Fedora Networking :: Getting Vsftpd Running With Both Anonymous And Local User Access To The Same Folder

Aug 14, 2009

I'm trying to get vsftpd running with both anonymous and local user access to the same folder. The directory I'm using is /tftp with the following permissions:

dr-srwxrwx 7 root root 12288 2009-08-14 15:54 tftp

My vsftpd.conf is this:



I set the default "ftp" user's home directory to /tftp (was /var/ftp).

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Server :: Vsftpd Access Allow For Anonymous?

Sep 4, 2010

vsftpd is working fine in my network with anonymous user but i need to access that from out-side all the setting is done on the router. I am getting page to access ftp form out-side but only for ftp users not anonymous user how i will give permeation to access ftp to anonymous user ?

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CentOS 5 Server :: VSFTPD - Unable To Authenticate As Anonymous User

May 4, 2010

I am attempting to configure vsftpd to allow anonymous users to PUT files into a shared incoming directory. This would be like a dropbox for my customers. Ideally, the incoming directory's contents would not be viewable by the users.

I believe that refused connection is due to the PAM configuration for vsftpd.

May 4 08:03:16 WSVM-S1-1 sshd[1512]: Invalid user anonymous from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
May 4 08:03:16 WSVM-S1-1 sshd[1513]: input_userauth_request: invalid user anonymous
May 4 08:03:16 WSVM-S1-1 sshd[1512]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): check pass; user unknown


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Fedora :: Installed Vsftpd By "yum -y Install Vsftpd",disabled Anonymous Login And Set?

Feb 5, 2010

I have installed vsftpd by "yum -y install vsftpd",disabled anonymous login and set .When I use a linux client's file browser to login using a user account "ftpacc" by ftp://ip_address, its location is "/" instead of /home/ftpacc".When I use a window client to login, its location is "/home/ftpacc"

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Can't Get Vsftpd To Accept Anything But Anonymous Connections

Jun 5, 2010

This is on Centos 5.3 by the way..... I had a DVD and, well, just wanted to test some things.. I'm aware that this is not the latest release.

And, by the way (I just read an earlier post) I've added the username and password with which I'm trying to login (..hello?).

I'm at work and I don't have a copy of my Vsftpd configuration file (don't wanna edit this whole thing - actually there is a copy, below). I've used Slackware for years and never had any issues with Vsftpd - it just works. I am trying Centos because I need help with upgrading my mail server (qmail) and there's not much help for Slackware users. Also, I used to run RHEL3 and had vsftpd working fine (had to copy some file to /etc/pam.d) but it worked famously. I compiled all my web server stuff (just don't like these default things where I have no idea how things are integrated) and I'm hung up on - of all things - vsftpd.

Anyway....When I try to log into my ftp server I get "KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type" and only the anonymous account works. Any other logins produce an error (incorrect login - see ya' later). I have SE Linux and the firewall OFF. I don't recall the directive, precisely, but my vsftpd.conf file is set allow local users to connect. I installed with yum and it added some lines at the bottom (one was about a user list and the other was about PAM). I've got a chroot list and a user list although it's not clear to me precisely where the user list should be placed. I actually uninstalled the RPM and compiled, too. I've done everything but call an exorcist. And I've found tons of posts regarding this on the net and none of the fixes worked. Man - on slackware you type "make" and "make install" (I build it with tcp_wrappers) and you're off to the races.

Actually - I did upload the vsftpd.conf file to work (where I'm at, now). Minus lines that were commented out it looks like this:

Could it, possibly, be something about how I am adding the user, the shell type, etc? I know that in Redhat I used to type "/usr/sbin/useradd -d /home/someuser joe". I've done it that way and I've also done it like so: "useradd -d /home/schmoe -s /bin/bash schmoe".

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Server :: Samba And VSFTPD / Create Folder Rights That Samba And Ftp User Will Have An Access To All Directories?

Oct 20, 2010

I would like to configure an access to folder


for two services : Samba and VSFTPD

How to do it ? How to create folder rights that samba and ftp user will have an access (read/write/delete) to all directories in /fileserver.

My system is CentOS. I`m starting samba and vsftpd like a root (/etc/init.d/vsftpd start etc.)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Public - Anonymous FTP With Vsftpd

May 19, 2010

In my house I have a small computer running ubuntu karmic that works as a server/media center.

