Fedora Networking :: How To Monitor LAN Speed

Dec 31, 2009

I have a 4 port Speedtouch modem, with machines connecting via 100Mb cards and cables. Is there any way to watch the actual speed of packets being transferred across the LAN? I'm running KRDC, and according to the docs, it should seem like I'm sitting at the remote machine. But this is not the case. GUI apps on the remote machine take a few seconds to update the screen on my laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse X-speed On Dual Monitor?

Mar 6, 2010

I'm using two monitors, they're virtually placed next to each other so the virtual screen resolution is (1024+1280) x 800px. Now my mouse speed on the x-axis is automatically set higher, which is good if you permanently switch between both monitors all the time. But I don't need it, so how do I turn it off? It's kinda annoying if you're used to your "normal" mouse speed.Y-axis speed is still fine. also, is there a way do display the gnome-do dock on the right handed monitor? it places itself always on the left monitor....I'm using Mint 8 which is Ubuntu 9.10 with gnome 2.28.1

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Ubuntu :: Monitor Computer Temp / Fan Speed Through The Terminal?

Oct 14, 2010

monitor computer temp / fan speed? through the terminal, preferably.

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Ubuntu :: Monitor The Network Upload And Download Speed

Feb 7, 2011

When I'm using Ubuntu, I like to use the "system monitor" - specifically to monitor the network upload and download speed.

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Fedora Networking :: Is There Some Way To Speed Downloads?

Feb 15, 2009

I just switched from XUBUNTU to fedora 10 and have to say I will most likely change back. Unless someone can tell me how to speed up the internet connection in fedora. I have tried wireless and wired and it doesn't matter which I use the download rate is painfully slow. With wired I get a meg every minute. It really hurts to watch the monitor.Downloads for three seconds then takes a break for eight seconds then downloads for three more seconds and this goes on and on. I have a very fast connection and am used to getting amazing unbroken streams of data at no less than 1 meg every 2 seconds. I hope this is a rectifiable situation.

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Fedora Networking :: Internet Speed Very Slow When Connected To Vpn In Fedora 12?

Mar 1, 2010

I have the following nasty issue:I am using fedora 12 and I use vpn for working remote.When I browse the internet the speed is very slow!even when I do a yum update it downloads the packages with max 100kb. if I drop the vpn connection I download the packages with 1Mbdo you know what the problem could be? i created the vpn connection using the network manager...it is a regular pptp connection for the vpn!

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Transfer Speed

Jan 10, 2010

So what kind of speed are you getting with Samba over your local network? What speeds should I be seeing? I'm currently transferring a large amount of files from one computer to another. I'm taking everything off of a desktop drive on computer A and putting it on an IDE disk on computer B. Transfers are running at around 600-700 KB/Sec. I've seen moments, mostly when the transfer starts, where speeds were at 1000KB/Sec, but that lasts a very short while and then starts to "degrade" until it reaches 600+ KB/Sec. It then seems to level off there. Is this acceptable? Is this all I can expect to get out of a 10/100 home network? The current transfer is 2.5GB. Looks like it will take 1 hour+ to complete. Transferred 12GB last night. Was looking at 4-5 hours to complete so I left it running while I was sleeping. Personally, I think this is slow. I think it could be exponentially faster.

While I'm running these transfers I'm looking at some documentation on Samba speed tweaks. I've been adding little tidbits here and there to both smb.conf files. Some of it seems to help. Sometimes there is a noticeable difference in speed. Sometimes the changes actually cause degradation in speed. If you have a speed tweak that you would like to share the information will be gratefully accepted. Samba gurus welcome to reply. How do you set up Samba in an office environment? How do you set Samba up in an environment where performance is critical?

Maybe I should forget about Samba and try using a different transfer protocol? Am I expecting too much from Samba?I should stop before I really start to ramble. Anyhow, networking beats the heck out of the sneakernet, at any speed!As a side note, or maybe quite importantly, there is a router and a network switch (not a hub) involved here. Maybe something to consider?

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Ubuntu :: NVidia GeForce 8500 GT - Get A Speed Boost And For A Dual Monitor Setup?

Jan 12, 2011

I have the nVidia GeForce 8500 GT 512MB graphics card, I put it in my system to get a speed boost and for a dual monitor setup, I don't have the proprietary drivers installed I tried installing them, and when I did it asked for reboot, so I did, and when it came back up only one monitor was in use, and it was running very very sluggish, so I opened up the Monitors from the settings and it said to use nVidia's thing, so when I did, I enabled the second monitor, and hit apply, and it asked for a restart of Xorg, doing that came back telling me that no monitors were find, and a reboot brings me straight to tty1... I tried both the recent version and the older one, both did the same thing, I really wanna get my Compiz effects back. is there a way to get this working? I will do anything you ask if it solves the problem...

