General :: Accessing To A Usb Stick While Booting With Init=/bin/sh?

Mar 28, 2011

I am trying something: I would like to access to some data stored on a usb stick while I am booting to the kernel using the "init=/bin/sh" parameters.Is that possible ?My USB stick is detected when I do 'cat /var/log/messages.log | grep sdb". I had to "modprobe usb-storage".Quote:localhot kernel : sdb: sdb1localhost kernel: sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable diskBut I still can't get it mounted.Quote:mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist"

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General :: When Try To Boot Stick It Gets As Far As Executing The Initramfs Init Script Then Restarts?

May 12, 2011

I'm booting Gentoo off of a usb-stick. This has been working previously but now when I try to boot my stick it gets as far as executing the initramfs init script then restarts.The last two lines of my initramfs/init are:

echo "finished initramfs."
exec switch_root /new-root /sbin/init


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General :: Ubuntu Booting :Can't Find /sbin/init?

Apr 17, 2011

I have an Acer netbook with the netbook version of Ubuntu and Windows 7. When I try to boot on Ubuntu I get a terminal that says "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init= bootarg." I've found questions about this, but I get lost at "after booting from livecd." I put ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386 on a flash card, but I don't know how to boot from it; I think that's my main problem.

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General :: Mint Is Not Booting Without USB Stick?

Jun 17, 2010

I just installed Linux Mint in my Netbook with help of USB stick. I don't have CD drive in my netbook.

Its working fine but without USB stick its not booting. If start with USB stick its booting fine.

The booting files are in USB, how do I change the booting option. so that I can boot without USB stick help.

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General :: Asus Eee PC Netbook - Booting From A USB Stick?

Mar 25, 2011

I'm trying to set up a netbook with Ubuntu for my computer-challenged Mother. I downloaded the image file to the download section of the new netbook, created a USB stick to boot from and then restarted the computer, pressing F2 in order to change the boot order. Using the "+" key I was able to put [Removable Dev.] on top: "1st Boot Device", but, and here's the thing, it is disabled: "A devince enclosed in the parenthesis has been disab led in the corresponding type menu." I do not understand this, nor do I know what to do

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General :: Booting Multiple Images From A USB Stick?

Dec 27, 2010

I work with many different PCs with Windows XP and Windows 7 deployed, and I'm trying to consolidate my stacks of CDs into a single USB drive. I'd like to be able to boot off it and have a choice of a few options: A persistent Linux install for troubleshooting, the Win7 install CD, and the WinXP install CD.

I'm aware that most USB sticks can't be partitioned, but after much trial and error I've found one that can have its removable bit flipped, be treated as a USB hard drive and partitioned. I can set up 4 primary partitions and an initial test with a boot cd image on the first partition seems to work on 3 of my 4 home PCs... on (only) one of them though, Grub gives a 'Missing MBR-helper' error. All my systems, even the one not booting correctly, see the partitions as valid in both Linux and Windows, and I've successfully retrieved data from all of them. My guess is that it's a BIOS quirk on that particular machine, but it puts the whole idea in jeopardy... if it doesn't work on one of my own PCs, who's to say it will work on other PCs?

I'd like to salvage the partition idea if I can, maybe someone has run into this before... But if it's just not feasible, I read that Grub can boot image files under certain circumstances... I'm wondering if it's possible to have Grub (or any other bootloader) run the Win7 and WinXP CDs as image files? That way they could all sit on a single partition on the USB stick.

I haven't yet tried any other bootloaders, for all I know I could try something else and get things going.

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General :: Old Sony BIOS Use USB Flash Drive - Stick - For Booting

Feb 18, 2011

I probably have not done any serious programming for 20 years, not counting a little HTML.

I stumbled onto an old FREESPIRE disk my bro sent me several years back -- and tried installing it on a Sony Vaio PCG FRV 28 I had crashed a few years back. The Sony bios is still aboard, but old enough to not have USB "booting" as part of the boot menu. I don't even know if one can easily hack into the BIOS on an old sony Vaio but changing the BIOS would solve lot of problems.

