Ubuntu Networking :: Setup A Share Drive On New Server With Samba (v 3.4) - Shares Are Not Working?

Mar 15, 2010

I have the follow environment

PDC SAMBA + OPEN LDAP (ubuntu 9.04)
Linux (File Servers) + Windows machines all working well

I'm trying to set up a share drive on my new server using ubuntu 9.10 with samba (v 3.4) and ldapclient and the shares are not working when I defined Valid Users for share folders, that keep me ask me about my user and password, on the logs I have:

[2010/03/15 10:24:10, 1] smbd/service.c:676(make_connection_snum)
create_connection_server_info failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

This is my smb.conf

workgroup = FLOWCONNECT
server string = OSLO SAMBA FILE SERVER [code].....

I have the same set up on my File Server (Ubuntu 9.04) which use samba 3.3 is working fine.Someone know if has some different setting between samba 3.3 (ubuntu 9.04) and samba 3.4 (ubuntu 9.10) that could cause this problem ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup Two Samba Shares On Server 10.04.1 Lts X64

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to setup two samba shares on ubuntu server 10.04.1 lts x64

The first is a Read-Only share for windows users that doesn't require a password. This i've managed to do so far.

The second is a Password protected Upload share. So far I am able to have both shares (which access the same directory) but am unable to log in to the pass word protected share.

I know i'm not doing things quite right, and would like a little bit of help

The smb.conf file is the default ubuntu file with these added shares:

Comment = Network Attached Storage
path = /media/RAID/NAS
browseable = yes


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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Out Samba Shares - Multiple Netbios Showing From Server

Nov 30, 2010

I have a fileserver that I want to share out samba shares. However, i configured samba to have another netbios (SAN) and my windows box still sees whoopn-SAN which is the name I gave to my server when i installed it. Now I am using 9.10 and I know that i can create a share from the gnome gui in nautilus and that appears to be a windows like share. How can I turn OFF the windows like shares that ubuntu does out of the box and use ONLY samba? I ask because there appears to be a conflict of permissions b/w samba and this stuff.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Shares-admin Is Not Letting Me Add A Samba Share?

Nov 10, 2010

In 10.10, after installing samba and nfs through shares-admin, when adding a shared folder, i only see share through NFS listed, not samba

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Server :: CentOS 5.5 - Samba Setup For Two Shares

Dec 4, 2010

Still new to Linux and especially samba. I have setup samba for 2 shares, will list below shares. 1 which requires a login and 1 temp folder which I would like guest access to. Currently I have security = user which works great for the data folder which requires a login. If I try to access temp I get asked for a user name and password as well. I tried to set security = share which then allowed access to temp with out a login but also allowed access to the data folder. From the data folder I emoved public = yes. I then get asked for a user name and password like I should but the system will not accept it. This is a Centos 5.5 server with a mail server on it.

comment = Data Folder
path = /home/data/
public = yes
writable = yes
browseable = yes
printable = no
avaliable = yes
write list = glenn,
force create mode = 0660
force directory mode = 0770

comment = temp folder
path = /home/temp/
public = yes
writeable = yes
browseable = yes
guest ok = yes
guest only = yes
guest account = nobody
available = yes
force user = nobody
force group = nobody

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Security :: Setup A Kerberos + OpenLDAP Server To Manage Users For Our Samba Shares

Feb 13, 2011

Trying to setup a Kerberos + OpenLDAP server to manage users for our Samba shares (was going to use just OpenLDAP, but apparently it is less secure than using Kerberos with it). (Distro: CentOS 5.5) Haven't even gotten to the point of connecting either to Samba yet. I have set up a Kerberos server, and configured it as necessary. I am happy that it is working as intended, as I can login and manage principals from both the local terminal and remotely on other clients.

