Fedora :: Update>Reboot And No Computer Access?

May 13, 2011

Dual Boot Win XP Pro with Fedora 14 32 bit All ok til update today which included a new Kernel hence asked to reboot On reboot get to following message with no menu to access either Fedora or Windows


GNU GRUB version 0.97 ( 638K lower / 3406528K upper memory ) [Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists the possible completions of a device /filename.] grub> _ (flashing cursor)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Computer Wouldn't Reboot After The Update, Blank Screen?

Apr 5, 2010

i have installed ubuntu 9.10 on my hp nx6325 notebook, and everything was working just fine, then it updated and problem started coming up. First the computer wouldn't reboot after the update, blank screen, then i manually reboted and now some programs don't work (ubuntu software center, update maneger, avant window navigator)

i assume the update did some damage, so how can i repair this, is there a recovery tool or something.

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Networking :: No Network After Software Update Reboot / Restore Its Connectivity To Computer?

Feb 28, 2010

I am running Fedora 12 32-bit on an Intel Core2 Duo system. I just installed some recent updated, and after starting the computer, I no longer have any network access, either to my local network or the Internet.

I'm not sure what information to provide at the moment that will be helpful in diagnosing this problem.

What do people know about how I can restore network connectivity to my computer?

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Software :: Access Computer A's Shares As Well As The Third Computer, The Aforementioned Computers Cannot Access Computer B

May 28, 2011

I have three computers in my network, but two will be mentioned. Computer A is a Linux Mint 9/Windows 7 dual-boot, and I have just installed Mandriva Free 2010.2, which I will call Computer B.

Now my main problem is that Computer B, while it can see and access Computer A's shares as well as the third computer, the aforementioned computers cannot access Computer B. The message was: "Unable to mount location/Failed to mount Windows share." Now, the SMB protocol was used because of the third computer and Computer A have Windows OSs installed in them.

What I originally wanted was that I can share Computer B's NTFS partition, namely Documents and Downloads, to the other computers. And I can't do that, because of the error message.

What I can do, however, is use Computer B to view shares from the other two computers (Computer A, as an example). By my experiences in Linux Mint, I understand that I'd have to mount my Windows partitions in order to share them. I don't even know if my NTFS drive in Computer B is mounted, though that is what was described.

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General :: Installed Fedora Core / But Computer Won't Reboot

Feb 17, 2011

I have a laptop, installed with window XP. I just installed Fedora Core, re-formatted all parition on the system, and installed default packages. The installation was successful. But after I took out the installation CD and reboot the system, chose Fedora core (the only banner), the screen just become green, and nothing else from there.

The only thing I am not 100% sure is, during the installation, my monitor was probed as unrecognized. I have tried both 'go with default' and specify one "LCD 1024x...", but either way, after the installation, system won't reboot.

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Fedora :: Reboot After Every Update?

Sep 5, 2009

Why does it seem now I have to reboot after EVERY update ? I have been a Fedora user for YEARS !! I am on Fedora 11. It seems now that I get updates sometimes 3 to 6 times per week and it always has an icon to reboot !! I can't run a stable web server/DNS/email/NAS server if I have to reboot every day !! Why is every update requiring a reboot now ?

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Fedora :: Update To F12 - Screen Black After Reboot

May 10, 2010

I just updated from FC 10 to FC 12 via install/upgrade disk, and when re-booted the screen is then black (at the point that it should display logins). I think it may be due to nvidia driver in FC 10 not being upgraded, because I think I compiled it from nvidia rather from yum install. Anybody else have this problem? BTW, it is a dual boot with Win XP, but has never caused a similar problem before.

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Fedora Installation :: Got An Update That Installed, And After A Reboot One Core At 100%

Aug 12, 2009

I just got an update that installed, and after a reboot I've got one core at 100%. The "you need to restart" icon in the notification tray said "glibc glibc glibc glibc nscd". Now that I look at it, It's switching between both cored. This behavior is consistent over multiple full reboots as well as kexec reboots.

Edit: Strange, just when I finished, the CPU load settled out and now everything is fine. I wonder what was going on. I'm rebooting right now to double check. Edit2: Yep, same issue 100% usage on one core. And it probably will level out soon. I'm not sure what could be causing this. I assume that glibc could be the issue.

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Fedora Networking :: Internet Not Accessible After Update / Reboot

Mar 3, 2010

After a recent update and reboot, I can no longer access the internet. Typing google.com in firefox or elinks results in firefox/links complaining about the server not found. However, I can find the server by using dig on the command line. I have checked the DNS configuration in resolve.conf and it is exactly the same as on a RHEL 5 system connects fine. The strange thing is, I can connect to other local machines in my domain just fine but can not connect to any other machine on the internet on this one Fedora 12 host even though I can on all other machines!

