Fedora :: XFS Filesystem - My NAS - Stora From Netgear - Failed

Aug 15, 2011

And now i have lost more than 1.9 TB of data.

Ok, i know. there should have been a backup. I came that far... but not beyond. I have bought a STORA MS2000 and 2 x 2TB WD EARS Harddisk. Except a couple of troubles that i had to go through with it - it finally worked. It did for 3 months. I have moved the NAS from one room to another and when i reattached it ... i all of a sudden didnt work anymore.

Tick, tick ... tick ... just like it would have a head-crash. I attached the disks to my iMac just to know what they sound there. Of course the iMac couldnt reat the disks. The disk-utility just let me know that the file-system is XFS (so far i knew) .. and then they are striped. So i knew i wouldnt be able to retrieve my data there ..

My question now. Since i dont think that my harddisks have a serious damage - how in on Gods Earth could i save my data from an XFS striped volume that was taken out of a STORA MS 2000?

I hope i wont loose all my data now ... but dont know if i would have any success to setup a Linux-PC and then have to look for the right software or even buy a card or so ...

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Fedora :: Grub Failed - Can't Mount Root Filesystem

Jul 31, 2010

Running F12 on my compaq evo N410c. Did a system restart 4rm gnome logged in as root & now grub cant mount my root filesystem, it boots vista though. How do i rectify dis.

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Hardware :: Fedora Boot Failed: Can't Mount Root Filesystem.

Jan 12, 2010

My Fedora 12 System was failed when booting.The message like that : mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/my_vol missing codepage or helper program, or other error. In some case, useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so Can't mount at root filesystem. [drm: drm_mode_rmfb ] *ERROR* tried to remove a fb that we didn't own. Boot has failed, sleep forever. I guess something wrong with my hard disk, so the bootloader can't recognize the filesystem type.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Can't Mount Root Filesystem - Boot Has Failed - Sleeping Forever

Jan 9, 2010

I've downloaded Fedora 12 and decided to try and install it on my old laptop which is currently running Ubuntu 9.10 with no problems.

When I boot from the live cd, it starts to load with the 3 bars on the bottom, one on top of the other, one is white, one is dark blue, the other is in between those colours in the spectrum somewhere....

Anyway, the load bars complete and "Fedora 12" turns white, then the following output populates:

mount: unknown filesystem type 'DM_Snapshot_Cow' (<----- repeated a bunch of times) can't mount root filesystem Boot has failed, sleeping forever.

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Fedora Servers :: Boot Messages: Enabling Local Filesystem Quotas: Failed

Sep 14, 2010

G'day. My distro is Fedora 13. I received the above subject error message at boot. My /etc/fstab is attached as follow:

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Fri Mar 5 12:44:10 2010
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Filesystem Check After Power Outage - WARNING: "Running E2fsck On A Mounted Filesystem May Cause SEVERE Filesystem Damage"

May 18, 2011

I am very new to linux, and I have a question regarding the filesystem check (fsck). The power recently went out and when I tried to restart linux the following error appears:

*/dev/sda1 contains file system w/errors, check forced it then goes on to say..

*An error occured during the file system check. Dropping you to a shell; the system will reboot when you leave the shell. Give root password for maintenance (or type Control-D to continue) I wasn't sure what to do, but checked some other online forums and they suggested running fsck manually - so I typed in the root password - and used the command, "fsck -A -V ; echo == $? ==" it then gave the following message

*WARNING!!! Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause SEVERE filesystem damage
*Would you like to continue (y/n)

Again, I wasn't sure what to do so i just checked no. I then manually turned off the computer and was prompted at the beginning to press Alt-3. I was brought to another screen and it informed me one of the drives was degraded and suggested rebuilding the array. I tried doing this, but it still brings me back to the original error of, "/dev/sda1 contains file system w/errors, check forced," and the process continues.