Does anyone have any ideas or certain knowledge on rewriting or modifying the Master Boot Code or an idea on making my USB [with Ubuntu or any other Linux implementation visible] and bootable to the bios on powerup?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Stopped Booting - No Init Found

Mar 6, 2011

I installed 10.04 on daughter's laptop. It's been working perfectly but suddenly it's refusing to boot. Sadly, she's now half way around the world so I can't fiddle around to get it working. She's posted me a photo of the screen.

Here's what seems to be the important part:
mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: no such file or directory
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: no such file or directory
mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: no such file or directory
Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init.
No init found. Try passing init= bootarg.

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Debian Installation :: No Init Found When Booting From CD (on Sun Blade 2500)

Jul 7, 2011

When trying to install Debian 6.02 from a boot cd, the boot halts with the error message Kernel panic - not syncing: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel. In looking for a solution I see a great deal about this problem occurring after messy upgrades and the like, but when when booting from a cd downloaded right from the debian website.

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Fedora :: Booting From USB Stick

Dec 22, 2009

How would I go installing Fedora to a USB stick and then booting from it?Does my BIOS have to support booting from a USB stick? because I don't think I have an option for that.So can someone explain to me how installing to and booting from a USB stick works?

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Ubuntu :: Accessing Partition While Dual-Booting?

Jun 10, 2011

So, I installed Ubuntu using Wubi.exe for Windows. Is there a way to access the files I have on Windows while I'm on Ubuntu? Basically, how can I access files on the other side of the partition?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting The LiveCD From An USB Stick?

Jan 26, 2011

-I could use a hand in installing opensuse on my 2009 Intel Macbook

-I need to use a USB stick for the install, my optical drive doesn't work.

-I am trying to reformat my macbook to run 64-bit opensuse 11.3 instead of Apple's proprietary operating system, OS X

-So I started here: Chapter1.Installation with YaST

-And in this article, under section 1.1. Choosing the Installation Media, i found this sub-section: Booting the LiveCD from an USB Stick.

-So i followed those steps to create a bootable USB stick in Terminal, and i got an error in Terminal and was unable to go any further;

-this was the error in Terminal: dd: bs: illegal numeric value

Would anyone know what the error means, and what i should have typed instead? Is it because my USB stick is generic instead of being a specific type like a U3 stick?

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Ubuntu :: Utility To Netboot Instead Of Booting With A Usb Stick?

Jul 30, 2010

I have a bootable usb stick with a Linux utility on it. After poking around for a bit I figured out the boot order:

isolinux.bin <--reads isolinux.cfg
loads the kernel: SA.1
loads initrd: SA.2

then depending on the options you select it boots one of two .iso files I want this utility to netboot instead of booting with a usb stick; is there a way I can package isolinux.bin, isolinux.cfg, the kernel and initramfs, iso's and all the other files on the root of the usb stick into one iso that can be tftp'd to the host which would then boot something that would extract the iso to ramdisk and start booting so that isolinux would run as if all the files were locally stored on CD/usb stick?

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Slackware :: Booting A USB Stick With GRUB2 And Labels

Feb 14, 2011

Here's the idea -- be able to boot slackware 13.1 DVD from a USB stick, but without using anything like an initrd or loading the contents of the slackware install all into memory first. So the USB stick is behaving like a hard drive (but with one disadvantage, just don't take the usb stick out while you're using it!). It has the advantage of saving on memory though .

In the above thread I had this idea working ok but only with slackware 13 and earlier. In fact I still have the CF card with it on, and it works fine. Only snag is it won't work with the newer 13.1.

Right now, I'm trying to use qemu for the following (not what I wrote above!). The idea is to use qemu to install a minimum slackware 13.1 to the USB stick, set it up and then boot from the USB stick itself (so I'm using the USB stick as the storage medium as opposed to say a hard drive image file).

So let's say (this is what I'm doing) I boot slackware 13.1 (32 bit) and make two partitions;


I then do a minimal installation of slackware (just "A" and jed from "AP"). Lilo is not installed as later I'll be using GRUB2 to try to boot.

