Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple FTP Servers On One Machine?

May 20, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu Server 10.04 and have a secure (SSL/TLS) FTP server on it. However, I'd like to use this FTP server to update programs I made using Microsoft Visual Studio. Unfortunately, in Microsoft's infinite wisdom, secure FTP servers cannot be used. Rather than use an insecure FTP server, I want to set up my secure FTP server to be able to access whatever I need to on the machine, and then add an insecure FTP server that only has access to the directory where I put my update files. I am currently using vsftpd as my FTP server. Is there any way that I can set up two FTP servers on this single machine?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Instance Of Postgres On The Same Machine?

Mar 16, 2010

how to setup multiple instance of postgre server on the same machine.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Websites On Single Host Machine Without Virtualisation

Jun 1, 2010

I have this intra net server project going on and now I moved to 10.04 however there are still some things that I would like to see clarification and instructions on. I am interested to set up multiple parallel websites for my apache server, however I am not sure how to do this exactly. Now I have solid address rivera.wippies.net and port 80 redirecting to my server. What I would like to get done is that I get multiple independent of each other websites for my server I was thinking of making websites like this

/var/www/site1 (which would be as rivera.wippies.net)
/var/www/site2 (which would be as rivera.wippies.net/othersite)
/var/www/site3 (which would be rivera.wippies.net/secondothersite)

etc, so that I have multiple "individual" websties for my server. Requirements would be that each of these websites could have SSL encryption as needed available too, since some of the website could have confidential information.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Windows DHCP Server - Multiple Boot Servers ?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm curious if anybody can shed some light for me in this department. We're in a large environment with a Windows DHCP Server. We have been tinkering with LTSP on Edubuntu as thin and fat clients. It works great, but right now we just have 1 server handling the lab, which works fine unless we want to expand, which may be very possible.

These are the instructions I received:
Login to your windows server and load the DHCP configuration screen
Create a DHCP reservation for the MAC address you obtained
Add the configuration options below to enable the machine to boot from the LTSP server
017 Root Path: /opt/ltsp/i386
066 Boot Server Host Name: <ip address>
067 Bootfile Name: ltsp/arch/pxelinux.0 # Specify CPU architecture in place of 'arch', for instance 'i386'

From: [url]

I'm curious, what if I want to have multiple Ubuntu servers on the network that I want to have bootable? For example, let's say I have 3 labs, and 3 servers. Server A to Lab A, Server B to Lab B, and Server C to Lab C. I want all C's computers to boot to C, and B to B, A to A, etc.

1 - How would I add multiple entries on the Windows DHCP Server to allow all 3 (A B C) servers to boot?

2 - How would I be able to isolate the clients so ONLY Lab A clients boot to Server A, etc?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Backup Multiple Servers ?

Jan 19, 2010

I currently have a group of 3 servers connected to a local network. One is a web server, one is a mysql server, the other used for a specific function on my site (calculation of soccer matches!).

Anyway, I have been working on the site a lot lately but it is tedious connecting my USB hard drive to each computer and copying the files. This means I am not backing up as often as I should...

I have a laptop connected to this same network that I use for development so I can SSH into to the computers, is there any software for ubuntu that can take backups of files that I choose on multiple computers? I know I could rsync but is there something with more or an GUI?

Then I can just every 2 days move the most recent backup from my laptop to the USB drive. Then I will have the backup stored in 2 places if things go kaboom somewhere.

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General :: Multiple Servers Or One Server With Multiple VMWare?

Feb 7, 2011

I'm looking at setting up a couple automated systems: Here are a few examples:

* Internal accounting system to download and process emails
* Public web server to visit

I could put each system on its own separate box -- for example, it's generally good practice to separate anything that external users have access to (such as a webserver) from internal processes such as accounting. Now, rather than dishing out the money for two separate servers, could I get away with just installing new instances of VMWare on the same box for each system?

