Fedora Networking :: Add B43 To Startup?

May 27, 2009

I'm getting sick of typing modprobe b43 every time I restart the machine. In the network manager, I've check the box to have wlan0 start on boot up, but it doesn't. How does one either add wlan0 to startup (a different way???) or have modprobe b43 run on startup?

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Fedora Networking :: No Network Connection On Startup?

May 11, 2009

Suddenly, for no reason apparent to me, on initial logon I don' t have an eth0 connection. I click on the Network Manager icon in the tray, and connect that way. But it would be nice if it connected automagically. How do I fix network to connect on 1st logon?

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Fedora Networking :: Send Out Ip Address At Startup?

Aug 8, 2011

I need to send out ip address every time a machine is booted. So I have a script getting ip address through ifconfig command, parse the result (I do this with python since I'm not familiar with shell) and send out an email. I tried run it after login, and it worked. But it doesn't work if I don't login, but just call it from rc.local.

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Fedora Networking :: Rt2870/WUSB600N Not Running On Startup?

Oct 4, 2009

my wireless adapter(WUSB600N) doesn't run when I log in. The driver is loaded on start-up but the green light is not on the adapter. I have to physically disconnect the adapter and plug it back in to get it recognised and it works fine afterwards

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Fedora Networking :: Mounting Remote Drive On Startup

Nov 16, 2010

I want to mount a remote drive on bootup. I'm using FC14 and remote machine is FreeBSD. I've written a shell script to mount it. The script contains only one line:
mount /media/mc33

I've to run this script from superuser mode to mount the file system(it works). So to mount it at bootup, I added the shell script to my PATH (/home/me/bin) and added it to Menu->System->Preferences->Startup Applications. Well this doesn't work because the root privileges are not present. I tried fixing it by giving root privileges to my shell script
#chmod +s mount-mc33
but it made no difference.

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Fedora Networking :: Windows CIFS Shares At Startup

Jun 3, 2011

After booting, the sda5 and sda8 mounts work fine, but the Windows shares haven't been mounted. If I enter the command: mount -a everything works fine. I don't know if this a timing issue, or something to do with the new systemd stuff, but it has happened in previous Fedora releases from time to time.

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Fedora Networking :: Nmbd Doesn't Want To Start At System Startup

Jan 25, 2010

I It does not start when the system boots. The smbd daemon is present and there are no suspicious messages in the system log, dmesg or the samba logs. The nmb service *is* enabled at all of the relevant run levels and does start if I issue the command "service nmb start" as root after I log in. This particular box's networking is 802.11n via a usb port and is under the control of the network manager. I have another fedora 12 box with an internal intel 5100 802.11n card and it does not have this problem.

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Fedora Networking :: Setup Pppd On Startup With Init.d Script For Vpn?

Apr 3, 2011

I can connect to Strongvpn (pptp) through command line call 'sudo pppd call stongvpn' followed by' route add default dev ppp0'. Everything works well.I would like to set this up on start up. I use kde. I have set up basic /etc/init.d/strongvpn script which gets called at boot and creates ppp0 but the route command does not seem to work. When I use command route add in terminal the connection comes up.Here's my /etc/init.d script

# chkconfig: 345 85 15
pppd call strongvpn


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Fedora Networking :: Auto-mount With Samba - Isn't Working During Startup ?

Jul 24, 2011

I have edited my /etc/fstab file in order to have it automatically mount a windows network share at startup.

The problem is, that it isn't really working during startup. After I log in, in order to make it mount I have to open the terminal and enter "mount -a".

The following is my fstab file:


I suspect this has something to do with my laptop not having made a network connection when the entries are mounted, but I'm not sure. How would I go about finding out about any errors?

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Fedora Networking :: Wireless Adapter Not Working At Startup - Works Fine After Opening Settings

Oct 1, 2009

This is my startup routine:

I log on and Network Manager shows no wireless adapter.