I have setup a server (sv1.myhost.net), and configured it to talk to Kerberos (auth.myhost.net). I have created both a [URL] principal, and a testuser principal. I have set the password on the testuser but not on the host/sv1.myhost.net. I have added the keys for both users to the keytab file on the sv1.myhost.net. I am at a Windows 7 machine (on the same internal network), and have installed the Network Identity Manager. It is able to request a ticket successfully for the testuser account.

When I use putty w/GSSAPI (0.58) to remote login to the system, it says using 'testuser' and then just hangs there. Eventually putty connection times out. The fact that both machines can connect to the auth server to communicate with kerberos correctly suggests firewalls are correct. The relevant entries in sshd_config have been uncommented to tell srv1 to use Kerberos authentication.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Non-Guest Samba Shares Not Working?

Aug 7, 2011

I have some samba shares working where all I did was right click on the folder, enable sharing and enable guest access. These work fine.

However, when I tried to use the manual way:


to create samba shares, so that they would be password protected, I cant access them. In windows 7, the shares are visible so I click them, click "use another account" and type in my samba name and password I created, but I can't access them.

Here is smb.conf

# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Sharing Not Working Samba Shares Are?

Apr 13, 2011

I have internet on my ubuntu machine (eth0) I am sharing with (eth1) My windows computers are getting IP addresses via DHCP from the Ubuntu Machine, and I can see (and use) samba/windows shares on all computers.Internet connection is not working on any of the windows computers. I have eth1 set to "shared to other computers" under the IPv4 settings

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Fedora Networking :: USB Hard Drive Unmounts / Reappear In SAMBA Shares?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a hard drive which I put in an enclosure so that I can attach it by USB to my laptop, like a giant flash drive. In other words, its an external Hard Drive now. When I first plug it in it is detected and mounts like you would expect, but after a few minutes it unmounts. It's like the drive spins down and unmounts or something.

So, I want to remount it over my network rather than having to walk over to the computer and unplug the Hard Drive and then plug it back in. I would even be happy if I could just remote desktop onto that machine and remount the device somehow.

Here's the problem:

When the Hard Drive is mounted, and I run the "mount" command in terminal it shows up as:

/dev/sdc1 on /media/"NAME OF HARD DRIVE"

but when it unmounts itself and I run lsusb in terminal it only shows up as:

Bus 002 Device 053: ID 13fd:1840 Initio Corporation

I don't know how to get it to mount based on that name. So, I am asking: given that it shows up with that name, how can I remount the device from the command line...

The ultimate goal being to get it to reappear in my SAMBA shares.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Can't See Shares On 9.10 Samba Server?

May 10, 2010

I have an Ubuntu 9.10 Samba file server. I have set up Ubuntu 10.04 netbook remix in a home network which also has Windows XP home and Vista computers already present in the network. The XP and Vista machines have no problem accessing the file shares.

The server is running mhddfs with FlexRaid. The security is set to share level access. I have a hosts allow line in the smb.conf file to permit access to certain IP addresses and have added the 10.04 netbook remix IP address to this hosts allow line.

I cannot access shares from the 10.04netbook remix machine if the hosts allow line is active, but have no problem from the windows machines. If i comment out the hosts allow line, all machines can access the share, including the netbook remix machine. I am fairly new to Linux and would appreciate any help in solving this problem.

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Fedora Servers :: Setup A Samba Network Share With A Directory Server Backend?

Feb 24, 2009

I'm trying to setup a Samba network share with a Fedora Directory Server backend. This will be used primarily for Windows users to authenticate before accessing the share. I am using Fedora Core 10 and have all of the latest updates installed. When I try to connect from a Windows machine, I am prompted for a username and password. I enter the username and password of the account I created in Fedora Directory Server in OU=People. The credentials are rejected. At the same time in the log file I see this:

[2009/02/24 16:50:16, 3] auth/auth_sam.c:check_sam_security(282)
check_sam_security: Couldn't find user 'Administrator' in passdb.
[2009/02/24 16:50:16, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(318)
check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [Administrator] -> [Administrator] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER

Administrator is the user I created in Fedora Directory Server. If I perform an ldapsearch it will find the user as uid: Administrator so I know it is able to be looked up in FDS. But I'm guessing that's not the problem.