Also, when I tried to rebuild the array, I didn't backup any of the data on our home directory before doing this (which was probably a big mistake). After being prompted to type the root password, I was able to give the ls command and look at all the directories...the home directory where our data was stored was empty and I am afraid I may have lost some information. Is there a possibility that data was lost when I was trying to rebuild using the old drives?

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Ubuntu :: Mount Of Filesystem Failed / Fix It?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on a dell desktop from idk when, its fairly old but regardless it was all running fine until about a week ago I got the infamous:

Mount of filesystem failed. A maintenance shell will now be started. Control-D will terminate this shell and start a new one. admin@ or whatever it is you get the point.

I've been trying all the possible solutions I could find and nothing seems to work. I just want to be able to use this computer. I don't care if I lose files, or have to re-install Ubuntu or any of that, if I can just get the thing running again. I've tried re-installing, and booting from the disc etc. none of which have worked. Basically, I just want to erase Ubuntu and re-install it.

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General :: Filesystem Check Is Failed

Jan 23, 2010

I have got arch Linux dual booting with Win XP on my laptop. I have been getting a filesystem check error since yesterday and am unable to start Arch. Upon googling and searching the arch fora, I came upon some advice which I tried which has not worked yet. Hence the new post.Basically, I was attempting to print something off and accidentally chose a printer that was not connected to my laptop. After half a minute or so, it repeatedly started giving me notifications that the printer was not connected...in excess of 200 messages that the printer was not working which continued to pop up despite me canceling the print job. The whole system got really sluggish (for the first time in the last year) and I had to restart the laptop upon which the boot messages appear. It gets to the point where its loading the various filesystems. It mounts root and says it fine.

I tried fsck which tells me that home and boot are still mounted.So I booted up using an Ubuntu Live CD and checked and repaired each file system which it successfully did. Upon rebooting into Arch, I am getting the same message.I have not installed anything new and had upgraded the whole system a few days before the problem started.

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Ubuntu :: Failed To Mount Root Filesystem?

Feb 15, 2010

I have a dual booting newly installed 64 bit Ubuntu 9.10 on my machine. It was all fine until today. Now when I boot into Ubuntu, I see the error Failed to mount root filesystem. I cant remember any significant changes during the last session. One thing I remember is I upgraded the system using the update manager which asked me to choose an option for grub boot loader. I opted for its upgradation. After the upgrade, I was able to work with Ubuntu for a few more sessions. Windows XP works very fine.I checked other threads which suggested running fsck, but it did not help. fsck does not report any errors.

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Ubuntu :: Mount Of Filesystem Failed / Rectify It?

Feb 16, 2010

Mount of file system failed.this is the message i get wen try to boot into ubuntu 9.10 i dont knw how to rectify it

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Ubuntu :: Mount Of Filesystem Failed / Resolve This?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a 64 bit Karmic system with two drives. One is mounted as / and the other is mounted as /home. I just put the video card from my system into my son's system and got a new video card. (Don't see how it's related but still...)Now I am getting the following message when I turn on the system. code...

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Failed To Create Filesystem Partition

Mar 13, 2010

I am installing Ubuntu 9.10 on my computer and I get the following error:
"the ext4 file system creation partition #2 of Serial ATA RAID nvidia_bjfefgci () failed"
I followed the following instructions to prepare partitions [URL] and allocated 10,000 MB for swap, 245,000 MB for the one with / mount point and 245,000 MB for the one with /home mount point. I have two 250GB HDDs.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 9.04 To 9.10 - Filesystem Mount Failed

Apr 19, 2011

I was using 9.04 for a while because it was working for me, I decided to upgrade yesterday using the Upgrade button on synaptic to 9.10. Now when I boot I get an error message:
chroot: cannot execute /etc/apparmor/initramfs: No such file or directory
Mount of filesystem failed.
A maintenance shell will now be started.
CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and re-try
I want to try to fix the problem so I do not have to do fresh installation.

