Fedora Networking :: Samba Server Not Working On F13?

Jun 20, 2010

I can't get the samba server to work on a Fedora 13 system. First of all, I've activated the "smb" service. After this, since I couldn't find any samba configuration tool in Gnome, I switched to KDE and launched Menu - Computer - System Settings - Advanced - Samba. I typed in my workgroup and netbios name and added a share (2nd tab). Then I added my user name to the blank list "samba users" (4th tab), which wasn't very effective, because this list is blank again when I leave (OK) and reopen this config tool.

From a windows machine, I can't access this Fedora system. Netbios doesn't work (ping netbios name - ...could not find name...) and trying \IP in the explorer shows an error message "Windows cannot find...".
Btw firewall and Selinux are both deactivated.

When I open Dolphin on the Fedora locally and type "smb://localhost" it *does* show a logn window, but no matter what I type in there, it just shows this login windows again after clicking OK.

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Fedora :: Login To The Samba Server Using Smbclient But It's Not Working?

Jan 14, 2010

My OS is F11 and i've two systems; i'm running Samba server on one system and i've login on the client system and trying to login to the Samba server using smbclient but it's not working.Can someone give me the command to login to the Samba server using smbclient!

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Fedora Networking :: 13 Samba Gui Not Working?

Oct 11, 2010

i did yum install system-config-samba and it worked and installed when ever i click on it. it says it is starting up and then just crashes.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup A Share Drive On New Server With Samba (v 3.4) - Shares Are Not Working?

Mar 15, 2010

I have the follow environment

PDC SAMBA + OPEN LDAP (ubuntu 9.04)
Linux (File Servers) + Windows machines all working well

I'm trying to set up a share drive on my new server using ubuntu 9.10 with samba (v 3.4) and ldapclient and the shares are not working when I defined Valid Users for share folders, that keep me ask me about my user and password, on the logs I have:

[2010/03/15 10:24:10, 1] smbd/service.c:676(make_connection_snum)
create_connection_server_info failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

This is my smb.conf

workgroup = FLOWCONNECT
server string = OSLO SAMBA FILE SERVER [code].....

I have the same set up on my File Server (Ubuntu 9.04) which use samba 3.3 is working fine.Someone know if has some different setting between samba 3.3 (ubuntu 9.04) and samba 3.4 (ubuntu 9.10) that could cause this problem ?

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Not Working On 15 - Read / Write Privileges

Jun 19, 2011

i have a windows xp machine with filesharing enabled and the shares set up and ready to go i have a laptop on which i did a fresh install of fedora 15 with samba and all the necessary packages to make the fedora machine a samba client to the windows machine.

my problem is that when i go into nautilus and click on the network tab it shows nothing not one single computer...the fedora machine doesnt even show up.....i have done all the tests i can think of and confirmed that the smb service is running, the nmb service is running, samba is allowed thru the firewall and all the computers are in the same workgroup..yet neither one can see each other even more frustrating is when i go to mount a windows share thru the terminal it shows a successful mount (as i type in the command hit enter and recieve no errors) BUT when i go into the mount directory and open the new directory i made for the samba share it shows nothing there not even when i go into the windows machine and add a file to the shared folder...PLUS for some strange reason the /mnt directory already had two empty files called "home" and "boot" already in it i have no clue what thats about but ok, then on the windows side i go into "network places" and click on "show workgroup computers" and the windows machine will show up but not the fedora machine.

these are the commands i have used to install and get samba working- "yum install samba system-config-samba samba-client cifs-utils" "service smb start" anyway until i can figure this out i have decided to start from scratch and erase samba from the machine completely and i am hoping that maybe some one can read all this and come up with some ideas...maybe there is just something i forgot when i was setting this up yesterday its possible i just went to fast and skipped a step again all i want is the fedora 15 machine to just be a samba client with read/write priviledeges

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Fedora Networking :: Auto-mount With Samba - Isn't Working During Startup ?

Jul 24, 2011

I have edited my /etc/fstab file in order to have it automatically mount a windows network share at startup.

The problem is, that it isn't really working during startup. After I log in, in order to make it mount I have to open the terminal and enter "mount -a".

The following is my fstab file:


I suspect this has something to do with my laptop not having made a network connection when the entries are mounted, but I'm not sure. How would I go about finding out about any errors?

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Server Name Disappears After Restart?