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Server :: Common Share Drive In Samba?

Aug 13, 2011

I am using Cen OS 5. I have configured Samba server on it. I create a accounts suppose tom and 2nd is jarry in my samba server and map it in my windows xp computer as P drive (Private Drive) where the users can access their home directories. When tom tom enter into own account he can access his own home folder and same position with jarry. I want to create a common share drive using samba where all samba users can keep their data with their respective folders normally s drive i.e share drive. They can create file and folders and even all users can access the files of each others. Like tom can access jarry files and jarry can access tom files or folders to share their office work with each others.I want to know is it possible in samba to create a common share drive where all users share their files each others.

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Networking :: Samba Server And Windows Shares

Jan 25, 2010

I have a problem with 'Samba' shares on Ubuntu 8.04. Bringing shared folders over from Windows (on another computer) is not a problem...until I try same process with a Windows backup folder holding .tib data from an 'Acronis' backup.The files appear in Ubuntu Network, everything looks o.k., Ubuntu just won't copy the data to another folder. Other shares work without a problem, its only with these ':.tib' data.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Share (samba) From NTFS Drive?

Sep 15, 2010

I managed to install samba and it's GUI. I tried to share a directory within the pictures folder (at home/mark/pictures/share) just as a test. I had everything set up right, but it was inaccessible from a windows XP machine on my network. After some digging I found the problem lay with the permissions of it's parent folder. I right clicked on the parent folder then clicked properties, then clicked on the permissions tab. I changed the permissions for others and it's working fine.

I'm having the same problem now but with a share on a NTFS drive called storage. I cannot change the permissions for the shared folder or any of it's parents by right clicking. Any changes I make revert immediately back to their previous setting. Is there any way to change the permissions to allow read access to everyone?

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Networking :: Samba Shares On Server - Nagging File / Foldername

Aug 17, 2010

This one has proven to be a real for me. On one of my Samba shares on my server I have a folder of mp3 files of my CDs. The one I am having an issue with is "Clarence Carter/Dr. C.C." (yes, the one with the ULTIMATE party song). The "Dr. C.C." folder name is normal locally, but across Samba it comes out "DMOU3A~H". I can still access the folder this way, but it would be nice to not have Samba mangle the folder name this way. I am using Samba 3.4.2 on an Athlon64 X2 system running Slackware64.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Can Share Mounted Thumb Drive But Can't Write?

Sep 6, 2010

so after searching and reading, and searching some more, im stuck. i cant seem to get a mounted thumb drive to give write access. first thing to know is that, im using a seagate dockstar with a primary thumb drive[sda1] booting debian and samba.

i guess you could say im still in the testing phase, just trying to make sure files can be shared, mounted and accessed by users. the problem is stated as the title. i have successfully shared a folder in sda1 with rw access, but i cant do the same for the second drive[sdb1].

for sda1 with rw access, here are the smb.conf settings:

path = share
available = yes
valid users = mark


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Get Samba To Share Files From Ntfs Drive?

Jun 12, 2009

The file permissions on the folder are RW for user,group and world.(umask=0000) My main problem is with SELinux, I've tried to audit2allow and that seemed to work, all I had to do then was chcon the directory and files to type samba_share_t but the tool fails with Operation Not Supported. Am I to assume you simply cannot share files from a mounted ntfs drive under SELinux? Because I've just spent 2 hours trying and I've just about ready to just give up and just go back to windows when I need to share those folders. There's no way i can copy the folder contents to my Linux partition, far too big for that. Has anyone EVER been able to do this? Do I have to disable SELinux to do it?

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Networking :: Pug Server File Server No Longer Shares Drive To Windows?