I would like to have a folder (my ~/public folder) openly available to the entire world via anonymous ftp.

I have read somewhere that the defauld vsftpd config is basically this: no local user login, anon only and sharing a folder called /home/ftp, but I can't get this to work.

Here is my /etc/vsftpd.conf file:


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Security :: Vsftpd Anonymous Write To Anon_root?

Mar 24, 2011

obviously it's at least difficult but I'm interested in knowing if it's theoretically possible to allow anonymous users of vsftpd to upload to the same directory that anon_root is set to. If it's not then it's no big deal, I'm just trying to get a sense of the range of possibilities.

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CentOS 5 :: Vsftpd To Access Folder With Username User12?

May 11, 2010

I want to create FTP user which can access a folder with username user12 an dpasword user12 using CoreFTP from a Windows PC. I am writing below lines in a shell file and trying to run it.

yum install vsftpd
groupadd ftpusers
useradd -c user12 -d /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE/ORIG/ -g ftpusers -s /bin/bash "user12"

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Fedora Networking :: VSFTPD Install - Access Through FTP

Nov 15, 2010

I am trying to install VSFTPD on my Fedora instance of Linux. I have a Wordpress blog that I want to access through FTP. I did an install on VSFTPD and am kind of stuck. I try to FTP into my IP through [URL]

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Ubuntu Security :: Allowing Non-anonymous Uploads With Vsftpd?

Feb 2, 2010

Hope you can help me out. I'm trying to setup a "drop-box" on ubuntu 9.10 server with vsftpd. I'm able to login and land in the /home/user directory, however I cannot write anything.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Add Files (and Where) For Anonymous Download - Vsftpd

Jan 17, 2011

how to add files (and where) for anonymous download. I installed vsftpd and configure /etc/vsftpd.conf file...just few common options like allowing anonymous,download,upload. And now i can login with anonymous. But i dont know what to do next, i want to try to download and upload files.

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Software :: VsFTPd Anonymous Read / Write Configuration?

Mar 13, 2011

I just want to configure Vsftpd to allow users to have total access to the FTP server. The server and users are all on a private LAN behind a router with no access from the Net, so I don't need any security. The following basic configuration doesn't allow uploading files after I log on as anonymous/whatever:


#anonymous users are restricted (chrooted) to anon_root


Here's what happens when I log on as anonymous/whatever and try to upload a file:
> ftp server
Connected to server.
220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)
Name (server:root): anonymous
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.

ftp> ls -al
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Here comes the directory listing.
drwxr-xr-x 3 0 0 4096 Mar 13 11:19 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 0 0 4096 Mar 13 11:19 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 4096 May 25 2010 pub
226 Directory send OK.

ftp> put /var/tmp/ftp
local: /var/tmp/ftp remote: /var/tmp/ftp
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
553 Could not create file.

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Ubuntu Servers :: VSFTPD - How To Assign User Rights To Specific Folder

Mar 10, 2011

I am new to ubuntu and just installed the vsftpd service by this tutorial: [URL]. Now my question is how can I give users rights to one specific folder?
useradd username -d /home/folder/new
Thats the command id used but when I login to the ftp the user is able to see all other folders as well ..

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Ubuntu Networking :: Nautilus Connect To Server - FTP Anonymous User

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to use Nautilus's connect to server to connect to an ftp server, but I'm having a problem. The username on the ftp server is "anonymous", but it requires a password. When Nautilus sees "anonymous" as the username it assumes it's dealing with a public ftp server and doesn't prompt for a password, and then, of course, I fail to connect.

I've tried modifying the .gtk-bookmarks file to account for this, but this leads to another problem. The password opens with a / and for whatever reason, this leads to Nautilus popping up an error: "Could not connect to ftp://anonymous:0/[rest of password]@[server]". It's adding a "0" to the beginning of my password for some reason. Is there any way to fix this without changing the password?

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Networking :: Allow Remote Access To Server Running On User Account?

Jul 11, 2010

In the past, I've installed Internet services as daemons and as xinetd.d with no problems. Those approaches do not meet my needs. And, perhaps, nothing will.

- the service was converted from VB-6 to wxPython. It has a GUI which is accessed with either "remote desktop" or VNC.
- the wxPython service works on Windows and can be accessed from other hosts on my LAN
- the wxPython service works on CentOS and Fedora, but can only be accessed from within the server host. Even from other user-ids. But, I cannot get to it from other hosts.
- ipchains AKA firewall ports are marked for INPUT.
- The server host uses autologin to fire up a useid in group "user". I do not want it running as "root". the .bash_profile fires the service up.
- the service is heavily mult-threaded, and supports devices connected to serial ports asynchronously with the ephemeral port threads (all this works).

