Fedora Installation :: Integrate Into Existing Menu?

Feb 13, 2009

I installed Fedora and my existing boot up menu (Ubuntu & XP) disappeared leaving only Fedora. Using my Super Grub cd (boot trouble shooting cd) I recovered my previous boot system but it left me without the Fedora option. My question is, how can I integrate Fedora into my existing menu?

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Fedora Installation :: Integrate 11 Into Server 2008 ADS?

Oct 21, 2009

I tried to use these guides [URL] to setup F11 into Server 2008 ADS, but it did not work.

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Debian Programming :: Add Entries To Existing Menu

Jan 12, 2014

What I would like to do is, with a right click, have the menu give me the option to run srm, which is a "secure remove" program. I picked this one as it requires not only a file name, but some other options. I've run into no support adding things to menus. When I updated one of the Debian versions, I lost the shutdown option from the name menu that used to be there. It was suggested that I right click and pick that option to restore it, but I get the same as the left button on that menu.

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Fedora Installation :: Install DVD Version Over Existing Installation?

Jul 14, 2011

What happens if I install the DVD version of Fedora 15 over an existing installation of Fedora 15-KDE? Will it cleanly add any software I don't already have, or will it change or disrupt my installation?

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Ubuntu :: Edit Existing Right Click Menu With Nautilus Actions

Feb 26, 2011

I installed nautilus-actions in order to edit the right-click menu when I click on pictures. All tutorials I read deal with adding custom entries to the right-click menu. But what I want to do, is to edit the present nautilus right click menu. In particular, I have installed nautilus-batch-rename, which comes in english. I want to translate the right-click entry "Rename files..." to German, since my system language is German, too. I already managed to translate the batch-rename pop-up program entries after clicking "rename files..." by editing nautilus-batch-rename.glade but I would love to translate "rename files..." as well.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Remove Existing Lvm Without Reinitializing Hdd?

Nov 22, 2009

I have a dual-boot system with XP and Fedora. I had to reinstall XP a while ago. After XP reinstallation, to regain access to Fedora, I ran Fedora installation DVD. It told me that the hdd had a "loop file system" and that I had to reinitialize it. I chose "ignore", "upgrade" and then "Create new boot loader configuration". Everything works fine now, but when I tried to install F11 from a live cd I discovered that I couldn't. It can't edit the lvm part (nor delete it). The only things possible are to reintall F10 with the DVD that created the lvm in the first place or install F11 using preupgrade (the lvm remains ext3 so preupgrade can't edit it either).

My question is: how can I get rid of the lvm part without reinitializing the hdd (I don't want to lose the data on the other partitions). I want to reinstall Fedora but without lvm.I heard something about "fdisk" and "lvremove", but I have no idea how to use these, so I would like a detailed solution (something close to a tutorial).

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Debian :: Formulate A Rule In The DSL-grub, To Make Boot From The Existing Menu?

Mar 14, 2011

I have an old version of DSL installed, followed by XP. On a further partition I installed Debian 6. Installation of Debian went smoothly, including the final detection of the other two OS for Grub. I had expected that the Debian-version of Grub would override/overwrite the one that came when I installed DSL.
It did not - when I boot, Grub comes up with the old DSL menu, in which Debian is not included.

From what I've been reading about Grub, there's two "fases", first in MBR, that points to the second part where the actual boot-commands are given, in my case stored in DSL.
When I open the Grub config-file in Debian, both DSL and XP are correctly listed.

Now I'm not sure what to do - I'm a bit hesitant to try and point grub-fase-1 to Debian (if I can write the correct lines at all, I'm very insecure on that) - if that fails, I cannot boot at all. But I'm not really sure either how to formulate a new rule in the DSL-grub, to make Debian boot from the existing menu.

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Fedora Installation :: Possible To Convert Existing Filesystem To New Ext4

Jun 3, 2009

will it be possible to convert existing filesystem to new ext4 while upgrading from Fedora 10?

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Fedora Installation :: Installing Another Version Of 12 Along Side Existing

Apr 20, 2010

I have fedora 12 currently installed on my laptop, but would like to install another version along side it. How do I do this? Will it detect the second version automatically and add a grub entry? Or do I need to do something else. Also, what partitions need formatting, do any new one except '/' need creating?

Current layout>
/dev/sda1 ext4 /boot 200 MB
/dev/sda2 ext4 20 GB <--- I want to install new version here.
/dev/sda3 ext4 / 20 GB
/dev/sda4 extended 425 GB
/dev/sda5 ext4 /media/Media 425 GB

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Fedora :: RFRemix 11 Fails To Upgrade Existing Installation

Sep 2, 2009

I downloaded the Fedora respin DVD from [URL]. I burned the image and tried to upgrade my existing RussianFedora 10 distro. However, even after the successful completion of upgrade process, I boot into the same old RussianFedora 10. I would, also, like to mention that the upgrade process seemed to be unusually fast, it took only 15 mins for the complete process!