Sep 10, 2009

I have a problem with samba machine disappearing after I restart smb or the server where samba is running. Lets say I name my samba server ABC and set it up via system-config-samba utils. I follow basic steps and fill out everything according to most guides that are available for fedora. After that everything works great, I can connect to samba server ABC form any machine through smb://ABC (mac) or \ABC (win), however as soon as I restart smb services or my server (subsequently restarting the smb service ...) I no longer can connect to it via samba server name ABC, I can only do smb://SambaServerIP or \SambaServerIP (have to put numerical internal ip to connect)

My smb.conf:
# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf


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Fedora Networking :: F14 Samba Server With Slow Write Speed

Aug 4, 2011

I had a F14 samba server working flawlessly now for a quite time. Unexpectedly about a month ago the write speed slowed down around 64kbit/s and that's really slow. I haven't changed any configs, only updated the server. I've troubleshooted this from many angles:
-It is not a network issue because sftp writes are good.
-It is not a RAID1 issue because write speed from another directory (locally) are good.
So basically samba is the only thing left.

Here's example from smb.conf:
comment = My share
path = /mnt/RAID_share
writeable = yes
browseable = yes
writelist = +smbuser

Here's a snip from logs today:
[2011/08/04 09:04:27.509273, 1] smbd/server.c:267(remove_child_pid)
Scheduled cleanup of brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
[2011/08/04 09:04:47.526336, 1] smbd/server.c:240(cleanup_timeout_fn)
Cleaning up brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
[2011/08/04 09:17:57.634660, 1] smbd/server.c:267(remove_child_pid)
Scheduled cleanup of brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
[2011/08/04 09:18:17.635196, 1] smbd/server.c:240(cleanup_timeout_fn)
Cleaning up brl and lock database after unclean shutdown .....

There's a restart that is not software related.

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Broken / Error 6291, The "force User" Option Is No Longer Working?

Jun 15, 2009

I ran "yum update" on 03-06-2009 and it updated my samba version from


My network shares then became read only!After some digging it turns out my system is not working because of Samba bug 6291, the "force user" option is no longer working.

Ideally I would run another "yum update" and that would fix the problem. Apparently the bug has been fixed in Samba 3.4.0pre2 - when can when we expect that to be released and included when I do a "yum update"?

Alternatively how do I get back to version 3.2.8-0.26.fc10.x86_64 ?

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Fedora Networking :: Unknown Samba Password - Use Samba For File Sharing Like On A Windows Home Network

Jul 17, 2010

I want to use samba for file sharing like on a Windows home network. Actually they are all Linux machines but nfs is too complicated. On my host machine I installed samba and system-config-samba. I created a new share for /home, check marked writable and visible and put access to everybody. For preferences-->server settings--> security the "authentication mode" is set to user, encrypt passwords is no, and guest account is no guest account. Under preferences-->samba users I added myself as a user with the same windows user name as my Linux user name and the same password.

My client is a virtualbox fedora (used for testing purposes but actual clients will be real computers on my home network). I entered the address smb:// When asked for the user name and password I put my regular user name and password since that was what I set in samba users. However, the password dialog keeps coming up and won't let met into my own computer. If I quit it says something like access is denied. How can I get my home network back? I liked this feature when my home computers ran XP but I switched them to Fedora 12.

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Can't Mount Shares - Error Message 'Failed To Receive Shared List From Server'

Oct 4, 2009

It's been awhile since I posted anything which is a good sign my install has been working well and I have been able to handle most everything. However, I'm not able to handle this issue. I recently installed F11 and everything went well. But, when trying to see my other computers on the local network, I cannot. I receive this error message: Unable to mount location Failed to receive shared list from server. I understand the message as it is obvious, but do not know how to fix it.

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Server Not Shown In System Administration / Give Permission To Access Home Folder?

Jul 1, 2010

I installed samba server in my external HDD. But it is not shown in system ----> Administration. Is there any problem. Then How to give permission to access home folder.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Samba: ACL Are Not Working

Mar 23, 2011

I'm having problems using Samba+winbind 3.3.8 as a fileserver on a Win2008 domain. - getent and wbinfo are reporting correct information about users. - Ownership of file created from user using the samba mount are working fine. However, my groups directories are allowing people who shouldn't .. From the shell everything is working as expected, but not from samba..


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OpenSUSE Network :: Win 7 Working With Samba 3.2 Server As PDC?

Mar 24, 2010

He has a Samba 3.2 server on openSUSE 11.1. It worked fine with XP and Vista as a PDC. There are no NT servers on this office LAN. Now he has a W7 computer, and he was not able to sign on. From searching, it seems that an upgrade of Samba and a tweak of the registry are required. He did the upgrade to 3.5 from a supplementary openSUSE repo and restarted the server. But it seems he cannot sign on yet. I don't know if he did the registry tweak, I'm waiting to hear back.