There are some programming solutions that I would rather not develop.
- a proxy service that runs under xinetd.d.
- separate the GUI code from the Internet and serial port code. Allocate a "control" port for remote GUI control. a'la SAMBA & SWAT

Is there any hope, that I can run it as is, by doing some network configuration stuff.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Laptop Samba PDC User And Local User Access Their Own Data?

May 30, 2011

Take a physical user FRED. FRED is a linux user ( known by linux on his laptop ) FRED is a Samba user ( Known by samba on the samba pdc server ) When he logs locally (with username/password) on its standalone laptop (with no network), he is known as FRED:user. He access his data in /home/FRED/. When he logs through samba (with username/password) on the domain MY_DOM, he is known as MY_DOMFRED:MY_DOMdomain user. He access his data in /home/MY_DOM/FRED/. ) Is it possible that the human FRED has only one repository and have full access to its repository regardless of how it was connected. If yes, how to do it

2) If not, Is it possible that the human FRED has full access to /home/FRED/.............. and /home/MY_DOM/FRED/.

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Fedora :: Nfs4 : User Can't Access Remote Folder / Resolve This?

Apr 18, 2010


The server is running under debian sid and the client under fedora 13 beta. I don't have any idea what may be wrong.. selinux perhaps?

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Networking :: Vsftpd Is Not Running

Sep 9, 2010

I have vsftpd executable with config file.I have put the vsftpd.conf file in /etc path on target board. vsftpd. conf file has option "listen=YES" for running standalone.but when i run the executable(standalone) it is not running. It is not giving any error message also.

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Ubuntu :: Share A Folder With R/w Access By Two Local Users?

May 15, 2010

This seems like somewhat of a n00b question, but I'm kind of stumped and working on a half a dozen other things at the moment, so I thought I'd go ahead and ask it.

Is there a "correct" way to set up a shared folder between two local users using only EXT4 that will allow both users read & write access to everything in the folder?

Here's my scenario: My wife and I use the same computer. I want two separate user accounts (mine and hers), but I want ~/Music to point to the same location for both users so that I don't have to duplicate all of the files.

Too protect the innocent, I'll use Jack and Jill.

So say Jack downloads or rips an album:

"/home/jack/Music/Radiohead/Ok Computer"

I want Jill to be able to able to create a folder:

"/home/jill/Music/Radiohead/Hail To The Theif"

I know the basics of symlinks so I can get /home/jack/Music and /home/jill/Music to point to the same place. I also have Jack & Jill in the same group.

The problem I'm having with my test setup is when Jack creates "/home/jack/Radiohead", it is set up to where Jill can read, but not write. So she can play songs from Ok Computer, but if she wants to download Kid A, she has to go in and manually change the permissions on Radiohead first.

Also, while I might set up multiple directories this way, what I DON'T want is for Jack to be able to modify /home/jill/otherdir where otherdir is just a regular directory set up with default permissions.

Oh, and as an added bonus, it would be nice to set up another account (i.e. a "guest") with limited permissions that can read, but not write/modify.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Desktop Access "Your Desktop Is Only Reachable Over The Local Network. Others Can Access Your Computer Using The Address Or Tabatha.local"

Feb 19, 2010

Running Ubuntu 9.10. In the Remote Desktop config dialog I get: "Your desktop is only reachable over the local network. Others can access your computer using the address or tabatha.local." I understand this means only the loopback ip address is available. All my other machines show their true local ip address (e.g., in this dialog. Thus I cannot log on to this desktop from other machines.

When I try to do a remote logon from another Ubuntu 9.10 box (or from an XP box using a VNC viewer), I get: "Connection to has been closed." What steps are needed to make this machine show its actual ip address? All file sharing between the various machines is working properly and all windows shares back and forth between XP and 'nix, and among the the vaious XP boxes and linux boxes are available as designed.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Vsftpd - Having A Commune Directory For Every User

Jun 28, 2009

im using vsftp with : chroot_local_user=YES. I would like to have a commune directory for every user.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Write Access With Vsftpd?

