Fedora :: Random Gnome Hangs

Oct 24, 2009

My mouse still moves, but it doesn't have any effect clicked. My keyboard doesn't work. Sugar doesn't hang at all

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Fedora :: F12 - Hangs At Random ?

Dec 31, 2009

About a week after I installed F12 on a brand new system, a friend came over and went on to play poker on facebook. At some point he yelled that the PC froze. I was working on another machine at the time and tried to ssh to the supposedly hung system, but couldn't; Except for playing poker he had audacious open and about 3 seconds of the song that was playing at the time of the hang, kept looping. Neither Ctrl+Alt+Backspace nor any of the Alt+SysRq combos had any effect whatsoever, so I had to press the reset button (and I have to say this was the first time I had to do so in linux after almost a decade of using it, save for a hiccup with my first gentoo kernel).

The system usually freezes if there are two or more sound streams, but that is not always the case. The best way to get the system to crash is by playing something in audacious or rhythmbox while seeking through a video in mplayer or vlc or having flash content appear in firefox (I am using adobe's latest 64-bit flash plug-in and have been using it without any problems -though on other systems- since F10). Also most but not all the times the system is going to hang, there are a few skips in audacious every ~10-30 minutes. I've been getting the lock-ups with every kernel released so far.

My system logs don't contain any useful info after each hang; there are however certain problems mentioned in syslog which I thought they could be relevant, but they always appear whether the system works fine or not, namely the following:


I used to get a lot more of these with previous kernels:



This one appeared every now and then until Dec 25:


And this one is always there:


Finally, at every boot I get this from abrtd, but it doesn't seem to be related:


Yesterday, I devoted the entire day to hunting down the culprit, but I couldn't get the system to hang; I had rhytmbox, audacious, totem, vlc, mplayer and vlc all playing music and videos simultaneously from local disks, network shares and through upnp, I got myself a facebook account in order to play that zynga poker thing, I upgraded alsa-lib to 1.0.22 from updates-testing, rebooted countless times, but the system didn't hang nor did any of the above messages disappear.
Today as I was browsing through some web pages, one of which had an interactive flash ad, while listening to music and the system froze again.

System specs:

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Fedora :: Live / DVDinstall Hangs On Random Times - Debug It?

Jul 23, 2010

I get the newest fedora 13 dvd install & the live cd. Put on the disk and try to install. But the installer hangs on random times, so i cant install the system. Sometimes hangs on the anaconda start, others in the partition tables, others in the language section.

i try to run the live cd and install from there. Ok the first time the cd boot very nice . But when i try to install , the pc hangs again. Other times the boot from live even finish, when the last percents r coming, hangs again.

I all hangs, the dvd drive stop's and never return. So the Fan of cpu start to run very quickly and stay there forever until my patience permits.

So i use the ubuntu installer ( almost 4 years with u fedora, and need ubuntu installer!?shame on u) and search some information about the case. Yes, the last ubuntu boot,install, and run out of the box very quickly!

I see others with Dell & others brands still have problems with hangs and freezing , in boot and installs, so the first thing i search was the kernel parameters and try to use some flags.

I think the source of this kind of problem is the acpi . When i check the flag pci=noacpi or acpi=off , i have see that on the pre-anaconda start, when u choose the english language in text mode, clicking next the installer cant anymore find the media DVD, and the hard disk with the partition table. Sometimes the installer brings me the option to search in the ubuntu partitions, sometimes no.

How to debug and search the source of the problem? Any way? code...

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Slackware :: Random Hangs / Sort It Out?

Feb 21, 2010

I made some hardware upgrades today: installed a new video card, a new CPU cooler, and a DVD burner. Everything seemed fine, but every 10-15 minutes the computer just freezes. Freeze is actually the wrong word since I can still move the mouse's cursor, but it has no effect. Keyboard input is useless and I just have to reboot. On the 3rd reboot fsck checked the root partition and made some changes.

I have checked system/CPU temperature to see if maybe the cooler wasn't working right and checked it's mounts. Everything there is great.