To give you an idea, these are not large scale computationally sensitive systems. The accounting one is simply downloading and tallying emails, and the latter is just a webserver with maybe 5 hits per day on a good day. I could definitely pick up a new box for say $50, but I wanted to know the general practice of using VMWare on the same box versus two separate boxes.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Install UEC In One Machine

Feb 28, 2010

does anyone know of an article that explains how to install all Ubuntu Elastic Cloud on one single machine?i understand that it should be ideally used with at least two; but i am trying to test it and i do not have two machines to use

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Ubuntu Servers :: Ftp Can Not Accessed By Other Win Machine?

Mar 8, 2010

I have installed ubuntu9.10-desktop-i386,then I install the vsftpd to transfer files with my another computer which own a win xp os.And the ip ofin computer is "",this address is fixed.the ip of the Ubuntu compuer is "",the address is dynamic,since I use the wireless network.When I startup the ftp server in my ubuntu, I can not access it from my win computer,but I can access it in my ubuntu .However when I startup the tomcat in my win machine, I can access it in my ubuntu using"

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Ubuntu Servers :: FTP Directory From Another Machine?

Nov 29, 2010

using FTP Directory mounted, thus it could make my life easier. And the fact, it's not.well, I'm putting in the /etc/fstab file to be like this;


# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier
# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name
# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).


in a conclusion; every file i copy, move, to that mounted directory will fail. and the error given is that Input/Output error message only.Is it this effect, due to the script i put on fstab is wrongly?

NB: I'm using Ubuntu Server here.

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Ubuntu Servers :: PHP Version 5.2.x And 5.3.x On Same Machine

Dec 9, 2010

For testing purposes is it possible to have two different PHP Versions running on the Same Server? I have Ubuntu 10.04 with PHP 5.3.2 and I an older applcation that will not run on 5.3.2 but will run on 5.2.x - I will be upgrading this application shortly but until then I need it to run using the older PHP.I've seen notes on remove 5.3.2 and install 5.2.10? from teh Karmic packages, but it would be great to have both version running together.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Php.ini Files

Jul 19, 2010

I would like to have multiple php.ini files for multiple sites.

I've a production site (word wide available) and a test site (available to some selected IP-addresses). I would like to set some different PHP settings for the test site, for example, 'error_reporting' and 'display_errors'.

Is this possible? I'm not looking for some CGI hack, unless it wouldn't work any other way.

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Ubuntu :: Starting The Multiple X Servers?

May 20, 2009

How can I start multiple X servers by logging into same user and using same desktop environment like KDE or GNOME. Is this possible by editing .xauthority, .xinitrc etc files?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Users On The Machine Can Login Into Vsftpd With Their Username And Password On The Machine And Go To Their Root Dir "/home/username"?

Nov 3, 2010

I recently installed vsftpd on my server. I noticed that users on the machine can login into vsftpd with their username and password on the machine and go to their root dir "/home/username".Now, I want to give some people a vsftpd username and password so they can upload and download files and folders to their folder, but this folder has to be in the "/var/www/(username)" folder. I don't want them to be able to go to any other folder than their own folder like "/var", "/etc" or "/home" etc. Also I don't want them to be able to login on the machine as a user, through putty for example. They should only be allowed to acces their folder with vsftpd, nothing else.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Machine To Monitor Traffic?

Feb 3, 2010

What is the setup required in order for a 2 NIC machine to only forward traffic ?

I am planning to set up a machine between the LAN and Router like this:

LAN <--> machine <--> router <--> internet

This machine will only forward traffic. I will use it with ntop, squid, maybe snort
or maybe Untangle if I find it satisfactory.

Is my scenario fiable ?

I want to forward traffic, use ntop and squid on it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Php Only Works On Server Machine?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm trying to setup a server at home so i can work in a LAMP based web app from a Windows 7 laptop. I downloaded Ubuntu Server 9.10 and installed it on one of my desktop PCs. I also installed phpmyadmin and everything seemed fine (tested with lynx) I started noticing the problem when I tried to connect from the laptop to the server in the same LAN. when i tried to access [URL] the browser kept loading forever and nothing appeared. The default [URL] it works" page display just fine I then created a testing.php file containing just <?php phpinfo() ?> in the /var/www directory and it works on the server, but from the laptop it displays the same hanging behaviour, any php code doesnt seem to be properly executed when apache serves other machines.Im guessing its some sort of php configuration causing this, and it might be obvious for ppl with more experience with server setups, but i've never setup a server before and Im having a hard time solving this.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Df -h Not Updating With Changes Made By Other Machine?