Aug 19, 2010

i have a server and im trying to use ftp to edit my website with dreamweaver. im using vsftpd and i have access where i can read all the files but i cant add any. any clues?

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Access F10 Shared Folder From XP

Jan 16, 2009

Installed Fedora 10 on my Downloader (just a name for the pc as its mainly used for torrent downloading) computer. But I cant access the fedora shared folder from my windows XP. Accessing XP shared folders from F10 is fine. I have another 2 computer where I have installed Ubuntu 8.10. I have no problem accessing either of the Ubuntu system from my XP computer. The F10 computer comes up fine on my Workgroup list of xp. I double click to go into the F10, a login window pops up and askes for username and password. I used the normal username and root / password to log in. But it keeps popping up for password again and again. BTW, Recently I Installed Win7 Beta on the Windows computer and Surprisingly I can access the Fedora 10 computer shared folder just fine from Win7. But I need to get it working under windows XP.

Here is my smb.conf file
# Global Settings
# Network Related Options
# workgroup = NT-Domain-Name or Workgroup-Name, e.g.: MIDEARTH
# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field netbios name can be used to specify a server name not tied to the hostname. Interfaces lets you configure Samba to use multiple interfaces. If you have multiple network interfaces then you can list the ones. You want to listen on (never omit localhost). Hosts Allow/Hosts Deny lets you restrict who can connect, and you can specify it as a per share option as well

workgroup = THEMATRIX
server string = Samba Server Version %v
netbios name = MYSERVER
;interfaces = lo eth0
;hosts allow = 127. 192.168.12. 192.168.13 .....

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Access The Shared Folder

Apr 23, 2010

I've installed Fedora 12 on my laptop and when I share any folder and try to access it over the network using smb://<ip-address/<folder> it says "file or folder smb://..... does not exist"

Now if I simply try to access - smb://<ip-address> on the file browser it shows me shared folders but when I double click I get the same error.

I've SELinux disable, Firewall disable but I'm still not able to access these folders.

I did the exactly same samba configuration on openSUSE and I'm able to access the folder but not with Fedora 12.

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Access Fedora 10 Shared Folder From Windows

Aug 17, 2009

Linux OS : Fedora 10 (No graphical mode)Windows OS : XP and Windows Server NT...I am able to access from my windows to linux using following step//fedora10 ip username of admin and password...I am able to view the admin and shared printer of fedora 10.When i try to enter in the admin folder i am not able to access it. It is giving error "Access is denied".

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Networking :: VSFTPD 2.2.2 On Ubuntu Lucid Denying Remote Access

Apr 28, 2011

My apologies if this is the wrong board for this thread, but seeing how the issue appears to be related to where I'm connecting from, I thought this would be the place to look.To start off, I've been running VSFTPD on the box for a good year or so now. Until recently, everything seemed to be working fine, but during the past few days I've run into issues with it and have been having trouble pin-pointing the problem. I've gone as far as reinstalling VSFTPD and rechecking every line in the conf file to no avail.The issue presents itself when I try to login to the FTP server remotely. The moment I put my user name in, I get disconnected without any error message, simply connection closed. That isn't the case when I'm connecting locally from the server.If I try to connect remotely using eth0 (internal network), it works fine again... but if I try eth1 (external network)... it fails. I'm thinking it might be related to PAM, but so far have been unable to figure out what I need to change in the configuration there. Additionally, the PAM log file doesn't show any activity if I'm connecting through eth1, but displays it if connecting through eth0.

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Debian :: Kill An Process Running From An Folder And With User Parameter?

Dec 4, 2010

i googled around and finally stumbled over this forum. I've been wondering, how would i kill an process running from an folder and with user parameter? I usually type this into the ssh console: pkill -9 < process > -U < username >

But i want users be able to run it multiple times, and killing only an specific process and not every single one.

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Red Hat :: Anonymous User Can't Create A Directory On Ftp Server

Jan 27, 2010

i'm using ftp server with RHEL-5.1 now i wish to an anonymous user can create and upload some file on my ftp server... for this i configure the entries in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

# Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.


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Ubuntu :: Make User Able To Access Folder Via Group

Jun 27, 2011


cat /etc/group | grep www-data | grep chad

the user www-data should have read access to my folder but i am still getting a 403 forbidden error i have done this before without issue anyone see what is wrong? i have a folder i use for file transfers over IM it is more reliable than the messengers file transfer abilities

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