Fedora :: Unable To Connect To Network After Update

Oct 25, 2010

I am not able to connect to network after update F13 to Because there is "no netwokr decvice" IAW network manager. There is nothing in system log that abonormal. But, there is a fail initialization in the boot message. "applying firewall rules: iptable v1.4.7:Ip6table-restore: unable to initialize table .filter error occur at line 3 try Ip6table-restore -h or Ip6table-restore -help for more detail"

so, I tried the comment at terminal with root clearance, it just give some feed back about how to use this command. When I tried out other options. none of them work. There is no feed back form the terminal other than previous display and blanking cusor.
I assume it was the firewall preventding me to connect to network. And I complete disable SELinux and reboot. Problem remain, no network device. Check network device driver. There all inplace. Tried using old kernel, unble to boot up X window, presumably old driver has been deleted.

BTW, after two consecutive update failure ( kernel panic VFS? problem, no network connection), I assume Fedora Quality should consider review their update release process. Since the probability of fedora releasing bad update is increase a lot after fedora 11.

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Networks And Unable To Configure Network

Jul 27, 2010

I just switched from Ubuntu to Fedora 13 because I was unable to get Ubuntu to connect to wireless networks. I tried everything suggested in help and forums, and kept getting "Bad Password" with WICD and Network Manager. Now, with Fedora...I still can't connect.

Problem #1: The guide says to "...make sure that the relevant wireless interface (usually eth0 or eth1) is controlled by NetworkManager," and that I do this via: System>Administration>Network

However, there is no Network option under System>Administration.

Problem #2: I open Network Manager, which displays a list of networks. I click on mine, configure it with WPA and the right password, and it fails to connect: "The network connection has been disconnected."

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Connect To WPA2 Network

May 9, 2009

O currently have 2 USB WiFi adaptors: a Linksys WUSB54G v4 and a D-Link DWA-110. Both these USB adaptors worked extremely well in Windows: they could connect to any network: unsecured, WEP and WPA1/2I have tested these adaptors in DreamLinux, OpenSUSE and Mandriva: in these 3 distributions, i could use both adaptors to connect to my home's WPA2 network.Both adaptors also work well in Fedora 10.In Fedora 11 Alpha though, its a different thing: only the D-Link is able to connect to the home WPA2 network. My Linksys WUSB54Gv4 can 'see' the network, but when i enter in the WPA2 key, it takes forever to try to negotiate a connection before timing out and disconnecting.

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Fedora Networking :: Updates Ruined System - Unable To Use Network Manager To Connect To The Net Through My USB Modem

Mar 12, 2009

I've FC10 installed. After updating a few days back, I'm unable to use Network Manager to connect to the net through my USB Modem. All the threads I've read say to do

Code: yum update NetworkManager but how can I do it without net connection? Can anyone post the exact link of the Network Manager's latest and BUG-FREE rpm so that I can directly run it?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Network / Enable It?

Aug 9, 2010

I am using OpenSuse 11.3 and Network Manager is giving me a headache by not connecting to WEP based wi-fi network.It works in a wi-fi at my office while at my home, it shows / detects the network but keeps asking me over and over.

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Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wi-Fi Network With Network Manage

Nov 21, 2008

I'm unable to connect to a particular home wireless network under Fedora 9, although I can connect to it using WinXP on the same machine. My Fedora installation is able to connect to my college's unsecured wireless network, so it's not a driver issue I think.It seems to be an authorisation issue, as I'll describe below, but there's one other thing that's bothering me. The SSID for the network I have problems with is for some reason not listed in Network Manager's drop-down list, nor is it in the output of iwlist wlan0 scan. But I'm pretty sure it's not a "hidden" network - I don't know exactly how those work, but I helped the owner of the wifi network in setting it up, and don't remember doing anything that would make it hidden. As far as I can remember, Windows found the network automatically without having to be told the SSID. What's the best way to confirm whether it's a hidden network or not?