Nov 19, 2009

My Pug Server has worked faithfully for many years just sitting in a closet. It is designed wo that you never need to add a monitor or keyboard as it is administered through a web interface. Recently it had a problem with the motherboard and I had to replace it, but the machine is now working. However, it no longer is visible as a network drive on my Windows machine.Unfortunately I have no idea where to start looking to see what the problem is. I did attach a keyboard and monitor and logged on, but everything looks okay (I can see my files, etc.).

This is an old machine (c. 2003), so has an old version of Linux (I have no idea what version, or even how to find out). Since it is never meant to be used directly it doesn't have any GUI installed, so I have to do everything using command line.Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can even start to determine what the problem is or how I can go about trying to fix it? At this point I would be happy just to get the files out and replace it with a newer NAS.

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Can't Mount Shares - Error Message 'Failed To Receive Shared List From Server'

Oct 4, 2009

It's been awhile since I posted anything which is a good sign my install has been working well and I have been able to handle most everything. However, I'm not able to handle this issue. I recently installed F11 and everything went well. But, when trying to see my other computers on the local network, I cannot. I receive this error message: Unable to mount location Failed to receive shared list from server. I understand the message as it is obvious, but do not know how to fix it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Win7 And Samba Server Share?

Jan 11, 2010

so i found an older computer i want to play with as a file server. ubuntu server edition, installed gnome GUI (to make things easier for now, i plan on removing it later) and used [URL].. to configure my 1.5tb harddrive so my windows machines can access it. i had everything working but than a fatal crash made me start from scratch (os and all) now i am unable to access the samba share from a machine running windows 7, but i can access it from a machine running windows XP using the same login and password i set up for windows 7.this makes me believe it's a problem with windows 7 and not samba.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Create A Writable (preferably Nautilus Setup) Network Share On External NTFS?drive?

Jul 22, 2010

So I have the strange task of trying to make something like I said above work in Lubuntu 10.04. But every time I do, the share is not accessible because none of the important permissions (other) can be set because its, well, NTFS in linux. And I know of no way to fix it.Is there an easy way, preferably with Nautilus since the person I am setting this up for isn't a computer expert, to setup this share so thats its accessible and writable by other computers on the network?

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Ubuntu :: Setup A Samba Share From The CLI?

Feb 22, 2010

how do you setup a Samba share from the CLI?

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Networking :: Share A File Via Samba On A Ubuntu Server That Is Actually Stored On A FreeNAS Box?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm trying to share a file via Samba on a Ubuntu server that is actually stored on a FreeNAS box. The FreeNAS drives are mounted via NFS and the Samba share contains a symlink to file on the FreeNAS drive.Browsing the Samba share I can see the file and size, but any attempt to read the file fails. It complains about authentication but all credentials across all machines are the same.So, is it possible to share a file this way or is there another way to do this?I know I could create all the profiles on the FreeNAS box but for convenience and ease of maintenance I was hoping to do this via the Ubuntu server

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Client - Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Apr 15, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu sense about 6.10 and never had to network with a Windows computer before. I have a decent understanding of Linux itself but I am having issues with this samba client. I have a clean install of Ubuntu 9.10 and am trying to use samba to access my shares on a Windows XP(SP3) computer. I am on the network just fine, and all the computers on the network have static IP addresses. When I go to Places->Network->Windows Network I see the "TITANNET" workgroup, (Even before I changed my workgroup to "TITANNET" in the smb.conf file.), but when I try to access it I get this error:

Unable to mount location
Failed to retrieve share list from server.

P.S.[0] I tried using /etc/init.d/samba restart but it did not work, I am not sure I am even running the samba server. (Well, it is obvious I am not, what I really mean is what am I running to (not =D)access the shares on my Windows PC.)
P.S.[1] I know that this has probably been posted before. I have searched and searched, I am about 1.5 pots of coffee and 4 hours into this.