The system hangs whether I'm using the burner or not. (It's an ASUS)

The hangs seem to happen when scrolling a window or changing desktops, but I'm constantly doing something to that effect so it's hard to say if that's the cause.

The card is GALAXY Geforce 240GT. I've never used a Galaxy card so I'm leaning towards that, and have gone back to the old Geforce 9400 in the meantime, but while I'm waiting to see what happens, I was wondering if maybe the filesystem getting modded in the fsck check might point to a filesystem error causing the hangs, or if it seemed more likely that the filesystem was corrupted by the hangs.

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CentOS 5 :: Getting Error Message And Random Hangs / Fix This?

Oct 2, 2009

I recently installed CentOS 5.3 on a Dell PowerEdge 1800 server that used to have Microsoft Windows SBS 2003 on it. Everything seemed to be going fine until a few days ago. Here's the sum of it all...

- System seems to randomly hang, at which it becomes unavailable on the network (can't be pinged, monitor won't come back on, and you can't wake it up... have to reboot, the scroll lock and caps lock keys flash at the same time)
- Received this error message...

Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason a0.
You probably have a hardware problem with your RAM chips.
Dazed and confused, but trying to continue.

...it doesn't crash at this point though. I ran memtest86 twice and did not experience any problems. I updated the BIOS to the newest version, which contained a few bug fixes, but still experienced the same problems

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Fedora :: X Server Hangs Under GNOME

Oct 30, 2010

Under GNOME, the X server hangs about every hour under regular use. When this happens, I can usually move the mouse pointer, but nothing else. I can't click anything, I can't type anything, etc. I have CTRL-ALT-Backspace configured to restart the X server, and that works if I do it before it hangs: after it hangs, that doesn't do anything. The only thing I can do right now is reboot the entire machine.How can I figure out why it is hanging? Also, can I somehow restart the X server without rebooting the entire machine?

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Fedora :: F13/12: Gnome Hangs During First 15-20 Minutes After Boot

Oct 25, 2010

After Gnome logon it may hangs in any moment (window scroll, app start, opening url)

If sound was playing in that moment it continuously repeats last sample (about 1 second length), but do not respond to mouse move/click or keyboard. If to let it stay in this state nothing change - sound sample still repeats and no response to input. I need to reboot it by reset button. Sometime when I press reset nothing happen then after couple of seconds computer turns off, after 1-2 sec on and then starts booting.

During first 15-20 minutes after booting it may hangs multiple times but after that it works without problems.

Tried do not logon 20 minutes after boot - do not help, it hangs anyway. Only helps logon and do nothing for awhile.

This behavior have started after F12 installation. F13 installation changed nothing, only F11 worked perfectly.

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Fedora :: Install Gnome-commander But Terminal Hangs With Message - Loaded Plugins: Refresh-packagekit

Nov 26, 2009

Trying to install gnome-commander, but my terminal hangs with message

Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit

I tried to google but did not find much info..I am using Fedora 11

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Ubuntu :: Debug Random Freezes In Gnome?

Apr 10, 2010

At random times (approx. once a day), my whole ubuntu/gnome interface freezes. mouseover-animiations (for example on the icons in the taskbar) keep working, but clicking doesn't do anything anymore. On the keyboard, tab and arrows keeps working, but most other keys don't do anything. The only option seems to be to reboot. After that reboot everything is fine again (for a while)

Once the freeze happens, it freezes both the standard ubuntu panels but also the program I have open at that moment. It doesn't seem to be connected to a specific program I run.

Is there some log, or anything else that I can use to figure out where these freezes are coming from?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome 3 Random Crashes / Resolve This?

Jun 4, 2011

About 1-2 times a day (3 today and it's just 9 AM here...) Gnome 3 decides to just not care about me any more, crashes and logs me out. No warning, no error on screen, just some black screen with text (like when shutting down the computer and it's stopping services) which lasts half a second, then back to the login screen.