I'm using a slackware package, grub-1.97-beta4-i486-1.tgz for slackware 13.1/GRUB2.

I then boot off the slackware 13.1 DVD but at the boot screen I choose to boot from /dev/sda2 which is the linux install I created earlier. Success, it boots ok and I can get into the slackware 13.1 install on the USB disk (which is /dev/sda2).

I then label the ext3 partition by using e2label;


And also change /etc/fstab;


Now I need some sort of bootloader to put onto the USB stick so I don't need the DVD any more. To do this, I'm trying to use GRUB2.

But here's the problem!

When I install slackware onto the USB stick using qemu, that partition is /dev/sda2. It's the first usb/storage medium that slackware detects so it gets the name sdaX. (X=1, fat partition, X=2 EXT3 linux).

But here's the problem. Suppose I take the USB stick over to another PC with a hard drive already inside it. Slackware would see the hard drive installed in that PC as (say) /dev/sda1 and the USB stick would then become the second drive, so /dev/sdbX (X=1, fat partition, X=2 EXT3 linux).

If I specify a specific device (lets say /dev/sda2) then it won't work in another system because if I take the example above, another PC with a hard drive installed in it the USB stick becomes /dev/sdb2 and the GRUB2 boot program would be expecting /dev/sda2 which won't work. What I need to do is to somehow find the install, the root on the USB stick automatically without having to specify it manually.

So here's what I've tried with grub (First thing I did was to install grub with grub-install /dev/sda).


Snag is it dosen't work :-( I get this booting from the USB stick:


If I try this:


I get a very similar result ....


So what I'm wondering is .... if the "search" line in grub is doing the searching for the root GRUB2 needs to use to boot from - how can I tell the next line, "linux /boot/vmlinuz-huge-smp- root=...." where to boot from? I can't use /dev/sda2 or /dev/sdb2 because if I try the usb stick in a different PC the stick will be a different device name. Trying to use LABEL= or /dev/disk/by-label/USB/ also dosen't work .

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OpenSUSE Install :: LiveCD Not Booting On Either A CD Or USB Memory Stick?

Feb 7, 2010

I am getting a "No devices matches MBR identifier 0x8c71ad6e!" message along with a reboot in 120 seconds message. This occurs after kernel load and at the start of openSUSE boot.

I have tried both the 64bit and 32bit downloads


I have checksum checked both images after download. I have attempted the install on CD and USB stick with both images and the result is always the same.

I've included a screen image on my site: No Devices Matches MBR Identifier | Badzilla

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Ubuntu :: Booting From USB Memory Stick Fails On Thinkpad T42

Feb 28, 2010

I have a problem booting anything from USB stick on my IBM Thinkpad T42. It used to run normally, I could even install Windows or Linux from it, but now it stopped working. This particular concern is about booting freshly installed Xubuntu version 9.04 off a Kingston 4GB flash stick. I've installed Xubuntu using usb-create program directly from a booted live cd. Installation went fine and all the options in BIOS are setup correctly (I think). In boot menu in BIOS the stick is recognized correctly and + appears in front of it. Stick is selected as primary boot device. BIOS usb support is also enabled.

Now when I power on the computer, it reads something from the stick and stops right after displaying:
SYSLINUX 3.63 Debian-2008=07=15 EBIOS ... etc...
Then nothing happens and the text stays on like this.

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General :: Kernel Panic - Not Syncing - No Init Found - Try Passing Init - Option To Kernel

Apr 19, 2011

Im am building a Linux distro. It will be very tiny and fast.

I only have a minimal linuxkernel (bzImage) who is 1,2 mb big. And then I have Busybox who is 174,6 kb big.

The commands in busybox is: cd, ls, mkdir, rmdir, wget, httpd, clear, rm, poweroff, halt, reboot, fdisk, mount, umount, free, and cp.

When I compiled the kernel i use initramfs/initrd function and point it to a folder where initrd/initramfs source is.