I go to System > Administration > Network:

There are two entries in the Devices tab: Wireless and Ethernet

As soon as I double click the Wireless device and the configuration pops up, the device starts working (no changes to the settings are made)

I have the following set to ON:
- Controlled by Network Manager
- Activate device when computer starts
- Allow all users to enable and disable this device

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Ubuntu Networking :: Startup Networking Automatically Using /etc/network/interfaces

Jul 2, 2010

I'm on an embedded system that doesn't have Gnome, and I'm trying to startup networking automatically using /etc/network/interfaces. Here's what I have.


eth0 comes up just fine. wlan0 comes up, but it's unable to acquire a DHCP address. I added the following lines to /etc/rc.local, and wlan0 comes up all the way, but I'm not too crazy about this hack.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Networking Disabled At Startup

Oct 24, 2010

for some reason, since i switched to a static ip configuration my wired nic is disabled at startup. in order for it to work i have to manually start it with ifup. i am not using a network manager of any kind.


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Ubuntu Networking :: SSH Tunnels On Startup?

Jan 6, 2010

I have multiple ssh tunnels that I need to run on startup. Does anyone know a working way to do that? I have tried creating a script and putting it in all sorts of directories (/etc/init.d/, /etc/, /etc/network/if-up.d/). I have also tried appending the commands to /etc/rc.local but nothing works. The script is actually executed in all these places because I tried putting a simple mv command in there and that was executed but these ssh tunnels won't be constructed. My script looks something like this:

#! /bin/sh
xterm -e ssh ....... &
xterm -e ssh ....... &
xterm -e ssh ....... &

I also have another program that I would like to run along with the ssh tunnels. The program needs to be run as root, but that won't work either.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ndiswrapper On Startup (8.04)?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm currently using Ndiswrapper for my wireless usb card that uses the RTL8187B Chipset on Ubuntu 8.04. To get myself to connect I have to run "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" everytime. Is there a way I can connect automatically?

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Fedora Servers :: Change RAID On Fedora Startup?

Feb 2, 2009

Im having a hard time trying to change my raid configuration. Here is my situation:

A have two HDs that I configured in instalation time to work as raid squid proxy-cache. they are both 40GB. 40+40=80GB. So, I want to change it to two of 160GB. 160+160=320GB.

I have:

im adding / want:

I want to remove the two 40GB and use only the two 160GB for my proxy. The thing is that when I remove the two 40GB, the system crashes at startup telling me that the raid cant be done then file system check fales too. Im wondering if there is a file a have to edit to change to point it to /dev/sda1 intead of /dev/sdc1 for example, so my system would start up looking for sda1(160GB) and sdb1(160GB) intead of sdc1(40GB) and sdd1(40GB).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection On Startup?

Jan 25, 2010

I've got my wireless card working fine, the only thing is that I have to enter the following EVERY time I log in:

sudo iwconfig ra0 essid MYID

What can I do to bypass this step?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Loopback Interface Not On Startup?

Apr 20, 2010

I own an Ubuntu Server 9.04 on a remote dedicated server. Since a few days (?) the loopback interface is not 'up' on reboot : I only have eth0 (which works fine).Here is my /etc/networking/interfaces (did not change since server initialization):

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Disabled At Startup 10.04 64-bit?

May 2, 2010

I have a Thinkpad x61 with intel wireless chipset. At startup, wireless is always disabled, and bluetooth is always enabled. Function+F5 has no effect. Can you tell me how to enable automatic wireless connection at startup?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Automatic Startup Of Samba?

May 19, 2010

I like the faster boot of 10.04, but how do I get smbd to start automatically on a boot up?