The MS article: Windows 7 and Samba 3 interoperability
My question is: He seems to be under the impression that Samba 4 is required to work with W7, but that M$ article seems to contradict him. Has anybody got W7 working with Samba 3 as a PDC like in XP and Vista? I can't find any FAQs about this.

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Server :: Printing Not Working After Upgrading Samba?

Jun 6, 2010

I have a client who was using samba 3.0.21a, and there was a single printer being served, well as as quite a few shares. I recently upgraded to samba 3.3.4, and they have reported back that the printer is no longer working. Everything else is OK.

Does anybody know off the top of their head what has changed that would cause it to stop working?

Here is the relevant portion of the config:

server string = Printers
workgroup = XXX
security = user
smb passwd file = /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd


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Server :: Samba - Browseable = No Not Working On Subfolder?

Apr 20, 2010

I am running samba-3.0.21b-2 browseable = no, not working on subfolder (worklocal) .. what I missed? work folder already invisible .. but when I entered into it .. I still able to see folder named local..

public = yes
only guest = no
writable = yes


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Server :: Samba Credentials Not Working Through Windows 7?

May 2, 2011

I have installed a Samba Server (Ubuntu 10.10 Server) detailed config below. The server is up and running but clients running windows 7 cannot connect as their credentials are not accepted. The pop window for credentials keep coming back up on the clients and no connection is issued. I have tried to change the policies on windows 7 as such:

Network security: LAN Manager authentication level Send LM & NTLM responses
Minimum session security for NTLM SSP
Disable Require 128-bit encryption

But to no avail. I am in doubt as far as where the issue is coming from. Meaning is it coming from my Samba conf or something in Windows I am not doing right.

server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
interfaces =, eth0
bind interfaces only = Yes


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Server :: Samba Guest Account Options Seems Not Working?

Apr 13, 2010

I configuring samba under Fedora 12, i just set in samba dialog Server Settings->Security and choose guest account: apache. The account is exist io the Samba Server, now i try to login from Windows to Linux share, server asks me login and password, however when i set apache as login and not set password, server asks me login again as the password is incorrect. As i understand under guest acount can login any windows user without the password.

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Networking :: Samba And CUPS Not Working

May 2, 2011

I'm beginning to think linux actually isn't capable of sharing files and printers with anything. I've been trying to get my LMDE to share files and be able to retrieve files from the other windows PCs I have on my wireless network. I would also like to share the printer I have connected to my LMDE install with those same computers. In short how is this done because I pulling my hair out trying to figure out whats wrong.

As I understand it sharing the printer should be easier than sharing files. Its done by CUPS? Anyway I've enabled sharing in the printing, and in the "server settings" windows ticked "publish shared printers connected to this system". That doesn't work. Windows can't find it. Samba on the other hand is even worse. Edit the smb.conf? Nice way of making things complicated!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Not Working On Lucid 10.04

May 20, 2010

I had Samba shares (a public folder and a printer) running fine on Jaunty 9.10, when upgraded to 10.04 it stopped working.

I've tried several tips and following different threads to no avail.

when I run smbclient -L localhost or else smbclient -L I get:

session setup failed: NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN
when I run smbclient -L TKA I get:
Connection to TKA failed (Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED)
Here is my current smb.conf:


I installed samba4 but did't do any difference, so I uninstalled that. Reinstalled SAMBA and the config tool for samba several times. No difference.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Stops Working After A While?

Oct 22, 2010

I have created a Samba share, using the fantastic Webmin tool. I have a network media player which can connect to my router, and then access windows (samba) shares. Most of the time, it works fine - it's able to stream HDTV wirelessly across the network. However, every so often, it just stops working ... the media player sees :

Network, then
FILESERVER-1 (machine name), then
Media (share name), then
Video (subdir, then
TV_Shows (subdir), then
MyShow.AVI ... just hangs

if I use the Webmin tool, I see multiple samba connections all from the media player. Restarting samba seems to have no effect. The only way to fix it, is to reboot.

logfile I can check, or a setting I can tweak to fix this issue ?

When it get like this, trying to access the share from a windows machine, just gives me an error saying it can't find the machine. But when it's rebooted, it works fine.

I have mapped the "nobody" linux user to "guest" which is what the media player is defaulted to login with (it's primarily sold as a "Windows" media player), and using Webmin I have assigned the "nobody" user read-only rights to the samba share. It worked fine for 6 months, until I added this new drive.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Is Stopped Working

Jun 17, 2011

Been searching for hours and looked at several other threads but still can't figure this out. We have 4 folders being shared from a Ubuntu 10.4.2 LTS Server using Samba. A couple days ago two computers in the office lost access to these shares. The other computers in the office are fine. So far as I know nothing has changed on the server. I can putty into the server still but I can't map a drive or open a window through run (\server_nameetc).