Any ideas what might be wrong or where I could find some logs to post them here?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Gnome Environment With Black Screen At Random

Dec 9, 2010

(Using Ver. 10.04-lucid lynx) This is because, at random, Gnome environment will have some kind of problem, leaving me with a black screen, like the terminal but not it, where I can enter my password and that's just about all. There seems to be no way to enter the graphical linux environment. I was forced to wipe the hard drive clean twice because of this and both times I reinstalled lucid lynx.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome And Fluxbox Both Crash At Random Intervals?

May 15, 2011

I just recently upgraded to Natty and I'm having a fairly annoying issue with Gnome and Fluxbox. There will be random intervals where I'll hit the enter key and my desktop environment will just quit out without any warning. Now this is becoming a huge nuisance because I use time tracking software for work and I essentially lose time because once the environment crashes, the time is not saved.

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Ubuntu :: Change Gnome Background To Random Image (perl)?

Apr 8, 2011

First, I wrote a bare bones bash script to change the gnome desktop background to a random image [URL] Then, I realized there are dozens of bash scripts posted in the ubuntu forums just like this one [URL] next, rothalem & I rediscovered the drama of processing files in bash that have spaces in the name [URL] Finally, sflitman suggested dumping bash all together & just using perl [URL]

Result :

A pretty little perl script to change the gnome desktop wallpaper / background to a random image. - If you are unfamiliar with perl :


The completed script isn't bullet proof but it will :

- accept command line arguments
- accept files & dirs with spaces in the name
- catch most errors or use the defaults.

Step 1 : Inherit the appropriate CPAN library ( from command line )

- Main Menu -> Accessories -> Terminal


sudo cpan File::Random

Step 2 : Cut-n-Paste this code into a perl script & change red line to the path_to_your_wallpaper_images


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# rocuan & sflitman
use Cwd;
use strict;


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OpenSUSE :: Gnome 3 Preview In 11.3 / Accurately Coordinate Double-click With Random, Intermittent Flashing?

Apr 9, 2011

Since I enjoyed Gnome shell with Ubuntu 9.10 (but Ubuntu runs too slow on this computer for my druthers), I thought it would be fun to check out gnome shell on 11.3. I thought that since my 11.3 has gnome 2.30, that the gnome shell in the software manager would be a concomitant version, so I installed it. I then followed the directions given in the second posting of Enabling Gnome Shell in 11.3?

When I logged back in, I selected Gnome 3 Preview [even though I hadn't thought that that was what I'd installed -- (has openSUSE retired all older versions of Gnome shell?)]. The desktop won't boot (I don't know what the correct way of saying it is). The splash shows, but the icons just intermittently flash off and on at random intervals, never quite making it all the way "on." When I right click the bottom of the screen, I can select "terminal" (when I can accurately coordinate my double-click with the random, intermittent flashing), but then the terminal also does the random, intermittent flashing as well. So I can never get anything typed in. When I reboot, there's no login box.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Hangs After Login?

Jun 5, 2011

I have today done a clean install of Ubuntu 10.10. Afer the install I needed to upgrade my video driver (nVidia GeForce MX). I managed to find some instructions to uninstall the existing Nouveau driver and install the nVidia one. This all worked absolutely fine. The first time.

On subsequent logins after the login screen the system just hangs. I get a background screen with shades or purple and a working mouse but nothing else.

I can get to a command prompt (CTRL-ALT-F1) and Ubuntu seems to be working fine - it just seems to be a graphics problem.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Copy Random Jpg From Random Folder

Jan 19, 2010

I'm looking for a script that copies a random .jpg from a random folder in my ~/Pictures folder to my ~/temp folder with a standard filename. This file will then be displayed in Conky. I can fix the last part, but I cannot find a way to do the first part.

