Fedora Servers :: Xstartup For Xfce Over VNC?

Jun 30, 2011

I am in need of a xstartup file that will make my computer show Xfce instead of Gnome 3 fallback when connecting to it over VNC. I tried a couple that I found on the net, but none of them work.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install The Xubuntu - XFCE - Desktop ?

Aug 19, 2010

I know I can have the gnome desktop on my server by typing:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

But can I install the xubuntu (XFCE) desktop instead?

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Ubuntu :: Applications That Are Made For XFCE Work On ANY Distro That Has XFCE Installed?

Jul 9, 2010

Like for instance, if I have Ubuntu Lucid Lynx installed with XFCE, and it has an applications made for XFCE. will the applications also work on say some other distro like, Wolvix, that is an XFCE-based distro~????

What I am trying to say is: Do applications that are made for XFCE, work on ANY distro that has XFCE installed?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Xfce Has Crashed?

Oct 28, 2010

I am fairly new to linux but have been working with it for a good 3 months now, as usual linpus is giving me some hassle.I did the basic hack a while ago and everything was fine until the other day.I deleted firefox as it wasnt working properly and for some reason unknown to me firefox deleted some core pieces of info for the entire desktop....all i have is the bottom bar and the search bar...if i go through my files and run some xfce files; few of which will now load, i can get a basic desktop with some icons(file system, user files, SD card)but it only stays on for that load, if i start the laptop again its gone and i have to go through the whole process again.

everything runs fine just no desktop and it wont keep the simple desktop (if not better than original linpus desktop up) is there any code i can use in terminal to lock the desktop when i get it to the point i can get it to...?is there any code i can use to system restore to an earlier date, or similar?I have been thinking about downloading ubuntu and installing that as i have used that before and found it wonderful, problem being as its an acer onethere is no CD drive and now that everything is kaput it wont accept USB sticks either. know this can be done and i know i can find coding to get the usb drives to work again so no problem there, its just the whole desktop being shot is the issue reallyany help would be greatly appreciated ive been sifting through forums for 2 days now and i cant find any similar problem

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Fedora Installation :: Installing XFCE DE Only From DVD

Nov 14, 2009

During my two previous installation, I almost never try to include or exclude package during the process. I want to know if I only want to install XFCE as my only DE, how can i do it during the installation progress (I Know i can install both, or even with KDE, but I also know that i can do it later should I change my mind)?

Second question is, if I install only XFCE, what will I miss ?(no, not the gnome feature, but maybe fedora distro(gnome) specific tool or something). Last word, no I'm not asking what feature of gnome is absent in xfce nor which DE is better, so don't start it.

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Fedora :: F12 XFCE No Desktop After Update?

Mar 6, 2010

last night I updated F12 XFCE on my Acer Aspire One 8Gb SSD, there were about 140+ issues to update.

after reboot the dialog to select a user and login appeared, continuing nothing shows up -- no menu, no taskbar, no volumes, just the beautiful F12 background.

pressing ALT - F2 I am able to start commands, eg Thunar shows up displaying all volumes, files and even NFS remote drives. my conclusion is that everything works except the desktop...

how I can start the XFCE desktop environment so I can use the GUI?

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Fedora :: Missing Taskbar In 12 XFCE?

May 19, 2010

On my old Acer Aspire One Im running Fedora 12 XFCE. Somehow I have disabled/removed the taskbar. I can still right click the desktop and get the Open in + Applications menu.

How do I re-enable the taskbar?

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Fedora :: Re-enable Wi-fi From Shell In 12 XFCE?

May 21, 2010

I'm running Fedora 12 XFCE on an old Acer Aspire One netbook. During some wi-fi testing, I "by mistake" disabled wi-fi by using the physical wi-fi switch. Now the wi-fi can't be re-enabled using the switch (the switch does nothing).If I right click on the Network icon in the XFCE panel, the "Enable Wireless" is greyed out, so I cant enable it using the GUI?

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Fedora :: FC12 - How To Configure GDM For XFCE

Aug 8, 2010

How do I configure the gdm greater to log everyone in with Xfce, instead of gnome?

