General :: Can Customize Sound Theme In Mint8?

Feb 26, 2010

Any one know if it's possible to customise/personalise the Sound Theme in Mint8? - (I've just upgraded from Mint7, where this was fairly easily done but I'm afraid I'm stumped now!)

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General :: Mint8 - No Sound With Movie Player Or Other Apps ?

Apr 5, 2010

Have Mint8 set-up in a dual-boot on an Acer Aspire One (with newer N450 Atom processor) with Windows7 Starter.

Most things working fine but can get no sound with Movie player or other apps.

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Ubuntu :: How To Customize Desktop Theme

Nov 3, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit, I am big on desktop customization, but the only things I can find online about customizing the theme is using the Ubuntu Themes Manager. I want to create my own theme. When I used IceWM I LOVED theming my windows and taskbar, but the window manager had little capability as far as functionality went.Does anyone know how to customize the desktop theme with a little more than just the themes manager or can someone refer me to a good resource for doing so?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Customize Orta Theme?

May 1, 2011

I've just installed Ubuntu v11.04 and Orta theme. The problem is that when I make changes in Orta Settings Manager they have no effect at all, even after I save them and unselect and select Orta Theme in Appearance Preferences. For instance, I never get the dark panel, but only the light one.

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Ubuntu :: How To Customize Desktop Theme As MacOS X

May 13, 2010

I want to know how to customize my desktop Ubuntu theme as MacOS X, but I also want the panels to be transparent. How to do we use cairo-doc, do you have to delete the bottom panel for it?

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General :: Ubuntu / Mint8 Install - No Signal Flag On Screen

Jan 19, 2010

I have tried to install both wubi ubuntu and linux mint8 both times they start I see the new desktop briefly then I get a "no signal" flag on my display But I can hear the startup chime as the program finishes loading!

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General :: Viewing A Doc Using Vista/Word 2000 That Was Created Using Mint8?

Jun 10, 2010

I am new to Linux, these type of forums and open source programs other than Firefox. I am not sure that this is the proper place to ask this question. If not, I apologize and ask that you please direct me to the proper location. I look forward to being able to leave MS but would like to have documents that I create viewable by the Windows Word programs.

I am using Linux Mint 8 as a dual boot setup with Vista on my Presario lap top. When I am operating with Mint8 and create a simple doc and save it as a word 2000 document and place it in a folder I can locate and open it using Mint 8 very nicely. But, when I try to access it using Vista and Word 2000 it does not appear in the folder when I try to view "all files". Conversely, Not all of the documents, which were created using windows and already exist in my folders, jpeg files for sure, are visible when I look in a folder using Mint8 and try to view "all files". I did add to a doc that was created by Vista/Word using Mint8 Open office and those edits were viewable using either Vista/Word 2000 or Mint8 open office.

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Ubuntu Installation :: The Sound Theme In System / Preferences / Sound Is "No Sounds" After Upgrade

Oct 11, 2010

Upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 using standard Update Manager procedure. Now I get a sound (thump) in my speakers for almost every button click. The sound theme in System / Preferences / Sound is "No sounds". I would like to completely disable any "activity" sounds from the OS, but nothing works.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Getting BBC Iplayer Desktop On Mint8 KDE 64Bit?

Feb 21, 2010

I've just "changed" from Ubuntu Karmic to Linux Mint8 KDE 64Bit. I am trying to get the BBC Iplayer Desktop working. I have managed to install Adobe Air and thats it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Mint8/XP - WinXP Loading As A Read Only

Feb 22, 2010

WinXP Partition loading as a read only and can't fix it with PYSDM (storage device manager) Let me provide some history as to how everything was installed: From my old WIN XP hard drive I used clonezilla to clone the drive to a partition on my new hard drive for Linux. Windows is on SDA4 which is the last partition of the drive, it is mounted at sda4/windows using ntfs. I then loaded Mint 8 gnome on the 2nd partition sda2 using ext3 mounted at /, sda1 is my Linux swap, and sda3 is mounted at /home using ext3. While installing I selected to mount Linux ext3 at /

When I choose to load winXP from the grub boot loader I get dev/sda4 no such device 10CDR36778638F73. Also when I try to unmount from disk utility I get the following error: Error unmounting: umount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: umount: only root can unmount UUID=10CDF36778638F73 from /windows Seemslike I need to rename the drive but it won't let me in disk utility.

My Problem is that within PYSDM (storage device manager) I uncheck Mount file system (sda4/windows) as a read only but it will not stay unchecked. I have unchecked it hit unmount and mount and it still is checked to mount as a read only. This is the code in options for sda4 in PYSDM (storage device manager) nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46

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Multimedia :: Ubuntu Sound Theme Crashes Gnome On Two Systems / Sort It?

