trying to properly change the name of my home folder and conf files to make sure my menus and shortcuts work. what happened when i tried was this error msg appears:

"Service '/home/user/.kde3.5/share/apps/kicker/mozilla-firefox.desktop' is malformatted."

then when i try to do anything the menus dissappear. i since redid what i done and it works

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General :: Changing The Theme On Ubuntu?

Mar 20, 2011

I have ubuntu but but i dont like the themes. How can I give it that glossy blue look of windows 7 without having to change everything. For example there are some packages that you can install but they change everything and make it look like windows, including the menus. I just want the color. Or at least something like this theme for google chrome I have. i'm attaching a picture of the google chrome theme so you can look at it and tell me if it is possible to get it on ubuntu,

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General :: Changing User For Apache / PHP?

Oct 25, 2010

I have to develop a php script, that acts as a man-in-the middle for a db-like-software and a webshop. This should run on a server within a DMZ, behind two firewalls, that should filter every request from other sources, than the eshop, and any other protocol than HTTPS. This server is a debian-machine, with a apache 2.2 and php 5.3. I've installed apache and php without any problems, installed openssl, generated a certificat and installed it. I tested the connection successfully. The eshop-server can connect to the server inside the DMZ without problems and receives a correct answer.

The db-like-software (called "netbasic") generates a csv-file in a fixed directory. this csv-fils has an owner called "netbasic". The file-access-rights are: -rwxr--r-- (I've some problems to interpret this. I know, r stands for read and w for write, x for both and the order is for different usergroups). My problem is now, that my php-script tries to read the file (successfull), generates output (successfull) and then deletes the file (failed -> permission denied). I figured out, that the problem is, that apache (or, I don't know, just php) don't runs as root and has therefore no write-permission. Because the server is already secured with the firewalls, we, my workmates and me, don't see a problem, to change the apache-user to root. but I don't know how this is done and don't know, what to search for.

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General :: Changing Width Of Zmixer?

Oct 3, 2010

Is it possible to change the width of zmixer??

zmixer eventually uses gtk_vscale but I am not able to increase the width of it.

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General :: Effect Of Changing UID And GID In Unix?

Feb 11, 2011

I have Solaris at my workplace. Currently Esm was configured.It's listing conflicting configurations against policy standards. Few of them are like usrid's/guid's of users are below 100 so I am planning to change it above 100. For eg. I have ops id for an operations team.If I change uid and group id of this particular user/group, do I have to just find files of that particular users/groups ownership and change it accordingly.Or else something elese I have to do. Will it affect any running applications owned by user/group whose ID I am going to change. Also there are few ids owned by applications whose secondary gid is 0, how do I proceed with those, as its very risky to change in prod environment.

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General :: Changing The Name Of Executable File A.out?

Jan 18, 2011

Is there any way to change the name "a.out" of executable file to any other name of our choice..

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General :: File's Group Changing When Replaced Via Scp

Oct 26, 2010

on my Fedora test server, there is a webdev group for all developers and the files under /var/www are owned by apache:webdev. Each developer is set up per normal, with each getting his/her own entry in /etc/group, then I add them to the webdev group (all from the command line). Things seemed OK, but when I edited a file as me the other day and updated it via scp, the ownership and group changed to that of my user, preventing a second dev from updating it later. How can I make sure that the file remains editable by all in the webdev group regardless of who updates it? Since it's a test server, the permissions are fairly loose at 775.

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General :: Connect To The Internet By Changing The Mac Address?

Dec 8, 2010

My ISP allows only one computer so I have to change the mac address.

On the other computer I use ubuntu and I've changed my mac address with both ifconfig and macchanger. The internet still doesn't work, it doesn't find the connection.

What should I do ?


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General :: Root Process Whose Pid Is Changing All Time / Why Is So?

Mar 17, 2011

It's pid is increasing all the time...
I'm writing a program to display all the process's info, this process really bother me.
Oh..the Chinese words are sleeping..., can't use, can't use

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