Fedora Servers :: Good Guide To Enabling Https On Apache2?

Dec 28, 2009

I've got a basic apache2 setup running w/ multiple virtual hosts, would like to try SSL (i.e. https).

I've got the IP networking side well and truly sorted but I need guidance on the apache/ssl config side. I have installed mod_ssl.

Does anyone have a good guide for Fedora that's recent? All I can find are ubuntu and old fedora 'core' guides, so not sure how much applies to F12. The best ones I can find so far is



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Ubuntu Servers :: Https Setup With Apache2?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a site called http:[url]....configured in apache virtual hosting.Is it possible to make it use https like the below https:[url]....

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache2 Sites-enabled Not Enabling?

Apr 14, 2010

So I am trying to add some sites to my server, right now I have an active site at www2.site.tld. As a test, I copied [URL]to [URL], and changed only the line

ServerName www2.site.tld


ServerName what.site.tld

as well as renaming the lines for the log files appropriately then

# a2ensite what.site.tld
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

which by everything I have read should result in what.site.tld being identical to www.site.tld. Instead, it flat-out does not resolve. Apache does create some blank log files in /var/www/

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Ubuntu Servers :: HTTPS Forced Non Https:// Protocols?

May 22, 2011

I have set up certain portions of my web site to be forced https:// How do I force, non https:// protocols. I know this sounds confusing, so let me give you an example.


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Ubuntu :: Https Configuration On Apache2 10.04?

Dec 27, 2010

I have configure https for my local intranet on ubuntu.

I have followed following documentation.


I am using Self-Signed Certificate.

I have 10 folders inside http://"myipaddress" location.I want to activate/access https:// for specific folder (https://myipaddress/myfolder).

here https getting activated for whole apache2 server.How can i activate it for specific folder.

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Servers :: Need Complete SQUID Setup Guide For Fedora

Jul 14, 2011

I need the complete reference guide to set up my own SQUID transparent proxy Server with Gateway support. I am using Fedora 14. Please help me with LINKS/REFERENCE. I am a learner in Squid.

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Debian :: Enabling HTAccess In Apache2 For Lenny

Aug 25, 2011

My distro is Lenny. I am struggling with trying to enable .htaccess files. I followed a ubuntu tutorial that did not work at all. How do I enable .htaccess files in all apache2 directories for Debian 5.0 Lenny?

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Fedora Servers :: Enabling Sqlite In 12?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm having a bit of trouble with a web server running Fedora 12. Apache works fine, and serves up php content without a hitch. My problem is SQLite -- I thought that it was built into php5, but support is disabled in the repo version. phpinfo shows this as part of the configure command:

'--without-sqlite' ... '--disable-pdo' ... '--without-sqlite3'

The only solution I've read anywhere is "compile php from source," but I'd like to avoid that if possible, for ease of future upgrades. Is there a way to convince php to use sqlite despite its current state?

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Fedora Servers :: Is Good Platform For Dedicated Servers

Apr 20, 2011

Being on a low budget and I can't afford to buy Redhat would you recommend using Fedora for setting up dedicated servers? I know Fedora is known to be "bleeding edge" in technology, which concerns me with the stability of the server. Would you recommend a more stable Linux distro? I was also wondering if there is any way to know what these web hosting companies are using in their servers: [url]

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Fedora Servers :: Excluding Images Pdfs Etc From Https Routi

Nov 1, 2009

I am a squat on advanced Apache work. I would get a basic SSL functionality to work. So URL...works fine and gets me all the login windows I designed. however currently all the images and other extensions like .pdf are also using the https routing.some image referred on that https link e.g. URL...can be displayed using https but not http.I would like to JUST limit https usage to the login window html and ALL other images pdf's not secured html ( one that do not need password ) should use HTTP NOT HTTPS.

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Fedora Servers :: Apache - Can't Acces Http Remotely But Https Works

Jan 17, 2010

I have 2 web server in my office : http and https. You will find attached the httpd.conf and ssl.conf. I can acces the https server from home, but not the http one.

What I did :
configure the router to forward port 80 to my fedora 11 machine
open port 80 with system-config-network
created a virtualhost

The same exact steps have been done for port 443

I can access both server locally but only the https server remotelly.

Here are my iptables :


you can try to acces my servers using [url]

I made httpd to listen to port 8080, and done all the port forwarding/opening stuf, and it works. so is it a bug ?

Finally found my error seams like turning off UseCanonicalName to off did the trick

I really think it's a bug now. It was definitively working last week, I just added content to the main host of my website, and now i can't acces it from port 80. If someone think it's not a bug or find someting missing/wrong in my conf file.

