Fedora Servers :: Broken VNC Servers?

Sep 20, 2010

I have tried both Vino (built-in GNOME VNC) and x11vnc and both of them have the same result:[URL]Does anyone know what causes this and how I can fix it?

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Fedora Servers :: Service Httpd Restart - Broken In F11?

Jul 5, 2009

Has anyone noticed that when using NameVirtualHost's in apache that the service httpd restart command is broken?Also it seems system-config-bind has glitches too.

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Fedora Servers :: "Broken Trust Chain" From Named In Syslog?

Apr 19, 2010

I use named as a local caching nameserver (it has seemed the most stable DNS solution in the past given my ISP's flaky DNS servers) and I've noticed (since using fedora 12) a number of "broken trust chain" messages from named in /var/log/messages, for example:

named[986]: broken trust chain resolving 'www.bbc.net.uk/AAAA/IN':

I haven't made much sense of the things I've found via google, and am not even sure if this is a bad problem or not.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Libxmlrpc-c3-dev Broken In Natty?

May 8, 2011

I need a xmlrpc client on 11.04 server edition that I can use in shell scripts and the like.. so I installed this:


sudo apt-get install libxmlrpc-c3-dev

which installed all its dependencies too of course:


The following NEW packages will be installed:

libxmlrpc-c3-0 libxmlrpc-c3-dev libxmlrpc-core-c3-0 libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev

However, when I try to use the client in any way (with or without any command line parameters, I get this:


andy@pandora:~$ xmlrpc
xmlrpc: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libxmlrpc_client.so.3: undefined symbol: xmlrpc_strsol

shouldn't this just work? it worked in Debian squeeze and earlier versions of Ubuntu.. does it work for you? what can I do to resolve the problem?

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Fedora Servers :: Build A F12 Cluster To Run DHCP On Top Of Two Servers Using Pacemaker And Drbd?

Apr 28, 2010

I'm trying to build a Fedora 12 cluster to run DHCP on top of two servers using pacemaker and drbd. The pacemaker runs great but i'm having the hardest time getting DRBD installed.

My kernel version is First i tried to [root@dhcp-primary drbd]#yum install drbd this doesn't give me everything because apparently the kernel module for DRBD must be built from source. so i unpacked drbd-8.3.6.tar.gz and tried :


I'm not very experienced in compiling from source i'd love to make an rpm for this but after scouring the web and trying different install methods, I am still at a loss.

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Fedora Servers :: Is Good Platform For Dedicated Servers

Apr 20, 2011

Being on a low budget and I can't afford to buy Redhat would you recommend using Fedora for setting up dedicated servers? I know Fedora is known to be "bleeding edge" in technology, which concerns me with the stability of the server. Would you recommend a more stable Linux distro? I was also wondering if there is any way to know what these web hosting companies are using in their servers: [url]

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.4 LDAP Config Is Crap - Irrecoverably Broken?

Oct 13, 2010

Why is the default config on Ubuntu 10.4 for LDAP so utterly, inconceivably, and irrecoverably broken? Has anyone managed to successfully enable replication using this messed up slapd.d config? I am pretty sure it is impossible. And the only documentation I could find on it was utterly incorrect.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Jaunty To Karmic Upgrade Is Broken Due To Grub2

Jan 11, 2011

i havent really had a chance to ask this for a while, but im in a bit of a bind. im trying to do a release upgrade of 9.04 through to 10.10. I'm stuck at getting karmic to reboot because of a grub problem. I keep getting "error 15" file not found. Not one single forum post has helped for some reason which is strange. Release upgrades have always worked even though not recommended, but this one of all has been the worst of the lot and totally insane.

Im testing in a vmware before i do this for real on the production server, I am using a raid1 setup and boot partitions set to md0.

my fstab after the upgrade before i reboot looked like this

# / was on /dev/md1 during installation
UUID=######################## / reiserfs relatime 0 1
# /boot was on /dev/md0 during installation


I tried to first install grub2, i confirmed it installed and worked perfect, and therefore removed grub legacy.