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Fedora Networking :: VERY Slow Speed - Intel 5300AGN - F12?

Feb 5, 2010

I am experiencing very slow speed with the Intel 5300AGN on a Dell Studio XPS notebook and the iwlagn driver. I'm using Fedora 12 with all the latest updates available. When connecting to a G network with WPA2 security, everything goes fine at "normal" speed. When connecting to a N network with WPA2 security, the download speed falls between 0 k/s and 20 k/s max. The connection speed (as stated by Network Manager and iwconfig) is between 0 kb/s (?) and 11 Mb/s during the same session. I'm can't connect through ssh or download with scp (stalled). Web pages take a lot of time to render.

When connecting to the same N network on Window 7, everything runs fine enough. Every N network I try is the same story. Works fine on windows, badly on F12..


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Fedora Networking :: Speed Internet Is Very Low Compared To Windows Xp ?

Sep 9, 2010

I am using linux fedora 13. Speed Internet is very low compared to Windows xp.I'm using ADSL. Especially when I'm using the FTP for download. my browser is firefox . my download manager is uget . I tested Almost all download manager . No difference.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Speed Depends On Installation?

Jul 27, 2011

probably this is the most idiotic question and probably i know the answer. But I want to get confirmed. Is it anyway possible that my mobile broadband speed is slow because of my installation is wrong? actually, I formatted my machine and make it dual-boot. After that my mobile-broadband speed is horrible slow. I installed (a)kmod-wl and as dependency, broadcom-wl but my lspci only shows intel network manager.

$ lspci|grep Network
17:03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Device 008a (rev 34)

can this be related or just coincidence?

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Fedora Networking :: F14 Samba Server With Slow Write Speed

Aug 4, 2011

I had a F14 samba server working flawlessly now for a quite time. Unexpectedly about a month ago the write speed slowed down around 64kbit/s and that's really slow. I haven't changed any configs, only updated the server. I've troubleshooted this from many angles:
-It is not a network issue because sftp writes are good.
-It is not a RAID1 issue because write speed from another directory (locally) are good.
So basically samba is the only thing left.

Here's example from smb.conf:
comment = My share
path = /mnt/RAID_share
writeable = yes
browseable = yes
writelist = +smbuser

Here's a snip from logs today:
[2011/08/04 09:04:27.509273, 1] smbd/server.c:267(remove_child_pid)
Scheduled cleanup of brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
[2011/08/04 09:04:47.526336, 1] smbd/server.c:240(cleanup_timeout_fn)
Cleaning up brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
[2011/08/04 09:17:57.634660, 1] smbd/server.c:267(remove_child_pid)
Scheduled cleanup of brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
[2011/08/04 09:18:17.635196, 1] smbd/server.c:240(cleanup_timeout_fn)
Cleaning up brl and lock database after unclean shutdown .....

There's a restart that is not software related.

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Fedora Networking :: Unknown Network Activity Kills Internet Speed

Jul 13, 2009

I upgraded from Fedora 10 to Fedora 11 last night in response to a pop up window. When I rebooted after the upgrade my wife immediately complained about the internet not working. Actually the connection up was working but Fedora 11 upgrade had made it slow almost to a stop There are two XP machines the network behind a local D-Link wireless router with Comcast high speed internet. When I disable networking on the Fedora machine the internet connection immediately returns to normal on the other two machines. Also there is a second or two period after enabling networking for a quick upload or download before the connection clogs.I checked the system monitor network history and found that there is a constant networking send rate of just under 180 kb/s in the background.This occurs even when the browser, email client, and automatic backup are off and the only process showing significant CPU use in the system monitor is the monitor itself.

I tried netstat but there were so many /tmp/orbit entries that I could not scroll up to the top of the listing. Is this normal. If so, does anyone know the netstat command options to just see connections with sent packets. I also tried ifconfig -a. This shows no Rx packets at all, and no TX packets except on eth0, The total etho TX packets matches t,he reported by the system monitor, and in the monitor you can watch the total accumulate in approx 180 kb/sec increments. I don't understand why 180kb/sec TX would make a dramatic difference in internet network internet speed. Comcast reports upload speeds in megabytes. I need to be able to use the net in Federa, but I am also curious to learn what is the caused the problem.

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Fedora Networking :: Cbq - Restrict Upload Speed From Ftp Server To Internet (eth1)

Dec 1, 2009

I have a Fedora 11 system and cbq.init-v0.7.3 in it. Now I want to restrict upload speed from my ftp server to Internet (eth1). According to docs I've made a simple file /etc/sysconfig/cbq/cbq- 00.inet_upload_restrict:


So as you can see I want to limit outbound traffic on eth1 from my ftp port 20 to any to the 800Kbit/s (100Kbyte/s). Now I do cbq start, it says: find: warning: you have specified the -maxdepth option after a non-option argument (, but options are not positional (-maxdepth affects tests specified before it as well as those specified after it). Please specify options before other arguments.

find: warning: you have specified the -maxdepth option after a non-option argument (, but options are not positional (-maxdepth affects tests specified before it as well as those specified after it). Please specify options before other arguments. but it starts and works. Now I check the speed and it is...