Mar 22, 2010

I'm running a virtualised backupserver. This makes backups to an LVM volume on the host. /dev/mapper/system-backupserver is put through as a block device to the KVM-based, libvirt-managed backupserver and there it's mounted (obviously) rw.

I've also mounted the same volume, as ro, on the host, so as to get at my backups more easily. So now the same partition is mounted on two different machines, both thinking they've got sole access.

Now when the backupserver VM alters the contents of this partition, it sees this happening normally on its df report, but on the host machine, this remains mostly unseen. I tried doing a mount -o remount, but that doesn't help, although umount/mount will do it.

Meanwhile I seem to be able to get at all the data just fine, and it's just the total used/free that gets out of whack. Is there any way to regenerate/reread those totals without doing a full umount/mount cycle?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How Machine Can Connect To Server

Apr 30, 2010

My school are cutting costs.I suggested they go open source.They said if I could find out how then they would consider it.Basically they want a mixture of windows and ubuntu clients.What I would like to no is how a ubuntu machine can connect to a server (SAMBA I think) so that it can access our home folder like the windows machines do.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba PDC - Cannot Add Machine Accounts

May 4, 2010

I am unable to join a W2K or XP machine to a Samba PDC. I have tried to make this work on both 8.04 LTS and 10.04 LTS without success. Everything else works but I cannot add machine accounts "on the fly" using the "add machine script" as provided in the server guide. I have been able to make it work by enabling the root user but not as a user with admin privileges and sudo in the script. Despite multiple attempts including a new 10.04 install and following the instructions (in the 9.10 server guide) to the letter. Does anyone out there have a samba PDC actually running on Ubuntu and able to add machines on the fly without enabling the root account (i.e using SUDO in the script and a user from the admin group)?

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Ubuntu Servers :: SSH From A Windows Machine Out Of LAN Network?

Sep 8, 2010

Can I SSH from a windows machine out of my LAN network to a Linux Server inside my home LAN network?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Possible To Change Hostname Of Machine In GUI

Nov 27, 2010

I have a problem with server bcs of the machine name. I'm wondering how to change the server name to it's IP. bcs now it has name "chrochne". I've found hostname in /etc/host and in /etc/hostname. But I'm afraid of changing it in this files. I'm using webmin and virtualmin to admin the server so can I change the name somewhere in the GUI?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Send Mail Outside Of Machine?

Jan 5, 2011

I am attempting to get mail working on a server, and having some trouble. I'm working with sendmail, and I am to the point where I can send and receive mail on the server (from one user account to another), but I cannot send mail from the machine to somewhere else (specifically a Google Apps GMail account). When I try to send mail to the gmail account, I receive a "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" message. I've never managed any sort of mail server, and so far searching the internet hasn't helped me.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can A VM Span Multiple Nodes

Mar 3, 2010

I'm trying to work with a project manager and some hardware guys and all of us are trying to get a grasp on the UEC.

1. Can a VM span multiple nodes?

2. If a website scales beyond 100% CPU on a node, does it automatically spill over to another node and start using processing power there?

3. Do I have to rewrite the code of my web app (such as WordPress) so that it works in a private cloud?

4. Does KVM support virtual memory such that when I run out of RAM it uses paging?

5. How is UEC any different than me bringing up several servers with several VMs inside, and then moving VMs around as I need? Is it really a cloud where the VMs exist in a cloud, not necessarily a node?

6. If I power off a node while it's hot, how can I assure myself that the data will be okay?

7. Do I want to use SCSI attached RAID, or NAS, or NFS? We're simply trying to host thousands of blogs and LAMP sites in a way that we can handle spike loads.

8. Do I attach the disk volumes to the cluster controller and then run a command such that the nodes can mount those virtual volumes?