Ran do-release-upgrade , it completely uninstalled grub2, and it also fails at building /initrd.img-2.6.31-22-server and adding into the grub menu therefore the upgrade fails with this error. I reinstalled grub2, the menu came up fine but trying to load a kernel gave me something like

alert ! /dev/disk/by-uid/############## does not exist.

What is the go with this ? Ive been trying to make this work off and on for 6 months

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Fedora Servers :: Syncing The Servers With Rsync?

Apr 2, 2009

I setup an rsync in cron to sync a master server with a backup server. however not everything gets copied over or removed. I believe this to be a permissions issue on the backup server. I am using a user we created specifically for this, and the rsync is setup to preserve permissions and delete files that have been deleted on the master..

Here is the rsync command:

59 11,23 * * * rsync -avP --delete -e "ssh -pPort" /media/_Files user@ip address:/media >> /home/user/sync.log

Of course the ip address, user and port number is something else then above.. Is there a way to make the user that is initiating the sync into a superuser like root? That way everything on the backup server can be updated as necessary? I don't want to use root, Id like it to be a name I can keep relatively confidential.

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Fedora Servers :: Run 2 Servers At The Same Time?

Mar 6, 2011

Is it possible to run 2 web sites on the same server at the same time? I want to test MediaWiki on the box that currently hosts my MoinMoin web site but I don't want to disable MoinMoin.MoinMoin is public. MediaWiki would be accessed strictly from inside my home network. No public access.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Access Remote Servers Via Terminal Server Client And Xserver?

May 10, 2010

i found this video, and i really want to do the same. *newbie needs to learn [URL]...my question is, what need to be installed and how?

is there any specific configuration to make it works?

and will it work if i want to connect from Ubuntu to Fedora ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Windows DHCP Server - Multiple Boot Servers ?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm curious if anybody can shed some light for me in this department. We're in a large environment with a Windows DHCP Server. We have been tinkering with LTSP on Edubuntu as thin and fat clients. It works great, but right now we just have 1 server handling the lab, which works fine unless we want to expand, which may be very possible.

These are the instructions I received:
Login to your windows server and load the DHCP configuration screen
Create a DHCP reservation for the MAC address you obtained
Add the configuration options below to enable the machine to boot from the LTSP server
017 Root Path: /opt/ltsp/i386
066 Boot Server Host Name: <ip address>
067 Bootfile Name: ltsp/arch/pxelinux.0 # Specify CPU architecture in place of 'arch', for instance 'i386'

From: [url]

I'm curious, what if I want to have multiple Ubuntu servers on the network that I want to have bootable? For example, let's say I have 3 labs, and 3 servers. Server A to Lab A, Server B to Lab B, and Server C to Lab C. I want all C's computers to boot to C, and B to B, A to A, etc.

1 - How would I add multiple entries on the Windows DHCP Server to allow all 3 (A B C) servers to boot?

2 - How would I be able to isolate the clients so ONLY Lab A clients boot to Server A, etc?

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Ubuntu Servers :: VmWare Version That Mirrors Virtual Machines In Different Servers?

May 25, 2011

I am looking for a version of vmware that manages 2 severs at the same time and that mirrors them such that if one goes down we can still work on the second and of course it also works as a backup. Also, must work on a ubuntu server I have looked but there are so many version that I don't know which one is the best.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Game Servers Via Wine Tickless Required?

Mar 4, 2010

(Mods: If you feel this belongs more in the Games or Wine discussion area, please feel free to move. This question does intersect many areas, so was unsure where to put)

I have a funky server Ubuntu 9.10 Enterprise setup where I have X on all the time (using Xfce4 - not Xbuntu) with latest wine so I can run Windows only based game server executables. One of the applications is a simple dedicated racing game server made by the company I work for that works perfect in wine (unfortunately, the full 3D game client does not, so its a windows only game). The other is more just to test, runs Serious Sam HD dedicated with wine with a steam client active in background since SSHD Ded requires a steam client logged in (just create a dummy account).

