Fedora Installation :: How To Install With Windows Xp

Aug 31, 2011

i have windows XP SP3,i want to install Fedora with dual boot,i have 3 partition where XP is on

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Fedora Installation :: Install The Original Version Of Fedora 15 And Make It Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Aug 17, 2011

So I want to install the original version of Fedora 15 and make it dual boot with my Windows 7. Problem here is that I don't have a cd/rom. and the iso file didn't have a .exe thingy.....

so now what? Also this is my partitions> http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/9853/unledtlh.jpg

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Fedora Installation :: Windows 7 Beta Won't Boot After Fedora 10 Install

Jan 31, 2009

Originally I had Ubuntu running on my machine. I installed windows beta 7 with a working dual boot. Get everything working in grub again. I decided to give Fedora a try and wiped my Ubuntu partition and installed Fedora. Everythings all good...except the reconfiguration of grub has left out my Windows 7 partition (nothing out of the norm) I tried manually adding windows 7 to /boot/grub/menu.lst but it's not working, when I try to boot into Windows 7 i get a little flashing "_" for a really long time and nothing happens.

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Fedora Installation :: Windows 7 And Will Now Have 12 On PC Again But Cannot Get It Install?

Feb 19, 2010

I've tried Windows 7 and will now have fedora 12 on my PC again but can not get it install.PC is just and running and nothing happens.

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Fedora Installation :: Install F12 On Windows Partition And Keep F10?

Jan 16, 2010

I got an acer aspire 4310 with vista pre installed.
I installed fedora 10 on the D:/ drive by setting the D:// drive as free space within vista and then installed fedora 10. So now I have dual boot vista and fedora using grub.

How can I delete vista and install Fedora 12 on that C:// partition and be able to keep and boot my fedora 10.

Has anyone here done this before?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Install F12 On VPC2007sp1 On Windows 7

Apr 19, 2010

I've downloaded Fedora 12 live image and I've been attempting to install it using vpc2007sp1. It starts with this boot screen count down and begins to reboot. I receive an error"An Unrecoverable Process Error Has Been Encountered, Virtual Machine will restart now"I've done some research an was advised to add various lines to the boot processes.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Install Of 13 And Windows 7

Sep 25, 2010

I have a laptop with Windows 7 and would like to have a dual install with Fedora. I defragged and shrank the C: drive and then booted from my Fedora CD. When it came time to choose a partition, I tried to use the custom option and set them up in the unallocated space, but I get the message "could not allocate requested partitions not enough free space on disks." I went back and chose the "Use Free Space" option, but got the same error.

I have: SYSTEM NTFS, (Primary Partition) 199 MB Capacity, 167 MB Free C: NTFS, (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition) 239.52 GB Capacity, 95.92 GB Free 207.43 GB Unallocated Recovery D: NTFS, (Primary Partition) 18.51 GB Capacity, 2.68 GB Free HP_TOOLS E: FAT32 (Primary Partition) 99MB Capacity, 93MB Free

Do I need to partition them before I begin installing? Is the problem that I have too many primary drives?

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Fedora Installation :: How To Install 10 From A Windows Share Drive

Feb 25, 2009

What is the procedure for installing Core 10 from the DVD img located on a Windows shared drive?

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Fedora Installation :: Install Via Ethernet - Windows Vista

Apr 14, 2009

I have a laptop on which I would like to install Fedora 10. As the laptop has a broken CD drive I'm looking for a way to install it somehow else.

As I have a second PC with Windows Vista and a VMWare installed, I was thinking if that could help me in any way?

Is there a way how I can transfere Vista Business into a server and my Laptop can install it from there?

Also I could manage to get the ISO on the Laptops HDD (which is currently Windows XP), but haven't found a way how I can install it as I mounted the ISO to a CD drive, can access the files but windows xp wont let me install it from there.

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Fedora Installation :: Re-install Windows And Leave Intact

Oct 5, 2009

I would like to ask those with more experiences when re-installing M$ Vista crap.I do not want to reinstall my working Fedora 11. Do I have to backup my linux partitions? How do I resurrect my linux bootloader then? With safe mode with Fedora DVD, right? Are there any differences between Windows 7 dual boot with Fedora 11?