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General :: Unable To Access Intel Fake RAID 1 Array In Fedora 14 After Reboot

Jan 6, 2011

1st I am relatively new to linux (but not to *nix). I have 4 disks assembled in the following intel ahci bios fake raid arrays:

2x320GB RAID1 - used for operating systems md126
2x1TB RAID1 - used for data md125

I have used the raid of size 320GB to install my operating system and the second raid I didn't even select during the installation of Fedora 14. After successful partitioning and installation of Fedora, I tried to make the second array available, it was possible to make it visible in linux with mdadm --assembe --scan , after that I created one maximum size partition and 1 maximum size ext4 filesystem in it. Mounted, and used it. After restart - a few I/O errors during boot regarding md125 + inability to mount the filesystem on it and dropped into repair shell. I commented the filesystem in fstab and it booted. To my surprise, the array was marked as "auto read only":


and the partition in it was not available as device special file in /dev:


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Fedora :: Access A Remote Computer By Tunnelling VNC Through Ssh?

Apr 11, 2011

I'm trying to access a remote computer by tunnelling VNC through ssh. I've used VNC for years, but never through ssh. Both computers are running Fedora 14, installed by me. Doing a general Internet search, I found three articles, and they all had basically the same instructions. However, they don't seem to work. Here's what I did. Call my local computer "computer A," and the remote computer "computer B." I installed vncserver on B using yum:

(1) yum install tigervnc-server
(2) Then on B I started the server:

vncserver The first time you do this, you're asked to set up a password. Everything else was automatic. I did nothing to /etc/sysconfig/vncservers.

(3) With vncserver running on B, on A I issued the following command:

ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901 username-on-B@IP-address-for-B After giving the password, this logged me into a terminal session on B.

(4) At that prompt on B, I issued this command:

vncviewer localhost:1 According to the tutorials I found, this is the last step. The desktop window on B should open. It does not work. The following error was given: vncviewer: unable to open display "" What am I doing wrong? How does one tunnel VNC through ssh?

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Fedora :: Computer Does Not Respond After Update

Sep 6, 2010

Some days ago (Sep 2?) I did a 'yum update' on a F13 64bit computer. Since then I don't get a logon screen when booting. The computer doesn't respond to CTRL-ALT-F2 but I can login over ssh.
CAPS-LOCK and NUM-LOCK don't work on the local keyboard and moving the mouse has no effect either. When looking in dmesg I see following line:

INFO: task Xorg:1850 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Xorg.0.log attached.
I didn't touch xorg.conf when this happened.

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Fedora :: Yum Update Killed Computer / What To Do?

Jun 10, 2011

I have F15 64 on my laptop, it's been running relatively well, today I decided to do a yum update. There were about 20 updates, nothing major from what I saw, NetworkManger stuff etc. Everything goes well, until the end when I get some error (no I don't recall what it was, yes I should've written it down, and no I don't need a lecture about this) so I manually reboot the computer. And I boot to a black screen, Oh what joy of using Fedora. I edit grub to try and get in with runlevel 3, but encounter an error "Kernel Panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init" then a few lines down it's "panic occured, switching back to text console /sbin/init:error while loading shared libraries /lib64.libgcc_s.so.1: invalid ELF header"

I'm very frustrated, this comes right on the heels of pre upgrade forcing me to do a complete fresh install of F15. I'm honestly one error away from moving to another distro (Fedora is my first)

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Computer Access From Win PC Via Shared Folder / Remote Desktop

Jun 28, 2011

My linux PC is connected at work and I was able to configure the IP to connect to the network. I need a way to access the linux computer from other windows PC in the office via shared folders and or remote desktop. I am stumbling upon "VNC" on google.

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Fedora :: Update Broke Computer - System Locked Up

Feb 12, 2010

Wednesday I went to work, docked and fired up my older Dell C840 laptop (running Fedora 12). It had a long list of updates that it downloaded and installed (it had been off for about a week). When the updates were finished, I noticed that my laptop had locked up. After waiting a while, I ended up doing a cold reboot. After that, I get the Fedora symbol that fills up, and then the screen goes black with a single cursor. You can type in anything and it is reflected- even control and ALT codes. If you hit CTL- ALT-F2, it goes into a terminal mode. You can do almost anything that you'd normally do in terminal mode. The video driver is the original off the install disk, and it's never been changed- it works fine right out of the box.

If I try to start up X-Windows, I get a segmentation fault error. I've tried deleting and then re-installing some of the packages that were updated (trying this via yum), no difference. I don't know what else to do. I need to get this laptop going before next week- it's my work computer and I do use it a lot. Is there any way to get in touch with the people who wrote the updates, and file a bug report? I'm using my main (home) system right now, that for a couple of reasons needs to stay on windoze XP for a few more weeks. I've been around computers for years, but not Linux.