9. Do I need to run another command on the VMs to mount volumes that the nodes can see?

10. What is the role of the storage controller and how is it separate from the cluster controller?

11. How many systems, minimum, do we need to get this tested out?

12. For testing purposes, can I install UEC on an Intel P4 server and then a node on Intel P3 server -- even with some limitations?

13. Let's imagine I have 5 node servers, and one catches fire and is a total loss. Can I get those VMs back and get that data back? What would have to be the proper config to make that happen?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up At Multiple Locations

Mar 27, 2010

So I've got a home server hosting a website for my restaurant, but I'd like to get another server up to get some redundancy going.

I have another machine I'd like to set up at another location to take over retrieving requests sent for the website whenever my home server goes down. I've got my domain through [URL], but the domain is hosted through [URL] for their dynamic dns service (because im not using a static ip).

So I'm guessing having another server set up is just a matter of setting up dns records, however I don't know where to begin with setting that up. Any words of wisdom out there?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Connections To SMB Server

May 25, 2010

I'm curious how I can use a Windows client with two separate accounts to connect, at the same time, to a SMB server hosting two shares. (Provided permissions and accounts are all in order)

Scenario:User1 is always logged onto a Windows client mapped to a Public share on a Linux SMB server.I need a way to keep User1 connected to the Public share and then when needed, allow User1 to provide User2's credentials to connect to a Restricted share.The only way I've been able to do this is to disconnect from the Public Share then reconnect to the Restricted share using User2's credentials. (This is the issue because I need to keep User1 connected to the Public share).Is this a limitation of SMB? Or am I missing a configuration? Please point me in the right direction

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Instances Of A Daemon?

May 27, 2010

I have a test server on which I'd like to run up to 30 separate instances of a program as daemons, each running on a different IP address bound to the server. I've created a init script that takes an additional command line parameter - the last octet of the IP address. For example:


sudo myprog 40 start
sudo myprog 41 start

This would run instances of the program on IP addresses and respectively. But it's looking like this approach isn't doable if I wish to have any or all of these run at startup, as the links in the rcN.d directories can only link to the init script, not pass a parameter.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Getting Grub On Multiple Drives?

Jun 6, 2010

(tangent to my other thread "Karmic -> Lucid not booting"). I have four hard drives on a Lucid box, and (as it happens) the fourth drive is the boot and root. Could I also install grub on the other three (ext4) hard drives, keeping the same root? Will this disturb the data there? How would the machine decide which copy to use, anyway?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Domains With One Public IP?

Jun 21, 2010

I would like to set up an ubuntu server to forward outside requests directed to different domains to different computers on my local network. The bind is I only have ONE public IP.

Here's an example of what I want to do.

- if a request is sent to www.first-domain.com, I want to forward it to a local server (say

- if a request is sent to www.second-domain.com, I want to forward it to a local server (say
and so on...

I will need to forward these requests not only for web sites but for other services such as SSH, mail, RDP, VNC, etc etc PS Once it hits those local servers, I know how to use iptables to forward them as desired.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use Multiple Name Servers?

Jun 22, 2010

I found one strange issue with ubuntu, can anyone suggest if its a bug or as designed? If I have two nameservers in my resolv.conf, ubuntu only checks the first (and receives a not found reply from there) and never goes to the next two nameservers. This behaviour is very different from windows or other linux systems.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Multiple SSL VHost On One IP

Jul 21, 2010

I read that since httpd 2.2.12 (I run 2.2.15), it is now possible to run multiple SSL certs on multiple vhosts on one ip. I didn't find a procedure to do it. Do you know how to?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Entries In Htop?

Aug 29, 2010

Running 9.04 Xubuntu desktop as server and development environment. I turn off gdm once booted up. When sshing in for other computer I ran htop, and found the following multiple processes:


Is there any good reason why I have multiples of these, or conversely is there a problem by having them? Everything works OK. Apache is only serving up my web development pages which I work on now and then, so its not having to handle external traffic. The server is port forwarded on port 80 through the router.

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