Anyway, I try to connect by selecting connect to other wireless network in Network Manager, and entering the SSID. As far as I can tell from the error messages below, the machine does contact the network and attempt to connect, but I'm not authorising myself properly. That may be a completely wrong diagnosis, but hopefully someone can see from the below info whether it's correct or not.I'm not sure which option to use for "Wireless Security": at the time we set up the network, it gave us a Hex WEP key of 26 characters, which is 104 bits. But none of the options in Network Manager's list match that. Here are the options it has, and the error message I get with each one:None - if I select this, it fails to connect, with no error message.
WEP 128-bit passphrase - if I select this and attempt to use my 26-character WEP key, it brings up a new dialog, saying "Passwords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless network [SSID]." It has a drop-down box labelled "Wireless Security", but this time the only option is "None", and the connect button is disabled, I can only click cancel.
WEP 40/128-bit hex - as above.
WEP 40/128-bit ASCII - The connect button is disabled when I try to use the WEP key, as the string is too long. Despite the fact that it says 40/128-bit, it actually accepts 5 and 13-character strings (40 or 104-bit). Since I've got a 104-bit hex key, I tried converting it to ASCII, but it consists of mostly unprintable characters, so I'm not sure there's any way to actually enter it into the textfield. I might have done something wrong here, so I've put my code below to see if anyone can point out a mistake.
LEAP - requires a username, not applicable here I think. Windows doesn't need one, and we don't have one from when we set the network up.Dynamic WEP (802.1x) - requires username, private key and various other things, all N/A WPA & WPA2 Personal - Brings up a dialog with the same text as for "128-bit passphrase", but this time "WPA & WPA2 Personal" is the only option in the drop-down list, instead of "None". It asks for a password, so I just enter the hex key again - now it asks for the password for the Gnome Default Keyring, which I don't think I've ever set up. Don't know if I can go any further with that, but my understanding is that since we were given a WEP key when we set up the network, WPA will be N/A.WPA & WPA2 Enterprise - as Dynamic WEP. N/A.Hopefully that's enough info that someone can help diagnose the problem. Some of the behaviour of Network Manager described above doesn't make sense to me, and I'm wondering if it's buggy.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use Internet From Box - Update Through Repository Won't Connect?

Apr 15, 2010

The server connects fine, I can load pages, FTP in, etc. So everything seems good on that end. When I try to use the internet from the Ubuntu box, however, it doesn't seem to want to connect. The internet won't load through firefox, and attempting to update through the repository won't connect. I've tried playing around with refreshing the connection and rebooting and such, but nothing seems to be fixing this. I can't think of what the issue may be as the connection is working, as I can get on the server, but can't seem to get it to connect outward from the actual box.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Connect To Internet After System Update

Mar 1, 2011

I Have Installed Ubuntu 10.04 according to the steps mentioned in the following pdf [URL] the problem is after installation i am unable to connect to internet. i have connected internet on LAN but cannot detect it on console. unless i update the system i cannot get GUI.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Online Update Does Not Connect To The Internet

Nov 8, 2010

I cannot use the online update and any other web repository because I got the following error while using the online update:


Errore durante il download di (curl) per 'http://packman.iu-bremen.de/suse/11.3/repodata/repomd.xml':
Codice dell'errore: Connection failed
Messaggio dell'errore: couldn't connect to host

the translation is:


Error during downloading (curl) from 'http://packman.iu-bremen.de/suse/11.3/repodata/repomd.xml':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: couldn't connect to host

I would point out that any other application that needs accessing the internet is working correctly.

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Fedora Servers :: Getting Error Message When Trying To Connect To Vncserver 'unable Connect To Socket: No Route To Host (113)'

Apr 26, 2011

I install and configure the vncserver following and reading 1000papers, but all of this present the same problem; when i try to connect to my vncserver,recive this mesage: unable connect to socket: No route to host (113) The OS version is Fedora Core 14 and tigervnc-server i try different solutions including:Allow TCP connection modifing files /etc/gdm/custom.conf and /usr/share/gdm/gdm.chemas Disable SELinux removing iptables Here follow the vncserver configuration:


The ip address of the vncserver is correct because i can do ssh on it. Where or what can i do?

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.2 Unable To Connect To Internet?

Dec 18, 2009

I installed 11.2 on an older HP Laptop which was running XP without any issues. Durring the install, the update processe failed (presumably unble to connect to respository). I am usind a wired connection and the nic is connecting to my router and is recieving an address via DHCP. I am also able to ping the workstion from the router's Web interface. However I am unbale to connect to the internet.I have turned off the Suse firewall via Yast and checked the settings against another computer running ver 11.1 .Everything appears to be correct but no joy.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Unable To Connect To Ssh Server In 11.1?