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Fedora :: Install Just XFCE And Not Gnome Or KDE?

Aug 14, 2010

Is there a way to install just XFCE? and not Gnome or KDE? I don't mind Gnome, but I definitely don't like KDE. I have tried installing the XFCE spin to my hard drive, but when I use yum to update packages later, using the default repository, yum wants to install Gnome for some strange reason, and a bunch of other stuff I don't need. Is there a way to prevent this? because really you'd think the XFCE spin would setup yum so Gnome wouldn't be installed, wouldn't you think? I don't really mind Gnome being installed, its just that I never use it, I always use XFCE, so it seems like a waste of disk space to even install it.

well I guess the graphical boot loader uses Gnome, I don't know, but I do know yum installs a bunch of other stuff I don't use after the XFCE spin is installed to the hard drive. How do I prevent that from happening is what I'm asking?

My machine is an HP Pavilion DV6-1350US Notebook Entrainment PC

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Fedora :: XFCE Over VNC Not Fully Starting Up

Sep 3, 2010

I have a Dell box that got a fresh install of Fedora 13, along with XFCE during the initial installation, and it works just fine from a local monitor/keyboard/mouse setup.Now, in wanting to setup VNC to allow a remote XFCE desktop, it's not quite starting up properly:

The result is that I'm able to connect to the VNC session from another computer, but all I see is my XFCE desktop pattern image, and the XFCE mouse cursor (not in a spinning 'wait' state; I know it's the XFCE mouse, since my VNC client has a simple dot cursor that gets overlaid over the XFCE cursor, and I can move the mouse around the screen and the cursor follows); no menu bar, no tool bar, no desktop icons.I've tried changing the last line of my xstartup file to "startxfce4 &", and "startx &" with the same result.Is there a log file I can look at that would tell why XFCE is not fully starting up?

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Fedora :: 14 XFCE - Rough Around The Edges

Nov 3, 2010

Just installed and updated Fedora 14's XFCE spin and got the kmod-nvidia drivers installed and finally took a good look around the desktop and noticed a few graphical issues. In the Glossy theme, the effect for pushed-in buttons looks a little broken (i.e. on the task bar, there's the glossy background image behind the button but there's also a solid white-ish colored border on the top and left of the inside of the button). This makes buttons, progress bar troughs and other elements look really weird. I installed and set the Nimbus theme and it seems to be alright.

Secondly, icons seem to be broken. On the XFCE desktop, all the icons for removable media in their un-mounted state show up as a generic sheet-of-paper icon, and when I mount them, the icon turns into a generic blue folder icon (instead of a removable media icon like in FC13). In the Thunar file explorer, the icons for all removable media shortcuts are completely missing, and the Filesystem icon is a blue folder instead of a hard drive icon. And in the Places menu the removable media icons are missing too (but the Filesystem icon has the correct hard drive icon). The labels of the removable media are visible in both places, just not their icons. It seems to be a problem with the GNOME icon theme, as this problem is present in GNOME, Mist, and Fedora themes. In the Rodent theme however all icons are working as they should. The GTK+ problem seems to affect Clearlooks and Glossy (which uses Clearlooks). ClearlooksClassic and the other themes seem to be fine. See screenshots: [URL]

In the first note the appearance of the depressed button in the path bar and the icons in the shortcuts on the left, and in the second note the difference between mounted and unmounted removable media icons.

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Fedora :: Xfce And/or Applications Crashing?

Feb 3, 2011

I have the xfce 4.6 desktop installed with Fedora 14 x64. First, I started having some problems, not sure if they are connected: the menu button on the panel somehow moved from the bottom left corner by itself, the window manager won't open, all windows (browser, programs, etc.) are cut off so that the strip with the minimize/maximize symbols up in the top-right corner is not visible, all windows open in top left-hand corner of screen and can't be moved, workspaces disappeared form the panel, unable to switch windows (have to close the window in focus to access another), typing in some applications (terminal, text editor) does nothing sometimes but works when I reopen them, etc.