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Ubuntu :: System Hangs After Installed Gnome-do

May 1, 2010

In Lucid Lynx, if you install gnome-do, then the system freezes at startup. The only solution is to uninstall gnome-do.

any workaround to this? I really like having gnome-do launcher

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Debian :: Gnome Hangs After Closing Root Terminal

Apr 21, 2015

Running Gnome on Jessie. Have had Gnome hang a few times over the past few months. The hangs seem to be related to having open and / or closing a root terminal. It has happened on a Gateway AMD Phenom II tower and on my Gateway NV59 lappy with Pentium P6200.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Live CD Gnome Hangs On ATI RV730

Jul 16, 2010

Can't boot 11.3 gnome live cd on my x86_64 system with Radeon hd 4650 agp. Boots into a black screen and hangs (two tries). Boots fine on another pc with on-board radeon pci-x.It also doesn't work in latest Virtualbox. Need I remind you: very, very bad impression for non-linux afficianados...I'm a happy user of 11.1 and 11.2 on same physical pc.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Hangs 4 Out Of 5 Times When Booting Gnome

Oct 17, 2010

I'm running Maverick on an Acer AO521 netbook. I've got a k125 processor and an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 series video card.Since upgrading to 10.10 with the new version of gnome my computer has started getting stuck on blank screen when booting the GUI. Not every time, but most times i boot.If I boot to command line through GRUB there's no problem. When I try to run gnome from the command line i get the same problem.

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Debian Multimedia :: Stretch With Gnome And Cinnamon - Computer Hangs While Switching Users

Sep 10, 2015

I'm using Debian Stretch with Gnome and Cinnamon. My desktop computer sports an nvidia geforce 970 gpu (this may be relevant, and it is the reason I had to go with stretch.) I'm not a very experienced linux user but I get along fine.

I'm sharing my computer with my mom and whenever we have to switch users, the computer seems to shut down for 35 seconds: the screen doesn't receive signal anymore. After a new user is chosen, it takes another 35 seconds to get to her session. This is embarassing because my os runs on an ssd and everything else is nice and fast. At first I thought it may be a matter of us two not using the same window manager or not using the "default" window manager, but changing window managers didn't work.

Today I learned about the existence of /var/log/syslog and I decided to check what happened to it when I switched users. I can't post the whole log of what happens because it is too big, but I put it on pastebin : [URL] ....

I understand almost nothing of what is written here, but I saw some interesting things:

- after 35 seconds intervals where nothing is logged, there is a stall on cpu detected (lines 68, 500)
- my gpu seems to have something to do in all this

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Fedora :: Transferring Files From Another *nix Os Onto Fedora Yields Admin Lock On Random Ones?

Jun 26, 2010

What is the easiest way to make it so that these transferred files will not be completely locked out and require me to go and change them one by one sohat i can access them without having to go root. Also the "apply to all subfolders and files" doesn't work. Also trying to set the SELinux rule to "userspace" doesn't do anything else. Basically i was trying to do just that transfer my $home folder over to fedora but now it's being a bit odd towards me with making everything require root access and not letting me read/write all files and folders within them.

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Fedora :: 12 Random Freeze ?

Dec 18, 2009

I just installed Fedora 12. Now i've seen a few other threads but they seem to have all the conclusion that its the Nvidia drivers at fault. Well i have an ATI Mobility Radeon 3400 series. I can login, and navigate for a little bit, then it just randomly freezes. I've booted to both gnome and KDE, kde freezes almost immediately w/o letting me navigate much. Gnome takes a bit and then freezes on me. I managed to login once and go like 6 minutes then i thought it was worked out, rebooted and boom, froze up again. I can still move my mouse but can't click or use keyboard. Ctrl+Alt+Backspace doesn't work either .....

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Fedora Servers :: Random Segfaults In The F10?

Mar 31, 2009

I have a new IBM x3650 that I am trying to get installed and running. However, it seems to experience random segfaulting. The system has ECC RAM and I have taken a look at the EDAC reports from the kernel, but as far as I can tell there is no error.This is a critical system I need to bring up, so I can't have it act flaky like this. Software is up to date. [URL]

Example output:


__ratelimit: 1 callbacks suppressed
ld-linux-x86-64[7676]: segfault at b33000 ip 00000000003b557b sp 00007fff13789c18 error 6 in ld-2.9.so[39d000+20000]
ld-linux-x86-64[7699]: segfault at 62ddbb ip 000000000062ddbb sp 00007ffffa0ab520 error 15 in toc2cddb[62c000+9000]
ld-linux-x86-64[7939]: segfault at 161004011d5 ip 00000000001ea1f0 sp 00007fff1eeb14f0 error 4 in ld-2.9.so[1e2000+20000]


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Fedora :: Random Reboots And Shutdowns?