May 22, 2010

I'm having a real problem with intermittent ssh disconnections?It's the same thing regardless if it's over ethernet or wireless, and nfs shares don't have any problems at all.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Unable To Connect To The Repo's

May 4, 2011

When I try to update with YaST2 or zypper it complains about being unable to connect to the repo's

I'm getting this error with all repo's except for one i've added manually (google chrome)

Am I doing something dumb or are the actually down?

is there a shortcut to open konsole?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect With Network?

Apr 16, 2010

I see the network applet in the panel which shows that I am connected but I cannot access the net. I found out that I had to do this in firefox

about:config --> IPv6 --> disable.IPv6 true

With this tweak I was able to connect to the net. But when I use the Update Manager or Synaptic I am not getting connected, even if I use the cli and do

apt-get update: I cannot connect. When I do

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Connect With Home Network?

Jun 21, 2010

IWithout having made any configuration changes (that I am conscious of), for the past few days I have been unable to connect to my home network - and hence to the internet.My 64-bit Kubuntu (10.4) is on a dual boot machine.If I boot XP then things work as they have done for the past year or so - no network connection problems at all. So I know it's not hardware, LAN or router/cable-modem related. In addition none of the other systems on the network have a problem.

I tried to check if there are some firewall settings that might have changed - but cannot seem to find anything about the firewall in my Kubuntu set-up. Indeed I cannot figure out how to do any problem source identification.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Connect Printer Via Network?

Jul 4, 2010

I give up.. after an hour trying to get my HP 7600 to network connect

My main box is usb connected to my HP Photosmart 7600 and works fine, my daughter has her winxp box connected to it over network as well. My wife's Ubuntu box (same OS and version as mine 9.10) CANNOT connect in any way, shape or form. I've tried every protocal, port, helper program (hp-setup, cups local webpage etc..) and nothing. I have the printer shared.

why connecting to a network printer in the same OS and version would take so much work?

Also we're all on the same network, & subnet with no filtering or firewalling in between the boxes.

*resolved* After trying everything else I restarted cups on the box the printer is attached and everything mysteriously works.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To An Available Network?

Jul 5, 2011

I recently installed and now my wireless Internet isn't working.have a Dell Inspiron 1545 laptop, with the 1397 wlan mini cardI have read through other threads, but I was unable to solve the problem I am having (Stated below).I just installed ALL updates available and plugged in my computer to connect to the Internet.Now the wireless option is there, and so is my network, but when I select it, nothing happens

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Networking :: Unable To Connect To Windows IP On Network

Feb 14, 2010

I have a network of 5 Windows Machines and 1 Linux Server. I created a Filemaker Pro Database on a windows machine and share it with the other machines through web publishing (only locally). - On any Internet browser, they only have to go the IP of the computer hosting the database - to enter & use the database, and all the other windows machines connect perfectly.

However, when I type the same IP(+port No.) into Firefox on my Linux computer, it can't reach the windows computer with the database (It just times out). Is there a firewall preventing it from connecting to other computers on the network, or do I need to update firefox or run another Internet browser or install Samba? I don't have much experience with Linux, as a programmer set the server up for me, so a simple solution with as little programming as possible would be fantastic.

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General :: Unable To Connect To The Wifi Network

Feb 23, 2010

recently installed ubuntu 9.10 on my HP pavalion DV4 laptop all the things are working fine except wireless connection. I am unable to connect to the wifi network.

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Server :: Unable To Connect To Webserver From Outside Network?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a Ubuntu server (10.10) setup with apache and is being port NAT'ted via firewall from outside to the webserver.I am able to access the webserver from inside LAN but not from outside. NATs are working fine because I can see the traffic come through on tcpdump but the webserver will not respond to the request from outside ip address.Here are the tcpdumps.

10:11:58.939005 IP 12.xxx.xxx.6.10146 > Flags [S], seq 3098920688, win 65535, options [mss 1380,nop,nop,nop,nop], length 0
10:12:01.898852 IP 12.xxx.xxx.6.10146 > Flags [S], seq 3098920688,


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Debian Configuration :: Unable To Connect To Hotspot Network

Apr 17, 2016

Recently upgraded my PC and my WiFi Hotspot connection is refusing to connect. Running a dmesg returns this

Code: Select all[66529.184299] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
[66530.762594] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready

And the IPv6 configuration in the Hotspot is Ignore

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OpenSUSE Network :: Wireless - Unable To Connect To Router (11.3)

Jul 15, 2010

I did a fresh install,I also enable the networkmanager.after installation,my wireless unable to connect to my router . when I click to connect , it prompt for password then after that nothing happen.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To The Network Or The Internet?