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Ubuntu :: Using Maintenance Console - Filesystem Checks Failed

May 16, 2010

My Ubuntu Linux system was switched off at the mains without being properly shut down. When it was restarted again, the file system checks failed and I was presented with the maintenance console command prompt. How do I check what is wrong with the file system. Is there any sort of generic repair command that checks the disk and fixes errors?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed To Mount Filesystem On Boot After Upgrade From 9.10 To 10.04

Apr 30, 2010

After upgrading and restarting my laptop, The purple splash screen hangs, and the terminal gives this message.


Also the boot menu does not show (I cannot open the recovery mode)

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Ubuntu :: Error - Mounting /dev/loop0 On //filesystem.squashfs Failed

Sep 6, 2010

I've just got a new laptop with 4GB RAM available, in order to fully utilize the available memory I'm going to install Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 64bit, but when I boot with Live CD, I always get the following errors:


BusyBox v1.13.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: Input/output error
Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs

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Ubuntu :: Crashed System Status 3 - Mount Of Filesystem Failed

Oct 3, 2010

Crashed System left at root @ maintenance shell. Below is the sequence after boot, with Exact Errors. How to Salvage important files from my crashed laptop hardware.
A) Via a Transfer to a USB stick in Terminal, would be ok
B) Via SSH through the router from the good laptop that is Preferably using Nautilus / GUI, Terminal also ok (less confident of my skill here)
C) Directly Fixing Laptop and being ably to use Nautilus / GUI to Copy Files to USB stick, localy

The result of some effort:
A) the USB stick is good but Can't get in to it from the crashed laptop
B) SSH: No luck I get: "Cannot display location "sftp://"" from the good Machine
C) at a lose here...

The Crashed Laptop is:
Ubuntu: 9.10
Linux: 2.6.31-22-generic
Gnome: 2.28.1
CPU: Intel Atom N280 @ 2GHz
NO: CD / DVD Drive
(USB Boot maybe possible? Have not made a Bootable Ubuntu USB Yet)

GNU GRUB Version 1.97~
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-22-generic
etc / (& recovery mode)
Mini Ubuntu logo or splash screen

File-system checks are in progress sticks every time at 4%
init: mountall main process (418) terminated with status 3
#(it seem to count up every time I re try to boot ? (init: mountall main process (423)(429)(etc)
Mount of filesystem Failed.
A maintenance shell will now be started.
CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and re-try

I can navigate around but cant get the GUI up
root@Bi-Ji-Ben:~# nautilus
could not Parse arguments: Cannot open display:

A good USB stick reads & writes in another laptop running Ubuntu 9.10. When I connect the USB to the Crashed Machine it starts with:
"assuming drive cashe: write through", and hangs on this tell I press: "Ctrl+C"
In the crashed machine I can't seem to get into the USB anywhere that I think it should show up and trying to "mkdri" got me:
"Read only file system".

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General :: Failed To Mount NTFS In RHEL5 - Unknown Filesystem

Apr 6, 2010

I have download file from this site and have done these steps [URL].
tar -xvf ntfsprogs-2.0.0.tar.gz
chown root.root -R ntfsprogs-2.0.0
cd ntfsprogs-2.0.0
make && make install

Still I have failed to mount ntfs partition with this command..
mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt
ntfs-3g /dev/hda1 /mnt

The error is .................
mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs'
I am using RHEL5.4 and kernel is 2.6.18-164.el5

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Software :: Encrypted Filesystem - Mount Failed With Run Sync Status 32

Dec 11, 2010

When I try to mount a linux file system that was encrypted using cryptsetup I get the following error:
debian:/# mount /dev/sdb3
Command sukey slot 0
mount: u moet een bestandssysteemsoort aangeven
mount failed with run_sync status 32
Command failed: Device busy
mount.crypto_LUKS(crypto-dmc.c:168): Could not unload dm-crypt device "/dev/mapper/_dev_sdb3", cryptsetup returned HXproc status 240
"mount: u moet een bestandssysteemsoort aangeven" is dutch for
"you must specify filesystem type"

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CentOS 5 :: Init Error \ Failed To Mount The Root Filesystem?

