General :: Viewing A Doc Using Vista/Word 2000 That Was Created Using Mint8?

Jun 10, 2010

I am new to Linux, these type of forums and open source programs other than Firefox. I am not sure that this is the proper place to ask this question. If not, I apologize and ask that you please direct me to the proper location. I look forward to being able to leave MS but would like to have documents that I create viewable by the Windows Word programs.

I am using Linux Mint 8 as a dual boot setup with Vista on my Presario lap top. When I am operating with Mint8 and create a simple doc and save it as a word 2000 document and place it in a folder I can locate and open it using Mint 8 very nicely. But, when I try to access it using Vista and Word 2000 it does not appear in the folder when I try to view "all files". Conversely, Not all of the documents, which were created using windows and already exist in my folders, jpeg files for sure, are visible when I look in a folder using Mint8 and try to view "all files". I did add to a doc that was created by Vista/Word using Mint8 Open office and those edits were viewable using either Vista/Word 2000 or Mint8 open office.

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Ubuntu :: OpenOffice Freezes When Loading Word 97 / 2000 Files?

Jun 3, 2011

I am having problems opening and printing word 97/2000 formatted documents that were saved using OpenOffice in Maverick. If I try to open one of these files in openOffice for Lucid, it causes OpenOffice to freeze every time. If I save the files in OpenOffice format and share them between Maverick and Lucid - everything works fine. Anyone know what might be causing OpenOffice in Lucid to freeze when loading word 97/2000 files?

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Software :: How To Digitally Sign Doc Created With Word Processor

Apr 20, 2011

I am looking for an easy way to digitally sign documents produced with regular word processors. Here are my findings so far:LibreOffice and OpenOffice are ready to digitally sign documents. There are a few steps involved (such as obtaining the certificate). For documents produced with a different word processor (such as Abiword), there is always the option to transform them into pdf documents, which seem to be ready to be digitally signed, with specific software. The first thing I looked at was gpg, which allows for a detached signature and also for a "clearsign" option, which attaches the signature to the document.

I have already ruled out the "detached signature", as this imposes another degree of difficulty to handle a stack of documents that will need to be classified and relocated frequently. As for the "clearsign" option, it is great for simple text documents but, when used with Abiword documents (for instance), the few extra lines outside the xml tree renders them impossible to read. So far, forcing all my coworkers to use only LibreOffice seems to be the simplest alternative.

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Ubuntu :: MM 10.10 Viewing Vista Shares Over LAN / Doesn't List All Data And Folders

Apr 20, 2011

1. Maverick Meerkat 10.10
2. Vista Ultimate

I'm successfully connecting to my Vista desktop via my laptop running MM;I can view my shares but not all my data. All top level shares seem to be visible, it's when I go deeper that I notice not everything is showing up. The folders are accessible if I type the full path, and then again I have the same issue once I'm inside that folder where not all data is visible.

In Nautilus setting: Edit>Pref>Preview Tab.I set preview for all files under 4GB which is the upper limit I can set.This made more files visible but not everything.I attempted to divide the directories in order to halve the size of the folders, this helped but not completely. The directories contain movie and picture files. The picture files are easier to divide more equitably between folders, but the movies being so large, managing folders sizes in that way doesn't help. I really don't want to divide my files according to this problem anyway. Sorting does not affect which folders and files are shown. Nothing is hidden, options to show hidden files on amd off, no help.

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General :: Search Word And Delete Only The Word And The Line Using Sed Command?

Jun 28, 2011

Want to search for ~ and delete it as well as to append the entire line to the above line. For Ex:

1111xxxx date Sandy area is ~around this area.3222xxx date There seems to ~left side of map, the colours are accurate (showing green areas)Even if I ~zoom in, the green parks, xxx3258 date The dammed up
~away, the "other" body of water varies ~blackNatural gas leaching.


1111xxxx date Sandy area is around this area. 3222xxx date There seems to left side of map, the colours are accurate (showing green areas)Even if I zoom in, the green parks, xxx3258 date The dammed up away, the "other" body of water varies blackNatural gas leaching.

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General :: Can Customize Sound Theme In Mint8?

Feb 26, 2010

Any one know if it's possible to customise/personalise the Sound Theme in Mint8? - (I've just upgraded from Mint7, where this was fairly easily done but I'm afraid I'm stumped now!)

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General :: Sed Append Word At End Of Line If Word Is Missing

Feb 19, 2010

I have to modify formsweb.cfg file in Oracle IAS.

Problem description

In formsweb.cfg file are two lines with labels archive_jini= and archive= at the beginning of line. After equal sign (=) is row of filenames of java archives delimited by coma(,). When I insert a new jar file in java directory, I have to append the very same name of jar file to both lines if that name is not yet present.