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Fedora Servers :: Httpd And Apache2 Conflict?

Jul 4, 2009

httpd have been install by default and I don't start it as services. I have install apache2 but don't want to start as service, I can't add it into the chkconfig. When I try to remove httpd, fedora also want to remove these software.

gnome-user-share i586 2.26.0-2.fc11 installed 809 k
httpd-manual i586 2.2.11-8 installed 3.5 M
mod_perl i586 2.0.4-8 installed 6.3 M


php and webalizer I don't care as I want to install the new version, but is their any problem removing the other one? Also I want to pount the apache2 documentroot to var/www/httpd but when I do this and try to see the website I got a 403 error (not autorize)

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Fedora Servers :: Apache2 Without Mod_ssl, Is It Possible To Add It Using Apxs?

Jan 10, 2010

If I have apache2 without mod_ssl, is it possible to add it using apxs?

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Fedora Servers :: Boot Messages: Enabling Local Filesystem Quotas: Failed

Sep 14, 2010

G'day. My distro is Fedora 13. I received the above subject error message at boot. My /etc/fstab is attached as follow:

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Fri Mar 5 12:44:10 2010
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'


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Fedora Servers :: Install Php When Apache Is In /usr/local/apache2 ?

May 1, 2010

I need to know how to install php when apache is in /usr/local/apache2

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Access Ftp After Followed By This Guide?

Sep 4, 2010

I had followed this Guide to get proftpd with mysql on a Ubuntu server edition the last one available to download 10.04.1I did everything. phpmyadmin is working I can access it via the browser and create users and groups.When I am trying to enter my server using the ip or the domain name I am getting an instant error.Flash fxp's error log

[R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=21 (attempt # 2)
[R] Connected to


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Ubuntu Servers :: Guide In Which Hardware Components Are Mentioned?

Jan 11, 2010

So I was wondering if being relatively new to Ubuntu, and having no experience at all with servers, I would be able to set up a server (one server and a couple of computers), to use in a hostel. I took a good look at the Ubuntu Documentation Section:URl..and most of the things I don't even know what they are for (MySQU, Samba, Apache2).

Basically I need to have a couple of computers with internet access, allowing me to control their use, file sharing to a main HD in the server, also I would like to use the server computer as my personal desktop (office, internet, etc.) and that's about it..The question is, if I were to follow that guide, do you think I can set it up?Also, do you know a guide in which the hardware components are mentioned? Because I googled and the amount of trash coming out, mostly outdated, is extremely annoying.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Create A Detailed Guide For A Postfix Server Running On At&t Internet?

Apr 18, 2011

I currently have a personal use server setup in my home and would like to be able to send emails from my domain name.

At&t blocks the standard ports used so some form of forwarding would have to be used. I've looked at other guides and followed them to the key but it appears I'm always missing something.

So my question here is could anyone write a detailed guide from start to finish on how to install a postfix server behind an at&t connection complete with MX record and firewall configuration information?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Setup LDAP Via Server Guide / Hangs When Issuing 'ldapmodify' Command

Oct 4, 2010

I have been trying to set up an LDAP server for a development environment as part of an internship for a week now, and I cannot get past this point. I have been following the 10.04 server guide to set up LDAP here: URL...Once I get to the following point in the guide, it just hangs:"As an example of modifying the cn=config tree, add another attribute to the index list using ldapmodify:"I've been working on this for a week and can't understand why this won't work. I am fairly certain that I've followed the guide to a 'T.'Any idea why am I receiving a permission denied error? Is this a permissions issue with one of the config files?

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Ubuntu :: Can Not Log Into Servers - Use A Https With Firefox ?

May 11, 2011

I can not log into our servers at work, Citrix, so; How do we use a https with Firefox?

I have Citrix Receiver installed, but one of the IT guys from work said to un-install it! How do I do that? and then they want me to load Cag from the web site...how do I do that?

Yesterday I put Win7 back on my pc at home - damn shame - and I was able to log into work through Internet Explorer, by putting the website in the trusted zone.

Am I supposed to do something similar with Firefox?

I found this on the net, and have done what it says...

Select a setup option:

1. Install Citrix Receiver for Linux 11.100
2. Remove Citrix Receiver for Linux 11.100
3. Quit Citrix Receiver for Linux 11.100 setup

Enter option number 1-3 [1]: 2

Please enter the directory containing the Citrix Receiver for Linux installation [default /usr/lib/ICAClient] or type "quit" to return to the menu:

The file is in fact the default, but I can't get the string to work!

