General :: Can't Access Virtual "inet Addr" From Host

Mar 20, 2011

I created a Virtual WebServer (I used CentOS as guest) by using VirtualBox to test my website. When I typed "/sbin/ifconfig" to get "inet addr" it showed I used a web browser from my host (Fedora 14 GNOME) to access It was good, It displayed "Apache 2 Test Page". But I accessed it redirected to and showed error page.

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Security :: Virtual Server To Access The Main Host Or Another Virtual Se

Jan 8, 2010

Is there anyway for one Virtual Server to access the main host, or another Virtual Server? Or would they be totally 100% independent?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Access Virtual Host (apache2)?

Jan 24, 2011

I've just installed LAMP. http://localhost/ page works fine. I need to create some virtual hosts. Localhost page is situated in /var/www/. It's normal for me, and I wanted to created virtualhost (in /var/www/vhost1) But it doesn't open in browser. Where is my mistake?

NameVirtualHost *:80
Listen 80
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
# If you add NameVirtualHost *:443 here, you will also have to change
# the VirtualHost statement in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl


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Ubuntu :: Get Other Users On The Same Host Machine Access To Those Virtual Machines Within VB?

Jul 9, 2011

I've installed VirtualBox OSE and have a couple of guest OS setup. I am running Ubuntu 11.04 and VBOSE version 4.x (the most current). Now this installs the guest OS virtual harddrives to a folder in my home directory. How do I get other users on the same host machine access to those virtual machines within VB? Currently logging in as another user and going to Applications/Accessories/VirtualBox OSE ... the list of guest machines is empty save of course on my login.

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Fedora :: Access Shared Folders In Virtual Box (Host OS Is Windows7 And Guest OS)

Apr 15, 2011

I am trying to access shared folders in Virtual Box with Host OS being Windows7 and Guest OS is Fedora. Did anyone face a similar problem? I have been going through many solutions but none of them worked out. I am able to keep the required folders in Shared Folders making them Auto-Mount and Permanent. I tried to install Guest Additions from Devices, but I am not sure how to install the Guest-Additions software in Fedora. how to proceed so that I can access files in my shared folder.

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OpenSUSE :: Run LAMP In A Virtual Machine And Access The Web Server Via A Browser On The Host?

Aug 31, 2010

How can I run LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) in a virtual machine (Ubuntu in virtual box) and make it so the web server is accessible locally (and ONLY locally) on the host OS via an ip address?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Virtual Host To Access Internal Server?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm not sure is this is possible or not, but what I would like to do is take my public address and configure a virtual host only instead of having the content on the same server I would like it to point to the IP of my virtual machine that is in my private network and display that page publicly. Does anyone know if this is possible, or how to do it? I have done this with port forwards, but would like them both to be on the same port.

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CentOS 5 :: Copied Files Into A Virtual Host Container But Cannot Access The Site?

Sep 8, 2010

Has anyone had issues installing Drupal on centos. I have copied my files into a virtual host container but cannot access the site. When I place a phpinfo file into the folder and browes to it I see that Virtual Directory Support is "Disabled" However how did the php page get shown from the same virtual directory mm I may have asked to soon.Installing Drupal on CentOS 5/Red Hat/Fedora

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Networking :: USB Wireless Modems For Inet Access?

Aug 13, 2010

I'd like to use one of the popular USB wireless modems for Internet access. If Linux supports this, I assume that the required driver is in the kernel, and that connection would be automatic. Has anyone had experience with this?

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Networking :: Isolating A VMware Virtual Machine From It's Host But Still Alowing Internet Access

Oct 31, 2009

I have a WindowsXP virtual machine which I need to isolate from the host machine completely (have the host act as a bridge but not be visible on the IP layer at all.) It still needs to have Internet access. Obviously it has to be able to contact the router but I would like to be able to block port 80 (or even just block all SYN packets addressed to the router.) I also want to allow port forwarding from the router to the virtual machine. I can use basic iptables but this is way beyond me.

The host OS is probably going to be Debian Lenny but this is not built yet so if someone can recommend a different distro which is as lightweight as possible but will support VMWare, iptables and tcpdump then that would be great. I was thinking of Slackware but I have not used it in ages and from what I can remember their is no real package management.

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Server :: Apache2 Virtual Host Defaulting To Default Host

Oct 30, 2009

Bit of an odd one, this. I've migrated a website from my old server to a new machine. Both servers run Ubuntu + Apache2. Both only serve a single site, apart from the default site.I've flipped the domain name to the new IP address.The trouble is that after moving the virtual host config over into sites-available, with the necessary link in sites-enabled, Apache attempts to serve from the default web root (/var/www) rather than the actual site content (in /var/www/technology). So for example, an attempt to browse.