The kernel works OK with others initramfs/initrd files. But not with my own.


Here is how the end of the kernelcomplie look like.


Here is my init file who is the initrd/initramfs source.


The initramfs folder contains "bin" (folder) and "init" a file. No more.

The problem is that the kernel cannot find/read init file.

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Ubuntu :: Doesn't Booting Up - Black Screen Appears With The Text: Init: Ureadahead Main Process (306) Terminated With Status 5

Sep 11, 2010

I installed Lucid Lynx on my laptop a couple of months ago and for the most part everything was working fine. However, just recently the computer doesn't seem to be booting up at all. I start up the machine and then a black screen appears with the text: init: ureadahead main process (306) terminated with status 5 the (#) is different in some boot-ups

And the computer just hangs there. typing anything doesn't seem to help at all. I press enter and a new line just appears. I've left it there for hours and still no login screen.

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Server :: Redhat ES ( 2.4.21-50.Elsmp) Not Booting - Error "no Init Found"

Feb 2, 2011

I am novice in linux and I have installed linux ES in my previous window desktop it was working fine. I try to make a bootidisk and system is not booting anymore. Following error I am getting at the booting time.

sda: sda1 sda2 sda3
Loading jbd.0 module
journalled block device driver load
loading ext3.0 module
creating block devices
creating root devices
creating root filesystem

Kjournal strating. commit interval 5 seconds Ext3-fs mounted filesystem with order data mode. pivrootivot_root (/sysroot,/sysroot/initrd)failed: 2 Freeing unused kernel memory:228k freed kernel panic: no init found. try passing init=option to kernel. ##########################################################

Grub version 0.93 (639k lower/ 2594416k upper memory) checking grub append> ro root=LABEL=hda=ide-scsi.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Seemed To Be Frozen - Reboot - No Init Found. Try Passing Init - Bootarg"

Jan 1, 2011

I've been dual booting 10.10 with Windows7 for about a month. Today is the first time I've encountered a serious problem.

This morning, nothing functioned properly after trying to open several programs. The computer seemed to be "frozen", although the mouse was working fine.

I decided to reboot, but then encountered an even bigger problem.

It failed to boot and got this message: no init found. try passing init= bootarg

The problem now is that it requires a Live CD session and I keep getting this: GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)

In case it matters, I didn't install 10.10 from an ISO, I just upgraded from 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Error - No Init Found - Try Passing Init=bootarg

Jan 20, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 will not boot! System froze this morning, I restarted and it is now failing to boot. Starts loading grub and I get this message:

mount: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/04aa3697-7bc0-45b5-b86a-77a1e6534bd5 on /root failed: invalid argument
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: no such file or directory
mount: mounting /dev on /root/sys failed: no such file or directory


I booted with 9.04 LiveCD discovered the drive could not be mounted-ran fsck -ln and it told me the drive has no valid partition table. I have had intermittent problems mounting flash drives before this, so I'm kind of worried it might be a hardware issue.Also have files on that drive I would rather not lose, so reinstalling is hopefully a last resort.

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Ubuntu :: Repairing Vista By Booting Vista From A USB Stick

Mar 22, 2011

I am trying to boot up Vista Home Premium from USB since my internal (bootable) CD-RW drive has failed and I cannot boot up Vista from CD.

I have Ubuntu running in the Windows partition and all my windows files are in there so I don't want to do a full installation of Ubuntu (yet).

I formatted an 8GB USB stick into two partitions

I then copied over to /dev/sdb1 all files from a Vista CD using an external CD-RW drive (which is not recognised as bootable on USB port).

In my Dell BIOS settings I changed the boot sequence to be bootable from USB disk first.

then I tried to reboot Vista installation in the USB stick.

But I get this message ..."this is not a bootable disk .. insert a bootable floppy"

So I could not boot up the Vista installation files.

When the boot flag is "on" in a GParted created partition does this make the partition DOS bootable for Vista installation?