.. After this had been going on for a while (few hours), I was changing the panel icons, and the bug report icon suddenly showed up and said that package gnome-1:0.8.1-10.git20100831.fc14 of the gnome network manager (xfce doesn't have it's own network manager?!) and the ibus keyboard layout switcher plugin had crashed. These don't seem to have anything to do with the troubles I'm having; the internet works fine. I have copies of the bug reports but I'm not sure if I should post them since the bug reporting tool warned me that they may contain sensitive information.

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Fedora :: Monitor Rotation In XFCE?

May 14, 2011

I am running a dual monitor setup, and prefer to have my secondary monitor rotated 90 degrees. I am able to do this in Gnome using preferences, and am wondering how to accomplish the same in XFCE.

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Fedora :: How To Install Screensaver In Xfce

Jun 2, 2011

where to extract my screensavers to in F14 Xfce?

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Fedora :: How To Uninstall Xfce Desktop

Aug 4, 2011

I installed it to check it out and I'm not a big fan... so how do I uninstall it to avoid getting the updates for it? I installed it through yum directly.

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Fedora Installation :: Installing Xfce On A 8 Server?

Mar 11, 2009

I've a rented dedicated server with (presumably) no window manager installed.How would I go on about installing Xfce? (the ultimate goal is being able to VNC into it)I checked but that seems to assume you already have a window manager, so I was a bit wary of just trying it.

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Fedora :: How To UnFreeze Xfce Panel ( Autohide )

Apr 12, 2009

On both my installs of F10-xfce (aa1 and 2420) the xfce panel (aka task bar), has a habit of freezing always on top Solution - roll your own widget ...

right click panel
.. Add New Item
.. highlight Launcher
.. +Add
.. name .. unfreeze me (*not important)
.. description .. i am stuck (*not important)


note 1 i here tell that the panel close and restart command (xfce4-panel -r) may not restart all widgets, but have not found this to be the case

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Fedora :: Xfce - Xfdesktop Starts Many Times ?

Sep 26, 2009

I use Fedora 11 and xfce from official repo. Xfce started to behave unstable two weeks ago. Unstable I mean, when I log in icons on desktop blinks few times, applets don't appear and the result of ps -A command is:


I've have found the same error with workaround on Ubuntu bug tracker: [url]

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Won't Connect Using Xfce

May 11, 2010

I was able to connect to my XP home machine from downstairs F12 machine with gnome. I also have laptop with F12 but with xfce windows manager, following the same instruction, (wireless work fine) I don't see the network icon in the file manager. Can someone let me know how to trouble shoot?

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Fedora :: F14 XFCE Spin - Panel Locked

Nov 9, 2010

I've installed the Xfce spin of Fedora 14 (64). The Panel (or main task bar) has several icons by default and as most people. I like to add/remove and move the different items and shortcuts. I can add and remove, however moving items I cannot. When I right-click and select 'Move', the Panel turns gray, in fact it's completely grayed out, like locked. For info, it was absolutely fine in F13.

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Fedora :: Conky Xfce Desktop Icons

Jun 3, 2011

conky draws the root background for sudo transparency, not the desktop image, so solve by using real transparency, but this means any desktop icon blinks or just vanishes, what to do,looked around for a while. but no further along, anyone else had this problem, anyone else solved this problem?

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Fedora :: Flash Not Working - F15 XFCE Live

Jun 19, 2011

Running the XFCE Live CD version of Fedora15 and installing Flash is not enabling it for Firefox. I have the .rpm file stored on my local drive, navigating to it and running "yum instal flash....." worked perfectly on F15 LXDE. Similar (but use apt get) worked for Ubuntu 10.10 Live also. Checking "aboutlugins" and listed is parole-player.so and IcedTeaPlugin.so nothing else. Browsing to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and the only file contained is the libflashplayer.so Should I not see the two listed above as being installed by Mozilla in there? And why is the flash player from there not being recognised?

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Fedora :: How To Ditch LXDE And Install Xfce

Jun 20, 2011

I have a machine with the FC 15 LXDE spin. If I want to use Xfce instead, it this as simple as using yum to install Xfce?