Example snippet from formsweb.cfg

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General :: Mint8 - No Sound With Movie Player Or Other Apps ?

Apr 5, 2010

Have Mint8 set-up in a dual-boot on an Acer Aspire One (with newer N450 Atom processor) with Windows7 Starter.

Most things working fine but can get no sound with Movie player or other apps.

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Hardware :: Windows Vista Can't Read My Ntfs Partition Created By Mkfs

Oct 16, 2010

I'm dual booting windows vista and ubuntu hardy on a multi-partitioned Dell D630. I created a partition using mkfs -t ntfs. Linux has no trouble reading/writing to it, but every time I boot into windows, chkdsk tries to "fix" the partition, fails, and tells me that the partition is corrupted. Can anybody suggest a way to convince vista that the partition is indeed ok, or else another way to create the partition so that vista can recognize it?

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General :: Ubuntu / Mint8 Install - No Signal Flag On Screen

Jan 19, 2010

I have tried to install both wubi ubuntu and linux mint8 both times they start I see the new desktop briefly then I get a "no signal" flag on my display But I can hear the startup chime as the program finishes loading!

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Programming :: Read Two Files Word By Word At A Time Using Any Loop By Shell Script?

Mar 4, 2010

Well, I am facing one issue:How can i read two files word by word at a time using any loop as i need word by word comparision in shell script?Please let me know pseudo code.

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Programming :: Bash Shell Script Read File Word By Word?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a output file look like this:
{"test1" : "test2", "test3" : "test4"},

How can I read word by word in each line?This is not working code:

while read word
do a=$(($a+1));


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General :: Next Word Of A Particular Word ?

Feb 9, 2011

In linux is there a way to find the next word of a particular word of a file. grep displays entire line of the particular word. But i want only the exact next word of that particular there any command for that.

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Programming :: Bash Read Input Word For Word ?

May 4, 2010

I am pretty new to bash scripting...I am trying to write a script that will take an input and read it word for word and then DO something with it like echo. I have been able to find how to read word for word from a file but I don't know how to do it with input.

I was looking for something like


exit 0 The input would be A-Z a-z 0-9 and have a single space between each word.

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General :: Splitting Text Files Into Parts With 2000 Lines

Sep 7, 2010

I am facing a problem while splitting a text file, I need to split a file into some parts and each split file should have 2000 lines, when I do it through "split" command the mother file is kept intact but as per my requirement I need to cut mother file into some parts thus it should not be kept intact.

file size
motherfile.txt 5000 lines.
after split
motherfile.txt 2000 lines.
childfile1.txt 2000 lines.
childfile2.txt 1000 lines.

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General :: Complete Replace Isa 2000 Microsoft By Squid Proxy Server?

Feb 1, 2010

we want to complete replace isa 2000 Microsoft by squid proxy server. the role of server is simple as regular proxy server. using rhel5, but when i enter into squid proxy world i found tons of parameters, and stuff to read. and optimization and performance tuning needed.

which is best suitable proxy squid, there is regular,transparent i need to define 2 rules, 1 for office hours internet let say 10 hours, 1 for 24 hours internet, where certain people comes in 10 hours and some in 24 hours group also can some one suggest is there any no GUI control from web broswer or linux machine itself we can define control access list?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Getting BBC Iplayer Desktop On Mint8 KDE 64Bit?

Feb 21, 2010

I've just "changed" from Ubuntu Karmic to Linux Mint8 KDE 64Bit. I am trying to get the BBC Iplayer Desktop working. I have managed to install Adobe Air and thats it.

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General :: Partitioning - Difference Between File System Created By Fdisk And File System Created By Mkfs?

Aug 1, 2011

I'm a little bit confused with partitioning the filesystem in Linux. the difference between creating the file system with fdisk and mkfs (when formatting the disk). I can't clearly tell my problem, so please look at this picture:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Mint8/XP - WinXP Loading As A Read Only

Feb 22, 2010

WinXP Partition loading as a read only and can't fix it with PYSDM (storage device manager) Let me provide some history as to how everything was installed: From my old WIN XP hard drive I used clonezilla to clone the drive to a partition on my new hard drive for Linux. Windows is on SDA4 which is the last partition of the drive, it is mounted at sda4/windows using ntfs. I then loaded Mint 8 gnome on the 2nd partition sda2 using ext3 mounted at /, sda1 is my Linux swap, and sda3 is mounted at /home using ext3. While installing I selected to mount Linux ext3 at /

When I choose to load winXP from the grub boot loader I get dev/sda4 no such device 10CDR36778638F73. Also when I try to unmount from disk utility I get the following error: Error unmounting: umount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: umount: only root can unmount UUID=10CDF36778638F73 from /windows Seemslike I need to rename the drive but it won't let me in disk utility.