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Fedora :: Integrate A Kde Application In Gnome?

Nov 20, 2009

how can I integrate a kde application in gnome? I mean like this[URL]...

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Fedora Installation :: Generate A Kickstart File From An Existing Setup ?

Jan 4, 2009

I have recently been given the task of setting up some thirty odd netbooks with F10 and i was wondering if there is a way to generate a kickstart file from the first netbook (my one lol ) that i have setup to our needs so as to use it to create the same install on the rest of the netbooks. i had thought that i could use the anaconda-ks.cfg file in root's home dir but it is not at all representative of the custom package list i chose during the install.

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Fedora Installation :: Possible To Make Updated Installer DVD From Existing System?

Feb 19, 2009

I have recently installed Fedora 10 in my x86_64 system and fully updated. The updation size was nearly 650MB. My question is can I make a an updated installer DVD from my existing fedora system?

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Fedora Installation :: F12 (Install Or Upgrade Existing System) Sony Vaio

Jun 22, 2010

I've had such good luck with Fedora (and this Forum), I'm attempting to put F12 on wife's brand new Sony Vaio, a VPCEB11FM, a 64bit system. I downloaded the Fedora-12-x86_64-netinst.iso, made sure it was ok with sha256.exe, then burned the image to DVD. Booted it up and let it default to "install or upgrade an existing system". It dead-ended in a dark blue or black screen. I re-started and examined the other options. Thought I'd try the one that says: "Install system with basic video driver". Got all the way through to where it got ready to start downloading files. Can't get past that point because it attempts to get to the Internet using the Sony's wireless card! Why would it try the wireless when there's a wired NIC card in this PC that requires no special driver etc. How to proceed from here?

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Fedora Installation :: Huge Upgrade - Maintain Existing Partitions / Settings?

Aug 30, 2010

I've been running Fedora Core 3 on a P4 450 as a personal Samba server and domain controller. It's worked so well that I never gave any thought to upgrading. The other night, I noticed that Up To Date wasn't working, and that Firefox was acting strangely. I made the FC 13 installation disks, whereupon I found out that the system didn't have enough memory.

Rather than mess with the P3 450 any more, instead I swapped main boards and decided to do an upgrade. it even possible to do an "upgrade" from 3 to 13? Is it possible to maintain my existing partitions/settings. I've backed up everything that I'd be too unhappy to lose. It's a two drive system and the second is nothing but data, none of it catastrophic to lose, but at least disappointing. I'd like to keep the data and settings on the primary disk, but won't cry if I can't.

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Debian Installation :: Integrate Wireless Adapter Drivers To Install Media?

May 13, 2010

I downloaded from the following link: [url]... etinst.iso and i have a working flash drive Debian installer. I would like to be able to integrate driver support for my wireless adapter or my gprs phone for internet access during install so that I wont have to be connected via ethernet.

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Fedora Installation :: 14 - Install Program Make An Addition To The Existing GRUB Configuration?

Mar 7, 2011

I've just got another sata HDD and thought lets put in a nice install of Fedora 14 having tried out the live CD over the weekend. Right my system is configured thus


will Fedora 14's install program make an addition to the existing GRUB configuration or will it do something different Yes I have searched.... and looked at the installation documents....

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Fedora Installation :: Replace Existing 32 Bit Wrapper Based Flash On 64bit Browser To 64 Bit Flash

Sep 23, 2010

Did anybody tried installing the latest adobe flash named Square for amd64 systems? I was interested in knowing whether there is any improvement in the performance. I also want to know how to replace my existing 32 bit wrapper based flash on 64 bit browser and install this 64 bit flash.

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Fedora Installation :: "replace Existing Using System"

Sep 16, 2009

I had some problems with ububtu because it doesn't work very well with Intel cards. Anyway I've downloaded Fedora 11 and Now i am using it without installation. I'd like to install it over ubuntu I have to choose this option right ? "replace existing using system"?

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Server :: Add Existing Unix User To Existing LDAP?

Jun 23, 2010

I have an existing unix user that some how didnt make it into the copy over to our LDAP server. How do I add an existing unix user to an existing LDAP directory? Will ldapadd work? I was under the impression ldapadd required an ldif file to work properly.

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Fedora Installation :: Installation Success But No Boot Nor Grub Menu

Mar 18, 2011

I installed F14 from my usb according to the wiki page using unetbootin. The usb boots perfectly and i get a working F14 system. I partitioned my HD with gparted and got a /,/home and swap partition, then used the installer to install the system using them. The installer finishes without a problem and ask me to reboot. When I reboot , there is a blank black screen. No grub menu , no fedora loading. I reboot with the usb and the partitions are full with the files from F14 , there is no xorg.log in the /var/log/ so f14 doesn't even start so the problem seems to be with grub.