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Server :: Apache Virtual Host To Limit The Concurrent Connections Of Virtual Hosts?

Jul 3, 2009

apache virtual host to limit the concurrent connections of virtual hosts? Taking into account the host of each virtual user's home directory can also have more than one subdirectory, which should be restricted to a subdirectory. Is beyond the control of the operation of these sites in a subdirectory. Best local restrictions or limitations to the overall situation.

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Server :: Debian Lenny - All Virtual Hosts Lead To First Virtual Host

Apr 21, 2010

I'm having an issue with setting up the virtual hosts on my web server. I have 2 virtual hosts (, works but is sent to the index file of I did some searching on google and it seems the problem might be with my /etc/hosts file.

First virtual host that the second is also directed sites-available/sites-enabled (note port 80 is blocked by my isp so I use 8080)


Second virtual host file


And my hosts file


# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts

Also I'm using a that make a difference?

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Server :: Create A Virtual Host And Virtual Ip In Proftpd Centos?

Nov 22, 2010

I want to create a virtual host and virtual ip in proftpd linux centos. can anyone please help me on this,I'm new in linux.

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General :: Ssh From Virtual Machine To Main Host?

Mar 17, 2011

ok how do you add a rule which allows a virtual machine to connectto ssh on the main fedora host?so connecting from a virtual machine to the main fedora host installation? I think i have to use an iptables command but not really sure

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General :: How To SSH Into Red Hat System (virtual Box Guest) From Windows 7 (host)

Nov 11, 2010

I have RHEL running in Virtual Box and my native OS is Win 7. From a purely educational standpoint, I want to be able to access RHEL from Win 7 over SSH. I download putty but don;t know how to make it do what I want. Ideally, I would like to use the linux command prompt at a minimum and preferably access the GUI apps also. IS this possible? I am just trying to explore and expand my linux knowledge.

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General :: Apache Virtual Host Document Root ?

Sep 9, 2009

I'm now configuring my web server to server different Virtual Hosts based on DNS name. Right now I store my files in /var/www per the default installation settings in Apache.

I want to change the Document Root to /home/username/public_html/ for the second virtual server. What do the permissions need to be in order for Apache to read the files in this location? Would it be best to force Apache to run as this new username instead of www-data?

My Virtual host setup will look something like this

I want to change the DocumentRoot as I am running a chrooted ProFTPd server and want to be able to update webserver files via FTP. I am running Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server (CLI only).

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General :: How To Apache Identify For Which Virtual Host The Request Has Come

Jan 22, 2011

I'm having some basic doubt! Consider 5 virtual domains has configured under a same server. I mean 5 different domains under same IP. Eg. and have IP So when web browser request for name server return IP address Then browser contact IP on port 80. Here comes my question how does apache know that the browser is looking for not How apache differentiate the request for it's virtual hosts? By the way, what is a virtualhost ?

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General :: Select PHP Handler Module Per Virtual Host?

Oct 20, 2010

I would really like to install 2 or 3 PHP handler modules (suEXEC, FastCGI, etc) on a single server and assign which module should be used per virtual host or domain or whatever.

Is this possible?!
Could I get details?

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General :: Virtual Machine - Connect To Guest From Host PC Using Putty?

Feb 6, 2010

How can I connect to Linux (which is in a VM) from the host PC using putty? I can ping the from my host PC. And there is sshd process running on Linux. I choose the SSH to connect, but gives error.

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General :: Bugzilla 4.0 Not Recognizing SetEnv Variable For Virtual Host?

May 26, 2011

I am attempting to stand up a new server Red Hat EL6 with Bugzilla-4.0 and everything is working expect Virtual Host. By defualt Bugzilla looks for SetEnv PROJECT (variable) in the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file. I followed the given instructions to place SetEnv PROJECT (variable) under <VirtualHost> however bugzilla doesn't recognize that it is there. When I put SetEnv PROJECT outside of <VirtualHost> then it becomes the default for ALL my different virtual host instead of using what is inside the <VirtualHost> section.

Here is the NameVirtualHost section of my httpd.conf file

NameVirtualHost *:443


PS: Here is what Bugzilla 4.0.1 guide says to do: 2.4. Multiple Bugzilla databases with a single installation The previous instructions referred to a standard installation, with one unique Bugzilla database. However, you may want to host several distinct installations, without having several copies of the code. This is possible by using the PROJECT environment variable. When accessed, Bugzilla checks for the existence of this variable, and if present, uses its value to check for an alternative configuration file named localconfig.<PROJECT> in the same location as the default one (localconfig). It also checks for customized templates in a directory named <PROJECT> in the same location as the default one (template/<langcode>). By default this is template/en/default so PROJECT's templates would be located at template/en/PROJECT.