Im getting some lag issues with the SSHD on the end-users client side. Unsure if its related to it being a more complex game and using wine to translate slowing it down. Things like tiny warps once in awhile, and the ping of clients kinda jumping around.

Im pretty sure my network settings are ok. Maybe not fully optimized for every bit via ipv4. Still though. This 1U Opteron server is in a ISP with a full 1000 up and down. Ports are locked out that aren't being used. I do have apache going, but its nothing strenuous. The CPU isnt used overly so. Maybe peaks out around 60% under strain, but mostly 20-40%. Memory use is about 550-700megs for SSHD itself. Given, it only has 2 gigs total at this time, but I still usually have near a Gig of memory available at most times.

I admit newbness of linux servers in general. Was reading about other game servers like CS:S requiring a ticked kernel near 1000 to get the least amount of lag. Some even saying they dropped the tickless options of the newer 2.6 kernels on purpose because they produced lag. Was checking on the history of newer Windows Server like 2008 and they still use a ticked OS, though a more optimized version.

So this boils down to should I be running a Ticked OS kernel to run a more complex Windows based dedicated server? I haven't tried thus far, well because I am again a bit of a n00b to all this. That and I'm not sure you have to tell wine or the SS:HD dedicated exe itself to run at a full ticked rate (no option I have seen for a command line function in the SS:HD itself).

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Debian :: Didn't Create Right Name Servers \ Says Name Servers Are Not Valid?

Jun 2, 2011

I wanted to create a name server for my website. so I did changed /resolv.conf , $

like this =>
cat /etc/resolv.conf


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OpenSUSE Network :: Not Able To Connect To Update Servers And Some Servers On The Web

Dec 16, 2010

Problem with my Internet connection. I can't connect to the update servers. I don't know why. It's a brand new installation, not a week old yet. I can't install the support for restricted media for example. The servers won't refresh in YaST. It tells me it can't download the repomd.xml.asc.

The other problem is that some servers on the web won't load for me either.

For example, I get most of my local news from The Toronto Star, and I can't connect to it's website at all.

I can from Windows (I dual boot) but not SUSE. I don't think its a problem limited to that one website either. I am able to connect to most websites though.

This is the result of zypper repos -d


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Ubuntu Servers :: Creating Virtual Apache Servers?

May 3, 2010

I have Webmin installed on an Ubuntu server. I currently have a successful apache server running on port 80, however I want to create a virtual host on port 81. When I try I go to servers->Apache Webserver-> Create Virtual Host I change the port to 81 and the document root to /var/port81www then I click create. How ever when I goto (local ip, I know I have to port forward but its not even working local) it does not work.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Send Mail (newsletter) From Web Servers

May 26, 2010

I handle several hundreds of domains. Mails are handled with google apps (but previously I used to have a full postfix/courrier setup with virtualhosting). Now what I need is to be able to send mail (newsletter etc...) from my web servers, but I don't need to receive mail on these servers.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Handle Splitting Services Up Between Two Servers?

May 29, 2010

I got my hands on a couple old servers. An HP tc2021 and a Proliant ML110. Sure they're ancient, but I thought they would make a couple of great Ubuntu Servers for a new "start up" business I'm trying out. Now I've got to decide the best scenario to distribute the load between the two servers. I'm going to make an internal domain and will probably be running the following: Kerberos, Samba, Apache, Postfix, mysql, bind, dhcp, SVN, GCC, and Nagios. So in summary, I'll have the following roles; domain controller, web server, file server, and network monitoring services. how they would handle splitting these services up between two servers?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Redirecting Ports For Running Two Web Servers

Sep 5, 2010

I am running apache2 and tornado web servers on the same server with one ip address.

The apache2 listens on port 80. Tornado listens on port 8888. I want to redirect requests from a specific ip port 80 to port 8888. I don't have the ability to change the port request on the device. It wants is looking for a web server on port 80.

Any other web server request should go to the apache.

I tried adding the following to /etc/ufw/before.rules

When I run iptables -L it doesn't appear. I have disabled and enabled ufw with no help.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mixed Linux And Windows Servers?