Oct 13, 2009

I've installed fedora 11 (GNOME) on my laptop. It sometimes reboot itself. The screen goes black and reboots(sometimes just turn off!) Palimpsest Disk Utility reports HDD bad sector but when I run memtest, everything looks fine. Windows xp does not have this kind of problem before I use fedora

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Fedora :: Httpd Uses Random Port?

Apr 11, 2010

I've installed Eclipse PDT with yum and httpd got installed as well. The problem is everytime httpd starts it chooses different (random) port and refuses connections to other ports like 80 (displays 403 forbidden error). That's really annoyng because I have to launch eclipse and open file in "PHP Browser" to get the right port. It also makes me unable to setup vhosts properly (i think). How to force apache to stick to the 80 port? Heres my httpd.conf: [URL] The only things I've changed there is added vhost

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Fedora :: Random Freezes Lead To Restarts

Nov 6, 2009

It's been freezing on me like you wouldn't believe today, and I think it has something to do with the load put on the CPU by various sites. The trouble is, I need to access a few of these sites to do my work. WordPress is one of them. I've had to restart the computer five times via SysRq keys since when these freezes happen, I can't Ctrl-Alt-Backspace out of it (even with zap enabled) and I can't bring up a terminal or Alt-F2 to kill process. I can't switch processes, windows, or anything. Firefox just sits there and laughs at me as I threaten to bust the screen in half.

And the real funny thing is, people actually say this is a better browser than IE. I never had these problems on Windows.What can I do to stop this? Do I just have to switch to another browser?

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Fedora Networking :: Random Disconnections From Wireless In F12

Jan 4, 2010

I am using Fedora 12. I am able to connect to my wireless network (95% of the time at least) on start-up automatically, however after anywhere between a few seconds to a few minutes later it cuts out and will not reconnect. It appears to be that whenever it finds next doors network it disconnects from mine! I have set the channel to 9, and my neighbor's is on 1. I have a USB N+ adapter, and a G+ MIMO PCI card, however do not know which is being used to connect with.

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Fedora :: Random Firefox Crash - How To Debug

Feb 17, 2010

My firefox (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091216 Fedora/3.5.6-1.fc11 Firefox/3.5.6) on Gnome 2.26.3 will randomly crash, without any errors. /var/log/messages & /var/log/Xorg.0.log doesn't show anything that caused any errors. And it doesn't matter on which website(s) I'm busy with, it will just crash.

My PC has:

Intel Pentium(R) Dual-Core E5200 CPU
Asus Nvidia 8800GT graphics card.

I have updated to the latest nVidia drivers

[root@Rudi-PC ~]# dmesg | grep nvidia
nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.
nvidia 0000:01:00.0: setting latency timer to 64


This is on Fedora Core 12 x86 I have disabled the only 3 Firefox plug-ins that I installed yesterday, but this problem has been looming for a long time. Something interesting that I picked up is that Thunderbird will close randomly (very seldom though) as well, so I don't know if it's Firefox specific though.

I have picked up that it happens more often when my PC's memory usage is above 2GB RAM, and memtest86+ didn't indicate any memory problems. If I have less tabs open, it happens less often, but the more tabs I have open, the more often it happens. At the same time, on the same PC, when I'm in Windows XP SP3 (dual boot), I can have many more tabs open as well as Thunderbird, Quickbooks, Photoshop CS3 and some other applications, and it doesn't cash.

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Fedora Hardware :: Random Clicks From Trackpad On 12?

May 20, 2010

I just installed 64 bit Fedora 12 on a Dell Latitude E6510. When I am typing, the cursor sometimes jumps to a random place. This is very annoying, especially while coding.

This was not a problem with Fedora 11 live or Windows 7 (dual boot).

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