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Fedora Networking :: Improve Internet Speeds - ISP Limited Connection Speed

Jul 5, 2010

Is there a way by which i can improve my Internet speed. I have a 100Mbps connection but the download speed is only 100kbps. I know that my ISP has limited by connection speed, but i am curious to try as to how i can get the maximum speed.

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Fedora Networking :: Test Network Card Through Output And Speed Between Linux And Windows?

Jan 20, 2011

I need to test network card throughput and speed between two computers, one is running Fedora and other running Windows 7. Usually I would use netperf to perform this task, however I can't find Windows build of netperf. Can anyone recommend any network evaluation tool, similar to netperf (clien/server) which has both Windows and Linux versions.

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Fedora Networking :: Internet Traffic Monitor ?

Mar 9, 2009

Is there a nice easy to use tool that displays (in KB/s) the internet traffic from every IP on a network?

Currently I'm using iptraf, but it's very hard to understand at times.

A little info on my network:

I'm using SNAT for internet sharing.

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Fedora Networking :: Monitor My Monthly Bandwidth Usage?

Aug 18, 2009

I'm on Comcast (insert vomit sound here) and they have a 250GB monthly limit. I don't think I'm remotely close to this on a normal month and want to figure out if I could perhaps squeak by with the 5GB limit imposed by Verizon's 3G wireless broadband.

I'm ideally looking for a quick easy-to-use GUI application, rather than something that's done via the command line.

I thought perhaps I could look in my Account and find a nice "You've used X percent of 250 GB thus far" window. Then I called, but Comcast couldn't tell me. They just borked me off to some Windoze application 3rd party which I'm supposed to install.

I run Skype and occasionally download Fedora iso images and so on. Rarely am I doing more than surfing the web, chatting, and sending emails. I doubt I'm even close to 250GBs but I'm guessing that 5GB will end up being problematic.

Are there any programs that will keep track of how much bandwidth I'm using? It'd be great to have an application that runs there in the taskbar and just shows a graph of how much I've used thus far.

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Fedora Networking :: Monitor Broadband Internet Traffic Only ?

Aug 23, 2009

I have a 2 machine LAN with both machines having an ethernet card and a wireless card. There is a Netgear router, both eth and WiFi, allowing both machines to access the internet.

On my Linux machine I am looking for some software that allows me to keep track of my broadband usage on that machine, excluding traffic between the two machines.

There are numerous such programmes for this in XP, which use Winpcap and a GUI frontend. The "other" machine on my LAN is XP and uses just such a program.

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Fedora :: 11 With Monitor - System - Preferences - Display Shows Unknown Monitor

Oct 16, 2009

I am facing problem with the fresh installation of Fedora 11. (I have moved from Fedora 9). When I try to view videos on ..... or use the Cheese Webcam Booth, I get blurred lines on the screen and I am unable to see any video or pic.

Also I noticed that the when i go to System > Preferences>Display, it shows me UNKOWN MONIOR.

However, if I got to System>Administration>Display and enter the su password, it shows me correct monitor and the graphics driver.

I am not sure if my original is related to the Unknown Monitor.

I also tried to install Nvidia driver but it crashed the xserver and I had remove the driver.

My Monitor is LG 700E and Graphics card is from intel. as I am not able watch any video.

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Fedora :: External Monitor Won't Work - Both Monitor And Laptop Screen Black

Aug 7, 2011

I am having problems getting my external monitor to work. When I plug in the monitor, both the laptop screen and the external monitor go black. When I unplug the monitor, the laptop screen works again.
When I startup with the external monitor plugged in, neither screen works or teh computer hangs or something.

I have had the external monitor going on a couple of occasions. I did manage to configure my monitors through System Settings > Display. I turned off the laptop monitor as I just want to use the external. But after rebooting, things didn't work.

I have a Thinkpad E420, Fedora 15

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Fedora :: Set Totem Player To Open In External Monitor And Not In Built-in Monitor

Aug 11, 2011

I have an external monitor connected to my laptop (extended display). I always drag the Totem player from the laptop screen to external monitor to watch video files. I wonder, if the Totem player can be set to open in the external monitor automatically, everytime I open it?