Mar 12, 2010

I can, on rare occasions, login to my gnome desktop with the sound theme enabled, but it usually crashes back to gdm while I'm still looking at the ubuntu logo. It does a resolution change, and I thought that might be my problem.

Then, my son noticed that, on those rare occasions we get into the desktop,the gnome-session crashes whenever a system sound plays.

I disabled the Ubuntu sound theme in failsafe mode, then could login to the normal gnome session.

This isn't the only machine that does this, and the other has the same model of motherboard, the ASRock 4CoreDual-VSTA. code...

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General :: Any Best Way To Customize / Configure Kernel?

Oct 17, 2009

It's been a while since I bothered, so I decided to download and compile my own kernel. When I got to the configuration part of the process, I realized why I haven't bothered in so long. Is that the best way to configure a kernel? A single window with a 100 page option tree containing 50,000 options where you have to go through practically every module and driver ever created? I mean, there's obviously some hardware detection going on. How else would the kernel know which modules/drivers to load and which to ignore? Why can't it be taken a step further and have the modules used be compiled right into the kernel when it's installed?

Some things like USB devices and other peripherals, it makes sense to leave them as modules and have them loaded/unloaded as needed. But processor options? Sound and video drivers? Hardware sensors? I realize that the modular approach is the best way to go for Live CDs, since you never know what mix of hardware someone is going to drop that CD into. But once you click the install button, shouldn't there be a higher level of customization taking place? Has anybody taken any steps to automate this process? Why isn't the kernel configuring itself at installation time?

On the other side of the coin, I know you can copy your current kernel config with the command "cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config" to give you something to get you started on. Is there a way to have all your loaded modules (shown in lsmod) selected to be compiled right into the kernel, and any other conflicting modules discarded? For example, why have ATI, NVidia, Intel, and a host of other video card driver modules compiled and available externally when usually only one set is needed? Why have modules for every sound card under the sun, when each system usually has only one sound card?

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General :: Customize KDE Applications Menu?

Nov 16, 2009

I found this documentation on how to edit the menu source file:but I have no environment variable $XDG_DATA_HOME or $KDEDIR. I am running Ubuntu 9.04. Also, after I have edited the menu file, do I have to restart to see that it worked?Also, if there is an easier way to customize, I would like to know that as well.

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Ubuntu :: Disable Login Sounds In Maverick Without Completely Disabling Sound Theme?

Oct 12, 2010

How can I disable login sounds in maverick without completely disabling the ubuntu sound theme?I just want it to not make sounds on startuplogin but still make the ubuntu sounds when new mail is received, etc.

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General :: How To Customize Width Of Window Tabs In Kde Task Bar?

Mar 27, 2010

My task bar is quite broad. so when ever i open more than 6 windows at a time then the task bar adjusts the tabs in two row. how can explicitly specify the width for those tabs. so that they all fit in one line.

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General :: System Install CD Doesn't Recognize Disk Controller / Customize And Add Such Driver In It?

Nov 5, 2010

Sometimes the linux install CD does not recognize the disk controller
I am asking is there a way to customize the disk and add such driver
if yes :

what files from the driver to put and where to do that?

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Ubuntu :: Current Theme Defaults To Silver Theme For No Reason Randomly On Login

May 4, 2011

For some reason, from time to time on login, as my normal theme starts to load, it changes to some sort of silver theme (a very basic one), and I am unable to change it over to any other theme. Checking the theme being used, it still says my desired one is set, but it is not. Also, no matter what theme I change it to, that basic silver theme is the one being used. This includes a default icon theme, not the one I prefer.

The only option that seems to fix things is a restart, and the hope that on this login it won't mess up like before.I am using Natty, from a fresh install, with Ubuntu Classic as my desktop, and have reinstalled things more than once to try and fix a few of the Natty-related issues, but this one keeps coming back.

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Ubuntu :: Error Saving Theme To /home/perlsyntax/.irssi/default.theme

Jun 10, 2011

What does this error mean i try to save it and get this? Irssi: Error saving theme to /home/perlsyntax/.irssi/default.theme: Permission denied

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Fedora :: FVWM Theme Needs Habak And Trayer - Theme Depends On Various Programs

Nov 1, 2009

Im trying to use a downloaded theme (from [URL]) om my FVWM window manager, but the theme depends on various programs that isn`t in the Fedora repository. Namely habak, trayer and rox-filer (the last one is optional though). Is there any way to download these programs and install them independantly?