My Problem is that within PYSDM (storage device manager) I uncheck Mount file system (sda4/windows) as a read only but it will not stay unchecked. I have unchecked it hit unmount and mount and it still is checked to mount as a read only. This is the code in options for sda4 in PYSDM (storage device manager) nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46

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General :: Viewing Drive In Windows?

Jan 6, 2011

I have windows 7 and ubuntu 9.10 installed in my system. I want to view my linux drive in windows. Is there anyway to do that?

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General :: Viewing Files That Have Already Printed?

Oct 26, 2010

I'd like to know how to see which files have been printed on the printer. I can see which print jobs have run and who submitted them using the following command:

$ lpstat -W completed -o
but it doesn't show me the names of the files that printed.

Is there a way to set a retention policy to have it hold the job in the queue even after it's finished printing? Or a command to view the details of jobs that have already run? I'm looking for something similar to the output of the lpq command.

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General :: Viewing Ext3fs On Windows?

Aug 21, 2010

I dual boot winxp and fedora. Though i can view ntfs partitions using fedora, windows doesnt recognize ext3fs partitions.

I have tried few softwares but they support ext2fs only.

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General :: Query On Viewing Tamil Website

Jan 28, 2010

i want to know how to view tamil websites in redhat linux EL5.pls assist to know the detail.

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General :: Viewing Backup Files But Only In Some Directories?

Oct 26, 2010

I backed up my Laptop with a script, as follows:


#! /bin/bash
growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-compat -r -v /home

I then installed a new version of Ubuntu 10.04 from disk and copied the files in /home from the cd to the hard. I am able to open, view etc. all the files in most directories except those in /home/documents. There are text files created by gedit, OOWP and several PDF files. I cannot open or view these files, depending: gedit and pdf files gets a Err.Msg. "Don't recognize file type" (it is clearly marked PDF) . The OO files look like rows of 'high bits' and a dialogue box opens giving me the options to change Char. Set, Font, Language, Paragraph break.

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General :: Viewing All Crontab Files On A System?

Nov 16, 2009

Is there a way to view all the crontab files, owned by root, users, and other system accounts, that exist on a system simultaneously rather than having to go the individual accounts? The distribution in question here is the Debian 4.0 release.

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General :: Viewing Multiple Files With The Less Command?

Apr 14, 2010

When we view multiple files using less, how to go on to the next file? I gave these two commands:


[root@localhost log]# ls -lt boot.log*
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Apr 11 04:02 boot.log
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Apr 4 04:02 boot.log.1
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Apr 1 19:14 boot.log.2
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Mar 21 04:02 boot.log.3
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Mar 14 04:02 boot.log.4
[root@localhost log]# less boot.log*

This is what I got:


boot.log (file 1 of 5) (END) - Next: boot.log.1 <RETURN>
(END) - Next: boot.log.1

I could not view boot.log.2.

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General :: Editing/viewing Password Files?

Aug 9, 2009

I created a password file for use with ncsa_auth in squid. Firstly, is there a way to view the passwords in the file or are they all encrypted? Secondly, is there a way to get squid to reauthenticate the user after 24 hours?

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General :: Viewing Counts Of Old Passwords Associated With Users

Aug 19, 2010

I'm configuring a CentOS 5.4 workstation. I have been able to apply most of the security that is required. I have met all but one logging requirement. How do you get the count of old passwords associated with users? I don't need to see their passwords just how many times they have changed them. I have set remember to 24 in the /etc/pam.d/system-auth file. I don't know where the file is that contains this information.

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General :: Viewing HTML File In Network?

Feb 19, 2010

I have indexnew.html file in /var/www/html. I have to view this file in the browser within the network and without using Apache server. Because, my Apache server gets the request to my application. I used http://localhost/indexnew.html to open the file, but it gets to my application.

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General :: Viewing Terminal From Recovery Menu

Mar 20, 2011

I dont know if terminal is what im after, but here is my situation: This is a follow up to this thread on not some graphics issues with my linux install: [URL] I have finally managed to get a full install complete, but im still getting this screen on boot (prior to this screen i DO get the kubuntu loading screen) [URL]

So in the GRUB at start i have choosen Linux - recovery mode, to see what options that gave me, and i tried FailSafe mode, but i get an error and it just goes back to the recovery menu. My question is how do i get to the terminal style screen as its too quick for me to see the error, and i cant photograph it as its too fast. i cant see it being an issue with the graphics because of the properly displayed kubuntu loading screen beforehand

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