I have these partitions:


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Fedora Installation :: Reinstalling Grub After Windows Install

Apr 12, 2011

Currently I installed Windows Starter, then installed Fedora 15 Alpha from the 'Fedora 15 LiveCD'.Now, I have reinstalled Windows Starter and now my grub loader has been removed.How can I get the grub loader back, with just the LiveCD?Is it possible to do this without the LiveCD?

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Fedora Installation :: 15 Does Not Boot After Install Goes Straight To Windows

May 27, 2011

I have a multi-drive system:

C: RAID 10 (WD 500 GB x4)
D: Data Drive (WD 1.5 TB)
E: Back-up ( Seagate 3 TB)

I shrunk the 3TB drive (E: ) to give me a free unallocated 60GB. Boot to F15 live DVD and did a custom install of the partition.Using the 60GB unallocated partition, use 500 MB /boot, 2GB /swap, and the remaining for /root and chose Fedora bootloader The installation completed successfully but after reboot it just goes straight to Windows 7-64. I have a AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 3.3Ghz with 8 GB DDR3 memory. RAID controller is a HighPoint RocketRAID 4320 PCI-Express and the other drives are connected to HighPoint RocketHybrid 1220 PCI-Express 2.0 SATA III controller. Only the DVD-ROM and Blue-Ray drives are plugged into the mobo's nVidai SATA controller.

I'm not sure if its the drive configuration is causing the problem or Grub was not written to the MBR but apparently it wont let me boot to F15. I'm also running 4 monitors with 2 x Radeon XFX HD-697A-CNDC HD 6970 but only one video card (2 monitors) are working. During boot to the live DVD I notice that it switches from each pair of monitors but not all 4 and only after the login screen that only my 2 monitors are working. I tried the monitor detect and it only see 2 monitors.

Ps. I just love F15 Gnome3. I'm moving from Ubuntu 11.04 Natty.

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Fedora Installation :: Install F15 Side Of Windows Vista?

Jul 28, 2011

How do i install Foroda 15 side of windows vista,on my desktop, cannot see a box to select it, did install it once ask me to enter a root password when it installed it and rebooted a flashing icon to enter the root password but kept saying wrong password

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Fedora Installation :: Install F14 Virtual Machine In Windows XP Systems

Mar 8, 2011

I am triying install F14 virtual machine in my Windows XP systems. I have downloaded .iso file from fedoraproject.org: [URL] I create my virtual machine and I continue with all steps to install but when installation process finished and I reboot, process installation starts again. Can you tell me how I can create my F14 virtual machine on Windows?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot 13 Onto Windows 7 Machine - Can't Install Onto Unpartitioned Space

Sep 20, 2010

I am trying to dual boot Fedora 13 onto my Windows 7 machine. I have shrunk my Windows drive to create 100GB of unpartitioned space, but when trying to install Fedora onto this free space (it is recognized as "Free" space), the installer tells me that there is no space for the partition.

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Fedora Installation :: On Vista - Keep The Windows Boot Loader And Also Install On A Usb Drive Or A Separate Partition

Aug 16, 2009

install fedora 11 on Vista I want to keep the windows boot loader and also install on a usb drive or a seperate partition that has 10GB free "install doesn't see partition's". Recently I installed ubuntu and had a major problem with booting, without having the usb drive connected I couldn't boot windows so uninstalled it. I'm trying to install now but install does'nt give me any option to select partitions from my drives one 320GB "portable, 3 partitions" and 80GB "main os 2 partitions one partition has 10GB free"

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Of 13 And Install Windows Xp On A Toshiba Satellite - Cannot Find C:inerrordialog.exe

Aug 4, 2010

I figured I would begin delving more into the open source environment by dual booting fedora and windows xp pro. Windows xp WAS already installed on the laptop, so I went through the steps to get fedora installed. Everything appeared to be working fine. Fedora came up nicely, and then I tried to boot windows (using grub boot loader). The Windows splash screen appeared, making me think things were fine. But suddenly the screen went black, with the computer going through a restart. This happened every time I tried to boot windows. So I began scouring the web to see if someone had a similar problem. I tried numerous things, but none of them worked. Of them, this appears to have gotten me farther than anything:

Going into grub I changed: rootnoverify (hd0,0)
to: rootnoverify (hd0,1)

Everything else remained the same. When I made this change, the computer went through Ramdisk, and the Toshiba recovery tool. Then two dialog windows appear in secession.