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Networking :: Unable To See Shares On Samba Server - No Authentication Access Desired (open Access)

Jun 12, 2009

I've been running a Samba server under RedHat 8 for five years without a hiccup. I want to cut over to a F10 box but cannot get shares accessible. smbclient attempts fail over NT password error. SELinux is disabled. Server is visible on the network. Users require no password access to shared data.

smb.conf follows:

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from UNKNOWN (>)
# Date: 2009/06/12 14:15:15


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Ubuntu :: Setup A SAMBA Network And Share To Windows 7 / OSX?

Feb 10, 2010

running a Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop in the living room with a LOT of files. I've tried all week to get this working, and can't tell where the problem is. I want to make a music share that will: Allow guests, but as read-only Allow me to mount in Windows 7 with the user 'thecheeks' Give user thecheeks read/write access to that share

I swear Samba ends up working but maybe the problem is with Windows 7. I looked at the SAMBAWiki Win 7 page and made sure my registry values were what they should have been (and they were).

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Fedora :: Setup Samba Share In Machine?

Jun 1, 2011

Come back to forum after long gap, after using Ubuntu for the last few years i finally move to fedora again with Fedora 15. I like this version of Fedora, it's clean & simple. But i'm having few problems as well. I want to share some folder of my fedora machine with a windows machine of my home, so that my younger brother can access those folders from his windows machine & copy files to his computer. for this i need to setup samba, i already install samba related packages. but can't start system-config-samba from Application Menu. When i go to start this, it asking for authentication & after giving password nothing happend at all! i try to start this from Command line with-


at present, i can browse shared folders from other machine of my home network, but my fedora machine is absent in list of machines, so my brother can't access shared folders of my machine. how can i setup samba share in my fedora machine? so that i can easily share folders with other machine just like ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Unable To Play Files On NAS Drive From Within Smplayer Over Samba Shares Or Ftp?

May 21, 2011

I have mentioned this in another thread elsewhere but perhaps this is a better location. In Opensuse 11.3 I was able to play files on my NAS drive from within smplayer over samba shares or ftp. I would simply use dolphin to browse to the file on the nas drive (either through samba or ftp protocol), double click the .avi file and it would load smplayer and begin playing immediately.

In 11.4 I have samba set up using the same smb.conf file However, if I double click the .avi file it copies the entire contents to the local computer before launching smplayer. If I use smplayer's file selector and navigate to the file on the samba share I get the message "you can only select local files" This is a different behaviour to that from 11.3 However, using the ftp protocol from within dolphin smplayer launches immediately and begins playing. smplayer is launched using the shortcut command

smplayer %U
Does anybody have any suggestions on a workaround or how to correct? Using kaffeine I have no problems. Double click the file on the nas drive and kaffeine launches immediately and begins playing.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba And External Drive - Unable To Mount Location - Failed To Mount Windows Share - Dialog Box

May 25, 2010

I have been trying to share folders from my main PC which is running Ubuntu 10.04. I have been able to figure out Samba enough to get my a couple of folders shared, but I have been unable to share any folders which are on my external harddrive. After entering the path in my smb.conf file they appear on the network but I am unable to navigate to them. When trying to navigate to them through the network folder on the pc they are actually connected to I get an "Unable to mount location: Failed to mount windows share" dialog box. On the windows pc I am trying to share with I get, "Windows cannot acces \Josh-Desktop
ame of folder"

My smb.conf file looks like this:

That folders I cannot access are Music and Videos.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Samba Share And Group Permissions?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a couple of user accounts where each member belongs to a group i have created: Each user access the share using their own user account credentials.
How can I configure Samba in a way so that each modification done on the share gets the owner of the user and my group instead of the user and the users own group? I would also like the access rights to be 770 to each modification.

In other words, today each modification by "userA" get the owner "userA.userA" and I would like it to be "userA.MyGroup" with "rwxrwx---" permissions.

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