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Fedora Installation :: Computer Won't Boot After Security Update

Jul 21, 2010

Just finished a security update, (Fedora 12) and it said I had to restart the computer to have it take effect. When I restarted, all I got was the "Compaq" logo....forever. No Grub2 (it's a three system set up), no bios, just the brand name of the box. Even worse, when I tried going at it with a live cd, the same thing; the bios never loads, so no live cd fix.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: After Last Update - Computer Froze At The Logo

Sep 1, 2010

After the last update this morning, which involved, among other things, the updated version of the linux kernel, upon rebooting, the computer froze at the fedora logo.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Move HD To New PC - Can't Access Computer From Other Computer

Sep 21, 2010

I have ubuntu server installed on a pc. The motherboard died, so I switched the HD to another computer. Everything is fine except the network. I cannot access this computer from other computer (while it was possible before). I looked at the interfaces and everything seems fine. The nic itselft seems to work too.

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Ubuntu Networking :: The Phone Can Access The Internet Through The Computer Unable To Get Access To Https Sites, Like Webmails

Dec 31, 2010

I managed to configure my W890i phone to get access to internet through an ubuntu-based computer. It's very easy to use the phone to give internet access to the computer, but the opposite is quite more tricky. For that I've done the following

----On the phone---

-Set the USB network option to "through computer", so that the phone uses the computer's internet connection and not the opposite.

-Decide and set "Shared Network" parameters: user, pasword and workgroup.

-In "conectivity-> internet connection" set "allow local network" to "yes"

----On Ubuntu 10.04---

-Install samba, samba-client, smbfs, smbclient, firestarter and dhcp3-server

-Configure Samba (System-> Administration-> Shared folders): same workgroup as in the phone, add new user (the phone), passwd this new user. In my case the user was called "w890i" and the password given was the same.

-Once the phone is connected to the computer through USB (then select "phone mode"), a new connection appears in NetworkManager: usb0.The aim is to create a shared network that gives internet access to this device. Edit the IPv4 parameters of this new connection, set them to Manual and give an IP adress ( and a subnet mask (; the rest of the fields are left empty.Connect this network.

-Set firestarter to use dhcp3: sudo ln -sf /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server /etc/init.d/dhcpd

-Launch firestarter and follow the wizard. Set "allow internet shared connection", choose the device for the primary internet access, and then the device for the shared network (usb0). Then change the settings for firestarter: activate DHCP for local network, set IP to the one we gave before (

-Open dhcp3-server config file sudo gedit /etc/default/dhcp3-server And set INTERFACES="usb0"

-Set the policies of firestarter: in incoming connections, allow connections from the IP adress given to the phone ( Then add rules for the ports that need to be open for this connection. I opened HTTP, HTTPS, SMB, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, IMAPS, DHCP for all the connections in the local network.

-Apply policies and start the firewall.


After all this, the phone can access the internet through the computer. Two problems appeared:

1. I couldn't get access to https sites, like webmails. The phone gave a "communication error". But then I tried with Opera instead of the browser built in the phone's firmware, and I could finally get to https sites.

2. I couldn't retrieve mail, neither POP nor IMAP nor IMAPS. I thought it was a firmware problem again, and I tried out several mobile phone email clients written in java, but none of them worked.

So this is at the moment the problem. If I connect from the phone to the internet directly through 3G, the email clients work for all my accounts. I don't think it's a firewall problem, because the ports are opened for this connection

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Fedora :: Nvidia Driver Locks Computer Up On Startup After Latest Kernel Update?

Oct 18, 2009

I seem unable to get an nvidia driver working properly after upgrading to the latest kernel with Fedora 11.Here is my laptop and its specs: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/d...reg_R1002_USEN[URL]I've tried both the kmod and akmod unsuccessfully. Everytime it gives me a black screen on boot, I can fix the problem by popping in the LiveCD, and changing the xorg.conf file back to the backup.Here are the errors/warnings from my boot.log file:

WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/.
Checking for module nvidia.ko: [60G[[0;31mFAILED[0;39m]


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Fedora :: Kernel Update - Computer Will Hang During Startup And Shutdown Unless Move Mouse Around

May 11, 2011

I just updated to kernel, and I'm now having a weird issue where my computer will hang during startup and shutdown unless I move the mouse around.

While moving the mouse, it will boot up or shut down normally. Once i stop moving the mouse around it will hang (until I begin to move the mouse again).Once fully booted it acts fine..