The first stating: Windows cannot find c:inerrordialog.exe
The second stating: Windows cannot find c:inootpriority.exe

I stumbled across information about the recovery console tool. Well, since my laptop has an OEM installation, there is no recovery console tool. But eventually, I was able to find one that I could download. (In case anyone is interested, here is the link for the [URL]

I burned the image to a cd on another computer, and then attempted to boot to the console from the cd/dvd drive on the laptop. But the system crashed, with the customary blue screen. I was hoping to be able to execute the chdsk command to repair whatever damage there might be, but this problem occurs each time I run the image. Fortunately I backed stuff up before this. I'm just hoping that I won't have to go through the ugly process of restoring everything because it's a lot to restore.

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Fedora :: Get And Install Windows 7 Theme (windows Style - Menu And Tastbar) For 13

Aug 2, 2010

i have recently installed fedora 13.. and its having KDE 4.4.2 desktop.. i would like to know, how can i install windows 7 look like theme for my pc.. i checked [URL] and its having a theme called vistar7.. but that only supports to ubuntu where can i get and install windows 7 theme (windows style, menu and tastbar..etc)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Resizing Windows Partition - Install Files On A Non Windows NTFS Partition

Jul 22, 2010

Now however its not letting me resize the Windows partition, mounted or unmounted. It currently occupies the whole disk. I would rather not reinstall the whole thing over again, but I will if I have to. Isnt there an easy way to shrink a Windows partition? I swear Ive done this before and it wasnt this hard. Could it be a problem with the Mint installer that now asks me if I want to unmount my disks before it goes into install mode? On this PC I would like to have

Windows XP
One of the E17 OSs
Puppy Linux (to create a remix)

I am probably going to put most of the linux partitions on the second laptop drive but I want to install files on a non WIndows NTFS partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Inside Windows It Refers Installation Size?

Sep 6, 2010

When you install inside windows it refers installation size???

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Fedora :: Install Ndiswrapper In Order To Install A Windows Wireless Driver

Apr 1, 2011

I am trying to install ndiswrapper in Fedora in order to install a Windows wireless driver.

su -c 'yum install kmod-ndiswrapper'
, I get this:
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit


Rhythmbox crashed and my radio stations disappeared. I'm not sure if this bears any relation.

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Fedora Installation :: VNC Level 3 Installation - Remote Into The System Via My Windows Xp Systems

Sep 15, 2009

What I'm trying to do at this point is setup VNC so I can remote into the system via my windows xp systems. I have VNC installed on those computer and I was able to get GNOME's remote desktop operating when I log in on level 5 and actually logged into my user account. However, when I'm not logged in on level 5 it will reject connections entirely. Ultimately I want to remote into the system using tightVNC and view the level 3 (command line only) thing, and allow me to telinit - 5 to switch to gui if I need it from VNC on the windows system. This way I don't need a monitor, keyboard and mouse plugged into the server. Right now that's what I'm having to do.

The problem is that it doesn't run in level 3 at all and level 5 (gui mode) doesn't work if i'm not logged into an account. So how can I get this to work at as a constant running server no matter what level and login point i'm at? Ultimately for this Linux admin class I have to setup a working server and I figured I'd get a base setup with VNC support that I could log into from school to work off of instead of having to use the local connection. Once I get VNC working on my network i'm pretty sure I can get it working beyond my local network.

Here's some commandline stuff that may diagnose my issues:


As you can see I'm having issues with the libstdc++ lib being detected. I have it installed, but apparently not everything is setup properly. I also have an RPM file for VNC and I've tried to install it with the gnome shell but it gives me an error: "Can't install /home/[user]/Download/vnc-4_1_3-x86_linux.rpm as no transaction" I'm not sure what that means. When I use the command line I get this:


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Fedora Installation :: Reinstall Grub After A Windows Installation Deleted It?