Oct 30, 2010

Now that I have more computers I am looking at new solutions to manage the proliferation.My Linux machine has been replaced and its now much more powerful than before but its still a 32-bit processor. No problem as I am not using anything unorthodox outside the LAMP stack with a few PHP add-ons to support graphics.I use SAMBA so I can edit web sites easily with Windows tools.So now given a Windows Server, who should be king server and have everybody on the same page so to speak.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Combine Servers To Parallel Calculating?

Mar 24, 2011

We have 5 servers here. What we are going to setup is not a Web server. We want to combine these servers to parallel calculating. I have searched for some information. May be cloud computing would be our choice. I don't know whether I am right.and if I decide to use the cloud, is Ubuntu server my best choice?Can anyone give me some clue about this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Web Servers Cranking While DB Server Is Almost Idle

Aug 7, 2011

I own a rather large website/forum devoted to Scuba utilizing vBulletin. The problem is that its become INCREDIBLY slow as of late. I have three Ubuntu web servers under a single Ubuntu load balancer and they draw from a CentOS 5 DB server running MYSQL. Here are my concerns:

-I am thinking that they are all 32 bit rather than 64 bit.
-I am thinking that the problem is an IO issue.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Backup Multiple Servers ?

Jan 19, 2010

I currently have a group of 3 servers connected to a local network. One is a web server, one is a mysql server, the other used for a specific function on my site (calculation of soccer matches!).

Anyway, I have been working on the site a lot lately but it is tedious connecting my USB hard drive to each computer and copying the files. This means I am not backing up as often as I should...

I have a laptop connected to this same network that I use for development so I can SSH into to the computers, is there any software for ubuntu that can take backups of files that I choose on multiple computers? I know I could rsync but is there something with more or an GUI?

Then I can just every 2 days move the most recent backup from my laptop to the USB drive. Then I will have the backup stored in 2 places if things go kaboom somewhere.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple FTP Servers On One Machine?

May 20, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu Server 10.04 and have a secure (SSL/TLS) FTP server on it. However, I'd like to use this FTP server to update programs I made using Microsoft Visual Studio. Unfortunately, in Microsoft's infinite wisdom, secure FTP servers cannot be used. Rather than use an insecure FTP server, I want to set up my secure FTP server to be able to access whatever I need to on the machine, and then add an insecure FTP server that only has access to the directory where I put my update files. I am currently using vsftpd as my FTP server. Is there any way that I can set up two FTP servers on this single machine?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Synchronizing Users Across Servers?

Oct 1, 2010

I wonder if other people have this problem. sometimes I need to duplicate most or all of a server from one machine to another. part where I most tend to have issues is with recreating the users. Sometimes the UIDs don't match up because of differences between the two systems, which gives funky results, like files owned by the wrong user.

Or, sometimes, I just need to create the same 10 users on x number of machines, and it's tedious to do this 10x times. Plus, then, if you need to change a password or delete a user, you have to do it x times.Any recommendations on how to centralize users/auth?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Getting Servers To Be Able To Send Emails?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm going to be setting up a couple of servers for some friends. I'd like them to be able to email me some information after they do some maintenance scripts via cron. I got my own server to send email using a tutorial I found but that involved using my personal gmail account. getting email sending working on ubuntu server with minimal fuss and account credential exposure?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Redirect DNS Lookups To Other Servers?

Jan 12, 2011

Removed the thread; figured out that this does work in the zones config:

<Record you want redirected to another nameserver><tab>IN<tab>NS<tab><name server to redirect the query to>

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Ubuntu Servers :: Syslog Servers - GUI As A Posed To A CLI

Jan 24, 2011

Ive been asked by my boss to set up a ubuntu machine that will be used as a syslog server. He wants a GUI as a posed to a CLI. He would also perfer to have it non web based. We already have cati installed but he is not keen on the syslog side of that. Does anyone know of any other syslog programs?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Run Two Websites(servers) From One IP Address?

Jan 30, 2011

Is it possible to run two servers through one ip address? And I don't mean through apache to run virtual servers. Right now my set up is: Cable modem>router>server.

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