Feb 18, 2010

Just purchased a Dell Inspiron 580 MT tower pc with Windows Professional. However unable to connect to the network or the internet when I load a copy of Ubuntu Karmic on dual boot. Windows networking and internet working fine. Is this an ethernet adaptor hardware issue? Broadcom NetXtreme 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet controller-PCI Express card Will try later connecting through a usb ethernet adaptor to see if this is really the problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Unable To Connect / Why Is So?

Mar 6, 2010

I am using Belkin router and i connect with MAC ID only. When i connect with my Vista it works properly but when i reboot and try to connect with Ubuntu it's not connecting.

I looked for my Ubuntu mac id and i added that also but no use. It says it's connected and when i try to google it, the page not found

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Network / Fix This?

Mar 31, 2010

This is baffling me but I am easily baffled/baffeld? I carefully followed these instructions to install a a working driver http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=760568. It all went fine, my wireless light came on and it detected my wireless network. I know my WPA2 code (I can connect on the same computer in windows 7) and my keyring code. but I still can't connect it whirs away for quite a while before giving up and saying not connected.[Code]....

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect My Network Card

Jul 31, 2010

Take a look to see the history of my issue. [url]

So this is the PC ID: 14e4:4315 from the BCM4312

The graphical option through the hardware drivers list 2 options, broadcom b43 wireless driver and the broadcom sta wireless driver None can be activated

The b43 displays: Sorry, installation of this driver failed.

Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log

The sta displays:

Just gave another try withe broadcom driver [url]

But can not make it to work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Local Network

Oct 23, 2010

I bought a new desktop Lenovo and got problem: I can`t to connect to my local network

Some output:


$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation N10 Family DMI Bridge (rev 02)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)


I tried ifconfig eth0 up, but nothing...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Network / Enable This?

Nov 16, 2010

I reported recently that I have a problem connecting to a Windows network, and someone suggested upgrading to Ubuntu 10.4 I have done, and still have the problem.

The error message I get is: "Unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server".

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Ubuntu Networking :: 11.04 Unable To Connect To Wireless Network?

Jul 16, 2011

I installed 11.04 ubuntu 2 days ago. I have had thousands issues trying to connect to my wireless network router dlink di524. My wireless card is a dlink dwl g122 ver c1. I can't connect to the network no matter what configuration I try.

- first time i tried to connect i had static ip settled on my router so I tried to configure Network manager from GUI. I couldn't connect; it kept trying to connect forever. so I completely removed from terminal NM (using guides on internet) e installed wicd: same problem. Tried to configure manually network/interfaces file. Didn't work. Reset router and set dhcp . Tried everything again first with NM and then wicd. Didn't solve. Reinstalled ubuntu, fearing I messed up with some configuration files and reset again router. No solution

Tried pinguy os, zorin e linux mint . Nope Borrowed a network card from a friend after reading dlink dwl g122 could have some issues with linux. Tried this realtek card : same problems as above. Finally I tried again after the fifth reinstallation of ubuntu. Both NM and wicd keep saying wrong password. Changed different password. Password is fine of course (i'm using it now with win) So I Reset router password to none. Now it says: "acquiring ip address" and keep saying that forever. So i tried the last attempt: I tried to connect from zorin5 live to the same wifi network.. Ok so I happily reinstalled everything again (zorin5). first access after installation: same problems as above

Now I'm using win7 on the same wifi network, router, and same card (cards) and everything works fine at first attempt.

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Ubuntu :: WPA/WP2 Wireless Connection - Unable To Connect To My Network

Oct 5, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my HP Pavilion dv5. My laptop has a Broadcom 4312 wireless adapter. The driver for the adapter was installed by Ubuntu as a proprietary driver. The wireless light is on and I can see the available networks, but I am unable to connect to my network. The correct authorization is set(WPA/WPA2) and I have entered the passphrase correctly.

I am able to connect to the wireless network successfully from my Windows login(that is how I confirmed that the passphrase is accurate). The network shows that it is trying to connect, but the wireless authentication dialog(asking for the passphrase) keeps popping up. Incidentally, the same thing happened when I tried openSuSe and Fedora on a spare laptop. The windows systems can connect, but not the Linux systems.

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