Jul 23, 2011

This is partly a note to myself for the future and a guide to anyone who experiences similar issues.

So, I had to reinstall Windows XP since my previous installation gave me a blue screen error due to reasons unfathomable. Naturally, this deleted the GNU Grub and I could not login to my Fedora.

I read that apparently booting from a DVD installation offers an option to enter the rescue mode. I did not have a DVD, I only had the LiveCD so I had to figure out a way to reinstall Grub from the LiveCD. The following method seemed to do the trick.

Run the LiveCD and open Terminal.

1. Find the partition where the Grub Stage1 is code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install 9.10 On Windows 7

Mar 9, 2010

Have live cd & download, windows will not open files.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install Over Windows 7?

Jul 28, 2010

I just bought a new lap top, and I can't get the Ubuntu install to work. I've installed Ubuntu on other computers about 6 times or so, but always over a Windows XP or Vista operating system, this is the first time I've tried to install it over Windows 7.I tried using a CD and a boot stick, but it still boots into Windows rather than booting from the device. I've checked the boot setup and it's setup right, to boot from the USB/CD depending on which one I attempted, but no cigar, still loads up Windows instead. I'm at a loss.The computer is an Acer Aspire 5251-1513AMD processor V120 2.2GHz2 G DDR3 RAM

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install The Windows 7

Oct 23, 2010

I installed Ubuntu because I "accidentally" formatted my originally Windows 7 Dell Inspiron 1545. After I formatted this laptop, I tried to install Windows 7 again using the CD that came with the laptop, but an error kept coming up. I asked around on Windows 7 forums and they told me that it meant that the CD was corrupt and a possible solution was to install it using a USB thumb drive. I got impatient and installed Ubuntu instead. Now, I want to install Windows 7 alongside Ubuntu. How do I do that?

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Installation :: How To Install Ubuntu 11.04 With Windows 7

May 31, 2011

I am new to Ubuntu, i have tested this software 6 month back Ubuntu 10.10 version, dual boot with Windows 7. I liked this OS, however for a Windows user its looks difficult initially, i know after spending some time and learning with this OS, it will be easier day by day. I want to install its 11.4 version in my another Laptop, but afraid to loose the data as i encountered this happening just a week before with my friends Machine. I have three partition in my Laptop, C has Windows 7 (70GB) than D Partition has 70 GB Space and E partition has 160 GB space, I need step by step guidelines to Install 11.04 in my Drive "E" Where i can make another Partition for Ubuntu using Windows 7 Shrink Volume utility. I need installation guide from experts to not loosing data as i do not have any other portable hard drive to take back up.
Please Guide me what will the best for me, if i have Total 80 GB (Allocated Drive) space for Ubuntu, i.e /root, / Home, Swap (I have 2GB RAM) etc , Waiting for some Expert guidelines.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install Windows 7 Again?

Aug 7, 2011

I just installed Linux, but could'nt manage wine to work with .exe files, the problem is that when i open up a .exe it shutsdown 2 seconds after it opens.Well i decided to uninstall Ubuntu and install Windows 7 again, but then again i got a problem. I plugged in my Windows 7 disk and restarted my computer then getting the boot cofnigure up, i changed the boot settings to "boot from CD/DVD" but it wasnt able to boot from the pc. I tried to read some guides and they all said that i should reboot with some "floppy" linux cd type in "fdisk" in a command prompt, witch i have no clue what is. I tried to put my Ubuntu cd in my computer and boot from that but that did'nt work. Am i stuck with Ubuntu? I won't give a da** if i could fix the wine problem.

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Fedora Installation :: During A Dual Boot Installation With Windows Xp?

Jul 21, 2010

i just wanted to know that during a dual boot installation with windows xp, if fedora is installed after windows, where does the GRUB go on the hard disk? In the /boot partition or the MBR of the hard disk?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can Install OS Like Ghosting In Windows

Jan 14, 2010

I want to know that can we install Ubuntu OS like ghosting in windows.In windows if we install through ghosting then we do not need to install drivers and application software.Is it possible in Ubuntu? if possible then what is the process?

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