To set up an alternate installation, just export PROJECT=foo before running for the first time. It will result in a file called instead of localconfig. Edit this file as described above, with reference to a new database, and re-run to populate it. That's all. Now you have to configure the web server to pass this environment variable when accessed via an alternate URL, such as virtual host for instance. The following is an example of how you could do it in Apache, other Webservers may differ.

SetEnv PROJECT foo
Alias /bugzilla /var/www/bugzilla

Don't forget to also export this variable before accessing Bugzilla by other means, such as cron tasks for instance. For anyone that fell into the same trap as I did. The Bugzilla guide neglects to tell you where to set the SetEnv PROJECT variable. It turns out that you need to add this variable in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf file under each virtual host section. So for me I did the follwoing


Save the file, restarted Apache and everything worked as expected. Although I did include the NameVirtualHost section in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf I don't think it made a difference.

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General :: Forward Port For IP-Based Virtual Host To Work?

Mar 22, 2010

Having trouble visualising how IP-Based Virtual Host (with SSL) would work. Here is my vhosts.conf file:

#Define Name Virtal Host
#Used to replace the main server host. The log file will reside in /var/log/httpd/error_log


How will it work? I will need to forward port 443 to the interface right? Without doing that, there is no way this is going to work... is there? And that means that I can't run more than 1 ip-based SSL virtual host on one machine because I can't forward 443 to two different interfaces.

Also, do I use internal ip address or external ip address in the <VirtualHost > tag? I only have one static public ip.

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General :: Virtual Machines And Dual Monitors With A Windows 7 Host And Guest?

Oct 4, 2010

I'm looking for virtual machine software that supports dual monitors on a Linux guest with a Windows 7 host.VirtualBox supports dual monitors only for Windows guests. VMware Player was extremely slow, so I gave up. I'm not sure it supports dual monitors, anyway. Can anyone recommend a product for what I want to do?

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General :: Deploy Windows Server 2008 R2 In Virtual Machine On Host?

Jul 27, 2011

Will there be any issues installing and then subsequently running a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 installation on a VirtualBox VM on a Linux host (Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit)? I require Windows Server 2008 R2 for a course I'm taking, and I dont have any systems to install/deploy it onto.

Host Machine Specs:

Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit
350GB Disk Space
Nvidia Quadro system

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General :: Bash Script To Automate The Virtual Host Creation Process?

Mar 14, 2011

This is my sample code in /etc/httpd/conf.d/applications.conf file currently we are creating subdomain mannually for every new subdomain. I want to automate this process througs bash script , how its possible.


<VirtualHost *:80>


In this code which i marked BOLD that content only we'l change for every subdomain. while manually doing this most of the times errors are coming to avoid that i need to automate this process.

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General :: Httpd Virtual Host Set To Mount To Samba Share Folder?

Dec 23, 2010

The scenario like this. I'm working on Ubuntu 10.10. I've enable samba sharing with full guest access enable. In my office I had another server (CentOS 5.5) installed just for me and I've created a Apache VirtualHost which root document pointed to share folder on my comp

This is my fstab setting
//my ubuntu computer name/sharing/www /media/www cifs context=system_ubject_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0,username=username,password=******,iocharset=utf8,fi le_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0

After label the mount folder as httpd_sys_content_t the Apache web server working in correct way (duno much but at least it can index files and excute some php code so) then the troll come in : if some file was created by my ubuntu (personal comp) then the file would be listed in Apache virtualhost correctly.

But if I'm ssh to CentOS server goto /media/www which was mounted to my unbuntu computer. Then type command like $mkdir something Suprising that folder ./something could not be accessed by Apache anymore except I remount by umount and mount it again or "setenforce 0" What is wrong with my system can anyone point me out of this headache

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General :: Get IP Address / Ifconfig And Ip Addr Show Are Not Working

Apr 23, 2010

This should be simple, but the machines we ssh into don't seem to have the regular commands.Are there any other simple ways I can use to get my IP?

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General :: What Is The Role Of The /etc/inet.d Directory In A System Restart

Feb 5, 2011

What is the role of the /etc/inet.d directory in a system restart.

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General :: SSH Access To Office Host Behind NAT Router

Apr 29, 2011

I would like to access the ssh port of my office linux host from home. Unfortunately the host is located behind a NAT router. So, the IP address is not publicly available. There is however access to another internet host (Server) which is unfortunately only non-root access.

-Office PC (linux, root access) behind NAT (IP not public) but full Internet access.
-Server PC (linux, no root access) static and public IP and full Internet access.
-Home PC (linux, root access) behind NAT (IP not public) but full Internet access.

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General :: VMware Host-only Networking Internet Access

Aug 16, 2011

I am running a Ubuntu Linux VM using VMware Player on a Windows 7 host.

I don't want to connect directly to the network or use NAT; I need host-only networking but also need Internet access. How can I do this?

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