Jun 17, 2011

I had a LiveUSB of CentOS 5.5, so I decided the install it.With no installer,I just copied the files to my hard drive.his was in a multi boot with Windows 7, Ubuntu 9.10, and FreeDOS.I updated GRUB2 and it detected CentOS. I loaded my entry and it failed to mount the root filesystem.I took the initrd0 file from the LiveUSB syslinux folder and added that ramdisk to the entry. Now it finds the root filesystem (/dev/sda9 as Ext3).But it fails shortly after loading /sbin/init. It talks about an init error where it says "File not found!!!".The previous lines involved umounting old filesystems, like /dev.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck With Wrong GRUB / Mount Of Root Filesystem Failed

May 23, 2010

A friend of mine upgraded his pc to ubuntu 10.04. Sadly enough we ran into issues with his graphics card, which apparently doesnt work well with lucid. We decided to downgrade to 9.10. I did this by installing over the old partition and chose to import the settings from the old account.The problems started when the pc booted for the first time:The list of kernels in grub2 was the one from 10.04.Somehow grub2 from the old installation seems to be still around and messes everything up. Any ideas how I could fix this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade 10.04 - (Cannot Mount Dev / Loop0 On Filesystem.squashfs Failed)

Sep 9, 2010

I upgraded 9.10 to 10.04 via the web. The program announced it would take several hours, and when I came back to check, computer was off (kids?). Anyway, machine boots and 10.04 starts, but then blinks a few times and goes to a prompt. What should I tell it?

I have a 10.04 disc too, but it won't run from that either (Cannot mount dev/loop0 on filesystem.squashfs failed). Same message when I tried to start a nearby Windows machine with it. Disc "verified" when I made it. What's with that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mount Of Root Filesystem Failed: Jaunty To Karmic

Nov 21, 2010

I decided to try to do the 3 distro upgrade stretch from 8.04 to 10.04 this weekend and now I am hung on 9.04 to 9.10.. The upgrade went swimmingly, but I hit a wall upon boot. When I try to load kernel 2.6.31-22 I am greeted with the following error:


[ 20.879845] ACPI: I/O resource vt596_smbus [0x400-0$407] conflicts with ACPI region SMOV [0x400-0x406]
Mount of root filesystem failed.

A maintenance shell will now be started ... After doing some digging I found this thread which appears to be similar in the inability to mount the filesystem. However, it does not mention the ACPI error. I tried everything in that thread; verifying device ID's, editing fstab options; running a filesystem check, and flipping the UTC option in the rcS file but nothing worked. The OP of that thread eventually did a fresh install of Karmic; but I would rather not have to go that far.

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Crashed - Root Filesystem Check Failed

Apr 8, 2011

This is a Natty system. I ran update manager to update to the latest releases for Natty, and it crashed. I ran it again and it told me it could only do a partial upgrade, and that I should do apt-get install -f. I did that, but apt-get told me the system was locked by another program. Not to worry I thought, I'll just reboot. So I did that, and I think Update-Manager got a lot further through the process than I thought, because my system is borked. It'll boot into Gnome, but when booting up the Boot Screen no longer shows the pretty Ubuntu Logo, but rather a line of text that says "Ubuntu 11.04".

When it gets into Gnome the keyboard and mouse more or less don't work (although the keyboard based Fn+9 and Fn+10 brightness control still works) and there is no desktop background. After about 30 seconds something crashes but I can't click on it to find out what. Going into the recovery console doesn't help either. The latest Kernel (2.6.38-7) stops moving forwards after "Begin:Running /scripts/init-bottom...done". has occurred for the second time. Luckily I still have the previous kernel, which gets to the same spot and then tells me:
"init: udevtrigger main process (390) terminated with status 1" and then "init: udevtrigger post-stop process (394) terminated with status 1".