I check the grub.conf in /boot/ , i set the timeout to 5 secs , i check that the kernel is using nomodeset (according to this wiki page there is a problem with ati), xorg.conf is using vesa as a driver and I reinstall grub with grub-install with no problems.My notebook is a acer aspire 5552 , i don't think is a hardware problem because I've used arch and opensuse with no problems in it. Fedora seems a nice distro , but this error is preventing me from using it.

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Fedora Installation :: FC 15 No Menu Bar

Jun 12, 2011

Fresh install of FC 15 with KDE, Gnome, XFCE. No matter which desktop manager is selected via switchdesk after logging in there is no menu bar at the top or bottom of the screen, only the blue graphic screen. If I try the live cd (lxde, xfce) I do get a menu bar but don't get the Install to Hard Drive icon which I do get on a different system. Totally puzzled. Maybe screen resolution? But system-config-display is not an option. Alt-F2 executes, and switching to the terminal (ALT F8) provides a text login screen fine, so I have command line access.

First observed with an upgrade from FC 14 to 15, so I tried a fresh install.Intel dual core 2.4 with 4gb ram. Lots of googles to previous versions, don't seem applicable.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create An Installable Image From Existing Installation ?

Nov 17, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop and configured a lot(mainly setup git, heroku, rails etc), installed and setup lot of things on it to suit my needs. Now I want to move this setup to another machine and want to avoid all the setup again. Is there a way I can create an installer out of my existing ubuntu installation/partition which I can reuse for other machines?

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Software :: Jolicloud Installation Seems To Have Wiped Out Existing Ubuntu Installation?

Dec 10, 2009

I have an old Dell Latitude D600 running Windows XP Pro. A couple of days ago, I installed Ubuntu on it using the Windows installer, so that I could choose between Ubuntu and XP at boot time. That's been working great.Today, I read about Jolicloud and decided to try it. I assumed (bad move!) that it would add itself to my list of choices at boot time, so that I could choose between Ubuntu, XP, and Jolicloud.Well, instead, I can now choose between Jolicloud and XP. Ubuntu has vanished from the boot menu.Is my Ubuntu installation gone? Or is simply a GRUB issue? Or an MBR issue? Is there any way for me to get back to my Ubuntu installation??? I had important work on there that I would like to recover!

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Fedora Installation :: 10 - Boot / Menu's Not Working

Mar 18, 2009

I've burnt the fedora 10 Installable Live CD on to a DVD, the initial boot/menu's works fine but after the progress bar loads the display on the next screen loaded is all out of wack bad resolution etc, I can see a mouse cursor.

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Fedora Installation :: Getting Copy Of /grub/menu.lst?

Jun 13, 2009

The installation of Fedora 11 on my hard disk went smoothly Next I wanted to use the method posted by terry60 on 2/19/2009 to boot multiple operating systems. However, I am getting hung up on getting a copy of /grub/menu.lstcopy of menu.lst is needed for use with EasyBCDIf I try to list the contents of menu.lst the Live CD operating system says permission denied and I need to be root Hence how can I get a copy of menu.lst when the Live CD operating system blocks my access.

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Fedora Installation :: No Options At Grub Menu?

Mar 31, 2010

i am running windows and fedora 12..both are working smooth...today when i switch on the laptop in morning i discovered that it automatically start windows..when again i restart it..it does not give any option to me for selecting which OS to run..i have seen grub.conf file it is right...i have done nothing...windows is booting smoothly..how can i boot to fedora 12 without reinstalling.

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Fedora Installation :: No Menu After Logging In, Just Wallpaper

Apr 14, 2010

I recently installed fedora 12. After installing I added software using the software manager.

Since shutting down when I log in I don't get any menu. It just shows the wall paper. I then tried to log in under other and for the username I put root but it wouldn't recognize the password.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Has No Menu.lst - ESC To Grub Menu / Solve This?

Feb 15, 2010

9.10 has no menu.lst file and hitting ESC to does not bring up the grub menu. How can we set bootup options or boot an alternate kernel? I would really like to set the resolution at boot time so that my console (Ctrl-Alt-F5, for example) has 80 columns instead of 40. (What a stupid default, gigantic Commodore-64-like text!) It would also be nice if the Login screen could be set to the resolution that I want.

In previous releases, there were ways to do this. In 9.10, I haven't been able to figure out how.

Is there a document explaining all of the radical changes?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Has No Menu.lst - ESC To Grub Menu / Sort It?

Apr 22, 2011

9.10 has no menu.lst file and hitting ESC to does not bring up the grub menu. How can we set bootup options or boot an alternate kernel? I would really like to set the resolution at boot time so that my console (Ctrl-Alt-F5, for example) has 80 columns instead of 40. (What a stupid default, gigantic Commodore-64-like text!) It would also be nice if the Login screen could be set to the resolution that I want. In previous releases, there were ways to do this. In 9.10, I haven't been able to figure out how.

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