I've also tried disabled iptables on the server and windows firewall on the the windows xp machines. Still no luck. What am I doing wrong? Like I said, so far as I know there have been no changes to the server whatsoever. One day it was working and the next it just stops.

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Server :: Roaming Profiles Not Working On For Opensuse 11.3 Samba Domain On Xp Clients?

Aug 26, 2010

On all of my xp clients no matter what the username is is I am continously getting the error saying that the profile cannot be found. I just built this domain recently and since day 1 the roaming profiles have not worked.

here is my smb.conf:

# Primary Domain Controller smb.conf
# Global parameters
unix charset = utf8


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Server :: Some Options In System-config-samba Dialog Are Not Working Properly?

Apr 13, 2010

I am using Fedora 12. I have the following problem, when i working with system-config-samba dialog:I add the new user on the server:as following:

Unix username: vova
Windows username:test

As described in Customisation Guide for Red Hat 9: "If the user has a different username on a Windows machine and will be logging into the Samba serverfrom the Windows machine, specify that Windows username in the Windows Username field."So i logged from the Windows machine not under test(Windows username) but under vova.And i logged in without the problem. However it seems that samba should check windows username=test (as have written in samba-config) and ask an password for different users. And additionally, if samba check the currect user in Windows itself and verify it with Unix user, what for we need write the Windows username in samba config? I don't understand

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Logging Using Vfs And Syslog Isn't Working

Jan 19, 2010

I'm looking into setting up logging for Samba that logs every file downloaded, uploaded, renamed, deleted, etc, etc. It's currently working, but I'm trying to get it to output to /var/log/samba/audit.log and it's still outputtin Here are my current settings:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba File-sharing Not Working?

Jun 6, 2010

I am at a total loss. For all intents and purposes - sharing files over a lan without a password between this ubuntu 10.04 machine and my wifes laptop (windows 7) should be trouble free. I've installed samba, and created an smb.conf file in /etc/samba

workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = Samba Server
netbios name = oak
security = share


I want to note that I was using Arch Linux and this exact setup worked flawlessly. Why on earth would it not work the same in Ubuntu? Is it not the same Samba?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba User Security Not Working?

Jan 9, 2011

I'm running Maverick Meerkat 10.10 x64, and I'm trying to set up a Samba share with user security. In other words, when accessing the share, I want to be prompted for my username and password. Everything in my smb.conf file looks ok to me, but the shares are still accessible with no user security, and I don't know why. The smb.conf file is below:

# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Quit Working After Upgrade?

Jul 17, 2011

I just upgraded to 10.04, as of this upgrade, samba has quit working.

From Windows I can ping the linux box ( If from Windows I key in ->Start->Run->\ I connect to my linux box.

If I try to access the linux box through the name, (\tardis) I get network path not found.

Everything worked fine before the upgrade, now I cannot see my linux box via its network name. I have a WD TV Live on my network and I must be able to see the linux box via its network name or I cannot connect to it.

iptables shows no rules

smbtree returns
Server requested LANMAN password (share-level security) but 'client lanman auth' is disabled
failed tcon_X with NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED


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Ubuntu Networking :: Non-Guest Samba Shares Not Working?

Aug 7, 2011

I have some samba shares working where all I did was right click on the folder, enable sharing and enable guest access. These work fine.

However, when I tried to use the manual way:


to create samba shares, so that they would be password protected, I cant access them. In windows 7, the shares are visible so I click them, click "use another account" and type in my samba name and password I created, but I can't access them.

Here is smb.conf

# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.


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Fedora Networking :: VNC Server On Desktop 0 On 14 Stopped Working ?

Mar 9, 2011

For more than a year I was happily using my Fedora 11 remotely through VNC over ssh. I was using desktop 0 on port 5900 so people at the office can see what I am doing.

Yesterday I upgraded to Fedora 12, then 13 and then 14. I installed all updates of F14. All went well until I came to use this server from home as usual. The server was not responding.

I brought up /etc/X11/xorg.conf from a backup tape because I discovered that it is there that screen 0 is set and not in /etc/sysconfig/vncservers and rebooted. No success!

At the command lsof | grep LISTEN, I could not see a listener on port 5900

I activated screen 1 on port 5901 and I could log in OK and with lsof I could see listeners for ports 5901 and 6001 but I need screen 0!

During the day I tried many things including removing the vncserver packages with yum and re-installing them, removing the .vnc folder in the user home folder and starting from scratch. The server is still refusing connection!

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