Every thing is fine if I sudo service smbd start but I don't see where I'm supposed to have it run automatically on a reboot.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To Network At Startup?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a wireless network adapter that I finally got working with Ubuntu 10.04, but now I have a question. Is it possible for the network adapter to connect to my network at startup, rather than waiting for NetworkManager to do it?I was able to do this in 9.04, but since Ubuntu started using upstart.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Trouble Mounting NAS On Startup

Aug 22, 2010

I am having difficulties to mount my NAS (zyxel nsa210) on startup. After some online research, i stumbled upon the "solution".I was advised to write an entry into the fstab-file and that's what i did.And this actually worked like a charm and i was then able to find NAS in "Places". (Not on my desktop since i disabled it). BUT this works not after booting up...meaning there is nothing like NAS in "Places" and i have to mount it manually by using the "sudo mount -a"-command...there is nothing automatic about this solution...So now my question for everyone capable of answering me: "Where did i go wrong? i have installed smbfs and the folder where the NAS should be mounted in actually exists, so the usual suspects should be ruled out i guess

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Ubuntu Networking :: Enable Wireless On Startup?

Oct 8, 2010

I have been having some problems with my wireless connection. I am having to start my computer 2 times in order for my wireless connection to work. The first time I start up, even after I enable wireless it wont connect. If I reboot immediately and enable wireless it will then connect. I would like to be able to fix this problem since it has become really annoying to me to have to boot my computer 2 times every time I turn it on. BTW Network manager shows auto-connect, however it also shows i month ago as to the last time the connections were used.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Freeze-ups At Startup And Shutdown?

Nov 12, 2010

Running Lucid 10.04 in place of XP on my old Packard Bell Imedia has been good apart from the random freeze-ups that often prevent booting or stall the shutdown process. Today I think I solved it!? It appears that my wireless PCI adapter (ZyXel G-302 v3) was causing the problem. Ubuntu had installed a default driver which seemed to work OK; but I thought I'd try installing the Windows XP driver from my original ZyXel install disk as an experiment. I used ndiswrapper, got the XP driver installed and my freeze-ups have gone (touch wood).

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Ubuntu Networking :: KVPNC Crashes On Startup Under 10.10?

Nov 17, 2010

Title really says all, I installed KVPNC in Ubuntu 10.10 but I can't use it. It keeps crashing on startup. Who can help me out with this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Interface Doesn't Come-up On Startup

Nov 27, 2010

I have a server with 3 interfaces. Only one of them comes up after boot tho (the one with the cable plugged in). When I start dhclient the others show up in ifconfig... Could it be just cause there is no cable plugged in them? Or then how do i bring them up automatically without having to issue dhclient myself after boot?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To Wireless At Startup?

Dec 5, 2010

every time i log in to ubuntu, i run this line to get the drivers working or something (not sure what it does, it just works):

sudo modprobe -a wl

where can i put this line so it automatically happens, rather than always having to run it manually @ the terminal?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Automount SSH Server On Startup

Mar 17, 2011

I wonder how to set my computer to connect to a server on start up. I hate to reload my pictures in shotwell every start up. I can connect through ssh connection, but I want it done automatically on start up. I'm not an expert, so break it barny style, or link me to a guide that I haven't found yet. Ubuntu 10.10 64Bit

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Networking :: F14 NetworkManager To Autoconnect OpenVPN At Startup?

Jul 5, 2011

I have a Fedora 14 machine, and I have an OpenVPN CentOS 5.5 server installed and running without issues.I've setup the Fedora machine to connect as a client to the server, and all goes pretty well using NetworkManager.What I'm not able to do is getting NetworkManager to autoconnect to the server upon user login. I have the "Auto Connect" marked, but nothing happens at boot/login.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Network Doesn't Run At Startup?

Mar 31, 2011

I have to type /etc/init.d/network start everytime after log in.I search little over internet and found out some command to fix it so i tried it but i got error response.Here is what i typed and what i got response.[root@winn ~]# system-config-netbootbash: system-config-netboot: comman not foundI also tried to find setting but i could not under Applications > System Settings > Server Settings > Network Booting Service.Also my ifcfg-eth0 files is below:

# Intel Corporation 82566DM-2 Gigabit Network Connection


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Ubuntu Networking :: Always Give Permission To NetworkManager On Startup?

Feb 7, 2010

When I start a Kubuntu session, KNetworkManager requires that I type my password to the Wallet before it has permission to connect to the internet. How can I automatically give it permission without entering my password every time?

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