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Ajaxterm Without Https?

Aug 19, 2011

how to setup ajaxterm without https. i want to use it as [URL]

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Ubuntu Servers :: Enabling Zip On PHP 5.3 On 10.04?

Jun 4, 2010

Anyone could teach me what is the "correct" method to enable the php Zip extension in a PHP 5.3 on a Ubuntu 10.04?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Https:// Leads To Another Site On My Server

Jul 12, 2010

A while back, I put a site up under a LAMP setup, and followed a guide from ubuntuforums that I googled to set up SSL encryption for the site.

That site works great, but since then, I've added some other sites to the same LAMP server. They load fine as well, but if I type in https:// before going to the latter sites, the browser attempts to redirect to the first, and warns that it is a fraudulent certificate, and that I'm at risk by going to the site.

Obviously, it isn't an attack site, the certificate is just set up for only one domain. How do I prevent my non-SSL sites from redirecting to the SSL-encrypted site?

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Ubuntu Servers :: HTTPS - Cannot Accept Certificate Permanently

Oct 1, 2010

A few days ago I installed a new SVN server using ubuntu 10.04 server editiopn at our company and it runs almost flawlessly. Almost that is. The server uses a self-signed certificate so all communications go over https. The strange thing is this. When I run some svn command from my (windows) pc, like update I get asked whether or not I want to accept the certificate. Then I choose "accept permanently" end all goes well. In future command I don't get that question anymore. But when my colleague does the same from his pc, he also gets the same question. Now, when he chooses "accept temporary", all goes smooth. But when he chooses "accept permanently", like I did, he gets an error saying:

RA layer request failed
svn: OPTIONS of 'https://path_to_some_repo': Could not read status line: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.

Of course I googled on this and could find two things: Server settings are wrong
there's something wrong with the firmware of the router. The first couldn't almost be the case since it works for me and I followed the manuals. The second one couldn't be it either because when I log in with my account on my colleague's pc, it works. This is also the case when he logs on to my pc. So the problem exists specifically when he is logged in on his own pc. The setup of this machine is exactly the same as mine.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Virtual Hosting On HTTPS?

Apr 11, 2011

I am trying to get name based virtual hosts all running on HTTPS (port 443) so I can run multiple sites on the one IP.

The DocumentRoot needs to be different for each host.


However, I am unable to find where to actually enable these hosts in the configs. The apache website says to put it in httpd.conf however that file is empty on my machine.

The existing default virtual hosts are in "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default" and "default-ssl"

The main config file is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

I am running version 2.2.16 of apache

I need to use the same .htpasswd file for all the sites.

I have configured CNAMES on my domain for all of these hosts.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Couldn't Use Https To Browse LDAP - Could Not Start TLS

Feb 8, 2010

After setup Openldap server with TLS/SSL use ldaps, I install phpldapadmin and have an issue LDAP Server is configured and running. make some ldapsearch and it oki. I couldn't use https to browse LDAP server when I use http and I can't connect Could not start TLS. check your LDAP server configuration. This is my config


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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Virtual Hosts, Http And Https?

Sep 15, 2010

What is the best way to go about setting up multiple virtual hosts on the same box, one using http and one using https/ssl? I'd like to serve them from the same ip address if possible; I know it's possible in apache 1.3.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Blocking Https Site With Squid On Webmin ?

Dec 8, 2010

I blocked facebook and ..... but if any one change the http with https its open with him how can i mange https like http.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Enabling Apache And PHP With Mod_userdir

Nov 7, 2010

I have a frustrating problem - Apache will serve PHP pages correctly from /var/www but any PHP files in /home/username/public_html are not correctly processed and instead are sent to the browser as a download attempt (i.e. they are not passed to the PHP interpreter).

I have googled and followed the instructions about commenting out the lines in /etc/apache2/mods_enabled/php5.conf, which at present looks like this:

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
<FilesMatch ".ph(p3?|tml)$">
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php


I have tried it with the hashes removed and the engine value both On and Off to no avail.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Enabling CGI In All /var/www Subdirectories (Apache - LAMP)

Jan 5, 2011

I am trying to set up my local development environment to mimic the behaviour of my webhost: namely executing *.cgi files as CGI scripts, regardless of their location. If I'm not mistaken, the default setup of Apache on Ubuntu has this set up for /usr/lib/cgi-bin only.

I have tried adding +ExecCGI to the /var/www directory settings in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default. I have also tried AddHandler cgi-script .cgi in the same <directory> block.

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