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Fedora :: Mouse Theme / Only Some Symbols Change / Other Stay Standard Theme

Feb 21, 2011

I updated my laptop from F12 to F14 via preupgrade. After doing so, the standard mouse theme was active. So I installed the one I like again and set it as mouse theme. For some reason it is now a mixture of the one I installed and the standard theme. If I open a place in nautilus the displayed symbol is the right one while waiting, if I open something in control center I get the standard icon. Same problem with drag and drop, I always get the hand from the standard theme. I also tried the former standard theme Bluecurve and it was the same problem.Can anyone tell me what goes wrong with the theme? What has changed in F14, that the older themes won't work?

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Ubuntu :: There Was An Error Installing The Selected File, Index.theme Doesn't Appear To Be A Valid Theme

Mar 31, 2011

I backed up .themes from /home, but on trying to install them (files don't show as theme packages) it says "There was an error installing the selected file, index.theme doesn't appear to be a valid theme". Did I backup the right thing?

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Debian Multimedia :: Qpdfview Appears With Generic Theme Instead Of Gtk Theme

Jul 5, 2015

Since I updated my system a couple of days ago, qpdfview uses a generic theme instead of the Gtk theme. Apparently by adding

Code: Select allexport QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=gtk.

to /etc/profile all QT5 apps should use the gtk theme but for some reason this doesn't seem to work.

Adding -style=gtk to the launcher options works but I want to change the theme setting for all QT5 apps.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Cursor Theme / Login Theme

Jun 3, 2011

i am using opensuse 11.4 and i reinstalled it 4 days before.i have changed the cursor theme,login theme etc.after the reinstall i forgot how to change please tell me how to change cursor theme,login theme,boot splash?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Use .flac Files Instead Of .ogg In A Sound Theme File Via Terminal Or Gediting A File?

Jul 26, 2011

there is any way (via terminal or gediting a file) to use .flac files instead of .ogg in a sound theme file? I am creating a sound theme (several truthfully) and I would like to use the FLAC format if possible.

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Debian Multimedia :: Dark Theme Vs Light Theme

Aug 4, 2011

I enjoy using vim from lxterminal with the black background, as well as awesome with its dark theme. I configured xfe manually to be darkish, and i use darklooks as a GTK theme to suit it as well. I could say all my desktop looks pretty dark, which my eyes thank me for. I also use redshift.But problems come along when surfing the web. Most web pages (including this one) have very bright styles. They are not the problem themselves, but switching from my windows hurts my eyes since it's a quick change to a much brighter screen.What would you do, either:

1. Use everything with a brighter background and putting the screen brightness a bit lower. (changing the GTK theme to clearlooks, using lxterminal with a white background, etc.)

2. Use some color theme with uzbl so that pages would look much darker. (like when you set manually the text and background colors in Firefox/Iceweasel)

I would myself go with the second one if most pages wouldn't look that bad when modified that way. For example, many pages use non-transparent images with white backgrounds on white pages, so if you change the background to black not only it looks horrible but it too is a mess.

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Ubuntu :: Gtk-theme-switch To Change Theme In Openbox?

Mar 7, 2010

I want to use gtk-theme-switch to change my theme in openbox (would rather not use any gnome/kde/etc.. tools for this), but after installing it I cannot get it to run:

tr@linux:~$ sudo apt-get install gtk-theme-switch
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Ubuntu :: Install And Use Theme In Emerald Theme Manager

Aug 15, 2010

I installed a theme in emerald, and it didn't do anything, like, it had no effect on my windows or anything. So i did some searching and the only thing i could find was to run "emerald --replace" in the terminal, and it worked, but if I exit out of the terminal, it reverts back to the old theme.How do I keep emerald's theme, even after I exit the terminal?

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Fedora :: Index.theme Does Not Appear To Be Valid Theme

Jun 27, 2009

I'm running Fedora 11 x86_64 (GNOME) and I'm having a problem installing ANY themes from Any time I try to install a theme I get an error that it's "appears to not be a valid theme" When I first click the install button and navigate to my theme packages, I don't see the [dot] theme file, which is a red-flag. I change to "All files" and I tend to see an "index.theme". Is this the correct file?

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Ubuntu :: Remove The Theme From 11.04 To Use Default Theme Of 11.04??

May 5, 2011

I was ubuntu 10.10 user and i installed macubuntu theme there but recently i upgraded my ubuntu to 11.04 and now the macubuntu theme is still exist. But i don want to make it avail anymore. how can i remove the theme from ubuntu 11.04 to use default theme of 11.04?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Change Sound Theme In Ubuntu 9.10

Jan 17, 2011

I find the default theme both the over all and the sound sick, why does Ubuntu not have the customizing as it used to. Sorry the default theme looks like crap and its just getting worse.

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