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Fedora :: Xfce - Somes Apps Can't Start?

Jul 7, 2011

I installed xfce fedora 15, some apps can't start or take a long time to start, like catalyst control center (sometime start, sometime no) , ibus (take 3-5s delay), crossover games register (can't start)..

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Fedora :: Can't Log In To XFCE On 13 - Password OK But GDM Screen Reappears?

Jul 13, 2010

I've installed Fedora 13 with XFCE as the desktop environment. When I login from the GDM, the screen goes black for a bit, then it just switches back to the login screen. I've booted into runlevel 3 and logged in, but I'm not sure where to look now.


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Fedora Hardware :: XFCE Doesn't Automount IPhones?

Mar 5, 2010

With the GNOME desktop environment, when I plug in my iPhone, Nautilus automatically mounts it and I can browse and download my photos from it, as though the iPhone were a digital camera. Also the F-Spot auto-run dialog pops up asking if I want to import photos from the iPhone.In XFCE though, plugging in the iPhone doesn't do anything at all, except begin charging the phone. No auto-mounting is done in XFCE, no auto-run dialogs, nothing.

What is different here? Is it possible to get XFCE to auto-mount them? I thought XFCE uses GVFS like GNOME does? This is Fedora 12, by the way, with XFCE 4.6.To be sure it isn't just that XFCE doesn't mount digital camera type devices, I tested it with an actual digital camera that plugs in via USB. Once I connect it to the computer, it auto-mounts, I get a run dialog to import photos and I can browse the photos in Thunar just like I could with Nautilus.So it seems as though the iPhone sort of looks like a digital camera enough that GNOME mounts it as one, but it's just different enough that XFCE doesn't mount it at all.---------- Post added at 01:25 PM CST ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 PM CST ----------Apparently if I run F-Spot manually and go to import photos, it lets me select "Apple iPhone" or something from a source menu and then can import the photos that wa

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Fedora Installation :: Actual Xfce Desktop Does Not Load

Mar 13, 2010

I am trying to split up partition between Windows and Linux...I'm trying out a few distros for my wife's laptop. I have Live CD's of the latest Fedora and Xubuntu. Started off with Xubuntu and the live CD detected everything very well so I installed it a split up the drive between it and vista using the install manager.

Windows is fine, but after logging into the default Kernel (generic etc..) it doesn't load the actual Xfce desktop, but just leaves me at the command promp ttyl I think. I tried to run "startxfce4" and got an error that no drivers were detected.

There's also a error when I first boot up that something couldn't be mounted. I'll re-post the error info in full when I get back, but where should I get started? How do I get into the actual desktop environment? I also can't get into root, as I don't know what the default password is, so I can't install anything.

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Fedora :: Repo Error Installing Flash In F13 Xfce

Jul 31, 2010

I'm getting this error when trying to install Flash:

Went to sources and didn't find a metadata repo. How do I solve this?

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Fedora :: F13 | XFCE | Internal Drives Not Showing On Desktop?

Oct 2, 2010

Running:Fedora 13kernel xfce 4.6.2Problem: I have a 1TB drive (SATA) with 2 partitions. The partitions/volumes don't show on the desktop.The volume names are:MASSIVEBACKUP.

Facts:1. When I login using GNOME, both volumes (MASSIVE & BACKUP) are listed on my desktop2. My /etc/fstab has long since been edited to reflect these drives3. Using XFCE: Although the volumes don't show on the desktop, they are indeed mounted. I can see them when performing a "df -h" as well as when opening "File System" and drilling to /media - they are both there. I can also access the contents of both volumes within "File System" (using Thunar).4. Using XFCE: I can access both volumes via command line5. Using XFCE: External drives are not affected. I have one external USB drive that shows and when I plug my Android phone, it too shows on the desktop.

After some exploring, I installed the following:Oct 01 22:17:29 Installed: xfce4-mount-plugin-0.5.5-4.fc12.i686I then added "Mount Devices" to my panel, but...as you've probably figured out - they're already mounted.

Here is my /etc/fstab:
# /etc/fstab


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