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Debian :: Computer Hangs And Sometimes Won't Reboot?

Jan 18, 2011

Computer hangs and sometimes won't reboot.

When it hangs I have seen this message a few times:

o[4348] EXT3-fs error (device sda1) ext3_get_imode_loc : unable to read inode block_inode = 14720620 block = 58753255

Also when the machine boots up I get a message saying something about IOMMU should be set in BIOS, but I can not find any such setting in BIOS. I do not know if this is related to the hanging.

I thought I had a hard drive problem at first so I tried a different hard drive. Same problem.

The mother board is an ASRock N68C-S.

One other thing, where is the file located that boot up messages are written to?

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Installation :: My Computer Refuses To Reboot

Feb 26, 2009

I have used the system recovery CD about 5 times on my computer and it wont do anything. I goes through the process but afterwards I go to reboot it and it just keeps restarting itself over and over again. It NEVER makes ot to the windows screen. What can I do to fix this problem? I don't have the money to go to Best Buy to ghave them fix it because I'm broke.

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Software :: Reboot Computer After Partitition Add

Jan 1, 2009

I added a new (logical) partition to my primary hard disk. There was no way I could udev make to recognize that partition. Actually I had to reboot the computer as to have the new partition show up in /dev/ hdparm...Rebooting after a partition addition? What did I miss?

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Fedora :: Can Update / But No Internet Access Through Browser

Dec 8, 2010

I just installed fedora on a customers laptop of mine and just trying to get everything working. I hooked up a wireless PCMCIA linksys card and got connected to my wireless and went through the first 250+ updates, all that went fine, so I know I am getting internet access. Everytime I open firefox though I cannot connect to any websites, like I said I am a noob so my troubleshooting skills are very limited with linux, anything I can try etc.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can Not Update Computer Via Update Manager

Mar 31, 2010

i have a healthy and fully operational mobile broadband connection yet i cannot update my Ubuntu 9.10 computer. every time i try to update i receive an error message with the title: "could not download all repository indexes", the information the dialog box contains is as follows

GPG error: http://flomertens.keo.in edgy Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2GPG error: http://ntfs-3g.sitesweetsite.info edgy Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2Failed to fetch http://flomertens.keo.in/ubuntu/dist...6/Packages.bz2 Sub-process /bin/bzip2 returned an error code (2)


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Debian :: Domain Name - When Reboot The Computer - Information Lost ?

Aug 4, 2010

I insert the domain name "g3c" in menu: System->Administration->Network (file attach)

When i reboot the computer this information lost: why ?

Where i must insert this information ?

My s.o. is debian 5.05

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Ubuntu :: Visual Effects Set To None When Lock Computer Or Reboot?

Feb 23, 2011

I am having an issue with Ubuntu 10.10 where when I lock my screen or reboot, the Visual Effects are set to None. It does this with either Metacity or Compiz set as the window manager.

I am on a Dell D630 latitude with an nvidia Quadro NVS 135M graphics adapter. I am using the Recommended NVIDIA graphics display driver.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 - Computer Not Recognizing Modem On Reboot

Jun 14, 2011

After trying to deal with a very frustrating problem in Ubuntu 11.04, which caused my Eee Pc 1001PX to freeze any time I connect it to a wireless network. It worked Perfectly using my ZTE WCDMA Mobile broadband modem though. I gave up - and Formatted my netbook, Downgrading it to Ubuntu 10.10. Now the problem is the exact opposite:
The Wireless works perfectly, But the Modem Is causing the trouble.

Here is the problem:
Whenever I reboot the Computer, It doesn't recognize the modem. If I right click the networks button on the top, go to edit connections, and Delete the mobile broadband connection I had previously configured, then unplug the device (usb) and reconnect it, The computer recognizes it, allowing me to reconfigure the connection (make a new mobile broadband connection). As you can guess, repeating this after every reboot is rather irritating.

Some Technical Details:
My pc: Asus Eee Pc 1001PX
My Mobile Modem: Zte WCDMA Netstick.

When I tried to update my Kernel, the Wireless Problem from Ubuntu 11.04 was back, and I had to reformat.

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General :: Computer Hangs After Installation In Reboot Process

Dec 9, 2010

I installed Ubuntu in my PC alongside winXP. I downloaded the ISO and mounted it using a virtual image software (PowerISO used in winXP). I installed Ubuntu using wubi in a 20GB partition. During installation it asked me how much space should I give, I gave it 11gb. Everything went fine. I rebooted but now the computer hangs during startup. I went to verbose mode to see what the error is and found out that everything is ok. The last line that apears is "Setting sensors limit [OK]" and then nothing happens. I have tried every option (safe graphic mode/ demo mode etc etc) but the computer hangs.

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