My question is - What utility in Ubuntu 10.10 can create a DOS bootable partition on a USB stick? It seems that the MBR might have been overwritten when I installed Grub 2.0.

I can Grub dual boot between Windows and Ubuntu but I can't get very far with Windows .. stalls in safe mode.

So a Vista repair is called for. I would prefer not to reinstall Vista afresh at this stage.

There is a thread here explaining how to repair Vista bootloader


But it assumes that I am able to boot from CD-RW drive.

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Server :: Diffrence /etc/init.d And /etc/init.d/rc.d Scripts?

Jul 29, 2010

me the difference between /etc/init.d scripts and /etc/init.d/rc?.d scripts.

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Fedora :: Booting From Fedora 10 Live CD / "Error With Intranfs/init"?

Dec 7, 2008

When I attempt to boot from the new Fedora 10 Live CD, it comes up with the initial screen, then gives me an error message saying something like, "Error with intranfs/init," and then it drops to bash, which I do not know how to use. I have P4 HT @3 GHZ., 2GB of RAM, a 400GB primary HD split between Windows XP and Mythbuntu 8.10 (dual boot), a 200 MB secondary HD (the primary is SATA, the other IDE), etc. I wanted to try the Live CD before deciding whether to change over to Fedora. I burned the ISO image of the Live CD to a CD-RW myself.

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Programming :: Init Scripts In /etc/init.d?

Sep 17, 2010

I have written an init script and placed it in /etc/init.d/ directory.What I would like to know is, will the script run automatically or we need to install the script using "install_initd" command.If I have to invoke this command manullay, what will be the best place to do this ? Can I add this to "/etc/init.d/rcS" file

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Debian :: INIT : Cannot Execute /etc/init.d/rc?

May 7, 2011

I'm trying to boot Emdebian lenny on my compact flash and it shows the following errors during boot time :

Mounting local filesystems ... done .
/etc/rc.d/ : line 45 : uname : command not found .


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Software :: Stuck In Init 3 Although Indicates Its Init 5?

Mar 17, 2011

openSUSE 10.3 on Itronix IX260+ Stuck on command line, init 3, and all attempts at graphic init 5 fail. Get these messages:(EE) No devices detected; Fatal screen error: no screens found; AIGLX disabled Primary Device is PCI 01:00:0kernel:device-mapper:multipath round-robin:version 1.0.0 loaderkernel:device-mapper:table:253:0:multipath: error getting device
kernel:device-mapper:ioctl: error adding target to tableProblem would seem to be with the device-mapper, but have no idea how to fix it.

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General :: Booting Live Cd Of Fedora 15 / Change Argument During Booting Mode?

Jun 1, 2011

I am in a situation to boot fedora 15 live cd in to command line mode, not graphical mode, for some testing purpose. how to change argument during booting mode

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Ubuntu :: Wont Boot - "no Init Found. Try Passing Init=bootarg"

Jan 31, 2011

While I was using my computer a few days ago, the terminal stopped working properly, so I tried to reboot, and when it started up again it wouldn't boot and said "no init found. try passing init=bootarg"

This has happened twice before, so I really need to figure out what keeps happening, otherwise I can't continue to use linux. i reinstalled both times before. i think that this is caused by a process that prevents me from using the hard drive, because when I try to check the disk in the terminal or in gparted, it says Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda1. Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?

Also, in the disk utility, in the lower right corner of the filesystem it has a spinning "loading wheel".(i'm not sure if that means anything)

I am using ubuntu 10.10, but am not sure what kernel I am using, but i tried a few different kernel options(there's three of them at start up). safe mode does not work either.

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Ubuntu :: Corrupt Usb-stick - Close Gtk Button And Pulled The Stick Out Of Pc

Oct 1, 2010

i was writing a .img file to my usb stick with ImageWriter, but it didn't seem to do anything so i clicked the close gtk button and pulled the stick out of my pc. now my pc gives my an when i try to open the stick. is there any way to fix this. I can use win xp pro, win xp media center, win 7 starter, ubuntu 9.10 and ubuntu 10.04

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