I then get the message
"The disc drive for / is not ready yet or not present. Continue to wait; or Press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery". S goes back to "Begin:Running /scripts/init-bottom...done" a second time, M brings up the message:
"Root filesystem check failed. A maintenance shell will now be started"
and then it asks for the root password and gives me a terminal. Everything seems to be there, but apt-get and dpkg both can't do anything as the filesystem is read only.

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Debian Installation :: Mount Root Filesystem Failed: Device Or Resource Busy

Jun 16, 2010

I've upgraded my squeeze box to linux kernel 2.6.32-5. But it shows mounting "here is the uuid of / " on /root failed: Device or resource busy while booting.Here is the menuentry of linux kernel 2.6.32-5.


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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Bootup - Filesystem.squashfs Failed Input / Output Error Cannot Mount

May 24, 2011

i want to use linux but i am having some issues getting it to work on my system. my desktop is a p4 3.4gig with 512 DDR. When I insert my ubuntu CD it starts loading but then i get this screen/message:

Busybox v1.15.3(ubuntu 1:1.15.3-1ubuntu5) built-in shell(ash) Enter 'help' for list of built in commands (initramfs) mount:mounting/dev/loop0 on// filesystem.squashfs failed input/output error Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem/squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs if I put the same disc into my HP laptop it boots up ubuntu fine. (however it won't allow me to get online, but that is a different issue).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error: (initramfs)mount:mounting/dev/loop0 On//filesystem.squashfs Failed

Nov 2, 2010

So i insert the ubuntu 10.10 in the dvd and boot it. The menu comes up and i choose to install ubuntu. After that it shows some black screens and this error:

(initramfs)mount:mounting/dev/loop0 on//filesystem.squashfs failed: Input/output error cannot mount /dev/loop0(/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs)on//filesystem.squashfs

The disc aint scratched. I tried installing from Windows but i got another error.

And for some odd reason Ic ant make a removable startup disk:

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Fedora Networking :: Netgear WG511 Works With WEP But Not WPA?

Sep 6, 2009

I used the following guides to try and get my Netgear WG511 PCMCIA card going:


I also made a post about it here: [URL]. As the problem doesn't appear to be ndiswrapper itself I've made this separate post.

Unfortunately, I still end up having wlan0 attempting to connect, prompting for my password, trying to connect then prompting for my password (ad infinitum).

I changed my network security from WPA to WEP and now my card works fine. why this might be happening (i.e. why WEP works but WPA doesn't?)

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Fedora Hardware :: Can't Get Netgear WNDA3100 V2 To Show Up On F13

Oct 15, 2010

I understand how to log in as root and change file properties and that's pretty much it

I'm trying to get the Netgear 3100 v2 Wireless-N Dual Band usb card to show up so I can connect wirelessly to my router but my computer isn't showing it in the devices menu (I've tried to ndiswrapper the drivers from my win7 partition but that didn't work)

if I do lsusb I get Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0846:9011 NetGear, Inc. WNDA3100(v2) 802.11n but I can't find it in the network configuration

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Fedora :: Installing Netgear WG311v3 With Ndiswrapper?

Mar 13, 2011

This installed my Netgear WG311v3 Wi-Fi card on this machine using Fedora 14 x86_64 it took me a while to do so in the future I can (hopefully) follow this guide myself in the future and for anyone who is having problems. First thing you need to do is make sure your system and kernel is up-to-date:

su yum update next you need to make sure that the kernel headers are installed so you can compile ndiswrapper (which is no longer available on FreshRPMs) and GCC as well as svn to get the latest build of ndiswrapper:

su yum install kernel-headers gcc svn Now we need to get the latest build of ndiswrapper to make and install it; make sure you do this outside of root:


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