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Fedora Hardware :: External Monitor Not Detected - Dell Laptop - Monitor

Aug 17, 2011

My software and hardware information are as follows. I have Fedora 12 and KDE 4.4.5 installed on a Dell Vostro 1500 laptop. I believe it's a 64 bit processor; it's an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU. The external monitor is a Dell as well.

My problem is that my system does not seem to be detecting an external monitor that I have connected. Everything else is working just fine; however, I would like to have the option of attaching an external monitor. When I plug the external monitor into the laptop, the external monitor remains black and appears to be in power save mode. The results of xrandr -q (with or without the external monitor attached: it doesn't appear to change) are as follows.


How can I get my laptop to recognize that the external monitor is even connected? Let me know if I can be more specific or provide additional details.

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Fedora :: F14 Dual Monitor - Firefox Starts On Wrong Monitor

Jan 27, 2011

I just upgrade to F14 from F10 on a dual montor setup. Firefox behaives differently on F14 than on F10.
On F10 it followed the mouse pointer's location and show up on the correct monitor

When maximized at close, it is always displayed on the left monitor. When not maximized at close it will open on the monitor where the mouse pointer is located.

About minimize/maximize Firefoxe before closing and it seems to work in some case, but not for me.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Trying To Playback At Double Speed - VLC Will Play The Video At Normal Speed But With No Audio

Jul 23, 2011

Ubuntu 64bit. The sound system works and plays noises correctly when I test the speakers in sound preferances. The internet BBCi player(Radio) plays sound correctly. Banshee & Rhythmbox try to play music files at double, or more, speed with no sound output. Spotify Linux version also tries to playback at double speed with no sound output. Media Player attempts to play music files at high speed. Media player plays the Video and audio tracks at high speed. VLC Will play the video at normal speed but with no audio.

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Ubuntu :: Cd Burner Goes To 16 Speed Burning And Up: Cannot Burn At 4 Speed

Dec 20, 2010

i both have the same problem, i'm trying to burn my images at 4 or 8 speed, but ubuntu 10.04 says that the hardware does not support that kind of speed and switch up to 16 speed and more. i know it can burn at low speeds, at least in windows, it is a bit strange that fast burning is okee, and slow not, what can i do to prevent this? i don't wanna burn to much errors on my discs

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Networking :: What's Speed Of Different Browsers

Jul 7, 2010

With me, chrome and chromium tend to finish loading/rendering (whatever numion.com/stopwatch measures) the pages usually in less than 5 seconds. All the other browsers, in contrast, will take usually at least twice that time, and it's not uncommon to take up to 30 seconds for something that chrome/chromium didn't take 10 seconds. (My connection speed is ~4 MB/s)By "all other browsers" I mean mainly opera and iceweasel (I assume that other gecko-based browsers like iceape and kazehakase would fare similarly), because konqueror, arora, midori, and netsurf will do even worse. I didn't test text browsers.Is that the usual pattern for everyone, or I must have something wrong on my setup?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Download Speed Up And Down?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a 18Mg download speed internet connection and surfing the web is supper fast, streaming video is decent, etc. when I go to download a file 100 mg or so really anything my download speed will clime to about 1.3mg and then start dropping and level off at about 32 kb or lower. if I pause and restart the download it will jump back up again for a while and then come back down. if i constantly pause and restart the file will download in roughly the same amount of time as if the connection was working properly.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting ASUS USB N-13 Up To Speed?

Dec 26, 2010

I have hesitated posting this because there are a number of threads on the Asus USB N-13.First let me point out that I am using this device.It worked out of the box in Ubuntu 10.10 after several reinstalls using the native Ubuntu driver.However my speed is stuck at 54Mb/s.When tested on a Win7 machine, the connection speed is much closer to 300Mb/s.In wading through the other threads, I am unable to find anyone who has this adaptor running at N speed in Ubuntu 10.10.I have downloaded the latest ASUS driver for LInux but have not installed it as my previous attempts at doing this failed miserably and each time necessitating an OS reinstall.I am an experienced Windows user but a rank newbie when it comes to Ubuntu. The following is the result of iwconfig:chad@linuxbox:~$ iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.

eth0 no wireless extensions.

wlan0 Ralink STA ESSID:"midgard" Nickname:"RT2870STA"[code]....

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Ubuntu Networking :: Low Internet Speed?

Jan 28, 2011

dualboot win7 and ubuntu 10.10 x64.All was fine. Suddenly I noticed that download speed on ubuntu is 100-500Kb/s, while it has to be 100Mbps. Same resources download 9Mb/s on dualboot win, so it is not hardware/isp problem. This problem occurs when connecting by eth cable. The connection is over ppp0 vpn tunnel.The ping is very slow - around 300ms even to my ISP.The only soft I was installing recently is tor/vidalia/privoxy,but I removed them all.I also noticed that avahi-daemon is running, can it be causing the delays?

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